[ ANNOUNCEMENT ] jOOQ 3.14.4 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

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Lukas Eder

Nov 26, 2020, 9:01:52 AM11/26/20
to jOOQ User Group
Version 3.14.4 - November 26, 2020

This is a 3.14 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Features and Improvements
#10959 - Add additional JSONFormat options to optimise formatting of JSON in the presence of SQL/JSON result set content
#11003 - Add JavaGenerator.printDaoConstructorAnnotations() to allow for custom annotations in generated DAO constructors
#11024 - Throw more explicit DataTypeException when Convert fails to convert between JSON/JSONB/XML and a user-defined type

Bug Fixes
#10878 - Compilation error in ScalaGenerator generated code when table has column "CLASS"
#10903 - Deadlock on lazy initialisation of Tables in Scala
#10905 - KotlinGenerator does not annotate properties with <jpaAnnotations/>
#10911 - java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Class cannot be cast to class java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType when custom data type extends List
#10912 - jOOQ trial version 3.14.3 uses org.jooq.trial-java-8 groupId in pom.xml files but installs things as org.jooq.trial
#10914 - KotlinGenerator produces compilation error in generated interfaces when <jpaAnnotations/> is set
#10916 - Wrong code generated by KotlinGenerator for <validationAnnotations/>
#10921 - PostgreSQL supports XMLTABLE only after version 10
#10924 - KotlinGenerator produces compilation errors in UDT Records when <recordsImplementingRecordN/> is true
#10925 - Ignore <records>false</records> for UDTRecords
#10930 - Converter using primitive types fails when used in UDT array in PostgreSQL
#10942 - Wrong SQL generated for IIF() emulation in MySQL
#10945 - Code generator warning message should refer to deprecated <customType/> only if customType configuration is present
#10946 - Compilation error in KotlinGenerator generated code, when OTHER data type columns have a default value
#10948 - Address known issues of Settings.transformTableListsToAnsiJoin
#10950 - Missing data type display in ParserCLI help listing
#10957 - Add missing documentation about throwing of DataDefinitionException in relevant API
#10958 - Unqualified field lookup in ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause doesn't work
#10960 - JPAConverter may cause DataTypeException if it does not detect the proper <T, U> types using reflection
#10965 - Parser should support plural form of DatePart where applicable
#10967 - Parser should ignore TRUNC() call when parsing TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE) or TRUNC(SYSDATE)
#10969 - Ambiguous field identifier when parsing unions with unqualified columns and parseWithMetaLookups
#10971 - Unknown field identifier when parsing ORDER BY clauses referencing field aliases with parseWithMetaLookups
#10973 - Parser cannot parse set operations combining SELECT * with SELECT <column list>
#10975 - Support ARRAY_AGG in H2
#10984 - jOOQ-checker does not work with error prone 2.4.0
#10985 - XMLDatabase does not produce parameters for overloaded routines
#10991 - Wrong SQL generated for INSERT .. SELECT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE emulation using NOT EXISTS
#10993 - <includeSystemCheckConstraints/> fails with missing FROM-clause entry for table "alias_18649163" on PostgreSQL
#10995 - Wrong Oracle style to ANSI JOIN transformation result, depending on predicate order
#11001 - Parser cannot look up column from tables by same name from different schemas
#11004 - Compilation error in KotlinGenerator generated code when enum literals conflict with modifier keywords
#11005 - Wrong SQL generated when outer and correlated subquery share implicit join path
#11012 - Subquery IS [ NOT ] NULL predicate should avoid RVE emulation for degree = 1
#11018 - Kotlin POJO generator produces wrong equals/hashCode for binary types
#11019 - KotlinGenerator should generate equals(other: Any?), not equals(obj: Any?) on pojos
#11026 - Wrong variable binding for boolean values in Oracle and Db2 JSON_OBJECT(), JSON_ARRAY() and others
#11028 - The NAME keyword in XMLELEMENT(NAME <name>) should be optional for the parser
#11029 - Avoid synthetic ORDER BY clause in window functions if not strictly necessary

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