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Hilly - aka Lyin' witch-bitch...

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Dec 29, 2015, 7:19:01 PM12/29/15
Here ya go Jimmy...

1. Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.

2. She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In true Brian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary's account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H-type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on video walking across the Bosnian tarmac... smiling and greeting well-wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?

3. She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one's just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn't actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) until Hillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary's mom was lying about her namesake Hillary's entire life, or she waited until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again.

4. Her family was dead broke when they left the White House. They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton's presidency. I guess when you're used to the taxpayers' billions funding your vacations, private airfare, and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few million could be a rough adjustment, huh?

5. She claims to have been instrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process. Except those who actually were at the negotiating table say Hillary was nowhere to be seen...

6. She's just like you. No, really. Because every woman in America has one child who's always attended private schools, was married to a president, had a personal chef, flies in an environment-polluting personal jet, and makes about $200K for every speaking engagement. Duh.

7. Benghazi - it was a disgusting video! The worst of the worst. We know for a fact, based on State Department documents, that not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack which had absolutely nothing to do with a YouTube video. Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she failed to act in response to the attack, and four American lives were lost in the conflict.

8. and just last week she lied about ISIS using Turmp videos to recruit...this was proven a lie the next day...

James Warren

Dec 29, 2015, 8:05:40 PM12/29/15
And what about her policies? What about Bernie's policies?

I don't follow Hillary so I can't address her character.
Which is more important, her peccadilloes or her policies?



Dec 29, 2015, 8:34:28 PM12/29/15
she's a pathological liar...he "policies" are meaningless....more lies...

Bernie a proud Communist...that's his ONLY policy...

James Warren

Dec 29, 2015, 9:11:05 PM12/29/15
But what are they? Why are they meaningless?

> Bernie a proud Communist...that's his ONLY policy...

That is not a policy; that is a political slant.



Dec 29, 2015, 11:09:59 PM12/29/15
well she changes her mind on her "policies" about 3 times a I guess YOU will have to check them on that particular day...have at er...

James Warren

Dec 29, 2015, 11:15:27 PM12/29/15
Why don't you mention some of those policies and offer your criticism of them.
Since you are clearly very antagonistic towards her, it ought to be very easy for you.


Ronnie Rodent

Dec 30, 2015, 5:54:14 AM12/30/15
Jack <> wrote:
> Here ya go Jimmy...
> 1. Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11.
> Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this
> horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely
> in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.
> 2. She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In true Brian Williams-esque
> form, to listen to Hillary's account, she was ducking and running in a
> dramatic M*A*S*H-type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality,
> she and Chelsea can be seen on video walking across the Bosnian tarmac...
> smiling and greeting well-wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember
> deadly sniper fire, right?
> 3. She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to
> climb Mt. Everest. This one's just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn't
> actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child
> after) until Hillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary's
> mom was lying about her namesake Hillary's entire life, or she waited
> until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again.

I won't even bother to check your other "facts".

> 4. Her family was dead broke when they left the White House. They only
> made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton's presidency. I guess when
> you're used to the taxpayers' billions funding your vacations, private
> airfare, and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few million could
> be a rough adjustment, huh?

Guess all the Ex Prez's have the same problem....... How did W make out
after his 8 years like treatment?


Dec 30, 2015, 1:16:34 PM12/30/15
are you crippled?? Get someone to show you how to use Google..fuck you leftists are lazy...

James Warren

Dec 30, 2015, 1:21:41 PM12/30/15
It looks like you are even lazier. You say her policies are meaningless and change frequently
but you can't give us any examples to illustrate your point. To have any credibility this is
a minimum requirement. Otherwise, we can conclude that you don't know what you're talking about.



Dec 30, 2015, 4:03:30 PM12/30/15
you can conclude whatever the fuck you like..hows that "conclusion" about AGW working out ?? lol

James Warren

Dec 30, 2015, 4:58:13 PM12/30/15
Quite well, thanks.

We have no need to question your thinking abilities. You have none as is quite evident here.

You are proving yourself to be just a yes-man, a sidekick to your RWA goon idols.
It's not pretty, Jack. It's embarrassing for you Jack. And you're doing it in public
too. So sad. And to think you used to be a cop. Amazing! Hopefully this low standard
isn't typical of all cops.



Dec 30, 2015, 5:37:02 PM12/30/15
Who is "we" ?? Do you have an imaginary friend in your pocket??
> You are proving yourself to be just a yes-man, a sidekick to your RWA goon idols.
> It's not pretty, Jack. It's embarrassing for you Jack. And you're doing it in public
> too. So sad. And to think you used to be a cop. Amazing! Hopefully this low standard
> isn't typical of all cops.
> --
> -jw

read em and weep you gullible fool..

James Warren

Dec 30, 2015, 6:35:47 PM12/30/15
Lame Jack. You only confirm my claim.

>> You are proving yourself to be just a yes-man, a sidekick to your RWA goon idols.
>> It's not pretty, Jack. It's embarrassing for you Jack. And you're doing it in public
>> too. So sad. And to think you used to be a cop. Amazing! Hopefully this low standard
>> isn't typical of all cops.
>> --
>> -jw
> read em and weep you gullible fool..

It didn't happen Jack.



Dec 30, 2015, 8:30:31 PM12/30/15
yeah it did Jimmy, and continues to...but keep drinking the kool aid Bro


Dec 30, 2015, 8:31:45 PM12/30/15
and the lies continue...

James Warren

Dec 30, 2015, 8:51:25 PM12/30/15
Yeah, it's a tough choice: a physics journal or the daily caller.


James Warren

Dec 30, 2015, 8:54:50 PM12/30/15
What do you think this proves? I see scientists trying to understand their data and generating
hypotheses for a colleague to critique.


James Warren

Dec 30, 2015, 9:00:45 PM12/30/15
Oh yes, what does this have to do with Hillary and Bernie's policies? You still haven't mentioned
or critiqued even a single policy. Why is that?



Dec 31, 2015, 9:56:48 AM12/31/15
so Jimmy...tell me...prior to 100 years ago, has the climate ever changed???


Dec 31, 2015, 9:57:43 AM12/31/15
what it proves is they don't know what the fuck they are talking about...the evidence doesn't support their panic...

James Warren

Dec 31, 2015, 10:37:28 AM12/31/15
Yes it has. What is your point?

This time most of the change is attributed to humans putting CO2 into the
atmosphere. This has happened in the past due to volcanism. Today, it is
mostly man made.


James Warren

Dec 31, 2015, 10:41:07 AM12/31/15
The evidence supports mostly man made climate change.

Science is not dogma. It is a process of continually finding out about the world and
continually refining methods. Climate data is very noisy. It requires some fancy methods
to extract the signal. Also, the ocean-atmosphere system is very complex. We continue to
learn as we go.


James Warren

Dec 31, 2015, 10:44:52 AM12/31/15
Oh, I forgot, when are you going to mention and critique a few policies of Hillary and Bernie?
Surely, as a political junkie, you know much more about this than climate change, which is nothing.

To reject what you don't understand is the ultimate expression of ignorance.



Dec 31, 2015, 11:46:31 AM12/31/15
so you say...where's the evidence ?? (besides dis-proven computer models)

James Warren

Dec 31, 2015, 12:00:40 PM12/31/15
The evidence is in 30000+ articles in peer reviewed science journals.

When are you going to mention and critique a few policies of Hillary
and Bernie? Surely you're capable of that.



Dec 31, 2015, 10:53:26 PM12/31/15
as I previously said, look them up yourself..are you deaf or stupid..or both ??

James Warren

Dec 31, 2015, 11:10:01 PM12/31/15
I could look them up but then I would not have your critique of them. That is
what I want. I want to know what you don't like about them point for point.
I don't think you can do it.



Jan 1, 2016, 9:49:05 AM1/1/16
you "could" ?? I don't believe you're smart enough to find em, being a gullible fool and all..however, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, on short leash...Post will be destroying those two leftists clowns, and you as well ;)

James Warren

Jan 1, 2016, 12:04:40 PM1/1/16
The onus is on you Jack. You started this thread with no data. It is your
job to mention those policies you disagree with and state your reasons why.
You can dodge all yoy want but it just shows your ignorance of the issues.

If it really so easy as you claim then there is no reason for you to evade
and evade and ....



Jan 1, 2016, 4:06:09 PM1/1/16
do you have "assistants" doing your work for you Jimmy ?? A lazy left-wing, gullible fuck like you would need them ;)

James Warren

Jan 1, 2016, 6:40:43 PM1/1/16
Still evading. You appear to be clueless.

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