Rendering markdown in the viewrendered pane

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Anthony Correia

Jun 14, 2016, 8:50:06 AM6/14/16
to leo-editor

I have a node as follows:
@language md

I write stuff in descendant nodes. What I would like to do is to render each descendant node as markdown in the viewrendered pane and to render the parent node (with all the content from descendant nodes).
When I say "render", I mean that I would like the content to be processed (*stuff* displayed in italics, etc.). Currently this is not the case and the viewrenderedpane contains the raw text between "<pre>" and <"/pre> tags (whose I don't know the purpose).

Is this something built in Leo or does it require plugins or additional tweaks?

Many thanks.


PS: I'm currently trying hard to make Leo my main PIM so I may have a lot of questions coming up. It is my understanding that this group is the right place to ask them? Of course I would only use this group if I couldn't find the answer myself or after having thoroughly looked in the documentation.
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