Rendering Raster Tiles in leaflet.

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Abhik Betal

Jun 20, 2018, 4:32:18 AM6/20/18
to Leaflet
Hi! everyone.
 I am working on web based gis automation system for calculating Indices like NDVI, SAVI etc as well as Classification. In my front end i am using leaflet. My objective is user will draw a polygon on my ui (leaflet) as per his AOI(Area of Interest). Now i am saving the vertices (lat long values) on the polygon to mySql database. I am fetching  this co-ordinates of the polygon to python api for Google Earth Engine(GEE) and calculating indices like savi, ndvi and saving it to my google cloud storage(i.e. - google bucket.) Therefore the flow path of the automation is like below

User Interface (Leaflet) ---- > PHP --->Python API for GEE----> google bucket. -----> and then back to User Interface (Leaflet)
The process flow is also described in the attached picture.

Now I have automated the enter thing upto google bucket. So an user can draw a polygon where ever he wants on this planet and based on that polygon(AOI) automatically NDVI, SAVI or any other analysis is performing automatically using GEE(Google earth engine) and storing the result in my bucket(Google Cloud Storage) as tiles. 

But now i have to render that tiles from google cloud storage(bucket) to my front-end which is Leaflet. 

So my question how i can render the tiles from bucket (google cloud Storage) to leaflet.

I will be really grateful for any help on it.

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