[ANN] hledger 1.0

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Simon Michael

Oct 30, 2016, 1:05:06 PM10/30/16
to hledger, haskell-cafe
Attention, attention hledger-folk! Once again, Happy Hallowe'en.

After almost ten years of steady development, and one year since
our last major release, I am very pleased to announce..

  _     _          _                   _   ___    _ 
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hledger's 1.0 release! It's about time!

hledger (http://hledger.org) is a cross-platform program for tracking
money, time, or any other commodity using double-entry accounting
and a simple plain text file format.
Inspired by Ledger CLI, hledger provides command-line, curses
and web interfaces, and aims to be a reliable, practical tool
for daily use.

Notable changes since 0.27:

- the hledger.org website is simpler, clearer, and more mobile-friendly

- docs have been reorganized, with more focussed manuals available in
  multiple versions, formats and as built-in help

- we support the latest GHC (8 and 7.10), stackage snapshots, and
  libs.  (GHC 7.8 and 7.6 support are not currently supported,
  maintainers welcome.)

- hledger has migrated from parsec to megaparsec and from String to
  Text, parsers have been simplified, memory usage is ~30% less on
  large files, speed is slightly improved all around

- --pivot (group by arbitrary tag instead of account) and --anon
  (obfuscate account names) are now supported

- hledger-ui has acquired many new features making it more useful
  (file editing, filtering, historical/period modes, quick period

- hledger-web is more robust and more mobile-friendly

- hledger-api, a simple web API server, has been added

- a new "timedot" file format allows retroactive/approximate time

- the project continues to grow. A call for help was sent out last
  month, and contributor activity is increasing

- a new website, http://plaintextaccounting.org, has been created as a
  portal and knowledge base for hledger, Ledger, beancount and related
  tools and practices.

How to install:

$ stack install --resolver=nightly hledger [hledger-ui] [hledger-web] [hledger-api]
$ ~/.local/bin/hledger --version

or see http://hledger.org/download for more install options,
including cabal, OS packages and Windows binaries.

Contributors to this release:

Simon Michael, Dominik Süß, Thomas R. Koll, Moritz Kiefer,
jungle-boogie, Sergei Trofimovich, Malte Brandy, Sam Doshi,
Mitchell Rosen, Hans-Peter Deifel, Brian Scott, and Andrew Jones.

How to get and give help:

I hope you enjoy these tools and that they help you achieve your goals.
The hledger project is by now too large for one person to do it justice, 
so it's great to see our contributor community growing.  If you like
hledger, your support and participation is welcome! Our IRC channel is 
#hledger on Freenode, and you can find out more at http://hledger.org.


André Fincato

Nov 3, 2016, 6:55:59 PM11/3/16
to hledger, haskel...@haskell.org
This is really great news!

I tried to install it using stack but I got this error:
- Directory not found: [hledger-ui]
- Directory not found: [hledger-web]
- Directory not found: [hledger-api] 

I tried to check if on homebrew there was the new version but... not yet?

Simon Michael

Nov 3, 2016, 7:51:46 PM11/3/16
to hle...@googlegroups.com
Hi André,

which path are you following at http://hledger.org/download.html ? And/or which commands are you running ?

> On Nov 3, 2016, at 3:55 PM, André Fincato <a.fi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is really great news!
> I tried to install it using stack but I got this error:
> ```
> - Directory not found: [hledger-ui]
> - Directory not found: [hledger-web]
> - Directory not found: [hledger-api]
> ```
> I tried to check if on homebrew there was the new version but... not yet?

grepinsight has updated the homebrew recipe to hledger 1.0.1. Perhaps someone can help with adding hledger-ui/web/api to the homebrew recipe, cf https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/426 .
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