ACTION NEEDED — FDA Safety Rules Endangers Family Farmers—Act by 12-15

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Dave Yates

2014年12月7日 16:50:362014/12/7

Folks were warned about this when the FSMA was in process, and everyone wanted to believe they could trust our "new and improved" administration with protecting folks right to grow safe food.  Many if not MOST of the small farmers I know who resonated with the politics of the new administration, use the "they have written an exception for small farmers who gross less than $500,000 of annual revenues".

Watching what was being done, rather than said (Michael Taylor... etc...)  I recollect posting a rather rude remark almost 2 years ago about this, when a KPC message board message was put out by the Kansas Rural Center... which, I regretted replying to, because I believed the KRC was wrong in their position.

Why did I regret sending my reply?  Because I failed to mention how much GREAT WORK KRC does most of the time.

When, as local, state and regional communities, are we going to wake up and realize, that the agenda "above the shoulders, closer to the head" of the body of government, wants to control food, and the growing of food?

Let's not beat around the bush here.  The government is willing to use violence, if need be, to make farmers compliant with "new regulations", that somehow, our parents, grandparents and great grand parents managed to survive without.

Food is the final frontier of freedom of the people.

"Eat Organic Food... or as your grandparents called it... FOOD"

More about this important issue HERE:


December 7, 2014 at 12:30 PM

I endorse this message

Steve Moring

2014年12月8日 21:39:472014/12/8
Whenever a new law is being proposed the only reasonable metric for its
affect is to ask, 'how could this be abused' or 'how could this be used by
someone wanting to lock me up/shut me down/persecute me'.

Government agencies have a long long history of stretching laws far beyond
the intention of their writers and the plain English reading of the law
and will interpret them in often tortured ways to accomplish what they
want. Often the most pessimistic of critics turns out to have been
horribly optimistic about the affects.

The idea that we should turn food safety over to an agency that wants to
ban raw milk production and has fought against food producers making valid
health claims about their foods (as it competes with pharmaceuticals) was
insane from the beginning.

We had another problem when this law was going through Congress in that
dirty politics was being used to undermine the opposition and set up fake
opposition which predictably caved. A number of the so called consumer
protection groups do not disclose their funding sources.

Unfortunately the tendency of the left to see corporations as evil and
government as the solution to protect us fails to understand that
government is often simply the puppet of those same corporations.

>> moringse <>
>> December 7, 2014 at 12:30 PM
>> FYI...
>> I endorse this message
>> Steve Moring
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