Lawrence Coders Hackathon

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John Kary

Oct 24, 2012, 2:59:31 PM10/24/12
Hi everyone,

Last night at the Shop Talk event we brainstormed that it would be cool to do a Lawrence Coders Hackathon on some upcoming date. We were originally thinking Saturday, November 10, but the Library auditorium is booked that day.

What other dates/times might this work? We were thinking the event would last about 3 hours and should be held before the November/December holiday season.

Here are some of the ideas we brainstormed and a few more details I'm throwing out there:

This isn't a 24 hour "build a product in a weekend" hackathons. Instead this is time you can set aside in your busy schedule to learn something new AND teach someone something new. While stand-alone presentations are great, it's not quite the same as setting down with someone and looking over their shoulder as they show you some code or how they work.

Every one of us knows something other developers don't. From code-specific things, to any facet of development: efficient ways for managing your development machine, how to work with a specific library, framework, database, language, etc. or maybe how to use GitHub, or even even something as simple as how your partner bills clients. Anything related to tech or development is on the table!

When you show up we'll have you write out 5 things (or more) that you know a thing or two about that you wouldn't mind teaching to another person. This list won't limit you in any way, it's just a starting point to give your partner a quick snapshot of what your strengths are. Each partner can pick one topic from the other's list (or discuss and come up with your own!) to learn about during that session.

We will runs several sessions where you will be RANDOMLY paired with another attendee (so there's no need for awkwardness) for about 50 minutes. You and your partner will exchange lists of strengths and decide what to talk about. Then however you and your partner decide to divide up the rest of the time and what to talk about is up to you--but you only have 50 minutes to collaborate!

After each session we'll regroup and discuss as a group what different people talked about and what you learned.

Pizza will be provided for a free lunch, probably from Rudy's Pizza downtown, and we'll have something to drink as well.

Please let me know your feedback on date/time, and any suggestions on how the event should run!

John Kary

Aaron Sumner

Oct 25, 2012, 1:26:21 PM10/25/12
I think this is a neat idea. I do know that Corey Haines is planning a Global Coderetreat on December 8, so we may wish to schedule around that. Looks like one is scheduled for KC.

Otherwise I will defer to others for good dates/times and will attend if I'm in town then. I'd also be happy to chip in for lunch regardless of whether I'm able to be there. Eric, didn't you scout around for some sponsorship possibilities at some point?


PS-- if you DID want to do a traditional hackathon at some point, maybe you could write an app to automate some of this :)

Mary Howe

Oct 25, 2012, 1:43:23 PM10/25/12
This is an excellent idea, even though I fall in the category of not having much to offer.  My schedule is completely up in the air at the moment, with some events in the wings that might preclude my coming, but I can't say when.  So I'll attend if I can.

And I'd also be happy to chip in for lunch whether I'm present or not.


John Kary

Oct 26, 2012, 7:00:24 PM10/26/12
I have created a Doodle poll with many 3hr time slots over the end of November, excluding a week for thanksgiving.

Visit the poll and click on the expando-thing to expand all the timeslots. Check the ones you're willing to attend!


John Kary

John Kary

Oct 26, 2012, 7:38:42 PM10/26/12
I have also setup a suggested Meetup event. Once we decide on a date that works for most people, we can do a bit more publicity to draw in other communities.

John Kary

Nov 8, 2012, 2:32:28 PM11/8/12
to, Eric Gruber
I have officially reserved the Lawrence Library Auditorium for Thursday, November 29 from 6-9pm.

You can RSVP on the meet up event page:

@Eric, if you could please promote this meet up to official status on the Meetup page and maybe designate me Event Host?

I'll be doing some outreach to some of the KC user groups as we get closer, and possibly finding a sponsor for dinner. If you attend other user groups please let them know about our event!

John Kary

On Friday, October 26, 2012 at 6:38 PM, John Kary wrote:

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