implementing a multiselect with the ability to edit any option

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May 12, 2016, 11:14:58 PM5/12/16
to Lift
I have the use case of being able to select one or more values from a mulitiselect

So, far this is the code I have come up with: This code is able to display the multiset. 
The User is able to select items from the set of all items that make up the multiselect combo.

The goal:
 I am looking to add the ability to Edit a selection (a name) if desired. Once the selection is edited, the item now
assumes the new value and the multiselect is modified accordingly.
I would also like to be able to delete an item at will, but for now, ability to change or edit an item would be 
what I want to achieve.

Please tell me what can be done with this code, when you are able to get to it.
 Thanks for everybody's time.
 def modifyNames(populationRegistry: populationClass[T]) = {
    val blankOption
= Seq[(String, String)](("",""))(0)

default = Seq("") // the default argument in the multiselect method
//allNames is pulled from a database, added to a so-called blankOption (for the first blank item) and this
//represents the initial items in the multiselect
    val nameOpt
= blankOption +: allNames.sortWith( (e1, e2) => (e1 compareToIgnoreCase e2) < 0 ).map{s:String => (s,s)}
var existingNames = populationRegistry.getTags
var newName = false
var newNameValue = ""  //a new name can be added to the currently available version of the multiselect. This is a user entry via a checkbox and a textbox

//Yes, Add ability exists, but I would like to Edit and Delete also, Edit is a first step.
// a Set of all multiselect Name elements that represents any combination of items selected from nameOpt; this is done via an Add and displayed in a table.
//This operation is available to each individual row in a table, representing some Entity, which we shall a Entry
//the nameSet at any moment is the number of those selections in the multiselect
var nameSet:Set[String] = if (existingNames.contains("None")) Set.empty else existingNames.toSet
    val nodeSeq
= Text("Please select one or more names:") ++
<div>{SHtml.multiSelect(nameOpt, existingNames, existingNames = _, ("size" -> math.min(20, nameOpt.size).toString), ("style" -> "min-width:200px"))}</div> ++
<span>{SHtml.checkbox(false,newName = _)}</span><span> New Name:</span>
<span>{SHtml.ajaxText(newNameValue,newNameValue = _)}</span>
   val func = () => {
       if (newName) {"func - 2: create a new name")
   "func - 2: newNameValue is: " + newNameValue)
         nameSet = nameSet + newNameValue"func - 2:updated nameSet is:  " + nameSet)
       } else {
/in this popup we display the multiselect; User does a single select or multiselect, and
//performs Add.
(nodeSeq, func,"Select Names")


Antonio Salazar Cardozo

May 17, 2016, 10:18:42 PM5/17/16
to Lift
This level of complexity seems like it's best handled by an idMemoize
that renders the multiSelect, so you can rerender the idMemoize when
something gets added without having to wrangle the rendering JS.

It's also hard to tell what you need when (1) we can't see the JS generator
and (2) we have no clear indication of what's not working :)


May 18, 2016, 5:00:15 PM5/18/16
to Lift
What is working so far is: I can exercise everything that multiselect can do. I can choose more than one value and can send those values to the server on a Save.

What is not working (or the feature itself is simply not implemented yet, owing to a lack of understanding of how to edit a certain value) is the ability to click on a multiselect option (value), change its value, save it on the fly, and send that value along with any others in that multiselect to resume sending their values to the server.

I will post the JS generator shortly.

The idMemoize feature is something I need to study up on. 
I will report back on what I find, and also post the JS generator


May 20, 2016, 1:31:00 PM5/20/16
to Lift
This is my multiselect nodeseq

val nodeSeq = Text("Please select one or more names:") ++
<div>{SHtml.multiSelect(nameOpt, existingNames, existingNames = _, ("size" -> math.min(20, nameOpt.size).toString), ("style" -> "min-width:200px"))}</div> ++
<span>{SHtml.checkbox(false,newName = _)}</span><span> New Name:</span>
<span>{SHtml.ajaxText(newNameValue,newNameValue = _)}</span>

This nodeSeq is passed into ajaxForm, because we want to display the multiselect in a popup form

val formNodeSeq = Form.render(SHtml.ajaxForm(nodeSeq))
    val formId
= formNodeSeq.theSeq.head.attribute("id").get.text

= formNodeSeq,
= Some(SHtml.submitAjaxForm(formId, formFunk)),
= Some(750L),
= "Save",
="Select Name",
= Some(nameEditor.wrapperId),
= Some(Alert(s"Canceled") & renderJsCmd)

I am not sure what exactly in what context you meant by JS generator.

Please let me know if the code I posted here makes sense or is there more I need to post.

For example, the nameEditor is the one I need to put the name modifying (editing) code - perhaps using idMemoize


On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 9:18:42 PM UTC-5, Antonio Salazar Cardozo wrote:

Antonio Salazar Cardozo

May 20, 2016, 1:56:19 PM5/20/16
to Lift
I think you may want to spin up an example project:

Though it also looks like I misunderstood and you don't have code that
isn't working, rather you're wondering how to approach writing the code
that does the updating to begin with?


May 20, 2016, 1:59:49 PM5/20/16
to Lift
Sure, I will spin up an example project.

And yes to "rather you're wondering how to approach writing the code
that does the updating to begin with"

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