Change front-end location of User-Profile fields?

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Chris Paschen

Jul 7, 2016, 12:19:23 PM7/7/16

This is not so much a 'development' question as a 'configuration' one (although I'm willing to do some overrides or custom plugin if needed to make this work).

We are using the User-Profile plugin to add the Terms of Service and Date of Birth to our registration form. (We are also using other custom profile fields via Easy Profile)

However, we are using a 'tabbed' display of the registration form and those two fields are being displayed on a separate tab of their own (not with the username, name, password, etc.).

Is there any way to 'force' those 2 fields onto the main (details) section/tab?

I know that I could adjust the <fields name= in the xml file if I were creating a custom plugin of my own, but not sure what the 'name' should be to get it on the main area or if that is even possible.

Anyone have any experience (or even a guess) with doing this sort of thing?

Chris Paschen
Paschen Communications, LLC

Chris Paschen, President

Paschen Communications, LLC

p: (651) 204-9218 | e:
m: Box 9207, St. Paul, MN 55109

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