pitching jupyter for highschool math "master" teachers?

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Jan 11, 2019, 5:08:24 PM1/11/19
to Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
Hi folks,

I work for the Flatiron Institute which is an arm of the Simons Foundation.
Another branch of the Simons Foundation is Math for America https://www.mathforamerica.org/
which supports "master math teachers" mainly at the high school.

I'm planning to pitch giving a presentation or short course to MfA awardees
about how they might find Jupyter useful
and I was wondering if anyone had any existing materials I should look at or
other advice.

Let me know if you have ideas or pointers.  Thanks!

 -- Aaron Watters

kirby urner

Jan 12, 2019, 3:15:38 AM1/12/19
to awat...@flatironinstitute.org, Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
Greeting Aaron --

I would emphasize that through Jupyter Notebooks a high schooler may

* publish content to the web at no extra cost on Github
* continue developing locally while updating globally (using git)
* get right into computing without learning lots of HTML + CSS
* Notebooks may contain embedded Youtubes, pictures, hyperlinks, in addition to data visualizations
* lots of people are using Notebooks to share tutorials and make presentations

All the same benefits accrue to teachers as well, but why not start with what students might gain, with direction from teachers?

Here's a front door into a course I share to help them get started:

Another specimen:

Additionally, I'm thinking some students will find it gratifying to use extended precision libraries such as gmpy2 that will take them far beyond what a calculator or even floating point computations will do.  I've been doing research in this area myself.

Kirby Urner
Oregon Curriculum Network
4D Solutions
Portland, Oregon

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Nicolas M. Thiery

Jan 12, 2019, 10:09:17 AM1/12/19
to awat...@flatironinstitute.org, Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
Dear Aaron,
Last November, I gave a lightning presentation [1] of SageMath [2]
running in Jupyter at the high school education track of PyParis [3];
my purpose was just to wet the interest of the math teachers there by
demoing a range of basic functionalities that they had at their
fingertip. So not necessarily what you mean to achieve, but feel free
to reuse anything relevant. It's in French but should be easy enough
to translate even without knowing French.

I am interested in return by the material you'll prepare!


[1] https://github.com/nthiery/shared-sage-notebooks/blob/master/2018-11-14-PyParis-Education-SageMath.ipynb
as live slides:

[2] http://sagemath.org
[3] http://pyparis.org/talks.html

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Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nth...@users.sf.net>

Wes Turner

Jan 12, 2019, 10:33:01 PM1/12/19
to Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks


Jan 15, 2019, 9:00:03 PM1/15/19
to Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
Thanks everybody!  The jupyter-edu-book is especially excellent!  Let me know if anyone has other suggestions.

Carl Savage

Oct 22, 2019, 9:41:33 PM10/22/19
to Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks
Hi Aaron, I was wondering how your pitch went? I am a high school teacher that has been using Jupyter Notebook/Lab with Python for 5 years now and have been waiting for other High School teachers to start using it.

Thanks, Carl Savage
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