Crowdfunding Video Project Idea

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Liberated Tech

Jul 30, 2013, 2:29:48 PM7/30/13
Pam Cole expressed interest in creating a video for our much needed crowd funding campaign. We are trying to raise some money so that we can find a space of our own, apply for our own 501(c)(3) tax exempt status and get insurance. The list is actually much longer, but those are the key things right now.

I have an idea for the video and just want to bounce this off LT volunteers. Please rate the level of corniness from 1 (not corny enough) to 5 (super corny):

My friend Neils gave me a ton of canvass and most of the folks behind LT love art as much as tech. So...

I thought it'd be really cool to use the canvass to make a Liberated Tech sign. We could make 24" square canvasses for each letter in Liberated Tech, then have all of the volunteers and board members get together at a little painting party to paint their Liberated Tech letter. While we are doing our LT art project, we will video and go around to each person involved to ask these questions:

1) Why are you involved with Liberated Tech?
2) What do you think you can accomplish by being a part of Liberated Tech?
3) What do you see Liberated Tech accomplishing or doing six months from now?

The end of the video will be our completed sign that we will try to find a place to hang up in Freeside temporarily.

This is just an idea and if anyone has suggestions on improvement or going in a totally different direction, let's discuss! It would be great if we can get this video done by the end of August.



Jul 31, 2013, 4:25:56 PM7/31/13
I love this idea!! I'll rate it a 2: Corny but cool :)

We could also make it a time-lapse video while working on the art work then slow down when interviewing volunteers.. People love time-lapse videos but since we are using a point and shoot camera, we will need pclix to regulate camera shutter speed for pics.... If we can't get our hands on one, we will just shoot video...
Thanks- Pam

Liberated Tech

Jul 31, 2013, 10:29:18 PM7/31/13
I love time lapse videos! Let's do it!

Great idea, Pam! I told Edward, Natal, Tiffany and Neils about this at our orientation. This is going to be fun! The others are interested and you can talk to them about what you need. I will send an email to my ex to see if he will loan me his DSLR camera. If we have this painting party on a Saturday night, that might work for most people. Just let me know when you want to do it and we will get as many board members and volunteers together to have a nice little party.

Thanks so much. I'm really excited about this


Rachel Peterson

Aug 3, 2013, 6:05:18 PM8/3/13
Hi Pam, 

Do you want to set a date for this painting party? A Saturday afternoon or evening might be best. I would propose August 10th or 17th. The 24th is the Green Business Expo so I won't be available - and the following Saturday is Labor Day weekend. I will find a DSLR for us to borrow.

Let me know what you think. I'd like to put this on Freeside's calendar so we can reserve some space.


On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 4:25:56 PM UTC-4, patkelly199 wrote:

Liberated Tech

Aug 4, 2013, 6:59:47 PM8/4/13
It looks like we will have our painting party for the crowdfunding video on August 17th at around 7:30pm. I plan to set up an event on Freeside's Meetup page as soon as I get the OK to have the party at Freeside.

Please save the date if you are interested in joining us for the painting party.

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 2:29:48 PM UTC-4, Liberated Tech wrote:

Pat Kelly

Aug 15, 2013, 12:42:40 PM8/15/13
Hey guys...

I REALLY need some help this Saturday...
I just found out that I have to work (3pm-11pm) to cover for my boss so I will not be able to make it to the party.... Can any of you help out? Please bring out your DSLR's or P&S's and shoot some video of the interviews and/or painting segment. You can also take pics... If you can, email the clip/ footage or I can upload it when I come by to one of the build meet-ups...

If any of you would be interested in joining me for the editing and subsequent crowd funding set-up please let me know...

I apologize for the inconvenience and I regret that I will miss out on the party....

Thanks, Pam

Liberated Tech

Aug 18, 2013, 11:19:54 AM8/18/13
A few of us got together last night and finished up stretching the canvas and talked about what we're going to paint. So, we have a bunch of big blank canvases. We'd like to do the art party again and have a bigger turn out. And we will be able to get straight to painting now the the canvas is good to go.

We definitely need to have  a couple cameras set up for optimum footage/sound. If anyone wants to bring a DSLR to the next art party - that would be awesome!

So, if all volunteers could reply and let us know the best day of the week for you  for the second week of September to come out to the art party, we will set another date to finish up this project.

We're not in that much of a hurry - we are in pretty good shape as far as having what we need for builds. The Green Business Expo is on Saturday, 8/24 and we should start getting in a lot of equipment after that. And I will start letting people know they can drop off on Wednesday night and Sunday afternoon, once we get into a groove on our builds in a week or two.


Niels Froelicher

Aug 19, 2013, 9:35:11 AM8/19/13
Any weekday after 5:30 will work for me. Unforunately, my weekends are a bit up in the air and hard to give a yes or no for those.

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 2:29:48 PM UTC-4, Liberated Tech wrote:
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