Windows 8 json schema install requires vcversioner, VCS and version.txt files?

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Jay B

May 2, 2016, 12:54:44 PM5/2/16
to jsonschema - An implementation of JSON Schema for Python
This used to work under Windows 7, but doesn't using Windows 8. I'm not sure if something changed in python, jsonschema-master or windows.

Any ideas?


1) Install latest Python 3.5.1

2) Download jsonschema-master and unzip files

3) python install

vcversioner: no VCS could be detected in 'c:\\tmp\\jsonschema-master' and 'c:\\tmp\\jsonschema-master\\version.txt' isn't present.
vcversioner: are you installing from a github tarball?

4) Here's the path contents

PATH=C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\windows\System32\Wbem;C:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\;C:\Users\brinkmej\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Scripts\;

5) What's up with the version.txt file requirement? I don't have one of those shown...

 Directory of c:\tmp\jsonschema-master
05/02/2016  10:32 AM    <DIR>          .
05/02/2016  10:32 AM    <DIR>          ..
11/30/2015  06:58 AM                70 .gitignore
11/30/2015  06:58 AM                92 .travis.yml
11/30/2015  06:58 AM    <DIR>          benchmarks
05/02/2016  10:32 AM    <DIR>          build
11/30/2015  06:58 AM             3,309 CHANGELOG.rst
11/30/2015  06:58 AM             1,057 COPYING
05/02/2016  10:40 AM    <DIR>          dist
11/30/2015  06:58 AM    <DIR>          docs
11/30/2015  06:58 AM    <DIR>          json
11/30/2015  06:58 AM    <DIR>          jsonschema
05/02/2016  10:32 AM    <DIR>          jsonschema.egg-info
11/30/2015  06:58 AM                91
11/30/2015  06:58 AM             3,496 README.rst
11/30/2015  06:58 AM                22 setup.cfg
05/02/2016  10:41 AM             1,455
11/30/2015  06:58 AM             1,734 tox.ini

Julian Berman

May 8, 2016, 9:57:53 AM5/8/16
to Jay B, jsonschema - An implementation of JSON Schema for Python


What is jsonschema-master? Did you download a GitHub tar of master? That indeed should not work on any version of Windows (or any other OS).

(Also, you should use `pip install` to install packages, but that won't fix this issue)

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Jay B

May 9, 2016, 5:07:19 PM5/9/16
to jsonschema - An implementation of JSON Schema for Python,
What is json-schema-master? It's a python library for the schema that validates proper json format. Got it from here (same source works for both Windows and Linux installs):

It's interesting that the README doesn't really say anything about how to install...


Julian Berman

May 9, 2016, 5:10:30 PM5/9/16
to Jay B, jsonschema - An implementation of JSON Schema for Python

That's the source repository for jsonschema, yes :).

Installation is the same as for generally any Python package, just run `pip install jsonschema` :). Although sure, saying that one line probably belongs in the repo. Patches welcome if you're interested :).

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