Alexandre Russel
unread,Feb 3, 2013, 1:38:20 PM2/3/13Sign in to reply to author
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Hi all,
I'm having a strange problem, I'm running the exact same code on
locally and on the production server. In both case I run it with
-Drun.mode=production. I send the exact same request to local and
remote (I've checked it with wireshark). And to debug, I've added:
LiftRules.onBeginServicing.append {
case r => println("Received: " + r._params)
on localhost, I have all the param I've sent:
Received: Map(oauth_body_hash -> List(2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=),
oauth_signature_method -> List(HMAC-SHA1), oauth_signature ->
List(wvMOpqErmS8s609sWEZppeZgMg0=), oauth_consumer_key ->
List(WK89hntD4gbtJEGTnLZ2iGn2fxNeRMSvC0UgKrJvp0), oauth_version ->
List(1.0), oauth_token -> List(), oauth_timestamp -> List(1359897985),
oauth_nonce -> List(30107478)
on the production server I've got:
Received: Map()
Any ideas how I could debug further this issue ? The production server
is an aws ubuntu ami and I call tomcat 7 directly (no nginx or
apache). I also have some page that do ajax call to the prod server,
and in this cases, the param are pass correctly.