Cannot find feature or locus for bed peak names

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Tunc Morova

Jun 14, 2017, 4:56:54 AM6/14/17
to igv-help

I have read previous "cannot find feature" posts and couldnt find the answer of my solution.

When I search my peaks based on their peak name I get in consistent behaviour. To sum up I have 3, 1 Gb bed files. In order to use them more efficiently, I sort, bgzip and tabix -p bed them ( creates 250 mb bgzipped files). After I drag and drop to IGV. I see all the peak names without any problem but when I search peak names I came across with the cannot find feature error.

I dont think the problem is related with the bgzip and tabix because for a smaller file I followed the same methodology and successfully called those peaks by their names. I am using IGV 2.3.94 (152) and at that time I downloaded 10 gb ram version.

I dont think it is a big problem but it is bugging me. I want to call my peaks based on their names for validaiton or simple querries. 

Thank you very much,



Tunc Morova

Jun 14, 2017, 6:16:59 AM6/14/17
to igv-help
I apologise about not posting the log file and operation system.

I use MacOSX yosomite 10.10.5

James Robinson

Jun 14, 2017, 10:32:13 AM6/14/17
to igv-help
Hi, searching by feature name is not supported for indexed files.   Search by feature name only works for features that have actually been loaded,  when using an index file only a small portion of the file is loaded at any given time.   That's the purpose of indexing.    


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