Icaatom Languages & Google search results

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Dec 12, 2012, 3:41:45 PM12/12/12
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
We have activated only 2 languages (English & French) for the Menu, when we are browsing within the ICAAtoM we are fine. 
The problem is when we do some search for our collection in google and the google search results leads us to other languages. The URLs from google search has "sf_culture=" values like "nl", "pt" etc..

Hpw to stop ICAAtoM from generating these URLs for non English or French languages?

Example :
In Google, search for "department of biochemistry and medical genetics correspondence and reports"
 and look for the links starting with "http://nanna.lib.umanitoba.ca", it should be the second or third in the search results, but it may differ from your location.

URL from google search:
This URL will lead to a page in which all the Static content are in Dutch language, which we have not activated.

But when you do the same search with out ICAAtoM instance we are fine, it is all in English.

Thanks is advance for your help


JBushey, ICA-AtoM Product Manager

Dec 17, 2012, 3:36:39 PM12/17/12
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com, mull...@gmail.com
Dear Mullai,

That is very odd. I did as you instructed and had the same results in Dutch. I also tried to do more random tests, but could not duplicate the language error. Would you be able to send me the EAD export for the specific description that is defaulting to Dutch through google search? You can send it to: jes...@artefactual.com. Maybe there is something in this particular file that explains what is going on. I will also alert our developers and see if they have any ideas.

Jessica Bushey

Tim Hutchinson

Dec 18, 2012, 10:25:32 AM12/18/12
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mullai,

Is it possible that these pages got indexed before you disabled those languages? Dutch and Portuguese both seem to be enabled by default. (Similarly, we have seen google results for the XML views of descriptions, since the links are there to follow.) Since the pages still exist, they wouldn't disappear from Google's index. One option might be to use mod_rewrite or something to redirect those pages.

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Tim Hutchinson
University of Saskatchewan Archives
301 Main Library, 3 Campus Dr.
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A4
(306) 966-6028
e-mail: tim.hut...@usask.ca

Jesús García Crespo

Jan 16, 2013, 4:18:07 PM1/16/13
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mullai,

I think that Tim is right. If the problem persists you could try to solve in different ways. I believe that you could do that using mod_rewrite, with some specific rules looking at the sf_culture query parameters. If the rule matches, you can redirect the request with a 301 code, that would do the trick and Google should update its index after the next visit.

Also, you could try to do the same using Symfony, maybe using its routing system or maybe a filter. Unfortunately, that would require some custom development although I could provide you with some more details if you need them.

You may also find useful the Google Webmaster Tools, but I don't think it can solve your problem.

Let us know if you find a solution.


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Jesús García Crespo
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