[ANNOUNCMENT] jOOQ 3.7.0 released - Java 8 support, Azure, Redshift, Vertica, PostgreSQL 9.5 support, and much more!

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Lukas Eder

Oct 8, 2015, 8:32:59 AM10/8/15
to jOOQ User Group
Version 3.7.0 - October 8, 2015

jOOQ 3.7 means Java 8
This release is great news for all of you working with Java 8. From jOOQ 3.7
onwards, we officially support Java 8 and its new APIs, including Stream,
Optional, FunctionalInterface, as well as Java 7 features like AutoCloseable,
SafeVarargs, and many more. The newly introduced Stream type is a very suitable
match for a JDBC ResultSet, or a jOOQ Cursor, given that jOOQ already knows all
the type information on individual streaming elements.

The new paradigm that has reached the JDK with Java 8 is functional programming.
SQL and functional programming are a perfect match for data-driven algorithms
that aim for transforming values with functions. We've blogged about this in the

If you're still on an older version of Java, we'll continue supporting Java 6
for our commercial customers, where we offer a Java 6 build and a Java 8 build.

jOOQ 3.7 means even more Big Data: Azure, Redshift, Vertica
SQL is the language of Big Data. When you have billions of rows in your table,
a column store might seem more suitable than a row store ("NewSQL"), and with
SQL, you can optimally query, transform, and aggregate your data. jOOQ fits this
model perfectly!

jOOQ 3.6 added support for SAP HANA. jOOQ 3.7 now also adds support for SQL
Azure, Redshift, and Vertica. With these additions, jOOQ is the best choic for
your Java / Big Data application.

jOOQ 3.7 adds support for PostgreSQL 9.5
PostgreSQL is advancing fast. We've now added support for their next major
release, which includes GROUPING SETS, UPSERT, SKIP LOCKED, ROW UPDATES and many
other features

Other minor improvements
As always, the convenience of the jOOQ API has greatly increased, having added
new overloads for popular methods as well as new access paths to existing

We've also added support for new JOIN types, such as LEFT SEMI JOIN (EXISTS),

Writing PL/SQL? Working with TABLE and OBJECT types has now gotten even simpler,
and we've also added support for Oracle database links.

Features and Improvements
#659 - Add support for SQL Azure
#1206 - Add Table.leftAntiJoin(Table).on(...) and Table.leftSemiJoin(Table).on(...) to simplify usage of [NOT] EXISTS / IN
#1350 - Add support for the VERTICA database
#1364 - Generate toString() on POJOs
#1503 - Emulate INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE in remaining dialects, using INSERT .. SELECT WHERE NOT EXISTS
#1711 - Add <K, V> Map<K, List<V>> ResultQuery.fetchGroups(Class<K>, Class<V>) and many others
#1843 - Add section to the manual showing how to use jOOQ with JPA native query
#2728 - Add support for Amazon Redshift
#2920 - Emulate CROSS APPLY as LATERAL JOIN for PostgreSQL
#3082 - Let generated POJOs reference Java array types, instead of ArrayRecords
#3645 - Let jOOQ require Java 8 - Keep supporting Java 6 in commercial editions
#3772 - Publish manual also in EPUB format
#3783 - Add Field<String> DSL.currentSchema()
#3887 - Support SAP HANA UPSERT
#3955 - Add a flag to DefaultTransactionProvider to disable the support for nested transactions via savepoints
#4006 - Add <T> Field<T[]> array(Field<T>...)
#4016 - Add support for the SQL Standard NTH_VALUE window function
#4113 - Add Field<?>[] { Cursor | Record | RecordType | Result | Row | TableLike | UDT }.fields( { Field<?>... | int... | String... } ) for convenience
#4133 - Add table name to formatJSON(), formatXML() export formats
#4212 - Add LoaderSourceStep.loadRecords(Iterable<? extends Record>)
#4218 - Add LoaderSourceStep.loadArrays(Iterable<? extends Object[]>)
#4222 - Generate a Links.java file containing org.jooq.Link references
#4239 - Add Result.formatCSV(boolean) (and related convenience methods) to avoid header
#4252 - Provide an out-of-the-box mapping between jOOQ's SQLDialect and Spring dialect names
#4253 - Provide an out-of-the-box mapping between jOOQ's SQLDialect and Hibernate dialect names
#4254 - Add support for default routine parameters in PostgreSQL
#4255 - Add the PostgreSQL VOID data type
#4271 - Add implicit ScalaResultQuery type to add additional functionality to ResultQuery for Scala users
#4272 - Add missing <E> E ResultQuery.fetchAny(RecordMapper<? super R, E>)
#4273 - Add implicit ScalaDSLContext type to add additional functionality to DSLContext for Scala users
#4275 - Remove VisitListener's "experimental" disclaimer from Javadocs
#4281 - Add support for MySQL's STRAIGHT_JOIN
#4283 - Plain SQL queries should read the ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() property if it is available, and produce DSL.field(Name) for better disambiguation
#4284 - Add { Cursor | Record | RecordType | Result | Row | TableLike | UDT }.field(Name) to extract qualified fields from a row type
#4299 - Add support for PostgreSQL 9.5
#4304 - Add support for INTERSECT ALL, EXCEPT ALL clauses
#4305 - Add support for the PostgreSQL ROWS FROM () clause
#4307 - Add an example using the Spark Framework
#4312 - Add various fetchOptional() methods
#4336 - Let Cursor and Query extend AutoCloseable
#4337 - Add Stream<R> ResultQuery.stream()
#4338 - Add support for java.time
#4339 - Add DSLContext.fetchStream(...) similar to the existing DSLContext.fetchLazy(...) API
#4340 - Add Cursor.stream()
#4363 - Replace using the term "simulate" by "emulate" in all documentation
#4365 - Document ALTER TABLE .. ADD CONSTRAINT statement in the manual
#4366 - Add on(Boolean), where(Boolean), having(Boolean), etc.
#4379 - Upgrade Scala dependency from 2.10.4 to 2.10.5
#4380 - Make dialect-specific DSL constructors protected to allow further subtyping
#4398 - Add "t" and "f" to org.jooq.tools.Convert's TRUE_VALUES and FALSE_VALUES
#4407 - Moved jOOQ Spring Boot to dedicated configuration class.
#4408 - Document escaping of curly braces in plain SQL templates
#4413 - Explain in the manual why LIMIT .. OFFSET emulation for Oracle uses ROWNUM instead of ROW_NUMBER() OVER()
#4416 - Add a remark to the VisitListener Javadoc that implementors should be wary of performance implications
#4421 - Create sample data for manual sample database
#4422 - Update jOOQ 3.7 manual and use try-with-resources statements instead of explicit close() calls
#4424 - Use ArrayDeque as a stack, internally, instead of java.util.Stack
#4426 - Add <T> T DSLContext.fetchValue(TableField<?, T> field)
#4431 - Add an about file to the deliverable and to the manual, as specified in the transfer of rights agreement
#4432 - Add support for java.time in Convert
#4438 - Add support for CUBRID's { CREATE | DROP } SERIAL statement
#4443 - Add support for DROP { TABLE | VIEW } IF EXISTS in CUBRID
#4450 - Add support for ALTER TABLE MODIFY in CUBRID
#4451 - Add DSLContext.fetchFromCSV(boolean) to allow for fetching header-less CSV data
#4456 - Implement Table.field(x).getDataType().nullable() for tables obtained via org.jooq.Meta
#4458 - Add support for Oracle DB links via Table.at(Link), Table.at(Name), Table.at(String)
#4463 - Add support for passing ROW value expressions to ROLLUP(), CUBE(), and GROUPING SETS()
#4464 - Emulate H2's MERGE statement for PostgreSQL 9.5
#4465 - Add new FieldOrRow type to provide a common super-type for Field<?> and Row
#4470 - Add <springAnnotations/> code generation configuration to generate Spring annotations on select objects
#4475 - Add UpdateSetFirstStep.set(RowN, Select<?>)
#4476 - Issue a warning when Record.field(Field) runs into ambiguous columns
#4479 - DSLContext should implement AutoCloseable, in case it was constructed via DSL.using(String)
#4489 - Upgrade Hibernate dependency in jOOQ-meta-extensions to 5.0
#4502 - Add org.jooq.Results extends List<Result<Record>> and return this type on fetchMany() calls
#4505 - Add Maven plugin skip property
#4508 - Add DSL.condition(Map<Field<?>, ?>) to construct a predicate from a field=>value map
#4511 - Log a warning when a user accidentally sets the fetchSize with autoCommit == true in PostgreSQL
#4515 - Emulate POSITION() with INSTR() in SQLite
#4523 - Add the @ SafeVarargs annotation to all methods taking Field<T>... and similar arguments
#4524 - Add missing DSL.field(String, DataType, QueryPart...) method
#4530 - Add support for boolAnd(Condition), boolAnd(Field<Boolean>), boolOr(Condition), boolOr(Field<Boolean>)
#4535 - Make existing join() a synonym for a new innerJoin() method
#4536 - Make existing { left | right } OuterJoin() a synonym for a new { left | right }Join() method
#4537 - Let GenerationTool accept multiple argument configurations
#4538 - Add Constants.XSD_EXPORT and NS_EXPORT
#4552 - Add DSLContext.connection(ConnectionRunnable)
#4553 - Add @FunctionalInterface annotation to all relevant callback types
#4555 - Ensure batches are sent
#4562 - Do not escape dot in table names during code generation, but use capital case after it
#4565 - Add Optional support to org.jooq.tools.Convert
#4566 - Let ArrayRecord<E> extend List<E>
#4587 - Add Schema ArrayRecord.getSchema()
#4591 - .zip deliverable should contain a project folder inside of the .zip file
#4594 - Add DSLContext.query(SQL) etc
#4597 - Log warning when <forcedType/> doesn't have any matching SQLDataType or <customType/>
#4600 - Add support for plain SQL APIs via Scala string interpolation

Breaking changes
#4326 - CREATE SEQUENCE statement lets sequences start with MIN_VALUE, not 1 in Derby
#4423 - Relax type constraint of DSL.shl() and DSL.shr()
#4459 - Result.formatHTML() doesn't escape HTML content, which might produce XSS vulnerabilities
#4488 - Relax bound on <T> for Table.getIdentity() from <? extends Number> to <?>

Bug Fixes
#2364 - Multi-Result queries may mix ResultSets with update counts. jOOQ doesn't correctly check both in fetchMany()
#2529 - Cannot combine INSERT .. SELECT with INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY .. due to DSL API flaw
#2870 - TableOnStep.onKey() generates wrong join condition when left-hand side contains aliases
#3707 - UDTRecord.toString() doesn't correctly serialise attribute values
#3779 - Cannot combine INSERT ... SELECT with RETURNING
#4162 - Malformed record literal when using PostgreSQL array of user-defined types
#4224 - ORA-00904: "SYS"."ALL_PROCEDURES"."OBJECT_ID": invalid identifier when using the code generator with Oracle 10g
#4225 - ScalaGenerator logs that it generates XXX.java files
#4227 - ScalaGenerator should have its own list of reserved words
#4229 - ScalaGenerator generates unneeded imports
#4235 - JDBCDatabase calls Meta.getPrimaryKeys() for all schemas, not just for input schemas
#4236 - Compilation error in compiled code when column is called "null"
#4240 - JDBCDatabase fetches tables from all schemas, not just from input schemas
#4246 - HANADataType isn't initialised in SQLDataType's static initialiser block
#4248 - daoImplements option in MatcherStrategy not generating an implements statement in DAO class
#4258 - Bad SQL generated for quantified row value expression predicates in Oracle
#4262 - Manual tutorial should import java.sql.*;
#4268 - INSERT .. VALUES clause should be rendered on a new line when rendering formatted SQL
#4269 - No columns generated for PostgreSQL SETOF [ scalar type ]
#4280 - Document MySQL connector's fetchSize behaviour in ResultQuery.fetchSize()
#4286 - Manual SQL vs. jOOQ code example are not equivalent
#4287 - Remove unused import org.jooq.Row in generated records
#4290 - DefaultTransactionProvider should not cache Connection instance
#4291 - Add HANA to manual documentation page about DUAL
#4292 - Wrong emulation of "grand total" GROUP BY () clause in dialects that do not natively support them
#4295 - Common Table Expression declarations don't set the Context.subquery() flag
#4300 - DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS implemented incorrectly in Sybase SQL Anywhere
#4306 - ArrayRecord doesn't correctly implement runtime schema mapping for Oracle
#4308 - SQLSERVER2014 dialect doesn't generate correct LIMIT .. OFFSET clause
#4313 - NullPointerException in code generator when bypassing GenerationTool without initialising all Lists and String[] to empty objects in Database
#4314 - SQL Server UPDATE .. FROM illegally declares aliased tables in UPDATE clause
#4321 - Invalid SQL generated when using nullable data types in Derby CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements
#4324 - DROP SEQUENCE statement has a mandatory RESTRICT keyword in Derby
#4328 - Bad implementation of ALTER TABLE .. ALTER COLUMN .. SET DATA TYPE in Derby
#4331 - REFERENCES .. ON { DELETE | UPDATE } SET DEFAULT is currently not supported by Derby
#4333 - Firebird CREATE TABLE regression when columns are nullable
#4335 - Missing @Support for Firebird for CREATE TABLE statements
#4341 - No Results are fetched from SQL Server procedures that contain update counts
#4344 - MockStatement returns wrong update counts
#4347 - Bad code generated for OBJECT type referencing OBJECT type from different schema
#4348 - Missing documentation for <schemaVersionProvider/>
#4349 - The trial / pro license is accidentally delivered with the Open Source Edition
#4354 - Javadoc warning generated for Result.into(Field<T1>, Field<T2>, ..., Field<TN>)
#4355 - Regression with <schemaVersionProvider/> caused by formatting of @Generated annotation
#4358 - Wrong @Support value for SQLite which doesn't support ALTER TABLE .. DROP, SET, ADD CONSTRAINT, etc.
#4360 - DSL.timestamp() generates wrong output in SQLite
#4367 - Wrong implementation of MergeImpl.andNot(Field<Boolean>) and orNot(Field<Boolean>)
#4372 - UDTRecord is not "attached" when fetched from standalone stored function call
#4381 - No enums generated in MySQL when <forcedType/> contains <types/> matcher
#4385 - Missing @Support annotation in MySQLDSL
#4391 - Example exception translator should only translate SQLException
#4399 - DSLContext.meta().getTables() returns empty fields list for table that are not in the current schema in MySQL
#4406 - Manual refers to bad list of supported RDBMS
#4409 - Bad syntax generated for MySQL's ALTER TABLE .. SET DEFAULT statement
#4412 - Manual section about custom data type binding contains bad link
#4417 - Typo in some plain SQL query part Javadocs
#4428 - DELETE .. RETURNING is unavailable without WHERE
#4430 - Fix routine parameter code generation for types with a binding
#4437 - Row value expression IN predicate fails with empty rows collection
#4440 - fetchMany() doesn't work with CUBRID
#4447 - Empty GROUP BY () clause emulation fails in CUBRID
#4466 - Missing CAST() in DSL.dateAdd() when the whole expression is wrapped in a cast
#4471 - Record.getValue(Field) returns wrong value if ambiguous column names are contained in the record, and the schema name is not present in the argument
#4481 - Missing parentheses when DSL.dateDiff(d1, d2) or timestampDiff(d1, d2) renders "d1 - d2"
#4490 - Record not attached to Configuration yet, when RecordListener.exception() is called.
#4494 - getSQL() method not available in CustomField.bind() as documented in the manual
#4506 - Wrapping condition as field should produce parentheses
#4510 - Manual typo. Local variable does not exist
#4526 - ScalaGenerator generates broken code when using xxxImplements
#4531 - Generated schema and generated Sequences classes import each other, which generates warnings (unused import)
#4540 - Performance of org.jooq.impl.Fields.field(Field) could be improved heavily, if checking for identity first
#4545 - Error generating code for Oracle Package in Oracle 10g
#4547 - Package is not generated when an exception is thrown
#4554 - DSLContext#batch(Query) silently discards queries
#4557 - ExceptionTranslator in spring examples shouldn't use dialect.name() for SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator
#4563 - Incorrect Javadoc on DefaultRecordMapper claims that only public members / methods are considered
#4569 - Manual refers to deprecated DefaultGenerator
#4575 - SQL comments with javadoc terminators break generated code
#4576 - JavaWriter uses regex syntax unsupported in Java <1.8
#4579 - Unnecessary log messages when a PostgreSQL database contains tables with multiple inheritance
#4582 - Ensure that jOOQ internally uses regular expressions that are Java 6 compatible
#4588 - NullPointerException when a TABLE OF OBJECT contains a NULL object
#4592 - Improper Restriction of XML External Entity References ('XXE') in XMLasDOMBinding
#4593 - Improper Resource Shutdown or Release in LoaderImpl
#4614 - Wrong data type reported on org.jooq.Meta by dialect of a family with multiple dialects
#4617 - NullPointerException when calling UniqueKey.getReferences() in MySQL

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