Lasgrid and more that 504 files

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Jan 11, 2017, 4:37:03 PM1/11/17



Have you ever had problems with projects of more than 504 tiles with lasgrid. On two of the computer on which I work the treatments suddenly stop after the 504th tiles.


Why ?


The command line is :


Lasgrid -lof C:\Users\munda1\AppData\Local\Temp\arcA0BC\\listLAS.txt -otif -drop_y_below 4980000.00 -drop_class 7 -step 0.7 -odir D:\2016\02301\Secteur\I\Raster\Synthese\DSM -first_only -highest -elevation -fill 10  -use_tile_bb -mem 1900


Salutations !

Dave Munger

Analyste en géomatique et LiDAR
Unité de gestion Rivière-Péribonka

Direction de la gestion des forêts du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
801, chemin du Pont-Taché Nord, bureau RC-03 

Alma (Québec)  G8B 5B7
Téléphone : 418 668-8319, poste 370


Martin Isenburg

Jan 12, 2017, 11:26:34 AM1/12/17
to LAStools - efficient command line tools for LIDAR processing

the only thing that I can think of that there is - for some reason - a memory leak that accumulated data over time. If you can check the total memory footprint of the process in the moment it fails and it is close to 2 GB then this would explain it. 

An easy work around is something you should do in any case (if you are on a multi-core machine). Process the tiles on more than one processor my adding the option '-cores 2' or  '-cores 4' to the command line. Now each tile is started by a fresh process so the memory leak - should it exist - will not accumulate over time any longer,

Does that work for you?


Martin @rapidlasso

Dave Munge

Jan 12, 2017, 2:35:25 PM1/12/17
to LAStools - efficient tools for LiDAR processing
Great !

The case is closed. By using -core the problem is resolved.

Thank you Martin!

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