new open LiDAR data portal (commercial use allowed) for Canton of Zürich

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Martin Isenburg

Feb 10, 2015, 7:42:52 PM2/10/15
to LAStools - efficient command line tools for LIDAR processing
Hello friends (and foes (-;) of open formats,

More great news in response to Esri's proprietary "LAZ cloning" that
is angering the LiDAR community that has enyoyed open point storage
formats in the past. The Canton of Zürich has opened all of their 8
pulses/sqrmtr holdings. The points are stored in 7783 LASzip
compressed LAZ files totalling over 300 GB. You can download them via
a simple and a fancy portal:


I downloaded one tile (see pics) and all went smootly. The data looks
amazing. I see correctly populated point source IDs (for fper point
lightline information) as well as the use of Adjusted GPS Standard
time stamps. Only the georeferencing info is missing. Below the
lasinfo report.


Martin @rapidlasso

-- - fast tools for open LiDARs

D:\LAStools\bin>lasinfo 6760_2730.laz
lasinfo for 6760_2730.laz
reporting all LAS header entries:
file signature: 'LASF'
file source ID: 0
global_encoding: 1
project ID GUID data 1-4: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
version major.minor: 1.2
system identifier: ''
generating software: 'TerraScan'
file creation day/year: 14/2015
header size: 227
offset to point data: 229
number var. length records: 0
point data format: 1
point data record length: 28
number of point records: 3473187
number of points by return: 2503853 394924 287132 175663 79559
scale factor x y z: 0.01 0.01 0.01
offset x y z: 0 0 0
min x y z: 676068.60 273000.00 523.38
max x y z: 676499.99 273396.38 677.92
the header is followed by 2 user-defined bytes
LASzip compression (version 2.2r0 c2 50000): POINT10 2 GPSTIME11 2
reporting minimum and maximum for all LAS point record entries ...
X 67606860 67649999
Y 27300000 27339638
Z 52338 67792
intensity 1 27673
return_number 1 7
number_of_returns 1 7
edge_of_flight_line 0 1
scan_direction_flag 0 0
classification 2 17
scan_angle_rank -29 33
user_data 0 0
point_source_ID 17301 17303
gps_time 79096560.979596 79099569.802396
WARNING: there are 25062 points with return number 6
WARNING: there are 6994 points with return number 7
overview over number of returns of given pulse: 2107468 213332 334481
385502 273707 116582 42115
histogram of classification of points:
1626377 ground (2)
7422 low vegetation (3)
42391 medium vegetation (4)
615624 high vegetation (5)
70756 building (6)
1344 noise (7)
1103142 overlap (12)
6131 bridge deck (17)

Terje Mathisen

Feb 11, 2015, 3:00:36 AM2/11/15
Martin Isenburg wrote:
> Hello friends (and foes (-;) of open formats,
> More great news in response to Esri's proprietary "LAZ cloning" that
> is angering the LiDAR community that has enyoyed open point storage
> formats in the past. The Canton of Zürich has opened all of their 8
> pulses/sqrmtr holdings. The points are stored in 7783 LASzip
> compressed LAZ files totalling over 300 GB. You can download them via
> a simple and a fancy portal:
> simple:
> fancy:

This is wonderful, I'm lobbying hard for the same to happen here in
Norway. I know it will eventually, but I'd like to see it sooner rather
than later.
> I downloaded one tile (see pics) and all went smootly. The data looks
> amazing. I see correctly populated point source IDs (for fper point
> lightline information) as well as the use of Adjusted GPS Standard
> time stamps. Only the georeferencing info is missing. Below the

I suspect the georef info would have shown that although it looks like
UTM data, in reality it is according to a Swiss grid reference instead.

I took part in a mapping competition over New Year where we were given a
tile of the old style Swiss lidar, i.e. truncated & gridded to a 1x1m
cell size, with a ground grid and a top of vegetation grid. Those
datasets were definitely not in UTM.

- <>
"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"


May 17, 2015, 1:34:55 AM5/17/15
Hey all, some truly amazing classified data of Zurich here is a web browser, I'm sure done with the amazing lastools....we processed it with out high and low noise.....need google chrome to view it.....or firefox though chrome works better.  

Also works with touch on Android phones.  
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