Need guidance on values for "httpVersion" for newer protocols

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Aug 8, 2016, 10:08:42 AM8/8/16
to HTTP Archive Specification
I am looking for guidance on what we should be placing in "httpVersion" when dealing with non HTTP/1.x protocols.

I would like to create a base that many of the major vendors will follow. Right now chrome only knows how to handle HTTP/1.x and everything else is sent as "unknown".

My suggestions are:

"h2" - HTTP2 over TLS
"h2c" - HTTP2 over TCP
"HTTP/1.1" - HTTP/1.1
"HTTP/1.0" - HTTP/1.0
"HTTP/0.9" - HTTP/0.9
"spdy" - SPDY all versions
"quic" - QUIC all versions

Since both spdy and http/0.9 are on their way out I am not concerned about those, however quic and more importantly h2/h2c I think we should define. I suggest we do not supply version numbers of any sort for non-fully-standardized protocols (ie: quic/spdy) as they may change before major adoption.

Right now I believe Firefox outputs it's "HTTP/2.0" for HTTP2 (not sure if all http2 or just HTTP2 over TLS).

Would love some discussion on this before I change chrome's behavior on this.

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