What would you like to see in a new version of jPlayer?

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no leída,
20 mar 2012, 5:54:51 a.m.20/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B

Jonathan Brown

no leída,
20 mar 2012, 8:55:59 a.m.20/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
With the Media Playlist it would be great if you could queue a poster without audio and instead pass a time element. This would open JPlayer up to creating animations or slide shows.


no leída,
20 mar 2012, 8:59:05 a.m.20/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would love to see the playhead stop if there is no more data loaded.
At the moment it keeps "playing" even when buffering, when some more data is available the playhead will jump back to where it actually is.

This could all be accessible via an event. Oooo that would be sweet :)

This might be more of a bug?


Larry Frisk

no leída,
20 mar 2012, 9:55:53 a.m.20/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Would love to have the playlist focus remain on the current track playing...I know that this can be done, but it isn't an obvious thing...would be great if the demos came with this feature+scrollbars enabled.


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no leída,
23 mar 2012, 5:06:32 a.m.23/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Find a way to hide the url of the file, using php for example


no leída,
23 mar 2012, 7:24:10 a.m.23/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
hello, i will a looped play of my titles... but now, who can i edit these that the little break between ending and starting the song is delete? here a link to it: http://www.vonbendix.de

Shay Wilson

no leída,
23 mar 2012, 1:54:48 p.m.23/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Using php would defeat the point of a javascript implementation.  

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 1:06 AM, lazaroj93 <ljl...@gmail.com> wrote:
Find a way to hide the url of the file, using php for example

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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jplayer/-/UXbDvyGHQeQJ.

Martin Perez

no leída,
23 mar 2012, 6:10:12 p.m.23/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I like to see some kind of voice recognition and then show it as
captions so it could be translate it to many other human languages.

Crazy Zurfer

no leída,
29 mar 2012, 7:35:39 a.m.29/3/12
para jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
I think it would be great to have a Jquery Mobile Extension, because
I've been trying to use it and I've found several compatibility
issues, for example, you can't use the listview style on the playlist.
The music player stops when changing page, and muny other issues.

That would be great.



no leída,
29 mar 2012, 7:54:24 a.m.29/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
What about full/easier integration with, for example, jQuery UI? So customize the player is easier and homogeneity with the rest of the webpage is, well... just perfect.


no leída,
29 mar 2012, 10:16:43 a.m.29/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

I discovered JPlayer yesterday and it looks great, very impressive work!

Probably a big change but have you considered adding support for QuickTime plugin to backup HTML5 and Flash? Maybe this way JPlayer could better support m4a and mp3 files with FireFox?

Thank you!


no leída,
29 mar 2012, 11:01:44 a.m.29/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Bluesky thinking here? OK!

You don't have to do this yourself, I'm sure people would contribute, but how about a foolproof playlist generator?

Either something run by the user on their server, included as part of the download, or maybe something running on Google App Engine that anyone could use?

php, python and IIS would cover a fair amount of the users. But just something really foolproof to stop the endless "I've told it that I've supplied ogg so why isn't it playing my m4a files?" sort of thing.

Jason Sperske

no leída,
30 mar 2012, 7:04:33 p.m.30/3/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

I've been implementing jPlayer on my site (and I love it), but looking forward I would be interested in a more modular approach to the player.  Here is a page with the player embedded:


Press "play all songs" to see my basic implementation.  What I'm working on next is a stripped down player where the play head and progress indicator take up the entire spectrogram, but doesn’t respond to click events.  I think I can accomplish this with some CSS, and slight changes to the JavaScript, but possibly a more modular approach the UI might make this easier.  It’s a hard task to make jPlayer better (seriously, great job).

Tom Frank Christensen

no leída,
1 abr 2012, 12:39:50 p.m.1/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I noticed - that the full screen video bottom of the video jumps and doesnt fade away in chrome at least.

I would prefer this were fixd.

Hannah Pappah

no leída,
5 abr 2012, 9:31:53 a.m.5/4/12
para jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery

Second the request for QuickTime integration. iTunes is nearly as
prolific as flash now.

When FF on Mac goes into Flash backup mode, it is painful. QuickTime
would be much better alternative.

Randy Tinfow

no leída,
5 abr 2012, 1:46:15 p.m.5/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Captioning. Mandated in the USA, although not enforced. Huge potential.


Ken Jasper

no leída,
5 abr 2012, 1:48:05 p.m.5/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
One thing I would like to see is an updated repeat button "single track" button, so that it could repeat one song, as well as a whole playlist.

Ken J.

Se borró el mensaje

Mike Bielenberg

no leída,
5 abr 2012, 2:34:50 p.m.5/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

The ability to sync multiple tracks and have them play back together at the same time. An example of this is when you work with music production software. There's a track for bass, a track for drums, a track for vocals, etc. Volumes should be able to be adjusted independently. This would be huge for musicians.


no leída,
5 abr 2012, 3:53:27 p.m.5/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hello Mark B,
     add captions or subtitles to  videos.

Robert Reinhardt

no leída,
13 abr 2012, 12:32:35 p.m.13/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Maybe this is currently possible with the existing release, but I'd like to be able to use an Apple HLS src where supported (mainly, iOS, Safari Mac, Android where version allows it), and use a Flash HDS (or RTMP DS) src elsewhere with a Flash fallback that supports adaptive streaming.


On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:54:51 AM UTC-7, Maboa wrote:


no leída,
22 abr 2012, 2:03:03 p.m.22/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I haven't found a workaround for this...yet, so I'd like to be able to modify the skin down to a single play/pause button, be able to tag multiple buttons on a page (visually my own tracklisting) and have each button call a specific track from the playlist.xml. 
see below. 
(ignore those buttons, its not jplayer) but currently a user has to pause a track to move on to the next one or both (or ALL!!) will be playing. Thus your playlist; it shuts of the current song and plays the newly clicked one... but this can only be done inside your playlist...which, no offence, is limiting my layout design :) 

Having freely floating buttons I can tag anywhere but call a specified track form the playlist is the goal.

I like Mateng

no leída,
22 abr 2012, 5:56:26 p.m.22/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I'd love to see more themes, for exampe a very simple one-line-player-bar at the bottom.

I like Mateng

no leída,
22 abr 2012, 5:59:34 p.m.22/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Defining media scourdes in the head of the page is difficult when working with templates (TYPO3 in my case). Therefore, an alternative way for defining the media source would be cool - for example directly to the src (and poster) attribute of the video tag.

I like Mateng

no leída,
23 abr 2012, 4:03:25 a.m.23/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

Defining media scourdes

Should be "media sources", of course :)

I like Mateng

no leída,
23 abr 2012, 4:06:24 a.m.23/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

Am Donnerstag, 29. März 2012 13:54:24 UTC+2 schrieb miguelkp:
What about full/easier integration with, for example, jQuery UI? So customize the player is easier and homogeneity with the rest of the webpage is, well... just perfect.

My two cents: I don't think that jQuery UI theming would make our life easier. We just switched from jMediaelement to jPlayer because the UI styles got in our ways.


no leída,
23 abr 2012, 4:20:49 a.m.23/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Anything like this would probably be created as a module or just an example/demo of how to do this. We certainly wouldn't want it to get in the way!


Mark B

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jplayer/-/oljC_nk9a9gJ.


no leída,
24 abr 2012, 11:47:19 p.m.24/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
It would be great if jPlayer can read ID3 tag of the media files, or even better to provide API to read such info.

在 2012年3月20日星期二UTC+8下午5时54分51秒,Maboa写道:


no leída,
25 abr 2012, 4:22:06 p.m.25/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I'm brand new to jplayer but I like it better than soundmanager2 already since it is easier to integrate and more lightweight.
I imagine some of things may already be out there, but if they aren't already....
-waveform generator
-more skin options
-better cross browser functionality
-gzip compression options
-demos geared towards member based websites (soundcloudish type of thing)
-voice watermark (I don't know how to describe it better, but allow users to place a repeated phrase over their track to avoid illegal downloading)
-download feature to allow users to download songs 

Kamil Krzyszczuk

no leída,
28 abr 2012, 2:41:47 p.m.28/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hi. I have a great one!

Function for animate of volume. It can be used for e.g. slowly volume down when user minimize browser window, and slowly volume up when maximize.
I need it :O


no leída,
29 abr 2012, 1:19:04 a.m.29/4/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I don't work for jPlayer but...

On Wednesday, 25 April 2012 04:47:19 UTC+1, Wen wrote:
It would be great if jPlayer can read ID3 tag of the media files, or even better to provide API to read such info.

How about http://code.google.com/p/php-reader/wiki/ID3v2 ? This is the one I use and it's incredibly powerful and easy to use.

 On Wednesday, 25 April 2012 21:22:06 UTC+1, Pete wrote:
-waveform generator

-better cross browser functionality

What's missing here? The entire point of jPlayer is that it's cross-browser compatible, natively playing on all modern browsers, falling back to flash when needed.
-gzip compression options

Eh? What would you be gzipping? If you mean the audio, all gzipping would do is make the file LARGER and put extra load on the browser and possibly the server (if you hadn't pre-gzipped it).

-download feature to allow users to download songs 

That already exists - look beside the demo songs and you'dd see something like "mp3 | ogg" - these are the download links.


no leída,
1 may 2012, 11:45:34 a.m.1/5/12
para jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Option to use a cookie to keep the volume setting.


no leída,
1 may 2012, 11:50:10 a.m.1/5/12
para jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
when mouse over player use mouse wheel to adjust volume.


no leída,
4 may 2012, 3:10:06 p.m.4/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I have problems with jPlayer and IE8. The demo http://www.jplayer.org/latest/demo-01-video/ for example doesn't work. When clicking on the play button the jPlayer Inspector just shows error(1) but no information about what the problem was. The jPlayer 2.0.0 demos work fine. Also in Firefox when using the Flash fallback for an audio clip, when clicking on play nothing at all happens until the entire clip has loaded http://www.jplayer.org/latest/demo-01-solution-flash-html/. This is a few seconds even on my fast broadband connection. Again 2.0.0 doesn't display this problem.

Fixing these problems would be my priority. Thanks!!

On Tuesday, 20 March 2012 09:54:51 UTC, Maboa wrote:
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B

On Tuesday, 20 March 2012 09:54:51 UTC, Maboa wrote:
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B

On Tuesday, 20 March 2012 09:54:51 UTC, Maboa wrote:


no leída,
5 may 2012, 10:09:51 a.m.5/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Interoperability between request. Work easily with HTML5 HIstory API to provide a music player that can hack it while a user clicks around the rest of the site.

Luu Quoc Thang

no leída,
8 may 2012, 12:19:09 a.m.8/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I want show first image before play main video(or video list) and show last image when finished video (or video list)

Vào 16:54:51 UTC+7 Thứ ba, ngày 20 tháng ba năm 2012, Maboa đã viết:

Matthew Doucette

no leída,
17 may 2012, 9:41:27 a.m.17/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

I'd love to see a multiple video layout, similar to the image attached below. If you already have demo code that generates this, please forward me to it. (Actually any help in this direction is greatly appreciated).



Keith Harrison

no leída,
17 may 2012, 5:58:49 p.m.17/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I think soundcloud integration would be awesome.

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 5:54:51 AM UTC-4, Maboa wrote:


no leída,
18 may 2012, 4:11:22 a.m.18/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would like to see a less verbose markup of jplayer video, it's too much markup when integrating it in a web page.


no leída,
21 may 2012, 4:25:25 p.m.21/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

You can integrate with SoundCloud now if you know the media URLs. We did this last year with this http://hyper-audio.org/r/ the source is here : https://github.com/maboa/Radiolab-Soundcloud-Popcorn.js-Demo

The great thing is you can grab both ogg and mp3. Having said that maybe something that makes the whole thing easier by just taking an id to the SoundCloud track would perhaps make things a little easier. I think it would make more sense as a module not part of the jPlayer core though.


Mark B

Tuấn Anh Lưu

no leída,
25 may 2012, 2:34:15 p.m.25/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Put a small number after song's name that count the total number times of play that track.

Pau Garcia i Quiles

no leída,
25 may 2012, 6:12:44 p.m.25/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

Out-of-the-box keyboard navigation would be nice (yes, I know it can be implemented, but wouldn't it be great if I didn't have to?)

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 10:54:51 AM UTC+1, Maboa wrote:
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 10:54:51 AM UTC+1, Maboa wrote:
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 10:54:51 AM UTC+1, Maboa wrote:
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B

nick putman

no leída,
29 may 2012, 3:21:52 p.m.29/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mark,

I would like the ability for users to mark their favourite tracks, and then to be able to filter the playlist to include just these tracks.

Other than this I agree that Quicktime integration and greater compatibility with mobile devices would be good.

I would also like fullscreen mode to take over the entire monitor, rather than just filling the browser window.

There's also a couple of what appear to be bugs when using jPlayer in Safari.  Unless the browser window that jPlayer is on is in focus, playback stops at the end of the currently playing track, and doesn't advance to the next in the playlist. Also the progress bar doesn't indicate how much of a track has been downloaded (as it does in Firefox and I imagine other browsers too).  Instead it shows as fully downloaded from the off.

Thanks for your continuing work on this.


Karol Tarasiuk

no leída,
30 may 2012, 2:43:47 a.m.30/5/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would like to see YouTube and Vimeo videos support.


Jeremy David Peters

no leída,
10 jun 2012, 12:44:51 p.m.10/6/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would love a really simple function to specify a file to load and play it. Nothing fancy, just one function I can call from any any javascript on my page to specify a file and play it.


no leída,
12 jun 2012, 11:49:54 a.m.12/6/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Chromeless full screen.

Дмитрий Мишаров

no leída,
24 jun 2012, 10:33:48 p.m.24/6/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Did you hear about flac.js? What you think is it possible to implement this decoder in jPlayer? http://badassjs.com/post/25174050115/flac-js-aurora-and-the-future-of-web-audio https://github.com/ofmlabs/flac.js Demo

вторник, 20 марта 2012 г., 17:54:51 UTC+8 пользователь Maboa написал:


no leída,
25 jun 2012, 5:16:03 a.m.25/6/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
It's possible. We need to think about how to decouple jPlayer properly. Features like this will probably land in jPlayer 3.

Mark B

Hung Yeer

no leída,
27 jun 2012, 4:55:54 a.m.27/6/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I hope it will be able to play Multi-byte Title MP3 in IE.

在 2012年3月20日星期二UTC+8下午5时54分51秒,Maboa写道:


no leída,
9 jul 2012, 11:10:52 a.m.9/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

Can't quite see the issue. I've had no problems with rounded corners though. This is jPlayer behind this http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/interactive/2012/04/20124107156511888.html


Mark B

On Monday, July 9, 2012 1:49:27 PM UTC+2, Smoke wrote:
Having troubles to skin audio jPlayer with rounded corners and slider buttons- see red arrows at the attached pic.


no leída,
12 jul 2012, 12:13:48 p.m.12/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Thanks a lot, I'll learn a lot from your example.

Have you realized that audio controls in your player are not visible whaen the page is opened in iPad? Actually, the same problem is with all the players presented ath the Demo page of the jPlayer site (http://jplayer.org/latest/demos/)

понедельник, 9 июля 2012 г., 19:10:52 UTC+4 пользователь Maboa написал:


no leída,
12 jul 2012, 12:23:17 p.m.12/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

This is because you can't change the audio via a web page on iOS.


Mark B

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jplayer/-/gpYL79VVtY4J.


no leída,
12 jul 2012, 12:40:10 p.m.12/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
In fact, I could not find a single example of a web page with a jPlayer fully functional in iPad: either audio controls (mute, sound slider, sound max) are absent completely, or they are not functioning :(

Anybody can confirm the problem? Or that's just my iPad (iPad1, Model: mc497zp, iOS: 5.1.1)?

четверг, 12 июля 2012 г., 20:13:48 UTC+4 пользователь Smoke написал:


no leída,
12 jul 2012, 12:53:46 p.m.12/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

Maybe I wasn't clear. Safari in iOS won't let you change the volume level so there's no point displaying the controls.


Mark B

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jplayer/-/FhcQIKSqrqcJ.


no leída,
12 jul 2012, 2:16:39 p.m.12/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
If the volume controls are not displayed, how would I adjust the appearance of the player (I'm a novice with javascrypt)?
Should I add something like

if($.jPlayer.platform.ipad) {
document.getElementByClass('jp-progress').style.width = "250px";

just after


in order to increase the length of the progress bar? Is it possible to detect all iOS platforms all together?

Thank you in advance!


no leída,
13 jul 2012, 2:23:43 a.m.13/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I started a new tread asking the above question:

Nick Putman

no leída,
31 jul 2012, 8:18:12 p.m.31/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Preloading of the next track in the playlist once the current track is fully loaded/downloaded.  This way there would be a smoother transition between tracks.


On Tuesday, 20 March 2012 09:54:51 UTC, Maboa wrote:

Alicia Heyman

no leída,
31 jul 2012, 10:28:06 p.m.31/7/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

I have a current need for a very small player.

I like the basic flexibility of color, etc. in the player.  In my project, however, I do not need the ARTIST Field or Hyperlink  button. The site I am working on is for a cover band so technically the songs are ALL by the same artist, and the songs are well known.  I list the original artist on a separate complete play list. In the Player’s ARTIST field I am putting the band’s name and the GENRE of the song.  They are not selling the music so I don’t need the hyperlink.


There is a smaller 5 song player on ALL the pages (in the template) that is montages of 5 different genres of songs.  In this position I need the songlist (without a title number because there is so little horizontal space), and just the on, off, and pause buttons.  A TINY player.  Right now the hyperlink button is just a white dot, and there is an empty space where the Title and Artist goes.  I need that to go away.  http://www.theglowband.com/songlist.html . I will probably put “Montage” in the space where the Artist would ordinarily go.  But that’s redundant.  I’d rather it went away.


So what I need in your player is the ability to REMOVE fields and have the hyperlink button be separate from the other buttons.


I have looked all over and have not found exactly what I need.  My coding skills are not good so I REALLY need something like your player that I can created from a wizard in Dreamweaver.  I’ve found some tiny players but they require a better comfort level with code.


I have had some trouble implementing your player but it was my own mistakes.  It would have helped to have some documentation on exactly where the player wants the files to reside.  In mine the Flash files had to be in the “scripts” folder or they wouldn’t work. The little one didn’t like the files sitting in a subfolder. The .xml and config files work in a subfolder but if the actual mp3’s were in the subfolder, it wasn’t very happy. So some explanation of that would help. I guess you are having having to design to the lowest common denominator and I’m it.


I’ll probably be moving to your HTML5 player shortly to overcome the iOS compatibility problems of Flash. But The basic needs I have in how these look and function will remain the same.



Alicia H.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery" group.

To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jplayer/-/-nevr-R17tkJ.

Alejandro Ferrari

no leída,
3 sept 2012, 11:57:14 p.m.3/9/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hi guys, have plan to supoprt ICY metadata? really the icecast/shoutcast community is really big, and can be great feature support stream and metadata from this amazing Streaming Servers! 

El sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012 23:40:16 UTC-3, Bojcha escribió:
Found your player usefull for playin shoutcast stream on out website. Ofcourse, i needed to edit lot of things to make it work as should. (if someone is interested is can write link)

- So, support for shoutcast/icecast mp3 stream, and if also possible aac/aac+ support.

Also i needed to edit "stop" function for player, since when you stop it and play again, it always strarts from same point.


JJ Zolper

no leída,
20 sept 2012, 12:58:06 p.m.20/9/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hello Mark,

I'm interested in what I believe to be javascript feature. To give an example of this feature if you have ever been listening to music on pandora.com and you want the music to pause you simply hit the space bar.

If you could program the JPlayer to look for that key and pause the music that would be phenomenal!

Thanks a lot,

JJ Zolper

JJ Zolper

no leída,
20 sept 2012, 1:02:21 p.m.20/9/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Mark I also have another idea.

If you have ever been to YouTube.com and you're watching a video you see this "grey" bar that shows the real time loading process of the video. And the red bar shows where you are currently in the video.

In regards to these two features you already have the "red" bar but is there any chance you could implement the "grey" bar?

This would allow the listener to have a better experience because they could see how far into the media JPlayer has loaded and avoid buffering issues.

Thanks again,

E Marsh

no leída,
20 sept 2012, 3:12:03 p.m.20/9/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
If it doesn't already, i would like to use the player on external pages, even facebook pages.
I tried embedding the code into a facebook page, the files are on my hosting, but no joy.

JJ Zolper

no leída,
20 sept 2012, 8:23:14 p.m.20/9/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

For my music website which uses your JPlayer a thing that would be useful to me is some sort of stream counter. What I mean is I want musicians to be able to see through data how many times each of their songs are played. This data could be extended to how many times the song is streamed a day, a week, a month, etc. By giving JPlayer the ability to read that information and present it in a way that can be passed on and analyzed would be fantastic.

My music website is looking to help artists start their careers and if I can give them data such as what I described it would tell them which of their songs are really being played a lot and thus that priceless information could drive their merchandise sales and many other aspects of their band.

With a tool that handles song plays this could really give my artists a step up and bring their dreams of a music career to life.



JJ Zolper

no leída,
20 sept 2012, 8:28:18 p.m.20/9/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

One of my friends is an artist and he mentioned the idea of Spotify. This friends music is on Spotify. I know this isnt really directly in the line of your music player but I wanted to talk about it.

If I was able to integrate Spotify into my website (I'm not sure if they have an API) I would decrease the number of songs I would have to store on my website because I just outsourcing it there and connect the dots.

Maybe it's worth providing options for the music player to look into other sources that could hold music within them and providing the capability to integrate with them? (very general I know I apologize haha). There could be a marketing route for JPlayer too if you create these types of capabilities because lots of people use Spotify and it's online.

If I was able to implement this option for my artists to hold their music on Spotify and connect it up to my website through your JPlayer and code that would definitely bring the load down on my server storage.

Thanks a lot,

JJ Zolper

no leída,
16 oct 2012, 10:17:00 p.m.16/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hello again Mark,

I'm not sure if you are still looking for ideas but I had another idea.

The volume adjustment for the JPlayer uses a click type interface where the user clicks along the current bar to either raise or decrease the volume.

Many audio players, for example Youtube, use a draggable "bar" or "marker" which one can drag up and down. I'm sure you know about Youtube so if you want to see a real visual just go there. There is a grey colored marker that is used to drag and adjust the volume.

I think this would be a very high class addition to JPlayer and I would love to have it on my JPlayer instance.

Thanks for your consideration!

JJ Zolper

JJ Zolper

no leída,
16 oct 2012, 10:34:45 p.m.16/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
So apparently I just saw this:

Which is the idea I was going for. JQuery is nice and the slider looks really good.

Any comments on this subject? Otherwise, to me it looks like you all did JQuery and it seems to be the answer.



Mark Panaghiston

no leída,
17 oct 2012, 7:29:02 a.m.17/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I plan to do 2 more demos before I continue development.

1) Demo using jquery.grab to enable a draggable currentTime and volume control that works in iOS and touch devices.
2) Demo showing how to use streams.

At this time, I'm not planning on adding jquery.grab to the jPlayer core. For more info on jquery.grab see:

Thank you and everyone else for the suggestions here. We have been reading them and weighing them up.

JJ Zolper

no leída,
17 oct 2012, 8:59:28 p.m.17/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

1. Is this the demo you are talking about? http://jplayer.org/latest/demo-07/ Because this has a draggable currentime and volume control.
Or are you planning to extend/do something separate than this?

2. What are streams?

It's okay that it's not core but I would be interested in getting a hold of that code? Is this the complete version? https://github.com/jussi-kalliokoski/jQuery.grab

I am interested in the demo you are talking about though so do you have a planned time for when that would be released?



Mark Panaghiston

no leída,
18 oct 2012, 6:42:39 a.m.18/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
The jQuery UI demo has draggable controls, but I noticed that they do not drag in iOS nor Android.

Streams are like radio stations... Icecast and Shoutcast servers that are able to send audio in real time. ie., they are not a static file on some server that downloads when you play it. You connect to a stream and whatever is playing at that time starts streaming to you.

No ETA for the demo. I hope to get it out by the end of next week if not sooner.


no leída,
18 oct 2012, 7:07:27 a.m.18/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I often find that talking to people about streams that static files can sometimes be referred to as streams, so I tend to double clarify by using the term live-stream.

Mark B

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no leída,
25 oct 2012, 5:57:01 p.m.25/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Probably nothing not already said, but:

- True Fullscreen using browser APIs where available (should probably call the current version fullwindow instead of fullscreen - I think it would be good to have both options available)
- Keyboard controls
- built in draggable play and volume head (jquery-ui at almost 500K is a beast)

There are a couple of HTML5 Video plugin comparison sites out there:

This may yield a few ideas as to features to add and shows how jPlayer compares.  I've contacted the former and told them to look more closely into jPlayer because I do not believe they have rated it fairly and I don't believe they realize how much more customizable jPlayer is than most of the other players.

JJ Zolper

no leída,
26 oct 2012, 4:25:31 p.m.26/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

If I understand what you are asking about as far as the draggable and volume head I think this i what you are talking about:

If you look two posts about yours Mark describes this.

I asked about Hotkeys too. I'm not sure if they did anything with that. For my music website I think my developers and I are going to implement the space bar for a hot key for play pause. Chances are I'll share that code because it's generic and I understand how people would want that. I was one of those people haha.


I'm just wondering, any updates on when the new demo will be out for draggable controls that are Android and iOS compatible?



Erik Prestinary

no leída,
26 oct 2012, 7:23:57 p.m.26/10/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

The V07 looks great, I would like to see a little more flexibility for live streams with J player.

We are having a hard time with this specially the Drupal plugin. If this is already a feature that can be used and, anyone wants work. Contact me back!

Best regards,


JJ Zolper

no leída,
2 nov 2012, 3:08:20 a.m.2/11/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

Any updates on when the demo will be posted. Where should I keep an eye out?

Any information would be great!



Mark Panaghiston

no leída,
2 nov 2012, 10:11:08 a.m.2/11/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
The circle player already uses the grab scrubber. It is just not that obvious.

I had planned to make a demo, but we are thinking of making it standard in the next version of jPlayer. So the jQuery.grab plugin by Jussi would be tagged onto the end of the jPlayer file so that we can use it... Then the CSS needs a tweak for it and jPlayer would have the grab cssSelector added so it can automate it.

I also added a throttler to the jquery.grab event generation, as video did not like having 100s of changes per second. Well, I added it to the event handler inmy project.. But was planning to fork Jussi's code and add it to his core... That and fix a few other minor errors if i can.

I am working on a different aspect right now that is more important feature wise.


no leída,
5 nov 2012, 2:47:54 p.m.5/11/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Forgot to add,

In addition, would like to see in autohide during fullscreen that the cursor fades out also.  I'm always annoyed by video players when I am forced to hide the cursor off the right side of the screen.

Arun Ganuga

no leída,
6 nov 2012, 12:14:21 a.m.6/11/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would like to have the metadata of the media such as title, poster, etc.


On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:17 AM, Greg <greg...@gmail.com> wrote:
Forgot to add,

In addition, would like to see in autohide during fullscreen that the cursor fades out also.  I'm always annoyed by video players when I am forced to hide the cursor off the right side of the screen.

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Robin Jansen

no leída,
21 nov 2012, 7:39:46 a.m.21/11/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hi I am currently bussy with a website funstream.nl. It's a website about some music. I have a lot of youtube video's and I would like to play the sound only of the video's. Or with the video, but than I wil delete the video material myself with css or something simular.

I am also trying to play music files from zippyshare. But there filetype is mp4a and can not be played by my jPlayer. A example of a file is: http://www9.zippyshare.com/downloadMusic?key=39442730


no leída,
25 nov 2012, 8:05:23 a.m.25/11/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
A playlist.ended where we can see that the end of the playlist was reached :-)

Inetactief / Live-streams.nl video-streams.nl

no leída,
13 dic 2012, 5:12:32 a.m.13/12/12
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I like to see in the new version.

Title information in player from streaming for icecast/SHOUTcast.
And Opus streaming format supporting, so we can use Icecast 2.4 and opus streaming. that wil be great!
I know the browsers must support this also.
Best regards,
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B
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David Karasek

no leída,
6 ene 2013, 8:30:25 a.m.6/1/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

Great job so far! I am not sure if this currently reviewed or moderated given the last update date.. I would like to know if jplayer is currently supported, or what became of it if not.

For now I have had some better than expected success with jplayer on all browsers and Ipad.

I have been able to get the player choose a custom DB provided video name, playing all HTML5 formats, and logging events via AJAX.

However I need a better example of dynamically choosing a named Flash video from a dedicated video folder off the root, not in the Scripts folder (would prefer to keep this dedicated to only Js files). I know I can change the folder/swpath but what about dynamically setting the name of the Flash file itself?. I'm guessing the swpath is to include the name of the Flash file as well as folder but wanted to be sure.

I am also having an issue where the expand button disappears on the Ipad, but this may just be an issue in my custom css.

Also I want to have an image

Rob Voyle

no leída,
6 ene 2013, 8:37:28 a.m.6/1/13
para David Karasek,jpl...@googlegroups.com
Hi David

How are you getting the video file from the off root directory?
I would like to be able to do this with audio files but haven't figured a way of
doing so.

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Brandon Klimek

no leída,
8 ene 2013, 1:11:56 a.m.8/1/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would like to see support for OGG files with a flash fallback. Right now there is only a html5 option for firefox/chrome/opera. There have been some implementations using flash and ogg. This would help out the people who want to support OGG vs MP3.

Jijo Mp

no leída,
5 feb 2013, 8:47:22 p.m.5/2/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com

In my mind, I would like to see these options in your next coming versions.

1. Plays all videos

2. Video can't download while it is playing.

3. User can add dynamic water marking option and it should be displayed in random positions of the screen with out disturb the video.

Thanks and regards!

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 12:15 AM, <in...@goteama.com> wrote:
 I would love to see a pre-roll option that you could set as a global option. I know you could add it via a playlist, but is a bit cumbersome. It would be especially great if this would extend to the WordPress plugin and be an option that could be sent in the backend.

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:54:51 AM UTC-7, Maboa wrote:
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to jplayer+u...@googlegroups.com.

To post to this group, send email to jpl...@googlegroups.com.


Claudio Poli

no leída,
8 feb 2013, 10:26:47 a.m.8/2/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
jsmad javascript decoders: FLAC/ALAC/AAC

Samuel East

no leída,
18 feb 2013, 5:25:56 p.m.18/2/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would love to see streaming of ogg format on ios devices?


no leída,
21 abr 2013, 8:10:03 a.m.21/4/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com


Since browsers don't support these formats natively across the board and we are not planning to build support into the Flash fallback, we are unlikely to provide support in the near future.



On 20 Apr 2013 18:42, "Myron Lu" <myron...@gmail.com> wrote:
For adio, it'll be perfect if it can support lossless music, like FLAC, APE, Wave, etc. Do you have any plan yet?

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:54:51 AM UTC-7, Maboa wrote:
Hello all.

We are currently mentally preparing for a new release. As part of that process we want to take on board the desire for features and direction from jPlayer community.

We're very interested in knowing what you'd like to see or change - no matter how crazy :)


Mark B


Myron Lu

no leída,
6 may 2013, 2:19:59 p.m.6/5/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I'm looking back some earlier emails. Someone asked that did you hear about flac.js. Your answer is "It's possible. We need to think about how to decouple jPlayer properly. Features like this will probably land in jPlayer 3". If jPlayer 3 can support flac, it's still OK as I can convert the other formats into flac. When will this feature in jPlayer 3 be released? several months or half a year or several years later?


no leída,
27 may 2013, 7:48:36 a.m.27/5/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com



no leída,
8 jun 2013, 4:20:31 p.m.8/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
I would like to see a set of interfaces to retrieve/show song currently being played, including from the [Shoutcast] steam.


no leída,
11 jun 2013, 9:43:47 a.m.11/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Would love to see: 1/ Fullscreen (not just within browser frame) 2/ Hide cursor.

Mark Panaghiston

no leída,
11 jun 2013, 1:03:13 p.m.11/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
jPlayer already does fullscreen.
What are you using? - The IE browser set do not allow full screen without pressing... F11 is it?
The other browsers do full screen fine.

Yeah, hide cursor is on the (long) list.

Nicolas Bouchard

no leída,
12 jun 2013, 8:40:14 a.m.12/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Fix the weird bug on firefox MAC when you have more than 8 instances of jPlayer on the same page.

bob on the beach

no leída,
19 jun 2013, 2:23:29 p.m.19/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Might one to fix the minor error on the getting started documentation
 audio : As a soundtrack to your page  -- i think you want to say Add,   :)

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:54:51 AM UTC-7, Maboa wrote:


no leída,
19 jun 2013, 3:49:14 p.m.19/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
It would also be good to have to option to track the songs amplitude if possible via event listener if the browser supports similar to this.


Sent from my iPad
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To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to jplayer+u...@googlegroups.com.

To post to this group, send email to jpl...@googlegroups.com.

Mark Panaghiston

no leída,
19 jun 2013, 7:50:28 p.m.19/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Yeah we hope to do stuff like that using the Web Audio API. I had done some initial tests, but they used the <audio> element and they failed to allow access to the data. Maybe new Audio() command is special in some way these days and is not just a shortcut to document.createElement('audio').

I'll try and take a look into it some time, but expect that anything like this will be as an add-on of sorts. They will have a limited capability cross-browser for the time being and legacy is just not worth the effort.

Mark Panaghiston

no leída,
19 jun 2013, 8:24:30 p.m.19/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
OK, I see where I went wrong... Setting up the processor audio map in the canplaythrough event was key to making it work... Then my old investigation worked with both document.createElement('audio) and new Audio() ways of creating the audio element. I was pretty sure they were the same...

Good news though, there is now a way forward. Previously I had falsely assumed that the data access was restricted and that CORS was not factored into it yet. EG., using an XHR request on the mp3 and making the AudioBuffer had worked in my old investigation, but that is CORS restricted and not really suitable for adding onto jPlayer.

Thanks for the nudge @Samuel East

Samuel East

no leída,
20 jun 2013, 4:05:06 a.m.20/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
No Problem Mark

Cant wait for the next released of jplayer amazing framework ;)

Been doing some really cool things with the progress meter

Manager to get a circular meter with canvas very much a prototype for proof of concept so apologies for the bad coding.

Only works in chrome at the moment due to browser support and using the dashed line canvas element.

Hoping to implement this functionality into our next version release of our mobile app.


Samuel East - Web and Mobile Application Developer


170  Newport Rd  / Cardiff / CF24 1DL

Mark Panaghiston

no leída,
20 jun 2013, 1:52:02 p.m.20/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Nice stuff Samuel.

Be aware that you are using deprecated commands. Keep an eye on the official spec:

BTW, I tried my test with both naming and it seemed to work, but it was on Chrome...

I'm talking about the lines:
processor = ctx.createJavaScriptNode(2048, 1, 1)
Which can be:

processor = ctx.createScriptNode(2048, 1, 1)

Steve Claranormal

no leída,
24 jun 2013, 3:14:31 p.m.24/6/13
para jpl...@googlegroups.com
Two things, I'd love to see.
A way to make the player embeddable so players could post cross domain, and if there isn't a way already,
A way to display the currently playing media as it changes.
So far loving it though, just installed my first tester last night.
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