Ippica TV

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Pat Cowgill

Dec 29, 2014, 1:52:51 PM12/29/14
to ippi...@googlegroups.com

I like your apps. Do you read English?
I think your prices are too high. Your downloads are only in thousands. Study marketing and pricing strategies for business and I believe you will make more money by selling to more people at a lower price. I might buy your apps for less than £2 sterling or 3 euros. Your apps are on my wish list but I will not pay your prices. If you follow my advice and make more money with more buyers at a lower price perhaps you will send me some apps free of charge as commission for my VERY GOOD ADVICE. I appreciate that you put a lot of time and effort into development of your apps and deserve a good return financially. But look at other apps developers who sell in the millions compared with you their prices are pennies not pounds. Their business strategy is better than yours. If you don't follow my advice you will soon find that another developer will steal your ideas (not your algorithms) and undercut your prices. I wish you and your apps and ideas and algorithms well. Please email me your comments if you think I'm wrong!

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