Using the hackspace as your office

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Charles Yarnold

Sep 29, 2012, 9:09:59 AM9/29/12
to Hackspace Mailing List
Hello all,

tl;dr: The hackspace isn't very cheap co-working space, using it as such isn't cool imho and devalues it for the rest of the membership. Please don't use it this way and call out those who do.

Long version:

I hear and sometimes echo thoughts from members about people using the space as their office. Its quite common to come to the hackspace and see the same faces sat in the same spaces working on their laptops 9-5. There is also a high chance you won't see these people helping out at cleaning days, maintaining the space, or even putting back their monitors when there done as they will just be back tomorrow.

The space is "a space where people who make things can come to share tools and knowledge" I feel that the hackspace was never set up to be a co-working space and that those using it as such devalue the space when they could just as easily work from a starbucks or a co-working space such as the hub.

Please note that this is directed at certain people using the space in a certain way, not all laptop users. I myself spend alot of time designing and tweaking pcb designs at the space before using our tools to make them.

Everything in moderation, before people cry "what constitutes using it as a co working space, you could say anyone was", personally I think if your using the space 9-5 for more than 1/2 the working week it shows how your viewing the space and its resources.



Benjamin Blundell

Sep 29, 2012, 9:21:34 AM9/29/12
I'd second this. I used to use the space as a co-working space and my
company is still registered there. I remember working on a small
project for about 2 months in the space for the University of
Manchester; the Phantom Limb stuff. This, I felt, was in the spirit of
the space and it gave me the start I needed to go freelance and
actually try and make a dream come true. Honestly, that is the case.

I debated in my head, whether or not to use the space for the last
project I did, the heart scanning thing. In the end, I decided that it
was a) unprofessional b) not fitting with the ethos of the space and
c) it had a risk factor of damage to gear. I decided to rent a desk
instead and Im glad I did. that said, the same project benefitted
greatly from the space. I used the laser cutter, the saws and the
expertise of Chris to create something that I couldnt have made
without the space's tools and people.

These two projects make me proud. One will be in the science museum.
The other will be the first step towards some cool surgery tech. But
they were done professionally and with things I had taken from the
space; the initial boost, the expertise and tools. I give back to the
space through donations, time, van driving and workshops.

I think this is what the space is about. Using it as cheap desk space
because your business hasn't *grown up* is a little cheeky. Im still
wrangling with the idea of leaving Cremer Street. Its a scary thought
because the space did / does provide me with a bit of a safety net as
a startup but tbh, I think if one is serious about making a thing
happen, then the space is not the place for that.


Jonty Wareing

Sep 29, 2012, 9:35:59 AM9/29/12
I am completely fine with people working from the space as long as they
engage with the space itself. If you're working but stopping to help
other people, answer questions and put time into looking after the space
itself than I have no problem with you.

My problem is with the people who show up and use the facilities 9-5
without contributing back to the space itself. They are leeches on the
back of the work carried out by the rest of the community.


Eugene Nadyrshin

Sep 30, 2012, 6:31:25 AM9/30/12
Slightly off the topic but it's related.

I've been considering starting something like hackspace but for tech companies. And I wrote a small blog post about that recently.
Having been a member of TechHub of just under a year now, I believe that a similar organisation but one that's membership run would work really well.
The reason I think that is because I've been a little disappointed with TechHub (although the trolling with the toilet is silly) because it's not a hub, and is just a co-working space. To make it a hub there needs to be a lot more knowledge sharing, and engagement from the members. The issue is that if you are paying someone to run it you expect them to organise stuff like workshops, wifi access (yes it's STILL patchy at Google Campus), security (hackspace is lightyears ahead of campus with the Oyster card reader) and the people running it are not knowledgeable enough about startups/technology to facilitate that.

I'm still trying to figure out the logistics and am looking for potential premises for that as well as new space for us. But if you are interested do give me a shout, and let me know if you want to get involved!


Paul Randle-Jolliffe

Sep 30, 2012, 9:57:38 AM9/30/12
maybe if the discussed move of HS a HS+  (aka Hack+WorkHub) type space could be bolted in?
Paul Randle-Jolliffe Esq
Practicing Principal (Lay Advocate & Public Interest Intervener)
Patrocinium Interventus
Isle of Wight, England.
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Sep 30, 2012, 11:55:42 AM9/30/12
On 30 September 2012 14:57, Paul Randle-Jolliffe <> wrote:
maybe if the discussed move of HS a HS+  (aka Hack+WorkHub) type space could be bolted in?

Not to be funny but why? There are already plenty of workhubs.

I may be wrong in this but this isn't about people not being allowed to work in the Hackspace (at least I hope it isn't) it's about using the Hackspace as just an office. i.e. people who come in, do their 9-5 and then sod off with out contributing to the space in anyway. I don't know how many people who do this are members but that should be the minimal contribution they should be making and even then it would be better if they'd actual get to know people, help keep it clean etc etc.



Oct 1, 2012, 8:32:23 AM10/1/12
the best example i've seen of what you're describing is to be found here in amsterdam

the site is in dutch, and its all images.doesnt help, but its as close to a 'hackspace for businesses' as you can get. theyre self-organising, share resources/knowledge but seem to have less of the community problems. its open and collaborative and creative.

Russ Garrett

Oct 1, 2012, 8:55:14 AM10/1/12
On 30 September 2012 11:31, Eugene Nadyrshin <> wrote:
> I've been considering starting something like hackspace but for tech
> companies.

A co-operative co-working space would be awesome, but there's a lot of
competition in London, so I think it might be difficult to find a

It is kind of an ideal business for a co-operative, though. Let me
know if you get anywhere with it, or need a hand.

Russ Garrett

Eugene Nadyrshin

Oct 1, 2012, 9:41:23 AM10/1/12
to, Howard Alistair Mitchell
Thanks Russ,

I will most probably need help/guidance from someone who's done it
before soon, I'm just looking through a a few commercial properties and
seeing how it can work in terms of pricing, work area arrangements. Site
coming soon!


Eugene Nadyrshin

Oct 1, 2012, 9:53:43 AM10/1/12
Thanks Amran,

It's almost like they don't want to be found or their content translated :P


Oct 1, 2012, 11:42:23 AM10/1/12
im headed there tomorrow. if you contact me off-list, i can put you in touch. maybe they can help in you quest


Oct 2, 2012, 6:03:47 PM10/2/12
to London Hackspace

I came across this one Interesting example, both
as an example of crowd-funding, and as an example of problems with

Amersfoort Fablab give a different approach,
and Though,
they're tending towards making things rather than co-working space.

On Oct 1, 4:42 pm, Amran <> wrote:
> im headed there tomorrow. if you contact me off-list, i can put you in
> touch. maybe they can help in you quest
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Eugene Nadyrshin <> wrote:
> >  Thanks Amran,
> > It's almost like they don't want to be found or their content translated :P
> > On 01/10/12 13:32, Amran wrote:
> > the best example i've seen of what you're describing is to be found here
> > in amsterdam
> >
> >  the site is in dutch, and its all images.doesnt help, but its as close
> > to a 'hackspace for businesses' as you can get. theyre self-organising,
> > share resources/knowledge but seem to have less of the community problems.
> > its open and collaborative and creative.
> > On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Eugene Nadyrshin <>wrote:
> >>  Slightly off the topic but it's related.
> >> I've been considering starting something like hackspace but for tech
> >> companies. And I wrote a small blog post
> >> <>about

Mike Pountney

Oct 3, 2012, 6:45:20 PM10/3/12
Another great example is The Skiff in Brighton, run very much in a community/collaborative way, and has become a real asset to the tech scene in Brighton: 

I'd recommend you chatting to @jot on Twitter if you want more info about it.
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