When reddit submissions on imgurs frontpage.

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Feb 4, 2015, 9:28:52 AM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
Hi, again.

I am wondering when reddit submission go to the imgur frontpage.
Is it the first X posts from reddits frontpage, or some kind of virality/hotness border ?



Feb 4, 2015, 12:46:32 PM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
It's the latter. We have jobs to determine when Imgur images are going viral on Reddit and subsequently boost them on the front page.


Feb 4, 2015, 12:58:00 PM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the answer.
Do you care to share how do you calculate/get the "virality" ?

I am working on a little script with Undercovergiraffe to notify (registered) imgur user when an reddit submission with the link to their imgur submission reaches imgurs frontpage via reddit.
Hope that strange sentence is understandable.


Feb 4, 2015, 1:41:01 PM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
It's a combination of checking Reddit, FB, G+, and Twitter for the link and how much engagement it has received on the respective platform over a rolling window :)

Hope this sheds more light! Let us know when you finish the bot, we'd love to feature it!!




Feb 4, 2015, 5:26:07 PM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
So, there is now way for me to detect if a reddit submission (with imgur hosted image) went to the imgur frontpage ?

The reason for this is:
Quote from "undercovergiraffe"
If a Redditor reposts an imgur link (using the same image URL) and gets it to the front page, then the imgur post will go straight to imgurs front page BUT ONLY if the imgurian deletes his post from the gallery first.
So if a user could know if the image went to the imgur frontpage, that could be interesting.

FYI, and everyone else, here the script i am talking about.
It needs error handling, but it is currently working and in alpha test: https://github.com/SleepProgger/rirn


Feb 4, 2015, 7:51:31 PM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
What you could do is scan the first few gallery pages from the API, check for a null `account_id` field (for when the image is scraped from Reddit) and then match it with the Reddit post by comparing permalinks? That approach might work!


Feb 4, 2015, 7:54:58 PM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
Hmm, yeah, i could do this. In fact i already collect this information with the RepostStatistics bot.

Thank you again for your feedback.
It helped a lot

And now to something completely different: There is a typo in the title of https://api.imgur.com/oauth2#auth_response.


Feb 4, 2015, 7:55:57 PM2/4/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
No problem! and LOL I'll fix this asap, thanks for letting me know!


Feb 5, 2015, 6:20:51 PM2/5/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
Me (with enough coffee) again.
Maybe i missed something, but which permalink ?
Also isn't the account_field == null if the submission was anonymous, too ?

Somehow i am stuck.


Feb 6, 2015, 6:11:51 PM2/6/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
Was referring to the permalink to reddit on the corresponding post page (example)

The account field is only null in the case of a Reddit submission, otherwise you must be logged in to natively share on Imgur!


Feb 7, 2015, 11:21:46 AM2/7/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
Hmm, i don't get the source link via the api, or do i ?
Otherwise i could parse the imgur page output, but if there is any another way i would gratefully take it,

As always, grateful for your help


Feb 9, 2015, 1:12:49 PM2/9/15
to im...@googlegroups.com
Currently, we don't have the reddit source link exposed via the API (I've made a ticket for this and will try to get to it soon!)

But yes, you could parse the Imgur page to fetch the Reddit link in the short term :)


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