Get the name of a BsonRecord and setFromString

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Riccardo Sirigu

Feb 7, 2017, 11:35:18 AM2/7/17
to Lift
Hi guys,

I have this model 

class MultilingualName extends BsonRecord[MultilingualName]{
override def meta: BsonMetaRecord[MultilingualName] = MultilingualName

object it extends StringField(this, 80)
object de extends StringField(this, 80)
object fr extends StringField(this, 80)
object en extends StringField(this, 80)

object MultilingualName extends MultilingualName with BsonMetaRecord[MultilingualName]

class Poi extends MongoRecord[Poi] with ObjectIdPk[Poi]{
override def meta: MongoMetaRecord[Poi] = Poi

object name extends BsonRecordField(this, MultilingualName)

I have to import a CSV file and with a select I can choose on wich field to store a given column of the CSV file.

For example 

poi.fieldByName("city").map(f => f.setFromString("Rome"))

The problem is that with embedded documents, such as name in the example, I can't get the name that I want.

I would like to have something like ""  but I get only "name"

The same is true if I try to do fieldByName("")

How can I do that? 

Tim Nelson

Feb 8, 2017, 5:36:25 AM2/8/17
to Lift
Hi Riccardo,

In short, you can't. "name" is the field. You would have to set the whole BsonRecord, there's no way to get individual fields on the BsonRecord.

Can you access multiple columns in the csv at the same time? If so, you should be able to do something like:

val rec = MultilingualName.createRecord

.fieldByName("name").map(f => f.set(rec))


Riccardo Sirigu

Feb 8, 2017, 11:40:48 AM2/8/17
to Lift
Thank you Tim,

I'll try with that
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