libtommath v0.42.0 released

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Jul 23, 2010, 11:20:18 AM7/23/10
to LibTom Projects
Dear Everyone,

I am proud today to announce you that is back, and back
with a new release of libtommath v0.42.0, which is a bugfix release.

The libtom team is now made of two people, Steffen Jaeckel and myself,
Mark Karpeles. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but since we have
one serious bug in libtommath we had to fix, we pushed a release first
(stay with me for details). Patches and other submissions are welcome
(remember that comments are at least as important as the code in
libtom projects), and can be posted on this group (you can use the
files uploader too).

You'll notice that version numbers are now in the form of
"x.y.z" (instead of the old x.y). After some discussions we reached
the conclusion that it would make it easier for everyone to
understand, since most packages already use this kind of version
numerotation to differenciate minor changes to new features to major
non-backward-compatible changes.

This new release includes the following changes:

Fix for mp_prime_next_prime() bug when checking generated prime

In previous versions of libtommath, mp_prime_next_prime() was not
applying correctly the number of Miller-Rabin trials. Miller-Rabin
test was indeed done as many time as required, but each time with the
same prime, resulting in nothing but a waste of cpu time (and
potentially a non-prime result).
More informations about Miller-Rabin primality test and why it is
important to test primality with many primes:

allow mp_shrink to shrink initialized, but empty MPI's

mp_shrink() used on an empty MPI would reallocate it to a zero size.
It has the side effect of being equivalent of freeing the memory used
to store the MPI, effectively becoming equivalent of unallocating it.
It will now always allocate at least one byte, thru avoiding potential

Finally the distributed archive now includes project and solution
files for Microsoft VisualStudio 2005 and 2008. This allows people
using Visual Studio to easily compile libtommath.

The repositories for libtom have been moved to git (on github), and
the website has received some updated. A lot of work remains, but
basic things are back (download, features, changes, and access to the

One last thing, as Tom is no longer around to release files, the
signature used to sign archives has been changed. Files are now signed
by me (Mark Karpeles) in .sig files. My signature is available from (fingerprint: 6EF3 EC1D 36EE 80D6
51E8 A799 1C79 7C31 3C89 C25F)
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