Tiles (CSS Sprite) - some icons overlap in single column sprite sheet (sprite.svg)

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Mar 13, 2017, 12:31:42 PM3/13/17
to IcoMoon
When I create a single column sprite sheet using Tiles (CSS Sprite) the resulting files has random overlapping icons. When I look at the resulting the files, the y coordinate is actually the same for a couple of different icons:

<svg id="icon-money" width="19" height="16" viewBox="0 0 19 16" x="0" y="1368">

<svg id="icon-police" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" x="0" y="1368">

What am I doing wrong?



Mar 13, 2017, 1:27:46 PM3/13/17
to IcoMoon
Could you please your project file? That would help reproduce the problem.


Mar 13, 2017, 1:43:25 PM3/13/17
to IcoMoon
Below is the selection.json file if that's what you mean. As a test I just picked the first 20 icomoon free icons and put them into a single column sprite sheet (sprite.svg) and two of them overlap.

Thanks for your help.

"IcoMoonType": "selection",
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"M615.384 135.384l-263.384 21.95c-17.5 2.166-32.080 5.898-37.090 28.752-0.006 0.024-0.012 0.042-0.018 0.066-71.422 343.070-314.892 677.848-314.892 677.848l57.374 57.374 271.986-271.99c-5.996-12.53-9.36-26.564-9.36-41.384 0-53.020 42.98-96 96-96s96 42.98 96 96-42.98 96-96 96c-14.82 0-28.852-3.364-41.384-9.36l-271.988 271.986 57.372 57.374c0 0 334.778-243.47 677.848-314.892 0.024-0.006 0.042-0.012 0.066-0.018 22.854-5.010 26.586-19.59 28.752-37.090l21.95-263.384-273.232-273.232z"
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"M480 384l-64 64-224 64-192 416 25.374 25.374 232.804-232.804c-1.412-5.286-2.178-10.84-2.178-16.57 0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64-28.654 64-64 64c-5.732 0-11.282-0.764-16.568-2.178l-232.804 232.804 25.372 25.374 416-192 64-224 64-64-160-160z"
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"M864.626 473.162c-65.754-183.44-205.11-348.15-352.626-473.162-147.516 125.012-286.87 289.722-352.626 473.162-40.664 113.436-44.682 236.562 12.584 345.4 65.846 125.14 198.632 205.438 340.042 205.438s274.196-80.298 340.040-205.44c57.27-108.838 53.25-231.962 12.586-345.398zM738.764 758.956c-43.802 83.252-132.812 137.044-226.764 137.044-55.12 0-108.524-18.536-152.112-50.652 13.242 1.724 26.632 2.652 40.112 2.652 117.426 0 228.668-67.214 283.402-171.242 44.878-85.292 40.978-173.848 23.882-244.338 14.558 28.15 26.906 56.198 36.848 83.932 22.606 63.062 40.024 156.34-5.368 242.604z"
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"M959.884 128c0.040 0.034 0.082 0.076 0.116 0.116v767.77c-0.034 0.040-0.076 0.082-0.116 0.116h-895.77c-0.040-0.034-0.082-0.076-0.114-0.116v-767.772c0.034-0.040 0.076-0.082 0.114-0.114h895.77zM960 64h-896c-35.2 0-64 28.8-64 64v768c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h896c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64v-768c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64v0z",
"M832 288c0 53.020-42.98 96-96 96s-96-42.98-96-96 42.98-96 96-96 96 42.98 96 96z",
"M896 832h-768v-128l224-384 256 320h64l224-192z"
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"M1088 128h-64v-64c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64h-896c-35.2 0-64 28.8-64 64v768c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h64v64c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h896c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64v-768c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64zM128 192v640h-63.886c-0.040-0.034-0.082-0.076-0.114-0.116v-767.77c0.034-0.040 0.076-0.082 0.114-0.114h895.77c0.040 0.034 0.082 0.076 0.116 0.116v63.884h-768c-35.2 0-64 28.8-64 64v0zM1088 959.884c-0.034 0.040-0.076 0.082-0.116 0.116h-895.77c-0.040-0.034-0.082-0.076-0.114-0.116v-767.77c0.034-0.040 0.076-0.082 0.114-0.114h895.77c0.040 0.034 0.082 0.076 0.116 0.116v767.768z",
"M960 352c0 53.020-42.98 96-96 96s-96-42.98-96-96 42.98-96 96-96 96 42.98 96 96z",
"M1024 896h-768v-128l224-384 256 320h64l224-192z"
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"M304 608c0 114.876 93.124 208 208 208s208-93.124 208-208-93.124-208-208-208-208 93.124-208 208zM960 256h-224c-16-64-32-128-96-128h-256c-64 0-80 64-96 128h-224c-35.2 0-64 28.8-64 64v576c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h896c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64v-576c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64zM512 892c-156.85 0-284-127.148-284-284 0-156.85 127.15-284 284-284 156.852 0 284 127.15 284 284 0 156.852-127.146 284-284 284zM960 448h-128v-64h128v64z"
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"paths": [
"M288 576h-64v448h64c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32v-384c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32z",
"M736 576c-17.602 0-32 14.4-32 32v384c0 17.6 14.398 32 32 32h64v-448h-64z",
"M1024 512c0-282.77-229.23-512-512-512s-512 229.23-512 512c0 61.412 10.83 120.29 30.656 174.848-19.478 33.206-30.656 71.87-30.656 113.152 0 112.846 83.448 206.188 192 221.716v-443.418c-31.914 4.566-61.664 15.842-87.754 32.378-5.392-26.718-8.246-54.364-8.246-82.676 0-229.75 186.25-416 416-416s416 186.25 416 416c0 28.314-2.83 55.968-8.22 82.696-26.1-16.546-55.854-27.848-87.78-32.418v443.44c108.548-15.532 192-108.874 192-221.714 0-41.274-11.178-79.934-30.648-113.138 19.828-54.566 30.648-113.452 30.648-174.866z"
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"M981.188 160.108c-143.632-20.65-302.332-32.108-469.186-32.108-166.86 0-325.556 11.458-469.194 32.108-27.53 107.726-42.808 226.75-42.808 351.892 0 125.14 15.278 244.166 42.808 351.89 143.638 20.652 302.336 32.11 469.194 32.11 166.854 0 325.552-11.458 469.186-32.11 27.532-107.724 42.812-226.75 42.812-351.89 0-125.142-15.28-244.166-42.812-351.892zM384.002 704v-384l320 192-320 192z"
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"M0 128v768h1024v-768h-1024zM192 832h-128v-128h128v128zM192 576h-128v-128h128v128zM192 320h-128v-128h128v128zM768 832h-512v-640h512v640zM960 832h-128v-128h128v128zM960 576h-128v-128h128v128zM960 320h-128v-128h128v128zM384 320v384l256-192z"
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"grid": 16,
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"properties": {
"ligatures": "film, video2",
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"setId": 1,
"iconIdx": 19
"height": 1024,
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Mar 13, 2017, 1:45:43 PM3/13/17
to IcoMoon
Thank you. I was able to reproduce the issue. Will get back to you when there's a fix.


Mar 13, 2017, 8:15:51 PM3/13/17
to IcoMoon
This issue has been fixed now. Thank you for reporting it. Please refresh the app and try again.


Mar 14, 2017, 10:15:24 AM3/14/17
to IcoMoon
Thank you! It seems to be working perfectly.
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