template for Royal Society B journal

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Vikram Chhatre

May 1, 2011, 5:31:22 PM5/1/11
to latexus...@googlegroups.com

If someone has sent a latex submission to royal B recently, I am wondering if they would mind sharing their template file?  I have been having problems with the provided rsauthor.cls class.  This class has several problems:

1. It has too large left margin
2. Has almost no right side margin
3. When using twocolumn option along with line numbers package, the two columns tend to get mixed.

Author guidelines also suggest that you cannot provide a separate bibliography file, so it has to be embedded in the main latex document.  I haven't yet figured out how to do this.  The society seems to be flexible about allowing any style you wish to use, and I have thought about using the article class, but then all the journal specific formatting is lost unless it is specifically coded in.

If anyone would like to share their experience with Royal society B late submissions, I would be very grateful.  I would prefer to use latex than word processor.


Peter Flynn

May 2, 2011, 7:27:03 AM5/2/11
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Vikram Chhatre <cryptic...@gmail.com> wrote:

If someone has sent a latex submission to royal B recently, I am wondering if they would mind sharing their template file?  I have been having problems with the provided rsauthor.cls class.  This class has several problems:

1. It has too large left margin
2. Has almost no right side margin
3. When using twocolumn option along with line numbers package, the two columns tend to get mixed.

I can't help you with the class file, but it sounds as if it's badly broken. 
  • Does the log file produce any errors or warnings that might give a clue to why?
  • Is there an author name or email address for whoever wrote it?
  • Do they respond to email about why it doesn't work?
  • Can they provide you with a working example?
Author guidelines also suggest that you cannot provide a separate bibliography file, so it has to be embedded in the main latex document.  I haven't yet figured out how to do this.  The society seems to be flexible about allowing any style you wish to use, and I have thought about using the article class, but then all the journal specific formatting is lost unless it is specifically coded in.

Two ways come to mind:

1. Do the whole thing using BIBTeX in the normal way, and when it's finished and ready, replace the \bibliography{yourfile} line with the entire contents of yourfile.bbl

2. Add \usepackage{fancyvrb} to your document, and add (after your \bibliography{yourfile} line):

<insert the contents of yourfile.bib here>

What that does is write the contents of the VerbatimOut environment into yourfile.bib every time you run LaTeX on the document (so you have to maintain the bibliography right there, in the document, rather than in yourfile.bib, because the file will get overwritten every time). That way you can send them the single document file, but when they run LaTeX, it will create yourfile.bib for them, and they can run BIBTeX right after LaTeX and the bib file will be there for them.

That method (2) may not be what they want, though, if they really, really mean they don't want to have to run BIBTeX at all. In that case (1) is the solution.

Publishers often have requirements like "no homebrew macros", "no manual formatting", and "no ancillary files" (apart from images), because they have been poisoned for years by poorly-written ancillary files like \includes, \inputs, and .bib files which break the document because they depend on yet other (unsupplied) personal files of the author's which the author doesn't realise (or has forgotten). It's usually faster and cheaper for them to edit the article and fix the author's bugs by hand rather than exchange long sequences of emails with the author trying to understand the complexity of the ancillary files and macros. Sad but true, alas.


Vikram Chhatre

May 4, 2011, 7:44:13 PM5/4/11
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
Dear Peter,

Thanks for your response. The bibliography solution is good, it
should suffice for now.

I emailed the journal publisher and they told me to contact the
journal directly, which I thought was strange. One of the editors
however told me that for initial submission purposes a PDF file with
11pt font and 1.5 spacing is good enough. Therefore, I refrained from
using their rsauthor.cls and simply used the article.cls class. The
Royal Society Publishing has a list of all acceptable latex package on
their website, so I made sure that all the packages I was using were

I am hoping here that my efforts to write the article in LaTeX will
not be in vain here and they wouldn't insist on reformatting the
document in it's entirety once the article is fully accepted.

Thank you again for your help.


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Peter Flynn

Oct 1, 2012, 5:35:12 AM10/1/12
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Steph <stephani...@ualberta.ca> wrote:
Hello Vikram,
I am preparing a manuscript for submission to Proc. Roy. Soc. B, and having the same problems with rsauthor.cls, and I haven't been able to find a bibliography style file for Royal Society journals either.  What did you end up doing with your submission?  Were they okay with just using article.cls and 11 pt font, 1.5 spacing for the initial submission?  Did this create any problems for submitting a final version?

If either of you (or both) can come up with a set of values or adjustments that works, you might consider editing and updating the rsauthor.cls to work properly and submitting it back to them or publishing the fixes as a shim on CTAN for others to use.

The version I found at http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/site/misc/rsauthor.cls says it was last edited on 24 Feb 2011, which is quite recent, but it fails to identify a contact address, and they appear never to have submitted it to CTAN.
I am wondering if I need to go through the headache of converting the whole doc to Word :-(

That would be a ghastly thought...


Vikram Chhatre

Oct 10, 2012, 7:41:40 AM10/10/12
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
Hi Steph,

Royal Society will accept article class compilations as initial
submission. I can send you my template if you would like. For
initial submission, only a PDF is required, so its not a problem. I
found a bibliography style (where exactly, I seem to have forgotten
now, but will post when I remember) which works perfectly for Royal B
standards. I can send you the file if you like.

Peter: I didn't bother modify the rsauthor.cls. I doubt anyone uses
that class at all. Manuscript central (which handles manuscript
processing for a lot of journals now), uses TexnicCenter software.
They also allow you to upload any style files unique to your document.

I still haven't done my final submission, but I am sure it will work
out. The only caveat is that you cannot use pdflatex. Only latex
once, bibtex once, and latex twice. Final submission will be compiled
on their servers. Also, graphics have to be post script. I foresee
this as a problem, because I usually have a large white space around
the figures that I trim out manually. I don't think it is possible to
do with post script version. I will post again when I have done final
submission (if they accept my paper that is).


Steph: Feel free to email me directly to obtain the aforementioned files.

Grazziela Figueredo

Oct 10, 2012, 9:46:35 AM10/10/12
to latexus...@googlegroups.com

I managed to modify the cls file and now it looks very similar to the manuscripts i saw online. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

Grazziela Figueredo

Oct 10, 2012, 9:48:36 AM10/10/12
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
%%% Royal Society (RS)
%%% version: 1.0 (24 February 2011)
%%% This document class is based on the "article" class file.
%%% Following additional packages are required:
%%% amsmath amssymb amsfonts amsthm graphicx endfloat natbib setspace
%%% verbatim geometry bm url babel dcolumn stfloats balance lastpage
%%% xspace amscd rotating latexsym multicol array algorithm subfigure


\ProvidesClass{rsauthor}[2000/05/19 v1.4b Standard LaTeX document class]



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\def\thm@indent{\hbox to \parindent{}}%
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\def\@jname{Proc. R. Soc. A}%centerline
\def\@jdoi{doi: 10.1098/rspa.}%

\def\@bibitem#1{\item\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout

           {\itemsep      \z@\settowidth\labelwidth{}
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       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
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\scriptsize \textit{\@jname}\ \@jpages;\ \@jdoi\@artnum\\%
This journal is \copyright\ 2011 The Royal Society}}


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\def\ack#1{{\vskip5.5pt\noindent \fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont\section*{Acknowledgment}#1}}


On Sunday, May 1, 2011 10:31:22 PM UTC+1, Vikram Chhatre wrote:

Grazziela Figueredo

Oct 10, 2012, 9:49:45 AM10/10/12
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
And in the tex file add:


\usepackage[left=1in, right=0.7in, bottom=0.4in, top=1in]{geometry}

\jname{Journal of the Royal Society Interface}


On Sunday, May 1, 2011 10:31:22 PM UTC+1, Vikram Chhatre wrote:

Vikram Chhatre

Oct 12, 2012, 9:29:02 AM10/12/12
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
Graziella -

Thanks for posting these. Is there any chance you can post an example
PDF output based on this style?

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Oct 15, 2012, 6:16:11 PM10/15/12
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for posting Graziella.  Vikram - I have attached a bogus article that I created using Graziella's files.  It seems to work quite well.  Let me know if you want the .tex file and I can email it to you.


Vikram Chhatre

Feb 23, 2013, 9:09:28 PM2/23/13
to latexus...@googlegroups.com

You can use article class for the initial submission.  I modified the bibliography style file, which you can find on my website below:

Hope that helps.

On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Amy Shen <amyq...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Vikram and Stephan,

Can you share your latex file for the royal society of interface?



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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to latexusersgro...@googlegroups.com.

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Vikram Chhatre

Apr 5, 2013, 5:12:05 PM4/5/13
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
If you're at pre-acceptance stage, I recommend using Authblk package to assign multiple authors and their addresses.


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Pooya Davoodi <pooyad...@gmail.com> wrote:

Can I have your latex file? I have problem in using \author and \address. I don't know how to use these two command for multiple authors. Using \and causes error.

Thank you,

On Saturday, February 23, 2013 2:39:57 PM UTC-5, Amy Shen wrote:
Dear Vikram and Stephan,

Can you share your latex file for the royal society of interface?



On Sunday, May 1, 2011 2:31:22 PM UTC-7, Vikram Chhatre wrote:

Radwanul Hasan Siddique

Sep 9, 2013, 7:56:41 AM9/9/13
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
Hi, can anyone please send me the latex file? My email address is radwanul...@kit.edu

Thanks in advance.

Message has been deleted

Gorka Bidegain

May 30, 2014, 12:44:27 PM5/30/14
to latexus...@googlegroups.com


I need help, I tried with the templates you hang up here and I have the following error



Package multicol Warning: May not work with the twocolumn option on input line 135.

Could anyone help me?


Werner Grundlingh

May 30, 2014, 12:51:10 PM5/30/14
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
There should be no need to formally mix the twocolumn option with any usage of multicol. The latter provides more flexibility than the former.

However, you only receive a warning, so there should be nothing wrong in just ignoring it. Perhaps supplying us witha minimal working example (MWE) will help us diagnose the problem better.


Nov 18, 2014, 1:48:05 PM11/18/14
to latexus...@googlegroups.com
Dear Steph,
Could you send me the .tex file, please? My Email address: li.evolbio[at]gmail.com
I really like your PDF example^^
Thanks in advance!
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