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[Samba] Beginner setting up samba: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

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Thomas Hahn

Jul 31, 2010, 5:50:02 PM7/31/10
I am trying to set up samba on this host and testing it locally
is giving me headaches right away.

tom@hversa:~:~$ smbclient -L localhost -U%
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.8]

Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
homes Disk Home Directories
print$ Disk Printer Drivers
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (hversa server)
e250dn Printer Lexmark printer Ksenia
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.8]

Server Comment
--------- -------
HVERSA hversa server

Workgroup Master
--------- -------

So, there is sth. configured, BUT:

tom@hversa:/var/log/samba$ smbclient //hversa/tom -d 3
lp_load_ex: refreshing parameters
Initialising global parameters
rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf"
Processing section "[global]"
added interface eth0 ip=fe80::224:1dff:fedc:c0c1%eth0 bcast=fe80::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff%eth0 netmask=ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::
added interface eth0 ip= bcast= netmask=
Client started (version 3.4.8).
Enter tom's password:
tdb(unnamed): tdb_open_ex: could not open file /var/run/samba/gencache.tdb: Permission denied
Connecting to at port 445
Doing spnego session setup (blob length=58)
got OID=
got principal=NONE
Got challenge flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x608a8215
NTLMSSP: Set final flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60088215
NTLMSSP Sign/Seal - Initialising with flags:
Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60088215
SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

I have googled for the NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE but this didn't help me.

Any hints please ...

Thanks Thomas
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Daniel Müller

Aug 1, 2010, 10:20:02 AM8/1/10
On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 23:33:12 +0200, (Thomas Hahn)

did you a smbpasswd -a root?
Or are simply the rights wrong for the path:/var/run/samba/
try to chmod or chown.
Or set your interfaces in your global section do and your eth0


Thomas Hahn

Aug 1, 2010, 1:40:01 PM8/1/10

After getting these hints, I have done a
smbpasswd -a root

to find out that samba passwd are not identical to user passwords.
smbpasswd tom
and try again with smbclient did work.

From what I have read, the permissions in the directory are correct:
total 416
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40200 Aug 1 18:26 brlock.tdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 90112 Aug 1 19:29 connections.tdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12288 Aug 1 18:28 gencache.tdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65536 Aug 1 19:29 locking.tdb
-rw------- 1 root root 696 Aug 1 18:26 messages.tdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Aug 1 18:26
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 696 Aug 1 19:26 notify.tdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 163840 Aug 1 19:26 sessionid.tdb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Aug 1 18:26
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32768 Aug 1 19:28 unexpected.tdb
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 20 07:54 upgrades

and that /var/run/samba/gencache.tdb cannot be opened is not a
real problem.

> > tdb(unnamed): tdb_open_ex: could not open file
> > /var/run/samba/gencache.tdb: Permission denied
> > Connecting to at port 445
> > Doing spnego session setup (blob length=58)
> > got OID=
> > got principal=NONE
> > Got challenge flags:
> > Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x608a8215
> > NTLMSSP: Set final flags:
> > Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60088215
> > NTLMSSP Sign/Seal - Initialising with flags:
> > Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60088215
> > SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
> > session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
> >
> > I have googled for the NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE but this didn't help me.
> >
> > Any hints please ...
> >
> > Thanks Thomas

What is strange is, that passwd in /etc/passwd and the one's for samba
are not synchronized, which I expected to be natural looking at my
/etc/samba/smb.conf of that debian box:


####### Authentication #######

# "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account
# in this server for every user accessing the server. See
# /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba3-HOWTO/ServerType.html
# in the samba-doc package for details.
security = user

# You may wish to use password encryption. See the section on
# 'encrypt passwords' in the smb.conf(5) manpage before enabling.
encrypt passwords = true

# If you are using encrypted passwords, Samba will need to know what
# password database type you are using.
passdb backend = tdbsam

obey pam restrictions = yes

# This boolean parameter controls whether Samba attempts to sync the Unix
# password with the SMB password when the encrypted SMB password in the
# passdb is changed.
unix password sync = yes

# For Unix password sync to work on a Debian GNU/Linux system, the following
# parameters must be set (thanks to Ian Kahan <<> for
# sending the correct chat script for the passwd program in Debian Sarge).
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .

# This boolean controls whether PAM will be used for password changes
# when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
# 'passwd program'. The default is 'no'.
pam password change = yes


I am happy I can use it now.

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