jcache-api license issue

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Jens Wilke

Mar 1, 2016, 5:32:37 AM3/1/16
to Greg Luck, Brian Oliver, jsr107
Hi Greg, Hi Brain,

I think that jcache-api is not distributed with an OS license is the most critical
issue we have right now.

RI and TCK is released under Apache, but this licensing is actually invalid since they
depend on the jcache-api which has currently not a OS license.

Can you please update the issue:

- Can we fix this ASAP and release JCache under Apache?
- Is this a longer process involving legal department?
- If we cannot release JCache under Apache, then the RI and TCK licenses need to change also as well
as any other OS project. What are the plans?



"Everything superfluous is wrong!"

// Jens Wilke - headissue GmbH - Germany
\// https://headissue.com

Werner Keil

Mar 18, 2016, 7:10:18 AM3/18/16
to jsr107, gl...@gregluck.com, brian....@oracle.com
Judging from our experience at JSR 363 which Eclipse SmartHome has a strong desire to use (and at least a dozen other Eclipse and similar projects which now use JSR 275 in production completely at their own risk;-) this sounds like a good idea.

Eclipse Orbit and similar Open Source ecosystems cannot deal with the Spec License, therefore we use the RI/TCK license (BSD 3-clause in our case) for "all Software Artifacts" (including the public API) now. 
Given many of the newer JSRs also do, including the likes of 375 (Oracle-led) or MVC 1.0, I suggest the next major upgrade of JCache, either a MR or 2.x does the same.

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