[Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

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Steve Horne

Jan 23, 2012, 11:10:14 PM1/23/12
to Haskell Cafe Mailing List
There's a proposal at the moment to add support for TDNR to Haskell - to leverage "the power of the dot" (e.g. for intellisense).


I approve of the goal, but I'd like to suggest a different approach.

My basic idea is stolen from Bertrand Meyer (Object-Oriented Software Construction, second edition). Basically, a class *is* both a module and a type. Quote...

  Classes as modules

  Object orientation is primarily an architectural technique: its major effect is on the
  modular structure of software systems.

  The key role here is again played by classes. A class describes not just a type of
  objects but also a modular unit. In a pure object-oriented approach:

           Classes should be the only modules.

By the logic of equivalence relations, we can conclude that a type *is* a module. Only I'd adapt that a little. In C++, the following operators can all be used to access the "module" for some type or value...

  • ::   Scope resolution
  • .    Member dereference
  • ->   Member dereference via a pointer
  • .*   Member-pointer dereference
  • ->*  Member-pointer dereference via a pointer
In C++, a type and an instance each have their own modules. A (smart) pointer has its own module, separate from the module for the type it points to. And member-pointers exist because sometimes there's a need to reference a member without knowing or (yet) caring which instance.

We already have member pointers - the functions that map an instance to the field value. It would make some sense if these could be placed in a module associated with the type (not the instance).

When an instance is created of a type, that can effectively (without run-time overhead) create a new module associated with the new instance. This will contain the same field-access functions, but with the instance parameter already curried in.

So there's no real need for any new meaning of the . operator - it's just access to names within a module. And there's no need for a new mechanism for accessing fields - only for a way to place them in that module scope, and a little sugar that gives us the same field-access function but with the instance parameter already curried in.

Once we have these modules containing compiler-generated field-access functions, though, it makes some sense to allow additional functions (and perhaps types) to be added within that types module explicitly by the programmer. It may also make sense to allow functions to be explicitly defined which will be added to the instance-modules and support the prefix-instance-parameter sugar.

Finally, as with C++, when dealing with IORef and similar, it make make sense to have a separate -> operator (spelled differently, of course). Or it could use the standard dot. C++ and D disagree in this (in C++, the smart pointer has its own module separate from the pointed-at instance - in D, there is no -> or equivalent).

As an aside, Ada has already gone through a related transition. The original Ada 83 had variant records, but no "true classes". In Ada 95, "tagged types" were added which were like variant records, but which supported inheritance and run-time dispatch. The discriminant is replaced by a "tag" which is presumably implemented as a virtual table pointer. However, functions and procedures weren't members. The typical call of a "method" would be...

    packagename.procedure_name ( instance_arg, other_args );

Ada 2005 added some workarounds to allow conventional OOP call notation. See section 1.3 of the Ada 2005 rationale for details. However, it all feels a bit kludgy. In particular, the procedures and functions still aren't members - there are just some special rules for when they can be used as if they were. I've not actually used Ada 2005, but I'd bet some confusion can result from that.

Personally, I think Meyer was at least partly right - if types (and instances) are modules, the kludge-factor is much lower. C++ actually doesn't get this quite right IMO (you can access static class members through the instance objects, for example, not just through the classes), but C++ classes *do* act mostly like modules and that is a very useful trait - particularly within the declarative sublanguage (templates etc).


Jan 26, 2012, 11:53:46 PM1/26/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Steve Horne <sh006d3592 <at> blueyonder.co.uk> writes:

> There's a proposal at the moment to add support for TDNR to Haskell
> - to leverage "the power of the dot" (e.g. for

> I approve of the goal, ...

Steve, I think that proposal has been rather superseeded by
http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records/OverloadedRecordFields, which
draws on TDNR. But SORF is best seen as an evolving design space, with precise
details yet to be clarified/agreed. I've put my own variation into the ring:
December/021298.html -- which seems to have fallen into a black hole :-(

One of the aspects of TDNR that wasn't so popular was that its type-directed
resolution was very similar to instance resolution, but subtly and confusingly

I guess we have to be very careful about the dot. It seems to be in a
very 'crowded' syntax space, so if we implement the wrong way, we could end up
shutting the door with the keys left inside.

SPJ's observations about how the dot works in other languages are all good
points. He's arguing that the dot should behave in a familiar way. I'm most
used to it in SQL as table.column, but I guess for most programmers it's
object.method. Haskell is already encumbered by Module.name, and g . f
(function composition with spaces round the dot).

I like the part in OverloadedRecordFields (and TDNR) re user-defined 'virtual'
fields. (fullName being a concatenation of the datatype fields firstName and
lastName, area being a calculation over a Shape datatype.) But the point about
those being virtual is that they're not first-class fields: you can't update
through them. SPJ got 'stuck' at that point.

My proposal was that restricting the dot to field selection wasted too much of
the design space. Instead dot should be merely syntactic sugar for reverse
function application. That is:
whatever.funcmethod ==> (funcmethod whatever)
(Note no spaces around the dot. This is syntactically distinct from qualified
names because the name to the left of the dot begins lower-case.)

Then funcmethod can be a 'real' field selector, or a virtual field or a class
method or some other function completely.

So to get to name resolution: since dot is (reverse) function application, we
can use all the usual Haskell type inference/instance selection 'for free'.
Either/both `whatever' and `funcmethod' could be arguments passed through from
a distant call, which turned out to be a record type and field selector (not
recognisable as such from its name). So we'd get polymorphic record and field
selection 'for free'.

I'd also like to be able to mix the dot with qualified names:
A.b.(C.D.e.f).G.h ==> (G.h ((f C.D.e) A.b))
The syntax rule is: an upper-case name to the left of the dot means this is a
qualified name, and binds most tightly. lower-case to the left means reverse-
function applic. Of course you can use parentheses to group differently.

(Re a one-sided dot I have no intuitions. TDNR includes some options for
partial application/sections, SORF some more. They seem to me what Wirth would
call 'rococo'. If dot is to be merely function application, it hardly seems
worth worrying about.)

How do we get field names to be suitable funcmethods for dot applying to
records? And how do we support field update? ==> Subjects for a different post.

There's also an elephant in the room I haven't talked about: TDNR started with
what happens inside an IDE when you type `x.' and all the possible methods (or
fields) for x pop up. This follows the philosophy in OO of focus on the
object -> look for the action. (Same thinking as right-click in GUI's.
Contrast old-style 'green screen' applications where you went down a menu tree
first (action), then looked for your object.)

If the dot is merely function application, then what follows the dot could
be 'anything' (including very generic functions like show or return). I plain
don't know if IDE's can be smart enough to spot that what's to the left of the
dot is a datatype and offer its fields, or get from its type to its instances
to their methods. (Actually, under my proposal, datatype to fields is exactly
datatype to Has instance.) (How) could it tell what are more-specific or more-
generic methods?

> My basic idea is stolen from Bertrand Meyer (Object-Oriented
> Software Construction, second edition). Basically, a class *is* both

> a module and a type. ...

1) Are you sure that C++ classes/instances/methods are comparable enough to
Haskell's? This is a very confusing area of terminology for object-oriented
cp. functional languages.

2) Have you looked at GHC 7.4.1 innovations around classes-as-types and
Constraint kinds?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Paul R

Jan 28, 2012, 8:00:27 AM1/28/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

AntC> Steve, I think that proposal has been rather superseeded by
AntC> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records/OverloadedRecordFields, which
AntC> draws on TDNR. But SORF is best seen as an evolving design space, with precise
AntC> details yet to be clarified/agreed. I've put my own variation into the ring:
AntC> http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/glasgow-haskell-users/2011-
AntC> December/021298.html -- which seems to have fallen into a black hole :-(

AntC> One of the aspects of TDNR that wasn't so popular was that its type-directed
AntC> resolution was very similar to instance resolution, but subtly and confusingly
AntC> different.

AntC> I guess we have to be very careful about the dot. It seems to be in a
AntC> very 'crowded' syntax space, so if we implement the wrong way, we could end up
AntC> shutting the door with the keys left inside.

AntC> (...)

All this dot syntax magic frankly frightens me. Haskell, as a pure
functionnal language, requires (and allows !) a programming style that
just does not mix well with object oriented practices. Stretching the
syntax to have the dot feel a-bit-but-not-really like object oriented
programming, mainly to have IDE autocompletion on some cases, does not
make much sens.

If the editor matters - and it probably does -, we could rather take
a more ambitious path, and work on a real semantic editor, as opposed to
a plain left-to-right text editor, with hacked semantic goodies to
alleviate the pain.

Indeed, very often in haskell, we just don't think code left to right,
or top to bottom. Emacs ability to move point quickly certainly helps,
but I'd surely welcome a drastic switch, to something allowing us to
work directly on type-checked syntax trees.


Steve Horne

Jan 29, 2012, 11:23:25 PM1/29/12
to Paul R, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
On 28/01/2012 13:00, Paul R wrote:
> AntC> Steve, I think that proposal has been rather superseeded by
> AntC> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records/OverloadedRecordFields, which
> AntC> draws on TDNR. But SORF is best seen as an evolving design space, with precise
> AntC> details yet to be clarified/agreed. I've put my own variation into the ring:
> AntC> http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/glasgow-haskell-users/2011-
> AntC> December/021298.html -- which seems to have fallen into a black hole :-(
> AntC> One of the aspects of TDNR that wasn't so popular was that its type-directed
> AntC> resolution was very similar to instance resolution, but subtly and confusingly
> AntC> different.
> AntC> I guess we have to be very careful about the dot. It seems to be in a
> AntC> very 'crowded' syntax space, so if we implement the wrong way, we could end up
> AntC> shutting the door with the keys left inside.
> AntC> (...)
> All this dot syntax magic frankly frightens me. Haskell, as a pure
> functionnal language, requires (and allows !) a programming style that
> just does not mix well with object oriented practices. Stretching the
> syntax to have the dot feel a-bit-but-not-really like object oriented
> programming, mainly to have IDE autocompletion on some cases, does not
> make much sens.
That's a benefit of my idea. Modular programming used the dot long
before OOP became popular - OOP stole the dot from modular programming!
If a record is a module, that only means that one thing can be both a
module and a type (or value) at the same time. It takes little from OOP
that OOP didn't already take from the more fundamental modular
programming - and Haskell already has modules.

> If the editor matters - and it probably does -, we could rather take
> a more ambitious path, and work on a real semantic editor, as opposed to
> a plain left-to-right text editor, with hacked semantic goodies to
> alleviate the pain.

Every programmer has their own favorite editor, usually using the same
one to work in many different languages. For the moment, you'd have a
hard job separating me from Notepad++.

If you really want a "semantic editor", I'd argue a rich visual language
with a file format that isn't intended to be read directly. Something
more like writing in Word than writing in TeX. But I don't think most
programmers are ready for this, for various reasons. Version control
tools and readable differences get a place near the top of that list.

Steve Horne

Jan 30, 2012, 12:31:13 AM1/30/12
to Steve Horne, Paul R, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
Sorry for replying to myself - I just thought I could explain this better.

I'm basically asserting that a record in standard Pascal (without any of
that OOP Turbo Pascal 5.5+/Delphi stuff) is a module. It doesn't matter
that the only names that can be held in that module are field names -
it's still a container of named items and therefore a special case of a

In the Pascal case (like C structs), the content of the module doesn't
include functions or methods or whatever, it only includes fields. And
the module is only accessible via the record instances, not via the
record type (there's nothing like C++ member pointers).

Converting this to Haskell - well, we already use field-access
functions, so why not move those to the record-instance module instead
of having them pollute some existing namespace?

Since naming the same thing twice (once to identify the module, once to
specify the instance parameter) would be annoying, why not auto-curry
that parameter? The result is still a function living in a module.

And rather than lose the original function, why not move that to another
scope - a module that's associated with the record type rather than the
record instance? If you don't specify an instance, you can't curry that
parameter - it still makes sense.

There's no inheritance here, no virtual functions, no OOP features at
all - just Pascal-like records adapted for immutability by supplying a
field access function rather than e.g. a field offset. The function
placed in the record-type module would be the exact same function we get
now, just in a different scope.

However, once you have the idea that a record is a module, maybe it
makes sense to put some other functions in there too? As a minimal
solution no, but it's nice to know there's room for future expansion.

There's nothing OOP about this at all - it's really just adapting and
extending what standard Pascal does. You could extend it to include OOP
if you really wanted to, but the minimal solution just moves the
existing Haskell access functions to another scope, and adds a
pre-curried version in a further scope, associating those scopes with
the record type and record instances respectively.

Donn Cave

Jan 30, 2012, 2:09:02 AM1/30/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
On 28/01/2012 13:00, Paul R wrote:

> All this dot syntax magic frankly frightens me. Haskell, as a pure
> functionnal language, requires (and allows !) a programming style that
> just does not mix well with object oriented practices. Stretching the
> syntax to have the dot feel a-bit-but-not-really like object oriented
> programming, mainly to have IDE autocompletion on some cases, does not
> make much sens.

In the glasgow-haskell-users discussion, it has been pointed out (to
little apparent effect) that the current notation for access by field
name, `field record', is naturally functional and is easier to read
for a functionally trained eye than a postfix `record.field' alternative.
It isn't so much of an issue for OO programmers because the languages
are also procedural and the expressions tend to be simpler. In a
language like Haskell, an expression could switch back and forth several
times between pre-fix (functional) and post-fix (dot) notation. Like,
`yolk (separate (crack (largeEnd egg)))' becomes
`(separate (crack (egg.smallEnd))).yolk'

That elementary example doesn't give me much trouble, but it sure
doesn't seem to be much of an improvement in notational elegance.
See how natural the transformation with function composition -

yolk (separate (crack (largeEnd egg)))
yolk ((separate . crack . largeEnd) egg)
yolk (f egg) where f = separate . crack . largeEnd

... compared to the re-shuffing necessary with post-fix dot notation
(assuming for the sake of discussion a functional dot notation
.field = \ r -> r.field)

(separate (crack (egg.smallEnd))).yolk
((separate . crack . .smallEnd) egg).yolk
(f egg).yolk where f = separate . crack . .smallEnd


Steve Horne

Jan 30, 2012, 3:29:35 AM1/30/12
to Donn Cave, haskel...@haskell.org
On 30/01/2012 07:09, Donn Cave wrote:
> ((separate . crack . .smallEnd) egg).yolk
> (f egg).yolk where f = separate . crack . .smallEnd

Scary - that ".smallEnd" worries me. It's like a field is being
referenced with some magical context from nowhere.

Obviously I need to read that full proposal.

Sorry for going on about it, but this wouldn't happen in my idea. If
field access functions are just items in a module, the . separates the
module identification from the item name, same as always. The only
difference is how you identify the module. There's no special
interactions with function composition, or whatever it is that's
happening here. If you want to composite the function with some other
function without knowing in advance which record value you're dealing
with, just get the access function from the record-type module.

If I'm correctly guessing what your code means, that reads as...

(f egg).yolk where f = separate . crack . (eggModule.eggType.smallEnd)

OK, in a sense specifying "eggModule.eggType" there is a bit redundant,
but in general that isn't true - define f separately and it needs some
clue for the type inference to decide where to look for "smallEnd", and
"eggtype" provides it. I'd prefer a notation that allows me to reference
the field without needing type inference to determine which record type
it relates to.

But then again, I'm probably just not understanding the reason behind
that wierdness - perhaps it wouldn't seem so wierd if I did. Or maybe
it's just a familiarity issue.

First thought - I've not addressed access from within a polymorphic
function with type class constraints. The situation there would (without
extra features) be the same as it is now, with no TDNR support. Field
access functions would have to be provided as explicit operations within
the type class.

That said, it shouldn't be hard to handle. For example, a type class can
explicitly state which field names it is interested in, and an instance
can provide functions to access those fields. Alternatively, the
instance might support using arbitrary functions (of the right type).
This might allow some wierdness (fields that aren't really fields), but
it may allow some useful flexibility (this particular type provides the
field "daddy", that type provides "mummy", a third type has no named
fields but has a function that works by pattern matching that can
provide the positionally-defined field - either way, this type class
will refer to "parent") so that polymorphic functions can use the dot
notation, but the relationship between fields in the type class and
fields in the instance type are flexible. It's really just syntactic
sugar for what type classes have to do now - providing a dot notation,
but still using vtable references to field access functions to do the work.

Paul R

Jan 30, 2012, 5:15:48 AM1/30/12
to Steve Horne, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
Steve> Every programmer has their own favorite editor, usually using the same
Steve> one to work in many different languages. For the moment, you'd have
Steve> a hard job separating me from Notepad++.

Main editors have very advanced customization features (though
incredibly hacky most of the time). A type-directed (this word is what
I like most in the proposal ;]) Haskell editing mode for them could be
a good first step.

Steve> If you really want a "semantic editor", I'd argue a rich visual
Steve> language with a file format that isn't intended to be read directly.
Steve> Something more like writing in Word than writing in TeX. But I don't
Steve> think most programmers are ready for this, for various reasons.
Steve> Version control tools and readable differences get a place near the
Steve> top of that list.

Well, in the long term I don't know ... maybe plain text won't be a good
representation of a program anymore. But in the short term that's not an
option. However, I see no problem in just constructing this textual
representation through a strictly type-directed (yeah!) syntax tree

Emacs, Vim, and a lot of others have "snippet" support. The workflow
could be something like :

- action to create a new top-level function

- PROMPT : name (eg. map)
- PROMPT : signature (eg. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b])
- PROMPT : parameters matching (eg. f (x:xs))

- a stub is inserted with name, signature, and "undefined" definition
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f (x:xs) = undefined
map f [] = undefined

- now enters definition construction. You would start by adding to
a 'pool' the bindings you want to combine. Some could be added to
the pool automatically (function parameters, top-level definitions
in the module, explicitly imported functions ...). Then you would
pick one of them, and the type-directed system would offer
type-correct completion. For example :

- The pool state is { f :: a -> b , x :: a, xs :: [a],
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] }
(the type variables scope over the entire pool)

- The definition type must be [b]

- I ask to use 'f'. It isn't [b] so I can't use it alone. The
wonderful system would then reduce the pool to things that I can
combine f with in order to keep the target [b] type. The result
is { map f xs :: [b] }. I say ok.

- The sub is now :
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f (x:xs) = map f xs
map f [] = undefined

- Now I ask to use (:) :: c -> [c] -> [c] . They are plenty of
places where it could be used in the definition, so let's narrow
the choice by associating the 'c' type to something in our
expression : c == b. So (:) :: b -> [b] -> [b]

- we have no expression typing as 'b' in the definition, but we
have a single expression that types as [b], and it is 'map
f xs'. So the system can safely offer :
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f (x:xs) = undefined : map f xs
map f [] = undefined

- now let's define the first 'undefined'. Its type is b. We ask
this time to use the 'x' binding (x :: a). But we are looking
for a 'b'. We have f :: a -> b so the system can offer 'f x'.

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
map f [] = undefined

- The last undefined is trivial.

The user interface would certainly matter much, to have a fast and
pleasant experience. But the point is that as a pure language, haskell
very looks well suited for this kind of incremental syntax-tree editing,
with type-directed assistance. I wonder, even, if some rules could be
defined to construct automatically a definition that typechecks and use
all bindings in the pool :)

Back to the point of the thread, it looks like we certainly can target
type-directed editing with current haskell function notation, which has
the advantage of being beautiful and consistent.


Donn Cave

Jan 30, 2012, 10:25:09 AM1/30/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth Steve Horne <sh006...@blueyonder.co.uk>,

> On 30/01/2012 07:09, Donn Cave wrote:

>> ((separate . crack . .smallEnd) egg).yolk
>> (f egg).yolk where f = separate . crack . .smallEnd
> Scary - that ".smallEnd" worries me. It's like a field is being
> referenced with some magical context from nowhere.
> Obviously I need to read that full proposal.

As I said:
> (assuming for the sake of discussion a functional dot notation
> .field = \ r -> r.field)

By that, I meant to say that I just made that up. I am sure that
various proposals have made some notational provision for `\ r -> r.field',
but it may or may not be `.field', I don't recall.

But that's all the magic there is to it. Either you have a notational
shorthand for it, or you're obliged to write out `\ r -> r.field'



Jan 31, 2012, 5:27:25 AM1/31/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Donn Cave <donn <at> avvanta.com> writes:

> On 28/01/2012 13:00, Paul R wrote:
> ...
> > All this dot syntax magic frankly frightens me. Haskell, as a pure
> > functionnal language, requires (and allows !) a programming style that
> > just does not mix well with object oriented practices.

> In the glasgow-haskell-users discussion, it has been pointed out (to
> little apparent effect) that the current notation for access by field
> name, `field record', is naturally functional and is easier to read
> for a functionally trained eye than a postfix `record.field' alternative.

> [snip]
> Donn
Donn, I can see the argument "Haskell has never been afraid to be different.
Just because OO does it like that, so what?"

But if you read SPJ's discussion in the TDNR proposal, there's "a cultural
connection to OO". My post at the head of this thread put it as "focus on the

object -> look for the action".

Of course it's easy to 'fake' postfix function application:
(.$) = flip ($)

But the trouble is that .$ binds weakly. What we want is for the dot to bind
tighter even than function apply. So:
crack egg.largeEnd ==> crack (largeEnd egg)
(Where ==> means 'is syntactic sugar for'.)

We're already familiar with the tight-binding dot for qualified names. I
suppose we're coping with the visual confusion with space-surrounded dot as
function composition.

But I can see that "one more petit bonbon" could tip confusion over the edge.

To my eye, one-sided dot application is a bonbon too far.

My proposal is that field selection functions be just ordinary functions, and
dot notation be just function application(tight-binding). Then:
object.fieldfuncmethod ==> fieldfuncmethod object
(Subject to the tight binding for the dot.)
And one-sided dot application is pointless (! errk I mean 'without purpose',
no different to writing the bare object or bare fieldfuncmethod).

Then you can write in your familiar style, and can use polymorphic field
selectors as plain functions (same syntax as presently).

Those under the influence of OO can write dot notation, until they discover
the joys of pointless style.


Donn Cave

Jan 31, 2012, 10:43:58 AM1/31/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz>,

> My proposal is that field selection functions be just ordinary functions, and
> dot notation be just function application(tight-binding). Then:
> object.fieldfuncmethod ==> fieldfuncmethod object
> (Subject to the tight binding for the dot.)
> And one-sided dot application is pointless (! errk I mean 'without purpose',
> no different to writing the bare object or bare fieldfuncmethod).

That's interesting! The wiki page on SORF (Simple Overloaded Record Fields,
has some language that, as I interpreted it, meant that Has/Get syntactic
sugar depended on the dot, so it's indispensable. Your proposal actually
has some similar language but, I see you don't mean it that way. That's
great news for anyone who's really dying to get somewhere with records,
if it means that the functionality could in principle be introduced
independently of changes to the interpretation of "." that would break
a lot of code.



Jan 31, 2012, 5:38:24 PM1/31/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Donn Cave <donn <at> avvanta.com> writes:

> Quoth AntC <anthony_clayden <at> clear.net.nz>,

> ...
> > My proposal is that field selection functions be just ordinary functions,
> > dot notation be just function application(tight-binding). Then:
> > object.fieldfuncmethod ==> fieldfuncmethod object
> > (Subject to the tight binding for the dot.)
> > And one-sided dot application is pointless (! errk I mean 'without
> > no different to writing the bare object or bare fieldfuncmethod).
> That's interesting! The wiki page on SORF (Simple Overloaded Record Fields,
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records/OverloadedRecordFields)
> has some language that, as I interpreted it, meant that Has/Get syntactic
> sugar depended on the dot, so it's indispensable.

Yes it does, and that's one of the things I didn't like - hence my counter-
proposal. In particular in SORF, the dot notation got tied into 'virtual
record selectors'. Now 'virtual record selectors' is a good idea, but SORF
tied it to the field selection approach, so had to go via a Has instance,
which introduced a `set' method as well as the get, which didn't make sense,
so SPJ ran into trouble.

Actually the TDNR proposal was better re the "power of the dot": "works with
any function".

As soon as you decide to make 'virtual record selectors' just ordinary
functions (so they select but not update), then you can see that field names
are also just ordinary functions (for selection purposes). So the semantics
for field 'selection' (whether or not you use dot notation) is just function
application. So Type-Directed Name resolution is just instance resolution. So
it all gets much easier.

> Your proposal actually
> has some similar language but, I see you don't mean it that way. That's
> great news for anyone who's really dying to get somewhere with records,
> if it means that the functionality could in principle be introduced

> independently of ...

Yes. Actually, (IMHO) the biggest block to making some progress with
the 'cottage industry' for records (and there are heaps of ideas out there) is
that currently the field name appearing in data decls grabs so much of the
namespace real estate. It creates a global name (selector function) that can't
be overloaded.

You'll see in my other posts last night (NZ time) that the first thing I think
should happen is to switch off auto-creation of field selection functions.
(This should have come along as an option with DisambiguateRecordFields, I
think. http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/glasgow-haskell-users/2012-

> ... changes to the interpretation of "." that would break
> a lot of code.

Yes, in principle we could introduce the semantics for field-selectors-as-
overloaded-functions without introducing any special syntax for field
selection (dot notation or whatever). But the 'Records in Haskell' thread
started with a Reddit/Yesod discussion about records, and the lack of dot
notation being the last major wart in Haskell. "A sentiment open to doubt" in
the words of the poet. It stung SPJ enough to open up the discussion (and I
guess now is timely as 7.4.1 gets put to bed).

For me, the record/field namespacing is the major wart, polymorphism only
slightly less, and the notation is a side-issue. But I don't want to lose the
initiative that's built up, so I'm trying to address both at the same time.


Richard O'Keefe

Jan 31, 2012, 9:13:55 PM1/31/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

On 1/02/2012, at 11:38 AM, AntC wrote:
> As soon as you decide to make 'virtual record selectors' just ordinary
> functions (so they select but not update), then you can see that field names
> are also just ordinary functions (for selection purposes). So the semantics
> for field 'selection' (whether or not you use dot notation) is just function
> application. So Type-Directed Name resolution is just instance resolution. So
> it all gets much easier.

I'm reminded of Pop-2, where f(x) and x.f meant exactly the same thing.
Overloading was a (dynamic) property of f, not a property of dot.

Ada had two reasons for adding dot syntax, and much as I admire Ada,
I'm not sure that I agree with either of them.
One was to be more familiar to programmers from other languages, but
since there remain interesting differences between x.f in Ada and x.f
in other languages, it's not clear to me how much of a kindness that
really is. The other is that x.f means basically what f(x) would have,
*had f(x) been legal*; the aim was to be able to use methods without
having to important everything from a module.

Now that might have some relevance to Haskell. Making f x and x.f the
same is pretty appealing, but it is imaginable that the former might
require importing the name of f from a module and the latter might not.
That is to say, it lets f and .f have completely different meanings.
Oh the joy! Oh the improved readability! -- on some other planet, maybe.

Anthony Clayden

Feb 1, 2012, 1:10:34 AM2/1/12
to Richard O'Keefe, haskel...@haskell.org

> On 1/02/2012, at 11:38 AM, AntC wrote:
> > As soon as you decide to make 'virtual record selectors'
> > just ordinary functions (so they select but not update)
> > , then you can see that field names are also just
> ordinary functions (for selection purposes). So the
> > semantics for field 'selection' (whether or not you use
> > dot notation) is just function application. So
> Type-Directed Name resolution is just instance resolution.
> > So it all gets much easier.
> Richard O'Keefe wrote:
> ... Making f x

> and x.f the same is pretty appealing, but it is imaginable
> that the former might require importing the name of f from
> a module and the latter might not. That is to say, it lets
> f and .f have completely different meanings. Oh the joy!
> Oh the improved readability! -- on some other planet,
> maybe.
Hi Richard, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.

I'm proposing x.f is _exactly_ f x. That is, the x.f gets
desugared at an early phase in compilation.
If the one needs importing some name from a module, than so
does the other.

A 'one-sided dot doesn't mean anything. (Also, I feel
vaguely nauseous even seeing it written down.)
Under my proposal, the only thing .f could mean is:
\z -> z.f
which desugars to
\z -> f z
which means (by eta-reduction)

And to complete the story: the only thing (x.) could mean
\g -> x.g
So a use like:
(x.) f -- or z f, where z = (x.)
would desugar to
f x
which is the same as x.f
A use like (x.)f (no spaces around the parens) would amount
to the same thing.

This is all so weird I'm inclined to say that one-sided dot
is probably a syntax error, and reject it. It's too
dangerously ambiguous between the syntax for 'proper' dot
notation and function composition.

Or is there something I'm not understanding?
[Good to see another NZ'er on the list, by the way.]


Kevin Quick

Feb 1, 2012, 2:16:31 AM2/1/12
to Richard O'Keefe, Anthony Clayden, haskel...@haskell.org

On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 23:10:34 -0700, Anthony Clayden
<anthony...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
> I'm proposing x.f is _exactly_ f x. That is, the x.f gets
> desugared at an early phase in compilation.


I think part of the concern people are expressing here is that the above
would imply the ability to use point-free style. But this orthogonality
is disavowed by your exception:

> A 'one-sided dot doesn't mean anything.

I haven't read the underlying proposals, so I apologize if the following
is covered, but my understanding of the discussion is that the x.f
notation is intended to disambiguate f to be a field name of the type of x
and therefore be advantageous over "f x" notation where f is presently in
the global namespace.

With your exception, I still cannot disambiguate the following:

data Rec = { foo :: String }

foo :: Rec -> String
foo = show

rs :: [Rec]
rs = [ ... ]

bar = map foo rs

If the exception doesn't exist, then I could write one of the following to
clarify my intent:

bar = map foo rs
baz = map .foo rs



Feb 1, 2012, 5:49:45 AM2/1/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Kevin Quick <quick <at> sparq.org> writes:

> On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 23:10:34 -0700, Anthony Clayden
> <anthony_clayden <at> clear.net.nz> wrote:
> > I'm proposing x.f is _exactly_ f x. That is, the x.f gets
> > desugared at an early phase in compilation.
> Anthony,
> I think part of the concern people are expressing here is that the above
> would imply the ability to use point-free style. But this orthogonality
> is disavowed by your exception:
> > A 'one-sided dot doesn't mean anything.

Kevin, thank you for helping me clarify my descriptions. I admit my 'proposal'
is probably a bit hard to follow at the moment, because it lives in a series
of emails, rather than all in a coherent wiki page.

It's also possibly confusing because there are three differing proposals in
play, and they all use dot notation for field selection, but they use it
somewhat differently.

But every proposal supports dot-as-function-composition, providing the dot
appears with space on both sides.

The discussion with Donn Cave has clarified that under my proposal (but not
TDNR or SORF), the dot notation is not necessary. Donn is concerned that older
code might be using dot for function composition in contexts that would be
ambiguous with field-selection-as-reverse-application.

So we could make the dot notation a compiler option:
- you either keep with H98 syntax,
so field selection must be by usual function syntax f x
- or use dot notation so that x.f desugars to f x
(of course you could still use f x: nothing forces you to use the dot)

Let me give some examples to clarify what I mean by 'one-sided' dot:
M.f -- no spaces, upper case to left, is qualified name
x.f -- no spaces, lower case to left, desugars to f x
x . f -- spaces both side of dot, is function composition
x. f -- space on one side only, what does that mean?
x .f -- space on one side only, what does that mean?

In my view, those last two (which I'm calling 'one-sided' dot) are too
confusing (for the eye, at least). I would reject them as invalid syntax. H98
might treat them as function composition. (I'm not sure, I wouldn't code like

Donn is saying that he doesn't want to break extant code that uses 'one-sided'
dot. Fair enough. Under my proposal we could make it a compiler option to
stick with H98 syntax, an which case x.f is function composition (I believe),
not field selection.

I know Wadler's rule about the disproportionate time spent on lexical syntax.
SPJ was trying (inter alia) to introduce dot notation to support more OO-type
thinking. I'm more familiar with dot-as-field-selector from relational
databases, so I'm keen to introduce it.

But frankly it's a side-show compared to addressing the namespace issues
around records.

> I haven't read the underlying proposals, ...

No, clearly you haven't from what follows. Pay me (and the other contributors)
the respect of doing so before wasting my time. I'm a busy person. I
appreciate the feedback on this forum when it's informed. I appreciate that
people give their time voluntarily (which is what I'm doing).


Feb 1, 2012, 10:22:42 AM2/1/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
Fair deuce. With all due respect now included, my same concern still seems to
apply although I believe I poorly stated it originally. Allow me to retry:

By declaring partial application an invalid parse, it introduces an exception
to point-free style that is at odds with the normal intuition of the uses of "f x".

SPJ's SOPR raises it as an issue and indicates he's inclined to disallow it; my
concern above would still apply.

As I surely mis-understand it (referencing your proposal as RHCT since I haven't
seen another reference):

SOPR: map (\r -> f r) recs
SOPR: map (get f) recs
SOPR/alt: qfmap (undefined :: "f") id recs

RHCT: map (\r -> f r) recs
RHCT: map (\r -> r.$rev_ f) recs
RHCT: map ((.$)f) recs

If partial application is allowed (against SPJ's inclination and explicitly
disallowed in your scheme), I could have:

map .f recs

in either SOPR or your proposal, which (to me) is an intuitive coordination of
the two concepts (point-free/partial application and f.x desugaring). I don't
think this is currently a valid parse, so I don't think it breaks existing, but
that's not a very well informed opinion either.

My concern is a triviality however; my intent was to attempt to assist in trying
to clarify a what I perceived as a conceptual gap in the discussion. I am most
grateful for the significant time and effort contributed by yourself, SPJ, and
all other parties, and I fear I've mostly wasted people's time on syntactic
trivialities already well discussed and dismissed. Please do carry on, it's all
good stuff.


Quoting AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz>:

This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/

Evan Laforge

Feb 1, 2012, 7:24:33 PM2/1/12
to Kevin Quick, Anthony Clayden, haskel...@haskell.org
> I haven't read the underlying proposals, so I apologize if the following is
> covered, but my understanding of the discussion is that the x.f notation is
> intended to disambiguate f to be a field name of the type of x and therefore
> be advantageous over "f x" notation where f is presently in the global
> namespace.

Here's another idea, I'm not sure if this one has come up before: f.x
desugars as M.f x, where 'M' is the module that defines the type of
'x'. It's an error if 'x' is not monomorphic.

You still can't have the same record name in two different records in
the same module, but this way the record selector is monomorphic, and
it's up to desugaring to find the defining module and if it's imported
(I'd expect an error if not).

However, I'd still want the prefix functional notation so it could be
composed with other functions, and at that point, why have the postfix
dot notation at all? Just say that '#x' requires a monomorphic
argument, and desugars to 'M.x' where 'M' is the module that the type
of its argument lives in, and combine as normal: (#y . #x) record.
This way it's not even specific to records.


Feb 1, 2012, 9:42:19 PM2/1/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
<quick <at> sparq.org> writes:

> Fair deuce. With all due respect now included, my same concern still seems
> apply although I believe I poorly stated it originally. Allow me to retry:

OK, thank you.

> By declaring partial application an invalid parse, it introduces an
> to point-free style that is at odds with the normal intuition of the uses
of "f x".

I'm not (and I don't think any of the other proposals are) trying to declare
partial application as an invalid parse. I'm saying that if you want to part-
apply function composition (in point-free style), you need to be careful with
your syntax, because it's easily confused.

A piece of background which has perhaps been implicit in the discussions up to
now. Currently under H98:
f.g -- (both lower case, no space around the dot)
Is taken as function composition -- same as (f . g).
f. g -- is taken as func composition (f . g)
f .g -- is taken as func composition (f . g)

I believe all three forms are deprecated these days, but as Donn points out
there may be code still using it. Part of the reason for deprecating is the
qualified name syntax, which _mustn't_ have dots. So:
M.f -- is qualified f from module M
M. f -- is dubious, did you mean M.f?
-- or function composition (M . f)?
-- with M being a data constructor
M .f -- similarly dubious between M.f vs (M . f)
The reason those are dubious is that it's relatively unusual to part-apply a
data constructor in combination with function composition. More likely you've
made a typo. Nevertheless, if that's what you want to do, be careful to code
it as (M . f)

All the proposals in play are going to change the meaning of f.g. Some of the
proposals (not mine) are going to change the meaning of f. and /or .g -- as
Donn points out, any/all of these changes may break code. I say it's better to
be conservative: reject f. and .g as invalid syntax. (If existing code has f.g
as function composition, changing the meaning to field extraction is going to
give a type failure, so it'll be 'in your face'.)

All proposals are saying that if you want to use dot as function composition
you must always put the spaces round the dot (or at least between the dot and
any name) -- even if you're part-applying. So:
(f .) -- part-apply function composition on f
(. g) -- part-apply function composition
{- as an exercise for the reader: what does that second one mean? How is it
different to the first one? Give an example of use with functions head, tail
and a list. -}

(f.) -- I say is ambiguous, did you mean (f .)
-- or miss out something after the dot ?
(.f) -- I say is ambiguous, did you mean (. f)
-- or miss out something before the dot ?

I'm saying that for both of the above, it's safer to treat them as an invalid
parse, and require a space between the dot and the name.

> SPJ's SOPR raises it as an issue and indicates he's inclined to disallow it;
> concern above would still apply.

"SOPR"? SPJ's current proposal is abbreviated as "SORF" (Simple Overloaded
Record Fields). His older proposal as "TDNR" (Type-Directed Name Resolution).

I don't think either of those disallow partial application of function
composition. I do think they discuss how the syntax could be confusing, so
require you to be careful.

Another piece of background which the discussion is probably not being
explicit about (so thank you for forcing me to think through the explanation):
under H98 record declarations
data Customer = Customer { customer_id :: Int }
You immediately get a function:
customer_id :: Customer -> Int
Then you can apply customer_id to a record, to extract the field. Because the
type of customer_id is restricted to exactly one record type, this strengthens
type inference. (Whatever customer_id is applied to must be type Customer, the
result must be type Int.)

For my proposal, I'm trying very hard to be consistent with the H98 style,
except to say that field extractor function f can apply to any record type
(providing it has field f). Specifically, if the f field is always a String,
we can help type inference. The type of f is (approximately speaking):
f :: (Has r Proxy_f String) => r -> String
Or I prefer SPJ's suggested syntactic sugar:
f :: r{ f :: String} => r -> String

But type inference for r is now harder: we have to gather information about r
from the type environment where f is applied to r, enough to figure out which
record type it is; then look up the instance declaration (generated from the
data decl) to know how to extract the f field. That much isn't too hard. The
really difficult part is how to do that in such a way that we can also update
f to produce a new r, and cope with all the possible things f might be -
including if f is polymorphic or higher-ranked.

(The "trying hard" is why my Record Update for Higher-ranked or Changing Types
contained such ugly code.)
So I'm trying to support mixing H98 record fields with new-style poly-record
field extractors. If you see in code:
f r
(And you know already that r is a record and f is a field -- perhaps you're
working in a database application). Then you know we're extracting a field
from a record, whether it's a H98 record or a new-style record. Similarly:
r.f -- desugars to f r, so you know just as much

What's more, perhaps you've got new-style records in your module, but you're
importing a H98 record definition from some other module. Then:
customer_id customer -- extracts the customer_id from the record
customer.customer_id -- means just the same
Wow!! we've just used dot-notation on H98-style records, and we didn't need to
change any code at all in the imported module.

> As I surely mis-understand it (referencing your proposal as RHCT since I
> seen another reference):

You're right that there isn't a name for my proposal, and I definitely need
one. (I take it "RHCT" comes from Record Update for Higher-ranked or Changing
Types. Doesn't quite trip off the tongue, I'd say.) I'm thinking:

"DORF" -- Declared Overloaded Record Fields
-- The "ORF" part is similar to SPJ's SORF.
-- The "Declared" means you have to declare a field,
-- before using it in a data decl.
-- Or the "D" might mean "Dictionary-based" as in data dictionary
-- (not "dictionary" in the sense of "dictionary-passing")

In these examples you're giving, I assume recs is a list of records(?). I
don't understand what you're doing with the "SOPR" items, so I've cut them.
> ...

In the "RHCT" examples, I assume r is a record, f is a field (selector
function) -- or is it 'just some function'?, rev_ is a field selector for a
higher-ranked function (to reverse lists of arbitrary type), .$ is the 'fake'
I used to simulate dot-as-field-selector. Thank you for reading all that so

> RHCT: map (\r -> f r) recs

is the same as: map f recs -- by eta reduction
so map f takes a list of records, returns a list of the f field from each
This also works under H98 record fields, with type enforcement that the
records must be of the single type f comes from.

> RHCT: map (\r -> r.$rev_ f) recs

Beware that (.$) is an operator, so it binds less tightly than function
application, so it's a poor 'fake' syntactically. Did you mean .$ to simulate
dot-notation to extract field rev_ from r? Then put:
map (\r -> (r.$rev_) f) recs
This takes the Higher-Ranked reversing function from each record in recs, and
(on the face of it) returns a list obtained by applying it to f. I've assumed
above that f is a field selector function (or 'just some function'). So it's
not a list. So you'll get a type error trying to apply (r.$rev_) to f.

If you meant to apply (r.$rev_) to the f field in r, put:
map (\r -> (r.$rev_) (r.$f)) recs
For the type to work, this requires the f field to be a list. The map returns
a list of reversed lists from the f field of each record.

> RHCT: map ((.$)f) recs
If you mean this to return a list of the f fields from recs, put:
map f recs
I don't know what else you could be trying to do.

> If partial application is allowed (against SPJ's inclination and explicitly
> disallowed in your scheme), I could have:
> map .f recs

If you mean this to return a list of the f fields from recs, put:
DORF: map f recs -- are you beginning to see how easy this is?

I'm saying the ".f" should be rejected as too confusing.
(That is, under DORF aka RHCT. Under SORF or TDNR I'm not sure, which is why I
don't like their proposals for dot notation, which is why I re-engineered it
so that dot notation is tight-binding reverse function application **and
nothing more**.)

I don't know what else you could be trying to do, but if you're trying to use
dot as function composition (part-applied), put:
map (. f) recs
But this won't extract an f field from recs (exercise for the reader).

> ... my intent was to attempt to assist in trying

> to clarify a what I perceived as a conceptual gap in the discussion. I am
> grateful for the significant time and effort contributed by yourself, SPJ,
> all other parties, and I fear I've mostly wasted people's time on syntactic
> trivialities already well discussed and dismissed. Please do carry on, it's
> good stuff.
> -KQ

Thank you Kevin, we got there in the end. Your questions did help me clarify
and explain what was implicit.

I think in general that syntax is trivial, but for one thing we've got very
complex syntax already in Haskell. Our 'syntax engineering' has got to be
careful to 'fit in', and not use up too many of the options that are still

What's special with dot syntax is it's well-established and with well-
established (range of) meanings in other programming paradigms. If we
introduce dot-notation into Haskell, we have to try to make it behave like
those paradigms, but in a 'Haskelly' way.

[To go a little off-topic/out of scope. My gold standard is
polymorphic/anonymous records with concatenation, merge, projection,
extension, everything you get in relational algebra. I don't want to use up
all the design options just getting through the current namespace
restrictions -- infuriating though they are.]


Richard O'Keefe

Feb 1, 2012, 11:29:21 PM2/1/12
to anthony...@clear.net.nz, haskel...@haskell.org

On 1/02/2012, at 7:10 PM, Anthony Clayden wrote:

>> On 1/02/2012, at 11:38 AM, AntC wrote:
>>> As soon as you decide to make 'virtual record selectors'
>>> just ordinary functions (so they select but not update)
>>> , then you can see that field names are also just
>> ordinary functions (for selection purposes). So the
>>> semantics for field 'selection' (whether or not you use
>>> dot notation) is just function application. So
>> Type-Directed Name resolution is just instance resolution.
>>> So it all gets much easier.
>> Richard O'Keefe wrote:
>> ... Making f x
>> and x.f the same is pretty appealing, but it is imaginable
>> that the former might require importing the name of f from
>> a module and the latter might not. That is to say, it lets
>> f and .f have completely different meanings. Oh the joy!
>> Oh the improved readability! -- on some other planet,
>> maybe.
> Hi Richard, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.

I'm saying that if dot is to do anything at all that it does
not do now, then f x and x.f being identical is sort of OK (
though it does rather clash with f . g), but any differences
between them would be confusing.

> This is all so weird I'm inclined to say that one-sided dot
> is probably a syntax error, and reject it.

It wasn't a syntax error, it just wasn't intended to be
Haskell code at all, just an ad hoc English text abbreviation
for "f occurring after a dot".

Of course (x.) = \f -> f x
and (.f) = \x -> f x
are precisely the kind of sections people will expect to be
legitimate once they've seen (x.f)...

Of course, if f x and x.f mean the same thing, we don't need
x.f, do we?

Kevin Quick

Feb 2, 2012, 2:11:03 AM2/2/12
to haskel...@haskell.org, AntC

On Wed, 01 Feb 2012 19:42:19 -0700, AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz>

> A piece of background which has perhaps been implicit in the discussions
> up to
> now. Currently under H98:
> f.g -- (both lower case, no space around the dot)
> Is taken as function composition -- same as (f . g).
> f. g -- is taken as func composition (f . g)
> f .g -- is taken as func composition (f . g)

And so it is. Could have sworn these weren't accepted, but clearly I'm
wrong. Thanks for pointing this out.

> All proposals are saying that if you want to use dot as function
> composition
> you must always put the spaces round the dot (or at least between the
> dot and
> any name) -- even if you're part-applying. So:
> (f .) -- part-apply function composition on f
> (. g) -- part-apply function composition


> "SOPR"? SPJ's current proposal is abbreviated as "SORF" (Simple
> Overloaded
> Record Fields).

Yes, I caught this 5 minutes *after* hitting send (of course).

> In these examples you're giving, I assume recs is a list of records(?).

Yes. I err'd on the side of brevity.

>> ...
> In the "RHCT" examples, I assume r is a record, f is a field (selector
> function) -- or is it 'just some function'?

It should be a field selector.

>> RHCT: map (\r -> f r) recs
> is the same as: map f recs -- by eta reduction
> so map f takes a list of records, returns a list of the f field from each
> This also works under H98 record fields, with type enforcement that the
> records must be of the single type f comes from.
>> RHCT: map (\r -> r.$rev_ f) recs
> Beware that (.$) is an operator, so it binds less tightly than function
> application, so it's a poor 'fake' syntactically. Did you mean .$ to
> simulate
> dot-notation to extract field rev_ from r?

Sort of. I didn't fully grasp your implemenation and based on your
clarification I think I should have written:

map (\r -> r.$f) recs

to extract field f from a single record r (from the recs collection).

>> RHCT: map ((.$)f) recs
> If you mean this to return a list of the f fields from recs, put:
> map f recs
> I don't know what else you could be trying to do.

I was trying to eta-reduce my previous (corrected) situation *but* also
indicate that I specifically want the field selector rather than some
arbitrary f. I wanted to extract the field f of every record in recs but
clearly indicate that f was a field selector and not a free function.

>> If partial application is allowed (against SPJ's inclination and
>> explicitly
>> disallowed in your scheme), I could have:
>> map .f recs
> If you mean this to return a list of the f fields from recs, put:
> DORF: map f recs -- are you beginning to see how easy
> this is?
> I'm saying the ".f" should be rejected as too confusing.
> (That is, under DORF aka RHCT. Under SORF or TDNR I'm not sure, which is
> why I
> don't like their proposals for dot notation, which is why I
> re-engineered it
> so that dot notation is tight-binding reverse function application **and
> nothing more**.)

And this is finally our difference. I had wanted the no-space preceeding
dot syntax (.f) to specifically indicate I was selecting a field. This
desire was based on expectations of partial application and being unaware
of the H98 valid interpretation of this as partial function application. I
think perhaps I was overly concerned on this point though. The issue can
be resolved by explicit module namespace notation (ala. Prelude.map v.s.

In addition, under SORF, SPJ indicated that "Dot notation must work in
cascades (left-associatively), and with an expression to the left:
(foo v).y
I assume DORF would also support this as well and that "r.x.y.z" would
desugar to "z (y (x r))".

With regards to module namespace notation, neither SORF nor DORF mentions
anything that I found, but I'm assuming that the assertion is that it's
not needed because of the type-directed resolution. To wit:

> module Rlib.Recdef (R(..)) where
> data Rec = R { foo :: String } deriving Show

> module Rong (T(..)) where
> import Rlib.Recdef
> data Rstuff = T { baz :: R }

> foo :: Rec -> String
> foo = show

> import Rlib.Recdef
> import Rlib.Rong
> main = let r = R "hi"
> t = T r
> bar, bar_pf :: Rstuff -> String
> bar_pf = Rlib.Recdef.foo . Rlib.Rong.baz
> bar x = x.baz.foo
> in assert $ bar_pf t == bar t
> assert $ Rlib.Rong.foo r /= Rlib.Recdef.foo r

The assumptions are that the syntax of bar and bar_pf would be the same
for both SORF and DORF, and that no namespace qualifiers are needed (or
allowed) for bar (i.e. you wouldn't write something like "bar x =

Apologies for putting you through the syntax grinder, and especially when
I'm not really qualified to be operating said grinder. I know it's not
the interesting part of the work, but it's still a part.

Thanks, Anthony!




Feb 3, 2012, 4:30:33 AM2/3/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Kevin Quick <quick <at> sparq.org> writes:

> > Currently under H98:
> > f.g -- (both lower case, no space around the dot)
> > Is taken as function composition -- same as (f . g).
> > f. g -- is taken as func composition (f . g)
> > f .g -- is taken as func composition (f . g)
> And so it is. Could have sworn these weren't accepted, but clearly I'm
> wrong. Thanks for pointing this out.

On a bit more digging, I'm scaring myself. These are both valid (H98):

Data.Char.toUpper.Prelude.head.Prelude.tail $ "hello" -- Strewth!
-- using (.$) = flip ($) as fake dot notation
GHCiorHugs==> 'E'

The first example is good in that you can mix qualified names in with dot
notation, and the lexer can bind the module name tighter than dot-as-function-

It's bad that not only are we proposing changing the meaning of dot, we're
also changing the direction it binds. If you put in the parens:

(Data.Char.toUpper.(Prelude.head.(Prelude.tail))) "hello"

Or perhaps not so bad, left-to-right thinking?

Another syntax change about dot-notation is that it binds tighter **than even
function application**:

map toUpper customer.lastName

Desugars to:

map toUpper (lastName customer)

Compare if that dot were function composition:

(map toUpper customer) . lastName -- of course this isn't type-valid

But wait! there's more! we can make it worse! A field selector is just a
function, so I can select a field and apply a function all in one string of

customer.lastName.tail.head.toUpper -- Yay!!

> I was trying to ... *but* also

> indicate that I specifically want the field selector rather than some
> arbitrary f. I wanted to extract the field f of every record in recs but
> clearly indicate that f was a field selector and not a free function.

> And this is finally our difference. I had wanted the no-space preceeding

> dot syntax (.f) to specifically indicate I was selecting a field. ...

You seem to be not alone in wanting some special syntax for applying field
selectors (see other posts on this thread). H98 field selectors don't do this,
they're just functions.

And there's me bending over backwards to make all Type-Directed overloaded-
Name Resolution field selectors just functions, so you can mix field selectors
and functions **without** special syntax. Example Yay!! above.

I'm puzzled why you want different syntax for field selectors. Can you give
some intuition?

Of course you can adopt a convention in your own code that dot-notation is for
field selection only. (But you can't legislate for code you're importing.)
(And Donn Cave wants to be able to ignore dot notation all together.)

AFAIC OO languages lets you put all sorts of weird stuff together with dot
notation. SPJ's got an example from Java in his TDNR.

I hope it's not because you name your fields and functions with brief,
cryptic, one-letter codes!! You do have a coding convention in you production
code to use long_and_meaningful_names, don't you?!

So you can tell `customer' is a customer (record), and `lastName' is a last
Name (field), etc.

> The issue can
> be resolved by explicit module namespace notation (ala. Prelude.map v.s.
> Data.List.map).

I want module namespace notation **as well as** dot notation. This is my
import from a distant planet example. And it'll work, going by example
Strewth! above.

> In addition, under SORF, SPJ indicated that "Dot notation must work in
> cascades (left-associatively), and with an expression to the left:
> r.x
> r.x.y
> (foo v).y
> "
> I assume DORF would also support this as well and that "r.x.y.z" would
> desugar to "z (y (x r))".

Yes, as per discussion above.

> With regards to module namespace notation, neither SORF nor DORF mentions
> anything that I found, but I'm assuming that the assertion is that it's
> not needed because of the type-directed resolution.

It's rather the other way round. We want to avoid qualified names, and type-
directed resolution is the mechanism to achieve that ...

Where this 'Records in Haskell' thread started is that currently if you want
to have the same field name in different records, you have to declare the
records in different modules, then import them to the same place, and still
you can only refer to them by putting the module prefix. (Unless you use the -
XDisambiguateRecordFields flag, but this only works within the scope of
pattern matches and explicit record/data constructors; it doesn't work for the
free-floating selector functions.)

And on balance, putting module prefixes everywhere is just too cumbersome.

So yes, the plan with SORF and DORF is that you can (mostly) use un-qualified
names, and the resolution mechanism figures out which record type you're
talking about.

One difference between DORF and SORF is that I want the resolution mechanism
to be exactly class/instance resolution.

In contrast, both SORF and TDNR want some special syntax-level resolution for
dot-notation, at the desugaring stage. I've re-read those sections in both
proposals, and I still don't 'get' it. That's again what prompted me to try
harder. I think I've ended up with an approach that's more 'Haskelly' in that
the field selector is just an overloaded function, and we're familiar with
them, and how they get resolved through type/instance inference. [I've just re-
read that last sentence: I'm claiming to be more 'Haskelly' than SPJ!! The

There's one further difference between DORF and SORF/TDNR. I'm explicit about
this, but I'm not sure what SORF's take is. I think SORF/TDNR keeps with
current Haskell that you can't declare more than one record with the same
field name in the same module.

I want to declare many records in the same module with the same field name(s).
This is my customer_id example: All three of the records for customer
Name/Address, customer pricing, and customer orders have a customer_id field.

> To wit:
> Rlib/Recdef.hs:
> > module Rlib.Recdef (R(..)) where
> >
> > data Rec = R { foo :: String } deriving Show
> Rlib/Rong.hs:
> > module Rong (T(..)) where
> > import Rlib.Recdef
> > data Rstuff = T { baz :: R }
> >
> > foo :: Rec -> String
> > foo = show
> main.hs:
> > import Rlib.Recdef
> > import Rlib.Rong
> > main = let r = R "hi"
> > t = T r
> > bar, bar_pf :: Rstuff -> String
> > bar_pf = Rlib.Recdef.foo . Rlib.Rong.baz
> > bar x = x.baz.foo
> > in assert $ bar_pf t == bar t
> > assert $ Rlib.Rong.foo r /= Rlib.Recdef.foo r
> The assumptions are that the syntax of bar and bar_pf would be the same
> for both SORF and DORF, and that no namespace qualifiers are needed (or
> allowed) for bar (i.e. you wouldn't write something like "bar x =
> x.Rlib.Rong.baz.Rlib.Recdef.foo").

This isn't really demonstrating the point. Both definitions of foo are
monomorphic Rec -> String, there's no type-level difference. It's _not_ an
overloaded definition of a single foo, it's a clash of names declared in
different modules. So to tell them apart within the same scope, you always
need the module qualifier.

The use of foo embedded in bar_pf is qualified, so bar_pf will always show the
foo field within the record ("hi").

The foo in bar is not qualified. I'd expect the compiler to complain that it's
ambigous. (Looks like that's valid code today, if you change bar's RHS to
x.$baz.$foo -- did you try it?)

And no, you can't concoct an example today that demonstrates DORF, because
record Rec automatically declares function foo with a monomorphic type. You'll
have to create some shadow field/functions (foo_, _foo, Proxy_foo, the Has
instance and all the drama) as I did in the RHCT post.

> Apologies for putting you through the syntax grinder, and especially when
> I'm not really qualified to be operating said grinder. I know it's not
> the interesting part of the work, but it's still a part.
> Thanks, Anthony!
> -Kevin


Gábor Lehel

Feb 3, 2012, 6:13:27 AM2/3/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 10:30 AM, AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
> You seem to be not alone in wanting some special syntax for applying field
> selectors (see other posts on this thread). H98 field selectors don't do this,
> they're just functions.
> And there's me bending over backwards to make all Type-Directed overloaded-
> Name Resolution field selectors just functions, so you can mix field selectors
> and functions **without** special syntax. Example Yay!! above.
> I'm puzzled why you want different syntax for field selectors. Can you give
> some intuition?

Here's my problems with allowing postfix application using dot for all

The first problem is that mixing prefix and postfix function
application within the same line makes it harder to read. When you
read code to try to understand what it does, the direction you like to
go in is "here's some object, first do this to it, then do that to it,
then do this other thing to it, then this fourth thing to produce the
final result". In Haskell code with prefix application, this is easy:
you read it from right to left. In OO-style code using dots, it's even
easier: you read it from left to right. But if you mix the two, it's
much harder than either: you first have to figure out where the
sentence even begins, which is going to be somewhere in the middle,
and then every time the expression switches between prefix and
postfix, you have to figure out where to continue reading. The
algorithm your brain needs to follow is a lot branchier, so to speak.

This is the smaller problem. If prefix and postfix notations are
completely interchangeable, then we can at least expect people to not
make their own code hard to read, and to stick to one or the other
within an expression. (If they're *not* interchangeable, and one or
the other is required in some cases, then it's a bigger problem.)

The other problem is that, in order to make partial application
convenient, you want to put your function's parameters in the order of
least specific to most specific. If you want to make postfix
application convenient, you have to do the reverse.

For example, take the filter function from the Prelude:

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

The order of its parameters makes it easy to write specialized filter
functions by partially applying filter, for example:

filterEvens = filter even

This is convenient and useful. (It's even more useful within
expressions, when you want to pass a function as an argument to a
higher-order function, which happens very frequently.) By contrast,
it's not usually useful to be able to specialize filter by the list it
filters, which is what you could conveniently do if the order of
filter's parameters were swapped:

filter :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
filterOneToTen = filter [1..10] -- ??

But for postfix function application, this latter order is the one you want:

[1..10].filter even
is a lot more intuitive than
even.filter [1..10]

So if you have postfix function application in the language, you end
up with a zero-sum situation where a function can be convenient to
partially apply, or it can be convenient to use with postfix notation,
but (unless it's single-argument) it can't be both. You'll end up with
some people preferring postfix notation and writing their functions
one way, other people preferring partial application and writing their
functions the other way, and a lot of frustration when people from one
group want to use functions written by the other. I hope you'll agree
that writing two versions of every function is not a satisfactory
solution. Having postfix application supply the last argument rather
than the first one -would- be satisfactory, but in Haskell's case it's
hard to tell which one that is. (Thanks to the fact that
multi-argument functions are just single-argument functions returning
other single-argument functions.)

Given this incompatibility, my humble opinion is that we should choose
one or the other. All of our existing functions, with only a few
irritating exceptions (writeIORef, I'm looking at you), are optimized
for partial application, so we should stick with it.

To finally get around to the point:

All of this said, record.field is still the most readable, intuitive,
and familiar syntax for selecting a field from a record that I know
of. It would be nice to have it. If we restrict this postfix notation
to only selecting fields from records, then the second problem from
above is completely obviated, and the first one is at least greatly
alleviated, to the point where I think the benefit outweighs the harm.

So my preferred solution is:

- Selecting fields from records can be written (equivalently) using
either prefix or postfix notation;
- Everything else can be written only with prefix notation.

My second-choice solution is to not introduce postfix notation.

Steve Horne

Feb 3, 2012, 8:21:04 AM2/3/12
to Gábor Lehel, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
On 03/02/2012 11:13, Gábor Lehel wrote:
> The first problem is that mixing prefix and postfix function
> application within the same line makes it harder to read. When you
> read code to try to understand what it does, the direction you like to
> go in is "here's some object, first do this to it, then do that to it,
> then do this other thing to it, then this fourth thing to produce the
> final result". In Haskell code with prefix application, this is easy:
> you read it from right to left.
I've argued before (don't think here - most likely on Programmers.SE)
that even mathematicians think imperatively, often viewing an expression
as if it were a right-to-left series of imperative mutations. I get
called an idiot when I say that.


> This is the smaller problem. If prefix and postfix notations are
> completely interchangeable, then we can at least expect people to not
> make their own code hard to read, and to stick to one or the other
> within an expression. (If they're *not* interchangeable, and one or
> the other is required in some cases, then it's a bigger problem.)

There are already some right-associative operators and some
left-associative operators. So the question isn't really about the
language grammar, but how something "reads".

But then, even in Haskell, where order matters, most things read from
left to right. With the monadic bind, for example, the left argument is
"before" the right argument. In let expressions, the first definition is
the leftmost definition. In a list or a tuple, the leftmost item is
normally considered the first item - by definition it's the head in a
list. When currying arguments, the leftmost argument is the first to
curry. This isn't an absolute, of course, but still - function
composition with the dot is arguably the odd-one out.

If the point is that TDNR should use some other symbol, I have some
sympathy with that, but Haskells freedom with operator identifiers has a
downside - there are few if any completely safe symbols available to
use. Unless of course we choose a completely new character that has
never been available before...



Feb 3, 2012, 8:37:49 AM2/3/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Gábor Lehel <illissius <at> gmail.com> writes:

> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 10:30 AM, AntC <anthony_clayden <at> clear.net.nz>

> > You seem to be not alone in wanting some special syntax for applying field
> > selectors (see other posts on this thread). H98 field selectors don't do
> > they're just functions.
> >
> >

> > I'm puzzled why you want different syntax for field selectors. Can you give
> > some intuition?
> Here's my problems with allowing postfix application using dot for all
> functions.

Thank you Gábor for explaining this so clearly.

I can see that mixing prefix and postfix style would be confusing. I suppose
in other programming paradigms (like database access) record.field is regarded
as 'atomic', not as function application. And under my proposal (or SORF or
TDNR) it's atomic-ish, because the dot binds tighter than **even function

We already have in H98 field selection as function application. I'm keen not
to break that, because then I can use dot notation on H98-style records. And
I'm very keen that field selection (continue to) be equivalent to function
application, precisely so that people who prefer prefix notation can "carry on

Do people really write code with huge pile-ups of functions prefix upon
prefix? Wouldn't that be confusing even when it's unidirectional? I've seen
some examples in other threads mixing dot notation with function composition
with user-defined operators built with a dot (like >.< ) and a sprinkling of
parentheses. They were indeed unreadable, but frankly, I don't think that was
purely down to the dot notation.

> The first problem is that mixing prefix and postfix function
> application within the same line makes it harder to read.

I can see that. As you say, it's hopeless if readers have to start in the
middle somewhere and work outwards, swerving to and fro.

If binding-dot is just (reverse) function application, I can't stop people
exploiting it for more than field selection, and some functions just 'feel'
like fields. SPJ gave the examples of:

customer.fullName -- fullName is a function to concat first ++ last
shape.area -- polymorph area overloded for each shape

And then there's:
datetime.month -- calculate month from number-of-days format

We're on the slippery slope! Where will it end?

And now that I've found it, I so love:

customer.lastName.tail.head.toUpper -- Yay!

I notice that for prefix functions you do sometimes need a bit of trickery to
deal with partial application and inconvenient order of parameters. Of course
there's parentheses to help, but there's also a family of combinators,
($) -- loose-binding function application
(.) -- function composition

So I'm going to take your post as a challenge: can we build a family of
combinators for postfix style? The objective is to 'keep up the momentum' left
to right.

I've already been using one such:
(.$) = flip ($) -- looks combinator-ish to me!
(.$!) = flip ($!) -- strict version

customer.lastName .$ tail .$ head .$ toUpper -- Yay.$!

> The other problem is that, in order to make partial application
> convenient, you want to put your function's parameters in the order of
> least specific to most specific. If you want to make postfix
> application convenient, you have to do the reverse.

True-ish. I guess it depends how 'tight' you feel the function binds with it's
least specific parameters. What's atomic?

> For example, take the filter function from the Prelude:
> filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

> But for postfix function application, this latter order is the one you want:
> [1..10].filter even
> is a lot more intuitive than
> even.filter [1..10]

Agreed. Easy. How do you like these?:

[1..10] .$ filter even
[1..10] .$ filter even .$ sum ^ 2
[1..10] .$ filter even .$ foldr (+) 0 ^ 2

I'm looking at those thinking 'Oh yes! foldr (+) 0 is atomic-ish'.

> ... You'll end up with

> some people preferring postfix notation and writing their functions
> one way, other people preferring partial application and writing their
> functions the other way, and a lot of frustration when people from one
> group want to use functions written by the other.

Yeah, like little-endians vs. big-endians.

> I hope you'll agree
> that writing two versions of every function is not a satisfactory
> solution.

Absolutely! And we've a huge body of code defined in prefix form, we don't
want to re-engineer that. And there's a whole body of
mathematics/algebra/logic that uses prefix style.

> To finally get around to the point:
> All of this said, record.field is still the most readable, intuitive,
> and familiar syntax for selecting a field from a record that I know
> of. It would be nice to have it.


> If we restrict this postfix notation
> to only selecting fields from records,

Would you like to include 'virtual' fields like fullName or area? Or fst or
last or middleInitial?

> So my preferred solution is:
> - Selecting fields from records can be written (equivalently) using
> either prefix or postfix notation;
> - Everything else can be written only with prefix notation.
> My second-choice solution is to not introduce postfix notation.

Noted. (And from the above, you won't expect me to agree.) I guess GHC HQ gets
the final decision. Glad I'm not having to mediate.

Thank you for raising the issue so cogently.

Ertugrul Söylemez

Feb 3, 2012, 8:55:41 AM2/3/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Steve Horne <sh006...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> There's a proposal at the moment to add support for TDNR to Haskell -
> to leverage "the power of the dot" (e.g. for intellisense).
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/haskell-prime/wiki/TypeDirectedNameResolution

I'm not sure whether this should really be a language feature. A smart
editor together with compiler support can do this without language

The basic problem is that without the dot style you write the function
before you write its argument. For an intellisense-like feature you
need to write the argument before you write the function.

Now in a smart editor you could write "x.", at which point the editor
could examine the source file to find the actual type of 'x' as well as
the expected type of the spot where you are currently writing. Once it
has built a list of suitable functions, it could rewrite the "x." to
"x", place the cursor in front of it and let you browse the list of

-> [suggestions]_ x

An even smarter editor could provide something like agda-mode's hole
feature. In Agda you can write "f ?", at which point agda-mode replaces
the question mark by a hole. You can then ask for the type of the term
that goes into the hole as well as try to infer the value. Agda-mode
doesn't provide you with a list of suggestions, but in Haskell with type
inference this could certainly be possible. I would prefer holes over


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)


Gábor Lehel

Feb 3, 2012, 9:53:54 AM2/3/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 2:37 PM, AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
> Do people really write code with huge pile-ups of functions prefix upon
> prefix? Wouldn't that be confusing even when it's unidirectional?

Not really. Pipeline-like chains where you apply each function to the
result of the previous one are quite common and readable, whether in
the shell, Haskell, or your 'Yay!!' example. But possibly we aren't
referring to the same thing.

> I've seen
> some examples in other threads mixing dot notation with function composition
> with user-defined operators built with a dot (like >.< ) and a sprinkling of
> parentheses. They were indeed unreadable, but frankly, I don't think that was
> purely down to the dot notation.

Well, yeah. If you want to write confusing code you can certainly do
that. You can do it already. I don't think adding another way to do it
is a huge problem. I think you can expect people to not shoot
themselves in the feet intentionally. What -is- a problem is if you
are forced or encouraged to write confusing code (because there's no
other way to do it or because it's the path of least resistance),
which is why I dislike proposals which make postfix application
mandatory for some purposes, or which make it have different behaviour
from normal prefix application.

> And now that I've found it, I so love:
>    customer.lastName.tail.head.toUpper    -- Yay!

I agree that this is nice, but it only works with single-argument functions.

> I notice that for prefix functions you do sometimes need a bit of trickery to
> deal with partial application and inconvenient order of parameters. Of course
> there's parentheses to help, but there's also a family of combinators,
> especially:
>    ($) -- loose-binding function application
>    (.) -- function composition
> So I'm going to take your post as a challenge: can we build a family of
> combinators for postfix style? The objective is to 'keep up the momentum' left
> to right.
> I've already been using one such:
>    (.$)  = flip ($)          -- looks combinator-ish to me!
>    (.$!) = flip ($!)         -- strict version
>    customer.lastName .$ tail .$ head .$ toUpper    -- Yay.$!

I don't see a benefit here over plain dot...

>> For example, take the filter function from the Prelude:
>> filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
>> But for postfix function application, this latter order is the one you want:
>> [1..10].filter even
>> is a lot more intuitive than
>> even.filter [1..10]
> Agreed. Easy. How do you like these?:
>     [1..10] .$ filter even
>     [1..10] .$ filter even .$ sum ^ 2
>     [1..10] .$ filter even .$ foldr (+) 0 ^ 2
> I'm looking at those thinking 'Oh yes! foldr (+) 0 is atomic-ish'.

Oh, well, this looks alright. Hmm.

>> If we restrict this postfix notation
>> to only selecting fields from records,
> Would you like to include 'virtual' fields like fullName or area? Or fst or
> last or middleInitial?

I guess these would be OK. Virtual fields are effectively required to
be single-argument, so you don't encounter the argument-order problem,
and if you can write them equally prefix and postfix then you can
avoid the mix-and-match problem. But this opinion might be obsolete,
see below.

>> So my preferred solution is:
>> - Selecting fields from records can be written (equivalently) using
>> either prefix or postfix notation;
>> - Everything else can be written only with prefix notation.
>> My second-choice solution is to not introduce postfix notation.
> Noted. (And from the above, you won't expect me to agree.) I guess GHC HQ gets
> the final decision. Glad I'm not having to mediate.

If postfix code can be conveniently written using your (.$) combinator
(and presumably its extended family), with no changes required to
existing or future functions, I guess it could all work out. What I'm
afraid of is that introducing postfix notation results in a pressure
to make functions convenient to use with it, and then we eventually
end up in the morass I described. If we can reasonably expect that
having the postfix combinators around will remove that pressure or
that people will resist it, and that we won't end up with a
proliferation of writeIORef-endian functions on Hackage, I guess I
would be okay with it. I'm not sure what we would need to be able to
reasonably expect that.

(Not that me being okay with it is required for anything.)


Feb 3, 2012, 10:40:50 AM2/3/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Gábor Lehel <illissius <at> gmail.com> writes:

> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 2:37 PM, AntC <anthony_clayden <at> clear.net.nz>

> > Do people really write code with huge pile-ups of functions prefix upon
> > prefix? Wouldn't that be confusing even when it's unidirectional?
> Not really. Pipeline-like chains where you apply each function to the
> result of the previous one are quite common and readable, whether in

> the shell, ..

Thank you for reminding me! Unix Pipelining -- that's where I've seen it. And
in the shell, the pipelining is postfix.

My (.$) is loose-binding postfix application. But let me do:

(.|) = flip ($) -- same as (.$), but suggestive of the pipe

customer.lastName -- field select, dot 'allowed' per Gábor
.| tail -- function apply, dot not
.| head
.| toUpper -- are you warming to it?

.| filter even
.| foldr (+) 0
.| (^ 2) -- the parens is a bit of a let-down

> What -is- a problem is if you
> are forced or encouraged to write confusing code (because there's no
> other way to do it or because it's the path of least resistance),
> which is why I dislike proposals which make postfix application
> mandatory for some purposes, or which make it have different behaviour
> from normal prefix application.

Totally agree, that's one of the things I didn't like about TDNR or SORF.
That's why I'm trying to support both prefix and dot-notation field selectors.

The main thing, though, I like about field selectors as functions (and nothing
more) is that we've then got a mechanism for overloading them to select from
multiple record types, and the mechanism is rock-sold instance resolution, not
some semi-syntactic/semi-type-driven dodginess.

[I'll let you into a secret about my plan for world domination:
If field selection is just an (overloaded) function,
we can apply it to other things than records.
We can turn our data dictionary into a type dictionary:
newtype Customer_id = Customer_id Int
We can 'hunt out' the customer_id from a tuple:
(Using instance resolution to the only Customer_id in that tuple.)

And now we've got tuples as anonymous records.
Crucially: we don't care about the field's position within the tuple.
We could have two tuples with the same fields, but different order.
And treat them as equivalent at the type level.
(What relational theory calls 'union compatible'.)

End of mad moment.]

> If postfix code can be conveniently written using your (.$) combinator
> (and presumably its extended family), with no changes required to
> existing or future functions, I guess it could all work out. What I'm
> afraid of is that introducing postfix notation results in a pressure
> to make functions convenient to use with it, and then we eventually
> end up in the morass I described.

Totally agree, I think order of parameters in declarations should continue to
expect prefix style, with least specific first (that is, leftmost).

> I'm not sure what we would need to be able to
> reasonably expect that.

I think time for others 'listening in' to develop the family of combinators!

Donn Cave

Feb 3, 2012, 11:10:40 AM2/3/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz>,
> We're on the slippery slope! Where will it end?
> And now that I've found it, I so love:
> customer.lastName.tail.head.toUpper -- Yay!

... compared to present practice, with where dot is function
composition only -

(toUpper.head.tail.lastName) customer

So two competing meanings of ".", where one is literally the reverse
of the other. Of course we won't be able to spell composition
without spaces any more, so technically the backwards and forward
sense of . are distinct, but it seems kind of unfortunate anyway.


If you'll consider an idea from the peanut gallery ... for me, the
dot notation for fields may as well be "spelling" as an operator -
that is, customer.lastName deploys a field named ".lastName".

If someone modified Haskell to allow postfix notation from this
perspective, when compiler sees "customer.lastName", it would
look for an identifier ".lastName", so it would work only where
the fields are so declared:

data Customer = Customer { .lastName :: String, .firstName :: String }

Without explicit dot nomenclature (as per current practice), only
normal function application syntax would be supported (as per current
practice.) Unspaced composition (fromInteger.ord) would still be
broken, I suppose, but the error (Not in scope: `.ord') would at
least be pretty obvious.


wren ng thornton

Feb 3, 2012, 3:56:46 PM2/3/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
On 2/3/12 6:13 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:
> The first problem is that mixing prefix and postfix function
> application within the same line makes it harder to read. When you
> read code to try to understand what it does, the direction you like to
> go in is "here's some object, first do this to it, then do that to it,
> then do this other thing to it, then this fourth thing to produce the
> final result". In Haskell code with prefix application, this is easy:
> you read it from right to left. In OO-style code using dots, it's even
> easier: you read it from left to right. But if you mix the two, it's
> much harder than either: you first have to figure out where the
> sentence even begins, which is going to be somewhere in the middle,
> and then every time the expression switches between prefix and
> postfix, you have to figure out where to continue reading. The
> algorithm your brain needs to follow is a lot branchier, so to speak.

It's just as easy as reading function pointers in C :)

Live well,

Richard O'Keefe

Feb 6, 2012, 6:58:17 PM2/6/12
to Gábor Lehel, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

On 4/02/2012, at 12:13 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:
> All of this said, record.field is still the most readable, intuitive,
> and familiar syntax for selecting a field from a record that I know
> of.

Having learned COBOL and Algol 68 before Haskell was dreamed of,
I regard

field OF record

as the most readable, intuitive, and familiar syntax. Given our
background in reading natural language text, most of us probably
thought once upon a time that '.' was the most readable, intuitive,
and familiar syntax for terminating a statement, and in COBOL, NDL,
and Smalltalk, it _is_. There's certainly nothing about a dot
that suggests field selection, *unless* you happen to be familiar
with a programming language that does it that way. If we are going
to let compatibility with Pascal or C or the like be our guide to
readability and intuition, when are we going to switch from "!" and
"!!" for indexing to _[_]?


Feb 6, 2012, 7:02:17 PM2/6/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Donn Cave <donn <at> avvanta.com> writes:

> Quoth AntC <anthony_clayden <at> clear.net.nz>,

> ...
> > We're on the slippery slope! Where will it end?
> >
> > And now that I've found it, I so love:
> >
> > customer.lastName.tail.head.toUpper -- Yay!
> ... compared to present practice, with where dot is function
> composition only -
> (toUpper.head.tail.lastName) customer
> So two competing meanings of ".", where one is literally the reverse
> of the other. Of course we won't be able to spell composition
> without spaces any more, so technically the backwards and forward
> sense of . are distinct, but it seems kind of unfortunate anyway.

Thanks Donn. I can see we aren't going to agree on this, so I'll be brief.
(I'll use my limited time to gather the proposal properly on to a wiki.)

It was a surprise to me that dot without spaces around is still legal syntax
for function composition. So yes, we're going to break code (and hearts, by
the sound of it).

I'm proposing my record fields so that selectors are just functions. Then it's
independent of dot notation. (It's the semantics I'm far more concerned with.)

You (Donn) can then avoid 'switching on' dot as tight-binding reverse func
apply, and nothing's got broken. (On the other hand, the change in semantics
is so dramatic switching it on would get compile failures in typing
expressions, so I don't see any danger of running broken code.)

We could use something other than dot for the purpose (# has been suggested),
but the trouble is that the user-defined operator space has got used up. I see
that as part of introducing tight-binding reverse func apply, I also need a
loose-binding version (counterpart to ($) in the Prelude). (.$) seems most
natural, but probably that's already extant in user-defined code.

So the advantage of dot (aside from it being familiar from other programming
paradigms) is that we know the design space isn't used up.

> ...
> If you'll consider an idea from the peanut gallery ... for me, the
> dot notation for fields may as well be "spelling" as an operator -
> that is, customer.lastName deploys a field named ".lastName".

No, I no longer think it's just spelling. (I can see my Yay example is pushing
the innovation too far too fast.) Examples which might be easier to swallow:


Are all pseudo- or virtual or calculated 'fields'. (Or if not fields, then
attributes or properties.)

I presume you're not suggesting we have both a function `area' and a pseudo-
field `.area'?

Perhaps we could allow some graphic char as a prefix to field names? (perhaps
# because it's already allowed as part of magic-hash names?

But it would be part of the name, _not_ an operator.

customer.#firstName <===> (#firstName customer)



Feb 6, 2012, 7:41:48 PM2/6/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Richard O'Keefe <ok <at> cs.otago.ac.nz> writes:

> On 4/02/2012, at 12:13 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:
> >
> > All of this said, record.field is still the most readable, intuitive,
> > and familiar syntax for selecting a field from a record that I know
> > of.
> Having learned COBOL and Algol 68 before Haskell was dreamed of,
> I regard
> field OF record
> as the most readable, intuitive, and familiar syntax. Given our
> background in reading natural language text, most of us probably
> thought once upon a time that '.' was the most readable, intuitive,
> and familiar syntax for terminating a statement, and in COBOL, NDL,
> and Smalltalk, it _is_. There's certainly nothing about a dot
> that suggests field selection, *unless* you happen to be familiar

> with a programming language that does it that way. ...
Richard, now you're just being playful.

Database access languages used record.field since COBOL days (well certainly
before SQL in 1969).

Assembler and linker languages often allowed dots within names.
I presume IPv4 dot-decimal comes from this.

I think the use of dot comes from section and sub-section numbering in large
documents. I have no idea when that dates from, but off the top of my head:

Principia Mathematica, Russell and Whitehead 1910
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Wittgenstein, 1918

(Admittedly Princ Math also uses dot (infix operator) as logical product. As
well, there's a dot separator between a quantifier's list of bound variables
(upside-down A, backwards E) and the bound term. Church's lambda notation
similarly uses a dot to separate the bound variables.)

There is one 'odd man out' when it comes to dot notation:
A few little-known programming languages have for some reason bucked the well-
established convention of small circle for function composition.

There's certainly nothing about a dot that suggests function composition,
*unless* ...


Donn Cave

Feb 6, 2012, 8:08:19 PM2/6/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz>,
> It was a surprise to me that dot without spaces around is still legal
> syntax for function composition.

It isn't even unusual. You can find stuff like "fromIntegral.ord" in
packages downloaded to build cabal-install for example. It graphically
appeals to the notion of a function composed of several functions, so
the programmers in question will likely not even be repentant!

It's hard to imagine this all going anywhere, really, without some
way around the code breakage. Maybe a different separator, like
record\field, that really doesn't occur in infix like that.

> Are all pseudo- or virtual or calculated 'fields'. (Or if not fields, then
> attributes or properties.)
> I presume you're not suggesting we have both a function `area' and a pseudo-
> field `.area'?

Well - there's no conflict between those two names, if `.area' is an
identifier that starts with a dot. But virtual or calculated fields
would presumably not be supported. Depends on whether it's legal to
define a function `.area', or `.' spelling is allowed only for declared
record fields. Personally I think the latter would be the right choice
there - left of the dot must be a record value, right of the dot must
be a field declared for that record. I understand this is not the
direction you're going.



Feb 6, 2012, 9:37:29 PM2/6/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Donn Cave <donn <at> avvanta.com> writes:

> You can find stuff like "fromIntegral.ord" in
> packages downloaded to build cabal-install for example. It graphically
> appeals to the notion of a function composed of several functions, so
> the programmers in question will likely not even be repentant!

Data.Char.toUpper -- a name composed of several names
shape.position.xCoord -- a structure composed of several structures

Here's an off-the-wall idea for the syntactics:
- Where there's a block of names with dot separators (and no spaces).
- The dots must be either all postfix apply or all prefix compose.
- Postpone analysing until we've got some type info for the sub-names.
- The types must interlock either left-to-right or right-to-left.
So now we know whether we're prefix or postfix.
- Then we can adjust the AST for loose-binding vs tight-binding.
(As happens for operator precedence.)

?Do we call this "Type-Directed Syntax Resolution" ;-)

(By the way, natural languages do this sort of stuff all the time. In fact
they revel in it:
"Eighth Army Push Bottles Up German Rear."
http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3708 )

The more I think about it, the more the pseudo-fields makes sense, the more I
want field selectors to be just functions. There's an interesting example in
Wadler's original paper that became View Patterns "Views: A way for pattern
matching to cohabit with data abstraction" [1987], 4. "Viewing a complex
number in cartesian and polar coordinates".

We may want our implementation of complex to be abstract. We provide (pseudo-)
fields to select the coordinates. Then they're ever-so like methods for an
(abstract) object.

Also we want the (pseudo-) fields to be updatable, which means field update
needs to be polymorphic (overloaded). Then all I need is a type-(or kind-)
level 'peg' for the name, and an instance for Has/get/set.


Steve Horne

Feb 7, 2012, 8:11:37 AM2/7/12
to Richard O'Keefe, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
On 06/02/2012 23:58, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
> On 4/02/2012, at 12:13 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:
>> All of this said, record.field is still the most readable, intuitive,
>> and familiar syntax for selecting a field from a record that I know
>> of.
> Having learned COBOL and Algol 68 before Haskell was dreamed of,
> I regard
> field OF record
COBOL in particular isn't a well-known exemplar of readability. It's
widely seen as a bad joke. I have used COBOL myself, and largely agree
with that, with the proviso that I used COBOL a long time ago and have
repressed most of the details.

Redundancy can be important for readability, but you can have too much
of anything, and in COBOL the level of redundancy is most kindly
described as "cluttered with excessive verbosity".

To be fair, "field OF record" isn't bad in that sense. However, it would
defeat the purpose of TDNR - the record isn't first, and therefore
cannot be used (given a left-to-right typing direction) as a context to
offer member name suggestions.

Also, even when I used COBOL (late eightees, early nineties) I'm pretty
sure it supported "record.field". I don't remember using it, but then I
don't remember using "OF" either - a side effect of loading one record
at a time into working storage and effectively having a separate
variable for each field. Anyway, assuming I'm not suffering from
worse-than-usual memory, COBOL accepted this common convention.

On the more general point of choosing an alternative operator, I agree
to a point, but familiarity does count for something. Others will point
out that Haskell dares to be different, but it's possible to be too
daring and too different. Being different for the sake of being
different is for those teenagers who go on about being "random" and
whatever else they go on about these days. The success of languages like
Java, C# and C++ is based on familiarity.

I think Haskell should dare to be different when there's a point to that
- where necessary based on a principle. We have type classes rather than
OOP classes for a principled reason. We have the IO monad rather than
effectful functions for a principled reason.

If we don't have traditional field-selection for a principled reason, I
think that principle is a very weak one. If names can be scoped to
modules, to case expressions, to let expressions etc, why not to
records? Of course there's a difference, but IMO it's not an important one.

> If we are going
> to let compatibility with Pascal or C or the like be our guide to
> readability and intuition, when are we going to switch from "!" and
> "!!" for indexing to _[_]?

So far as I can see, there are two likely principles behind this choice
in Haskell - one weak and one quite strong. One is that we don't have
expressions with syntactic forms other than prefix functions and infix
binary operators, except for a few built-in constructs (case, let, ...)
which aren't functions. There are no special functions with special
parsing. I view this as a weak principle - not important to the paradigm.

OOP languages have supported built-in translations from special
notations to functions/methods for a long time. It's a familiar and
practical approach to, e.g., allowing programmers to define the
semantics of indexing on a new container type.

There is, however, the issue of overloaded notation and a possible
conflict with currying.

Python already uses [] for lists (and list comprehensions) as well as
for indexing. However, Pythons syntax and semantics differ from Haskells
in many ways. In particular, Python doesn't do currying. The difference
between currying in a list parameter and indexing a collection would be
much less clear in Haskell if it supported [] for indexing, probably
damaging readability and possibly (I haven't checked) causing ambiguity
that even the compiler couldn't resolve.

In this case again, perhaps Haskell is different for a principled reason
- choosing to support currying means that either lists or indexing need
a different syntax. IIRC, ML also "dares to be different" WRT indexing -
maybe because it too supports currying.

David Thomas

Feb 7, 2012, 9:45:04 AM2/7/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

Crash blossoms, while amusing, are not a desirable feature of a programming language.  They are specifically a failure to communicate clearly.

Richard O'Keefe

Feb 7, 2012, 4:52:41 PM2/7/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

On 7/02/2012, at 1:41 PM, AntC wrote:
> Richard, now you're just being playful.

"Half fun and full earnest."

I *do* regard 'field OF record' as far more readable, intuitive, &c
than 'record.field'. With the number of meanings '.' already has in
Haskell, I *do* regard any attempt to overload it for field access
as deeply problematic and likely in practice to push much Haskell
code over the readability event horizon.

Anyone who has had occasion to write Fortran in the last 20+ years
has had to discover just how quickly you can get used to using
'record%field'. I'm not really a COBOL programmer, but Prolog and
Erlang and Smalltalk taught me well that '.' in a programming language
can perfectly well mean exactly what it means in English: end of
statement. I just do not buy the idea that the connection between
dot and field access is anything more than a habit of mind engendered
by a few languages or that it should be respected any more than the
habit of using a(i) -- Fortran, Simula 67, Ada, Dijkstra's notation,
PL/I -- or a[i] -- Algol 60, Algol 68, Pascal, C and its horde of
delirious imitators -- for array access.

The idea of using #field for a field access function has of course
an appeal to people familiar with ML or Erlang. The connection with
ML is very close. # is already used. I rather like
field¶ record ([the] field[part] [of] record), with the ¶ Pilcrow
reminding me of Part. Following ML, we could perfectly well allow
3¶ as well, meaning "field 3 of any tuple that _has_ a field 3, the
type to be resolved by context".

wren ng thornton

Feb 7, 2012, 5:28:54 PM2/7/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
On 2/7/12 4:52 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
> Anyone who has had occasion to write Fortran in the last 20+ years
> has had to discover just how quickly you can get used to using
> 'record%field'. I'm not really a COBOL programmer, but Prolog and
> Erlang and Smalltalk taught me well that '.' in a programming language
> can perfectly well mean exactly what it means in English: end of
> statement. I just do not buy the idea that the connection between
> dot and field access is anything more than a habit of mind engendered
> by a few languages or that it should be respected any more than the
> habit of using a(i) -- Fortran, Simula 67, Ada, Dijkstra's notation,
> PL/I -- or a[i] -- Algol 60, Algol 68, Pascal, C and its horde of
> delirious imitators -- for array access.

Hear hear!

I'd be perfectly fine with %field (alas the Ratio type), or #field (alas
-XMagicHash), or @field (alas confusion in Core for type application),
or any other number of options--- but the .field choice is far too
fraught with issues and the connotations it brings up are not at all
convincing to me. It's not like we use angle brackets for passing
arguments to type constructors, nor parentheses to pass arguments to
functions, nor any of the conventional notations for array access, nor...

Live well,

Richard O'Keefe

Feb 7, 2012, 5:56:40 PM2/7/12
to Steve Horne, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

On 8/02/2012, at 2:11 AM, Steve Horne wrote:

> On 06/02/2012 23:58, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
>> On 4/02/2012, at 12:13 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:
>>> All of this said, record.field is still the most readable, intuitive,
>>> and familiar syntax for selecting a field from a record that I know
>>> of.
>> Having learned COBOL and Algol 68 before Haskell was dreamed of,
>> I regard
>> field OF record
> COBOL in particular isn't a well-known exemplar of readability. It's widely seen as a bad joke. I have used COBOL myself, and largely agree with that, with the proviso that I used COBOL a long time ago and have repressed most of the details.

Like Fortran, COBOL has changed a *lot* since 'a long time ago'.
And if you did want to be fair, I didn't praise any other aspect of COBOL,
only the naturalness and readability of its notation for accessing a field
of a record.

> To be fair, "field OF record" isn't bad in that sense. However, it would defeat the purpose of TDNR - the record isn't first, and therefore cannot be used (given a left-to-right typing direction) as a context to offer member name suggestions.

Yes, but why SHOULD there be a specific typing direction?
ML manages perfectly fine without it.

- #1;
stdIn:1.1-1.3 Error: unresolved flex record
(can't tell what fields there are besides #1)
- #1 (true,3);
val it = true : bool
- #1 (42,"stuff",false);
val it = 42 : int

If a right-to-left "typing direction" works well for #field record
in one language with constrained Hindley-Milner types, why would it
not work well for field¶ record in another language with constrained
Hindley-Milner types?

Why sacrifice readability (field name precedes record) for the sake
of, well, for the sake of what exactly escapes me.

> Also, even when I used COBOL (late eightees, early nineties) I'm pretty sure it supported "record.field".

That certainly wasn't the case up to COBOL-85. I don't have a copy of COBOL 2002,
so I can't speak for that, but COBOL 74 and COBOL 85 are the only candidates for those
dates, and they definitely did NOT support record.field. Since '.' is the statement
terminator in COBOL, it's intrinsically unlikely.
(You did *check* a COBOL syntax summary, easily found on the web, before posting? Which?)

> I don't remember using it, but then I don't remember using "OF" either - a side effect of loading one record at a time into working storage and effectively having a separate variable for each field. Anyway, assuming I'm not suffering from worse-than-usual memory, COBOL accepted this common convention.

Yes, you are suffering from worse-than-usual memory, and it was common practice in some shops
to use the same field name in multiple records, so that the "CORRESPONDING" language feature
would have some point!

> On the more general point of choosing an alternative operator, I agree to a point, but familiarity does count for something. Others will point out that Haskell dares to be different, but it's possible to be too daring and too different. Being different for the sake of being different is for those teenagers who go on about being "random" and whatever else they go on about these days. The success of languages like Java, C# and C++ is based on familiarity.

Using pointy brackets for generic parameters and :: for name scope were not familiar
when C++ introduced them. And there was prior art in other languages for *both* of those.

One common prior practice, relevantly enough, was '.' for name scope.

> I think Haskell should dare to be different when there's a point to that - where necessary based on a principle. We have type classes rather than OOP classes for a principled reason. We have the IO monad rather than effectful functions for a principled reason.

And if C++ can break with prior practice for a practical reason, Haskell can break with prior practice
for the same reason: not breaking existing code, fitting into the existing language structure as well
as practical.

> If we don't have traditional field-selection for a principled reason

We don't have it because we don't need it. And we don't need it because traditional field selection
serves two roles: *selecting* one field and *updating* one field. It's a poor way to handle the
latter use case, because one often needs to update more than one field. It's not _that_ good for
the former use case either, if you need to access more than two fields from the same record.

In another functional language that I use, I've noticed what seems to me a marked increase in
readability by switching _away_ from field selection to pattern matching.

> I think that principle is a very weak one. If names can be scoped to modules, to case expressions, to let expressions etc, why not to records? Of course there's a difference, but IMO it's not an important one.

Nobody is arguing against names being scoped to records.
The argument is against using dot for it because dot has too many other uses.
We have already seen quite enough horribly confusing examples in this thread.

Steve Horne

Feb 8, 2012, 9:16:37 AM2/8/12
to Richard O'Keefe, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
On 07/02/2012 22:56, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
On 8/02/2012, at 2:11 AM, Steve Horne wrote:

To be fair, "field OF record" isn't bad in that sense. However, it would defeat the purpose of TDNR - the record isn't first, and therefore cannot be used (given a left-to-right typing direction) as a context to offer member name suggestions.
Yes, but why SHOULD there be a specific typing direction?
ML manages perfectly fine without it.
For the only reason that any language feature should exist - because it is useful. In any language with a rich library, it is useful to get hints as to which names are available in a particular context. It saves on the need to memorize thousands - sometimes tens or even hundreds of thousands - of context-sensitive names and their spellings, and saves on getting distracted needing to hunt through manuals.

- #1;
stdIn:1.1-1.3 Error: unresolved flex record
   (can't tell what fields there are besides #1)
- #1 (true,3);
val it = true : bool
- #1 (42,"stuff",false);
val it = 42 : int

If a right-to-left "typing direction" works well for #field record
in one language with constrained Hindley-Milner types, why would it
not work well for field¶ record in another language with constrained
Hindley-Milner types?
Parsers don't need to care much about left-to-right vs. right-to-left. There can be stack size issues in principle, but that hasn't stopped Haskell offering both left-associative and right-associative infix operators. The ordering has significance in certain ways in functional languages WRT e.g. currying, but that isn't really relevant here. In any case, currying is left-to-right anyway - the left-most argument is curried first.

The point here is for intellisense-like features to work effectively in text editors. The context must come to the left for that to work because...
  1. Searching for all possible names within a particular context is easier, and generally more likely to be what is needed, than searching for all possible contexts that contain a particular name.
  2. It's easier to type the context, then the marker, then select/type the name than it is to type the marker then the context, then cursor back to before the marker, *then* select the name, then cursor back to after the context.
Why sacrifice readability (field name precedes record) for the sake
of, well, for the sake of what exactly escapes me.
It doesn't sacrifice readability. The left-to-right order has been chosen by most programming languages, and also used in many other contexts, because many people find it very natural to start from the most general and step down to the more specific in a left-to-right direction. For example, <chapter>.<section>.<subsection>, or <foldername>/<foldername>/<filename>.

The left-to-right order isn't especially important in general - but for intellisense it is.

Also, even when I used COBOL (late eightees, early nineties) I'm pretty sure it supported "record.field".
That certainly wasn't the case up to COBOL-85.  I don't have a copy of COBOL 2002,
so I can't speak for that, but COBOL 74 and COBOL 85 are the only candidates for those
dates, and they definitely did NOT support record.field.  Since '.' is the statement
terminator in COBOL, it's intrinsically unlikely.
(You did *check* a COBOL syntax summary, easily found on the web, before posting?  Which?)
If I checked, I wouldn't have said "pretty sure" would I? Those words are generally acknowledged as indicating that someone is working from fallible memory.

That said, I did take a look in an old COBOL book. I didn't find either the dot or the "OF". I vaguely remember that the original COBOL textbook I had actually considered the SORT command so intrinsically difficult that it was outside of the scope of the book. For various reasons, I find it difficult to take COBOL seriously at all, though I wish I had kept that original textbook that didn't cover SORT - it was a much better joke than the book I kept.
On the more general point of choosing an alternative operator, I agree to a point, but familiarity does count for something. Others will point out that Haskell dares to be different, but it's possible to be too daring and too different. Being different for the sake of being different is for those teenagers who go on about being "random" and whatever else they go on about these days. The success of languages like Java, C# and C++ is based on familiarity.
Using pointy brackets for generic parameters and :: for name scope were not familiar
when C++ introduced them.  And there was prior art in other languages for *both* of those.

One common prior practice, relevantly enough, was '.' for name scope.
Yes, but C++ also dares to be different, and there's a principled reason for having multiple selection operators in C++. There are multiple namespaces involved. For a smart pointer, for example, . and -> access different namespaces. :: accesses a different namespace too - containing the mostly the same names, but treating them a different way so that arguably you access different things via those names (or perhaps different aspects of the same things).

Haskell already has a . for selecting a name through a context - we call that context a module. According to Bertrand Meyer of Eiffel fame, a class is both a module and a type. Therefore, logically, a type can be a module. "Module" can be considered a general term for a container of named items, basically. But I've already raised the point about simply deciding that record types and record values are modules before.

I think Haskell should dare to be different when there's a point to that - where necessary based on a principle. We have type classes rather than OOP classes for a principled reason. We have the IO monad rather than effectful functions for a principled reason.
And if C++ can break with prior practice for a practical reason, Haskell can break with prior practice
for the same reason:  not breaking existing code, fitting into the existing language structure as well
as practical.
On not breaking existing code, I'm with you. I once got beaten up rather badly for arguing against PEP 238 (changing the semantics of integer division in Python). Although Python seems to have survived, I still believe it was the wrong thing to do.

It would be nice to have some lexical disambiguation in this case - I might prefer some other spelling, so long as the context is on the left and the name is on the right. I was going to propose "?", but that's taken already for implicit parameters - which I don't know the first thing about so I can't guess possible conflicts.

I even wondered about adapting the field update syntax so that it no longer does updates, giving something like...

  <value> { <fieldname> }

This might even be extended as a shorthand for tuples of fields. Perhaps it's biggest problem are that it's suggestive of [] for array indexing, which of course Haskell doesn't support, and that it's too close the the record-update syntax for an expression that doesn't return a record, and therefore maybe confusing.

One question, though, is... does using the dot in itself break existing code?

Take my view about record types and values being modules and I'm not convinced it does. Function composition has functions to the left (and right, of course). Neither a record type nor a record value is a function.

Provided the dot has a record type or record value to the left and a field name to the right, there shouldn't be any conflict with existing function composition.

If we don't have traditional field-selection for a principled reason
We don't have it because we don't need it.  And we don't need it because traditional field selection
serves two roles:  *selecting* one field and *updating* one field.  It's a poor way to handle the
latter use case, because one often needs to update more than one field.  It's not _that_ good for
the former use case either, if you need to access more than two fields from the same record.
Actually, traditional field selection only selects the field. The update is handled by an assignment operator - it really doesn't make sense to try to tie those two operators together. Arguably, the field selection doesn't even read the field - it returns a field identifying thingy (possibly not the correct technical term) which will convert (causing the read) later, when it's found to be an rvalue rather than an lvalue.

In principle, Haskell *could* try something similar, using first-class values for field-ids that are statically typed for the record and field types. For modelling imperative code in a pure functional way, it would be possible to do something like this in Haskell now for use with the State monad, though the notation wouldn't be so clean.

On accessing more than two fields at once, pattern matching isn't going away.

On selecting one field for a read, one of the reasons for the proposal is because quite a few people find that defining a function in a global (or whole-module) scope is a poor way to handle field selection - in particular because you can't have the same field name in several types due to the naming conflict.

In another functional language that I use, I've noticed what seems to me a marked increase in
readability by switching _away_ from field selection to pattern matching.
Personally, I don't believe in absolutes, especially WRT readability. Pattern matching is good, but using a case expression just to extract a single field from a record is excessive, causing clutter. That's presumably why we already have the existing functions for reading single fields - but as already mentioned, these cause name-conflict and namespace-pollution issues.

I think that principle is a very weak one. If names can be scoped to modules, to case expressions, to let expressions etc, why not to records? Of course there's a difference, but IMO it's not an important one.
Nobody is arguing against names being scoped to records.
The argument is against using dot for it because dot has too many other uses.
We have already seen quite enough horribly confusing examples in this thread.

Ah - so we're possibly in violent agreement, at least on some points.

I very much dislike the one-sided dots, for example, irrespective of whether they are dots or spelled some other way. I'd rather see...

<type>  <op> <name> : expression for field access function
<value> <op> <name> : as above, but with the record argument curried in

Using "<type> <op> <name>" may seem verbose when we currently have "<name>", but with a new record notation that doesn't provide module-wide field access functions, field names themselves can be made shorter - at the moment, they often need a type-name prefix anyway for readability and namespace collision avoidance, just as a convention instead of using an operator.

A new record notation would be needed, with the same semantics as the existing one except not making the existing field access functions available with a module-level scope. However, if one of the goals of TDNR is to avoid field-name conflicts and namespace pollution, this is I think unavoidable whatever approach is taken. The only alternative would be to deprecate the existing field access functions completely, which is I think unrealistic. A weaker deprecation of the existing notation might work - warn if it's used, but allow the warning to be disabled, and don't threaten to ever remove the notation) but the

I haven't given a lot of thought to updates. Partly, I suspect that the existing field update notation would support an intellisense-like feature anyway - treat the braces in much the same way as parens for function calls in other languages.

Malcolm Wallace

Feb 8, 2012, 5:47:32 PM2/8/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
On 8/02/2012, at 14:16, Steve Horne <sh006...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> I haven't given a lot of thought to updates.

I very much fail to see the point of replacing prefix function application with postfix dots, merely for field selection. There are already some imperfect, but adequate, solutions to the problem of global uniqueness of field names. But you now have mentioned what is really bothering me about this discussion: record updates are simply the most painful and least beautiful part of the Haskell syntax. Their verbosity is astonishing compared to the careful tenseness of every other language construct. If we could spend some effort on designing a decent notation for field updates, I think it would be altogether more likely to garner support than fiddling with dots.


Richard O'Keefe

Feb 8, 2012, 7:03:45 PM2/8/12
to Steve Horne, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

On 9/02/2012, at 3:16 AM, Steve Horne wrote:

> On 07/02/2012 22:56, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
>> On 8/02/2012, at 2:11 AM, Steve Horne wrote:
>>> To be fair, "field OF record" isn't bad in that sense. However, it would defeat the purpose of TDNR - the record isn't first, and therefore cannot be used (given a left-to-right typing direction) as a context to offer member name suggestions.
>> Yes, but why SHOULD there be a specific typing direction?
>> ML manages perfectly fine without it.
> For the only reason that any language feature should exist - because it is useful. In any language with a rich library, it is useful to get hints as to which names are available in a particular context. It saves on the need to memorize thousands - sometimes tens or even hundreds of thousands - of context-sensitive names and their spellings, and saves on getting distracted needing to hunt through manuals.

You have totally confused me. All of those are good things.
NONE of them depends on whether it is field¶record (read
"field OF record") or record.field (read "record, oops, I
only want part of it".)

I think people are losing sight of the fact that code gets
read more often than it gets written (at least, if it is code
that is _worth_ writing).

If the complaint is that certain IDEs designed originally for
Java find it easier to give you a hint after "record.", then
I would point out that

- there is no reason IDEs they cannot be redesigned.
Type an expression, then select it if it's complex
or don't bother if it's just an identifier, literal,
or bracketed, then
hit your choice of key (maybe Option-r, ® Reminds me of
Record), pick your field from a menu, and the IDE
drops field¶ in front of the selected expression and
extends the selection to incorporate the field.
There is no law of God, Nature, or Man that says the
order in which you press the keys has to correspond
to the order in which you read things.

- languages like C++ and Ada and Java already have the
problem that you can write f (x) where the sensible
candidates for f depend on what x is. That is, we
ALREADY have a need for right context to resolve a
left side identifier. Hmm; I was thinking of overloading,
but actually, Haskell and C have this problem too.
For int x I want close(x) but for FILE* x I want fclose(x).
You could write in a C IDE (x, y, z)<magic key> (hey, it
could be © for Call) and have a menu of visible functions
with that parameter profile pop up.

- if you have thousands of context-sensitive identifiers
visible in one module, you *desperately* need a better
naming convention and shorter import lists.

- I have Pharo open on my screen. There are some 3077
classes in it. It insists on popping up these so-called
"helpful" menus of names that match what I've typed so far.
I find them distracting, and they tend to obscure what I
am doing. I *wish* they didn't do that. But I have to
admit that I've never actually seen a long list. There
are 30,674 'function names' around (both of the numbers
are before any of my code is loaded). Again, I start
typing something that could be a function name, and up
pops a list of candidates. FEH! Despite Smalltalk's lack
of any kind of compile-time type checking (this is Pharo,
not Strongtalk), again, I've never seen a long list.

So I don't see any reason to warp what people *read* away
from readability (function before argument) in order to pander
to the imagined limitations of writing tools.

- if you have thousands of context-sen

> The point here is for intellisense-like features to work effectively in text editors. The context must come to the left for that to work because...

And that is the claim I just demolished. The order in which things are entered and the order in which they
are display does not have to be the same. That is, after all, one thing that "wizards" do for you.

> That said, I did take a look in an old COBOL book. I didn't find either the dot or the "OF".

That is extremely odd, because while COBOL accepts both "field OF record" and "field IN record",
people mostly use "OF". That must have been the world's worst COBOL book. (Not unlike the
Prolog textbook I met in a university book shop back when Prolog was new: every single example
was syntactically illegal.)

> Haskell already has a . for selecting a name through a context - we call that context a module. According to Bertrand Meyer of Eiffel fame, a class is both a module and a type.

The Haskell, Ada, Lisp, and CAML designers disagree.

> It would be nice to have some lexical disambiguation in this case - I might prefer some other spelling, so long as the context is on the left and the name is on the right. I was going to propose "?", but that's taken already for implicit parameters - which I don't know the first thing about so I can't guess possible conflicts.

It is by now difficult to find an operating system or editor that doesn't support Unicode.
A quick review of ISO 8859-{1..12,13..16} -- -12 doesn't exist -- shows that the section
character § is common to all of them except -6 (Arabic, but not Persian or Urdu) and -12 (Thai).

How about § then? Surely at this late date we can allow ourselves *one* non-ASCII character?
The very name of it (*section* sign) suggests taking a part; and if you are totally in love
with dot, think of it as a dot with ponytails.

> Personally, I don't believe in absolutes, especially WRT readability. Pattern matching is good, but using a case expression just to extract a single field from a record is excessive, causing clutter. That's presumably why we already have the existing functions for reading single fields - but as already mentioned, these cause name-conflict and namespace-pollution issues.

I said pattern matching; I did not say case expressions! What I was talking about
was turning
f x y = ... x.a ... x.b .... x.a ... x.c ...
f x={a=ping,b=pong,c=pung} y =
... ping ... pong ... ping ... pung ...

The increase in readability came in part from the shorter function body but mostly
from knowing up front *which* fields were *going* to be relevant in the body.

David Thomas

Feb 8, 2012, 7:12:12 PM2/8/12
to Richard O'Keefe, haskel...@haskell.org
> record.field (read "record, oops, I only want part of it".)

I would read this "record's field"

Evan Laforge

Feb 8, 2012, 7:15:27 PM2/8/12
to Malcolm Wallace, haskel...@haskell.org
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Malcolm Wallace <malcolm...@me.com> wrote:
> On 8/02/2012, at 14:16, Steve Horne <sh006...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>> I haven't given a lot of thought to updates.
> I very much fail to see the point of replacing prefix function application with postfix dots, merely for field selection.  There are already some imperfect, but adequate, solutions to the problem of global uniqueness of field names.  But you now have mentioned what is really bothering me about this discussion: record updates are simply the most painful and least beautiful part of the Haskell syntax.  Their verbosity is astonishing compared to the careful tenseness of every other language construct.  If we could spend some effort on designing a decent notation for field updates, I think it would be altogether more likely to garner support than fiddling with dots.

It's already possible, here's what I've been experimenting with, using fclabels:

import Data.Label

-- | Compose lenses.
(#) :: (a :-> b) -> (b :-> c) -> (a :-> c)
(#) = flip (.)
infixr 9 #

-- | Get: @bval = a#b $# record@
($#) :: (f :-> a) -> f -> a
($#) = get
infixr 1 $#

-- | Set: @a#b =# 42 record@
(=#) :: (f :-> a) -> a -> f -> f
(=#) = set
infix 1 =#


setTempo :: Y -> Config -> Config
setTempo y config =
config { Config.deflt = (Config.deflt config) { Config.tempo = y } }


setTempo :: Config -> Config
setTempo y = Config.deflt#Config.tempo =# y

I haven't fully integrated this into my project because there are a
lot of labels to convert, but it's promising so far.

As far as I'm concerned, the thing to get rid of is the noisy module
qualification, which was what my suggestion was aimed at. Then we'd
have '#deflt . #tempo =# y', which is pretty concise, if full of #s.

Of course some way to resolve 'deflt' and 'tempo' without ugly #
markers would be nicer, but I think that would have to be typeclass
overloading, which would still require explicit imports for all those
label names. They'd also be uncontrollably global, which wouldn't let
you use them inside the module but not export. So I'm starting to
think that in the absence of changes to typeclasses themselves, a
typeclass-using solution is never going to be satisfactory.

I agree WRT updates, btw. I don't mind the existing record access
very much. It's noisy (I prefix record fields too, so it's even
worse: Config.default_tempo . Config.config_default), but it composes,
so it just means a few more wrapped lines when they don't fit in 80
columns. The non-composing non-abstract updates are what bug me, and
make me scatter about tons of 'modifyThis' functions, both for
composability and to protect from field renames. I hope I can fix it
with lenses, but it's a bit of a hassle trying to retrofit them onto
something large.

Evan Laforge

Feb 8, 2012, 7:26:11 PM2/8/12
to Richard O'Keefe, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
> How about § then?  Surely at this late date we can allow ourselves *one* non-ASCII character?
> The very name of it (*section* sign) suggests taking a part; and if you are totally in love
> with dot, think of it as a dot with ponytails.

I suggest record的field, or record之field for the more classically
minded. And why not some synonyms like recordのfield and
recordकाfield, to be inclusive.

Once these floodgates are opened we'll never want for operator names again :)

Richard O'Keefe

Feb 8, 2012, 7:34:22 PM2/8/12
to Evan Laforge, AntC, haskel...@haskell.org

On 9/02/2012, at 1:26 PM, Evan Laforge wrote:

>> How about § then? Surely at this late date we can allow ourselves *one* non-ASCII character?
>> The very name of it (*section* sign) suggests taking a part; and if you are totally in love
>> with dot, think of it as a dot with ponytails.
> I suggest record的field, or record之field for the more classically
> minded. And why not some synonyms like recordのfield and
> recordकाfield, to be inclusive.

I chose the most available non-ASCII character I could find.
Set the criterion to be "present in most ISO 8-bit character sets"
and there are really only two candidates, section sign and degrees sign.
That hardly opens flood-gates. It should certainly be limited to
characters that do not occur in a word, ruling out record մաս field.

Anthony Clayden

Feb 8, 2012, 10:10:16 PM2/8/12
to Richard O'Keefe, Evan Laforge, haskel...@haskell.org
> I chose the most available non-ASCII character I could
> find. Set the criterion to be "present in most ISO 8-bit
> character sets" and there are really only two candidates,
> section sign and degrees sign. ...

Brilliant! We'll use degrees sign for function composition
(so that it follows the convention in everything except a
handful of obscure programming languages).

That frees up dot for record.field.

And still we can scratch our heads for something to do with
section sign. SS as in set? Some smoother syntax for
swifter, saner, salubrious setting. Super!


Paul R

Feb 9, 2012, 4:58:54 AM2/9/12
to Malcolm Wallace, haskel...@haskell.org
Although it's a bit off topic, I must say I agree with Malcolm on that.
Record-fields-selection-as-functions might be sometime unconvenient, but
it is simple and easy to reason about and deal with, with usual Haskell
strategies (prefixed names, modules, qualified imports ... business as

However, records updating is often painful. A lot of thoughts have been
put in lenses, and they quiet improve the state of things. But,
franckly, having to pragma template haskell, then prefix all the fields
with an underscore, then call a TH splice straight in my code in not
a pleasure. Nor is a pleasure to hand-craft lenses. An improvement on
this front is probably easier to achieve, would make syntax more
consistent, and be immediatly applicable at large scale.

Malcolm> I very much fail to see the point of replacing prefix function
Malcolm> application with postfix dots, merely for field selection.
Malcolm> There are already some imperfect, but adequate, solutions to
Malcolm> the problem of global uniqueness of field names. But you now
Malcolm> have mentioned what is really bothering me about this
Malcolm> discussion: record updates are simply the most painful and
Malcolm> least beautiful part of the Haskell syntax. Their verbosity is
Malcolm> astonishing compared to the careful tenseness of every other
Malcolm> language construct. If we could spend some effort on designing
Malcolm> a decent notation for field updates, I think it would be
Malcolm> altogether more likely to garner support than fiddling with
Malcolm> dots.


Donn Cave

Feb 9, 2012, 3:49:22 PM2/9/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth Evan Laforge <qdu...@gmail.com>,

> The non-composing non-abstract updates are what bug me, and
> make me scatter about tons of 'modifyThis' functions, both for
> composability and to protect from field renames.

So ... at the risk of stating the obvious, is it fair to say the root
of this problem is at least the lack of `first class' update syntax?
For example, in a better world you could write stuff like

modifyConfig :: (Config -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Config -> Config
modifyConfig fr fv a = a { fr = fv (fr a) }

upTempo config = modifyConfig tempo (+ 20) config

... but today you get "`fr' is not a (visible) constructor field name"
So you need a modifyConfigTempo, etc. - when even the above is
inconveniently specific, as we'd rather have

modifyRecord :: RecordType r => (r -> a) -> (a -> a) -> r -> r

I'm not saying "modifyRecord (+ 20) tempo config" would be the ideal
syntax for everyone who's been dreaming of records improvement, just
trying to get at the underlying problem with minimal syntactic
distractions. Nested structure doesn't look like a special problem -

modifyRecord innerRecord (modifyRecord inInField (+ 20)) outRecord

An operator with some infixing doesn't seem to buy a lot -

(innerRecord \{} (inInField \{} (+ 20))) outRecord

... but better might be possible without sacrificing composability.


Jonathan Geddes

Feb 9, 2012, 4:24:01 PM2/9/12
to Donn Cave, haskel...@haskell.org
  modifyConfig :: (Config -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Config -> Config
  modifyConfig fr fv a = a { fr = fv (fr a) 

I like this Idea. The only problem I see is this: if I'm trying to write code that is very generic and abstract, how does the compiler know if the update

> a { fr = 5 }

is targeting a field fr of the record a, or a variable fr, which is in scope and "points to" a first-class field. The difference depends on the record in question, so the code would work differently depending on the context. I would think it would have to be something like 

> a { :fr = 5 } 

or something else syntactically distinct from current record update syntax.

With this and a few more conveniences on record syntax, lenses could go away. For example, I'd love to see a "lambda update" syntax. For example instead of:

> setName n r = r {name = n}

we'd write

> setName n = \{name = n}

I'd also like to see an "Update field by" syntax. Instead of 

> addMr r = r { name = "Mr. " ++ (name r) }

we'd write 

> addMr r = r { name => ("Mr. "++) }

or combining the previous 2:

> addMr = \{name=>("Mr. "++)}

feels very terse and "Haskelly" to me.


--J Arthur


Feb 9, 2012, 8:38:30 PM2/9/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Donn Cave <donn <at> avvanta.com> writes:

> Quoth Evan Laforge <qdunkan <at> gmail.com>,

> ...
> > The non-composing non-abstract updates are what bug me, and
> > make me scatter about tons of 'modifyThis' functions, both for
> > composability and to protect from field renames.
> So ... at the risk of stating the obvious, is it fair to say the root
> of this problem is at least the lack of `first class' update syntax?

No, Donn, it's not the lack of syntax, it's the lack of semantics for first-
class (polymorphic) record update. And there's very little that's obvious. SPJ
was "not very happy with any of this."

SPJ in the SORF proposal asks:
what does e { x = True } mean if there are lots of "x" fields in scope?
(which is precisely what we want to allow)

So he's supposing some syntax -- where `e' is some expression that evaluates
to a record. (There's a shorter discussion in the TDNR proposal.)

If Haskell supported polymorphic update semantics (as well as polymorphic
field selection), you could build for yourself all those update idioms you
talk about.

More abstractly, can Haskell offer a polymorphic `set' (and `get') method for
the `Has' class?

set :: (Has r fld t) => fld -> t -> _r -> r
get :: (Has r fld t) => r -> fld -> t -- fld in record r at type t
-- where fld is a type/Kind that identifies the field

The SORF proposal discusses lots of awkward cases which make polymorphic
update difficult.

I've built a prototype that hacks round some of those cases. SPJ's view (on a
quick inspect) is that it's workable in some cases, limited in others, and not
scalable in general.

Are you/everybody here prepared to give away some of the current record
features so that you can go poly?

- Do you want to change the type of a record?
(that's why I've put `_r' in `set's type
`_r' is the as-was type that we're throwing away.)
Haskell currently supports changing the type of the record.
(SPJ doubts whether type-changing has ever been a valuable feature.
So do I.)

- Do you want to update Higher-rank fields?
(typically used in records representing OO-style objects)
Or is it enough to initialise the HR field when you create the record,
then never change it?
How many forall'd variables might you like in the HR field?

- Do you want to put constraints on the HR's forall'd types?

This is where the issue is stuck. Very possibly if we agree workable
constraints, we're going to just run into further difficulties (like type
inference becoming unmanageable without lots of type annotations to help
resolve instances).


Donn Cave

Feb 9, 2012, 10:22:44 PM2/9/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz>,
> No, Donn, it's not the lack of syntax, it's the lack of semantics for first-
> class (polymorphic) record update. And there's very little that's obvious.

Ah, you're right, I certainly shouldn't have used the word "syntax" there.
But just to be clear on the point, I wonder if you could expand on what
you mean by "polymorphic" above.

I mean, when I wrote

modifyRecord :: RecordType r => (a -> a) -> (r -> a) -> r -> r

... while this does obviously represent a polymorphic function,
if I write

data Config { tempo :: Int, ...}
f = modifyRecord tempo (+20)

... then f has type Config -> Config, it isn't polymorphic.
I am however vaguely aware that some parties to the Record
Question would like to make record fields themselves polymorphic, so
that 'tempo' could be defined for multiple record types and 'f'
would, I suppose, have a type like RecordThatHasTempo r => r -> r

Maybe that's semantically more like "overloading", but in any case,
it isn't strictly necessary in order to support first class updates,


Evan Laforge

Feb 9, 2012, 11:31:46 PM2/9/12
to Donn Cave, haskel...@haskell.org
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Donn Cave <do...@avvanta.com> wrote:
> Quoth Evan Laforge <qdu...@gmail.com>,
> ...
>> The non-composing non-abstract updates are what bug me, and
>> make me scatter about tons of 'modifyThis' functions, both for
>> composability and to protect from field renames.
> So ... at the risk of stating the obvious, is it fair to say the root
> of this problem is at least the lack of `first class' update syntax?

I think there are two problems, or at least the way I'm thinking about
it I'm decomposing it into two parts. One is the lack of first class
and composable update, but that is solved satisfactorily by lenses.
The second is how to write those composable first class names without
getting RSI. So at least the way I'm thinking currently, only the
second needs to be solved.

Module qualified names work, but are wordy. Importing unqualified
leads to clashes. Typeclasses can solve that, but are global so
they're kind of "too" unqualified---no export control. So by that
logic, we need either export control for typeclasses or some other
kind of automatic resolution which is not global, like my #suggestion.
Both would be orthogonal and interesting features in their own right,
but now that I think of it maybe export control for typeclasses or
closed typeclasses might fit in better. I know a lot of people have
wanted those though, so maybe there are serious snags.

> For example, in a better world you could write stuff like
>   modifyConfig :: (Config -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Config -> Config
>   modifyConfig fr fv a = a { fr = fv (fr a) }
>   upTempo config = modifyConfig tempo (+ 20) config

I think lenses already do better than this, since not only are they
more concise than the above (once you've resigned yourself to a few TH
splices), they aren't restricted to being only record fields.

I've done this before:

data Event = Event { event_string :: String, ... }

-- oops, strings are inefficient, but Event is already used in many places
-- most of which enjoy the convenience of Strings and are not in hotspots:

data Event = Event { event_text :: Text, ...}
event_string = Text.unpack . event_text

With lenses you can do this for update as well:

event_string = lens (Text.unpack . event_text) (\s e -> e { event_text
= Text.pack s })

You can also enforce invariants, etc. It would be a shame to have a
nice record update syntax only to be discouraged from using it because
it would tie you too tightly to the current shape of the data
structure. There would always be a tension and every time I wrote
down a new type I'd waste some time thinking: is the record big enough
to want to define functions, or can I get away with direct access? Of
course it may *get* bigger later so...

It's the same tension as direct access vs. accessors in the OO world, I guess.


Feb 9, 2012, 11:33:41 PM2/9/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Donn Cave <donn <at> avvanta.com> writes:

> -- modifyRecord :: RecordType r => (a -> a) -> (r -> a) -> r -> r
modifyRecord :: RecordType r => (r -> a) -> (a -> a) -> r -> r

> ... while this does obviously represent a polymorphic function,

> if I write
> -- data Config { tempo :: Int, ...}
data Config = Config { tempo :: Int, ...}

> f = modifyRecord tempo (+20)
> ...

But f defined like that is exactly what you can't write now (even with the
args round the same way as the signature ;-), because:
* `tempo' is a function to select a field out of a record, *and only that*.
So there's no way in the body of modifyRecord to use its (r -> a)
argument to put the updated `a' back into `r'.
* You can't (in current Haskell) put in place of `tempo' any type/species
of a term that could achieve that update, except by either:
making modifyRecord in effect monomorphic to Config/tempo,
or building a polymorphic update system wot we 'ave no' go' (yet).

> ... then f has type Config -> Config, it isn't polymorphic.

You can do:
f Config{ tempo, .. } = Config {tempo = tempo + 20, ..}
And that does yield f :: Config -> Config

(But I'm sure you knew that.)

OK, we could implement lenses, make `tempo' a lens instead of a selector,
desugar the update syntax to call the update 'method' out of the lens, ...
And of course somehow arrange the sugar that when `tempo' appears in other
contexts we take the select 'method'.

You write up the proposal, and think through all the changes it would involve
over Haskell/GHC as is, and then we can compare it to all those other

I think you'll still find you run into exactly the same difficulties I
mentioned around update for record changing, Higher-ranked, etc.

> I am however vaguely aware that some parties to the Record
> Question would like to make record fields themselves polymorphic,

Yes, for example Jonathan Geddes' post:

> setName n r = r {name = n}

> addMr r = r { name = "Mr. " ++ (name r) }

(Jonathan's post is asking for alternative syntax: that's rather ambitious
when we can't yet write anything like that currently, indeed we don't even
know how we could implement it in general.)

His context is, presumably, having lots of different record types all with a
field `name'. (Arguably he should adopt long_and_meaningful_names for his
various fields.)

> Maybe that's semantically more like "overloading",

Yes, I've implemented it as overloading.

> but in any case,
> it isn't strictly necessary in order to support first class updates,
> true?
> Donn

Well, I think we might be getting stuck here with what does 'first class
update' mean?

The narrow issue we're trying to address is namespacing, and specifically name
clashes: two different records with the same named field.

I can't do better than quote SPJ again, sorry (not very) to repeat myself:

>> SPJ in the SORF proposal asks:
>> what does e { x = True } mean if there are lots of "x" fields in scope?
>> (which is precisely what we want to allow)

It's true that each "x" is monomorphic (in the sense of being tied to a
specific record and field type), but at the time the compiler encounters that
expression, it doesn't know the type of `e'. (In general, `e' is some
arbitrary expression -- perhaps selecting a record out of a keyed array?)

So the compiler relies on the name "x" being monomorphic to tell it. In
contrast, -XDisambiguateRecordFields copes with different "x"s by insisting
you put the Record's data constructor in place of the expression `e'.

If we want to turn this into a syntax question, we perhaps need a way of
putting both an expression and a data constructor in with the field and the
value to update. But note that the "x" in { x = True } is sort of hard-coded,
there's currently no way to put an expression in its place.

So you still can't define a modifyConfig: you couldn't put anything in place
of its (r -> a) parameter that could represent "x".

Now in return for me answering that, please answer the questions in my earlier
post about what limitations on update you'd like:
* record-type changing?
* Higher-ranked fields?
* How many forall'd variables?
* Constrained forall'd variables?

Thank you

Donn Cave

Feb 10, 2012, 1:03:52 AM2/10/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth Evan Laforge <qdu...@gmail.com>,
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Donn Cave <do...@avvanta.com> wrote:

>> For example, in a better world you could write stuff like
>> modifyConfig :: (Config -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Config -> Config
>> modifyConfig fr fv a = a { fr = fv (fr a) }
>> upTempo config = modifyConfig tempo (+ 20) config
> I think lenses already do better than this, since not only are they
> more concise than the above (once you've resigned yourself to a few TH
> splices), they aren't restricted to being only record fields.

How more concise? Because =# is more concise than `modifyRecord', etc.,
or is there some real economy of expression I missed out on? Asking
because, honestly I didn't get your earlier example -

setTempo :: Config -> Config
setTempo y = Config.deflt#Config.tempo =# y

... something's missing, I thought - but maybe it's conciser than
I can reckon with!

The rest - the functions that look like fields, the enforcing invariants,
etc. - are cool as lens features, but for Haskell records in general it
seems like something that would call for a lot of discussion. Compared
to first class record update, where it's easy to see how close to broken
the current situation is.


Donn Cave

Feb 10, 2012, 2:26:44 AM2/10/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Quoth AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz>,

> Donn Cave <donn <at> avvanta.com> writes:

> The narrow issue we're trying to address is namespacing, and specifically name
> clashes: two different records with the same named field.

> Now in return for me answering that, please answer the questions in my earlier
> post about what limitations on update you'd like:
> * record-type changing?
> * Higher-ranked fields?
> * How many forall'd variables?
> * Constrained forall'd variables?

All right, but it won't be a very interesting answer; partly because
I personally do not find the name clash issue per se as compelling as
some - I mean, it can be a nuisance for sure, but it isn't broken the
way update per se is broken - and partly because, as best as I can
make out, I have never dreamed of using any of those four features.
So I hope someone with more invested in the problem will chime in!


Gábor Lehel

Feb 10, 2012, 5:46:08 AM2/10/12
to Evan Laforge, haskel...@haskell.org
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 5:31 AM, Evan Laforge <qdu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can also enforce invariants, etc.  It would be a shame to have a
> nice record update syntax only to be discouraged from using it because
> it would tie you too tightly to the current shape of the data
> structure.  There would always be a tension and every time I wrote
> down a new type I'd waste some time thinking: is the record big enough
> to want to define functions, or can I get away with direct access?  Of
> course it may *get* bigger later so...
> It's the same tension as direct access vs. accessors in the OO world, I guess.

I thought of this analogy also, but in the context of views/view patterns.

They seem to fill a 2x2 grid (not going to try ascii art):

accessor functions: map subcomponent of structure, read-only
lenses: map subcomponent of structure, read-write
view patterns: map whole structure, read-only
views: map whole structure, read-write

Any of these facilitate separation of interface and implementation:
with functions and lenses you define a collection of them representing
the logical subcomponents to serve as the interface, whereas with view
patterns and views you define an entire new data structure to serve as
the interface. (Views feel like they would be more powerful and
flexible on this basis, but I haven't thought about it deeply. Perhaps
at the price of being less efficient?)

The subcomponent vs. whole structure disctinction might be a little
bit superficial: there's nothing stopping you from defining a
whole-structure lens. I think the difference between that and views is
merely convenience of use, but I'm not completely sure.

Unfortunately the page where I read a proposal about Views seems to
have fallen off the internet and I only partly remember it, so I can't
check if this is on the right track. I think it was the one linked
from here: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/haskell-prime/wiki/Views

Evan Laforge

Feb 10, 2012, 1:11:02 PM2/10/12
to Donn Cave, haskel...@haskell.org
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Donn Cave <do...@avvanta.com> wrote:
> Quoth Evan Laforge <qdu...@gmail.com>,
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Donn Cave <do...@avvanta.com> wrote:
> ...
>>> For example, in a better world you could write stuff like
>>>   modifyConfig :: (Config -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Config -> Config
>>>   modifyConfig fr fv a = a { fr = fv (fr a) }
>>>   upTempo config = modifyConfig tempo (+ 20) config
>> I think lenses already do better than this, since not only are they
>> more concise than the above (once you've resigned yourself to a few TH
>> splices), they aren't restricted to being only record fields.
> How more concise?  Because =# is more concise than `modifyRecord', etc.,
> or is there some real economy of expression I missed out on?  Asking
> because, honestly I didn't get your earlier example -

More concise because in your example (which is also what most of my
code looks like), you define a modifyX function and then apply it to
form the setField function. To be complete you would have to define a
modifyX for every branch in the nested records. It's rare for records
go above 3 levels deep, but you can still wind up with quite a
function boilerplate style modifyX functions.

In the case of lenses, all the relevant modifyX functions are
generated automatically and can be composed.

> setTempo :: Config -> Config
> setTempo y = Config.deflt#Config.tempo =# y
> ... something's missing, I thought - but maybe it's conciser than
> I can reckon with!

Getting rid of the special operators and eta reduction might make it clearer:

setTempo y config = set (Config.tempo `composeLens` Config.deflt) y config

> The rest - the functions that look like fields, the enforcing invariants,
> etc. - are cool as lens features, but for Haskell records in general it
> seems like something that would call for a lot of discussion.  Compared
> to first class record update, where it's easy to see how close to broken
> the current situation is.

Well, that's why I'm saying we don't have to build the lens features
into the language, though I think at some point one of those lens
libraries should make it into the platform and be encouraged as the
standard way. I think the field access / modification problem has
already been solved, and I can't even think of a better way to do it.
You could build them into the language by having the record
declaration syntax automatically create lenses instead of plain access
functions. But that would make it harder to swap out the
implementation, and I don't know if there's sufficient confidence in
the implementations that people are ready to commit to one and build
it into the compiler. It depends how much people hate the TH gunk
implied by not having the derivation built in.

I think a reasonable course is to use the TH gunk for now and if the
world coalesces on one implementation or if everyone loves the new
records and wants to enshrine them in haskell' then it gets built in.
TH is good as a trying ground for new features.

The thing I think *is* "broken" (well, just awkward, really), is that
I have to type 'set (Config.tempo . Config.deflt)' instead of 'set
(tempo.deflt)'. Once we get there, then (back to my wacky operators)
'deflt#tempo =# 42 config' is just a jumbled version of the imperative
'config.tempo := 42' only better because it can be partially applied.
Then we just add a lens for Data.Map and imperative
'state[block].config.tempo := 42' can be written 'Map.lens block #
config # tempo #= 42 config'... not bad! To be sure the only
difference with the current situation is that you have to qualify
those names.

Steve Horne

Feb 10, 2012, 7:13:07 PM2/10/12
to Donn Cave, haskel...@haskell.org
On 10/02/2012 03:22, Donn Cave wrote:
> modifyRecord :: RecordType r => (a -> a) -> (r -> a) -> r -> r

> data Config { tempo :: Int, ...}

> f = modifyRecord tempo (+20)

I'm hoping I missed something, and that you don't intend the "(r -> a)"
part of this in particular to be taken literally.

If you intend something to be used as a field identifier, you should
give it a type that says that. A function (r -> a) could be anything -
even a use of const that ignores the value for r. Having a type class
for field ids, parameterized by the record type and the field type,
would make more sense. Having that, you could treat a record a bit like
an IORef - use polymorphic read, write and modify functions. "Like an
IORef" doesn't mean mutability, of course.

Personally, though, I still quite like the existing update notation, at
least for updating multiple fields at once. Some tweaks could be nice -
particularly for taking an (a -> a) function rather than an (a) value
for each field.

What I might do (note - spelling choices not sanity checked).

data MyRecordT = MyRec {= field01 :: Int, field02 :: Int =}
-- New notation to avoid breaking changes where old notation is used.
-- This notation should not provide module-level field access functions.

example_read_1 :: FieldID MyRecordT Int -> MyRecordT -> Int
example_read_1 fid r = readRec fid r

example_read_2 :: MyRecordT -> Int
example_read_2 = readRec MyRecordT.field01
-- This differs from my earlier <typename>.<fieldname> gives field
-- access function idea. More clutter here, but for a reason.

example_read_3 :: MyRecordT -> Int
example_read_3 r = readRec MyRec.field01 r
-- This would only match field01 in the MyRec constructor case, even
-- if there were other constructors for the same type. The same type as
-- MyRecordT.field01, but a different value.

example_read_4 :: MyRecordT -> Int
example_read_4 r = r.field01
-- Direct read of a field in a known record value is a common case,
-- and avoiding the explicit readRec avoids clutter.

example_modify_1 :: FieldID MyRecordT Int -> (Int -> Int) -> MyRecordT
-> MyRecordT
example_modify_1 fid fun r = modifyRec fid fun r
-- For longhand, support modifyRec and writeRec functions

example_modify_2 :: MyRecordT-> (Int -> Int)-> MyRecordT
example_modify_2 r fun = r { field01 fun, field02 (+field01) }
-- First item of each pair indicates field. Lack of = indicates use
a function.
-- Within the braces, all the functions (second item each pair) see
an environment
-- containing all field names, referring to the original value of
the record.
-- Pair doesn't mean tuple here - just two subexpressions separated
by whitespace.
-- Maybe <- or <-> separator would be better instead.

example_modify_3 :: MyRecordT -> FieldID MyRecordT Int -> MyRecordT
example_modify_3 r fid = r { fid (+1) }
-- First item of each pair still accepts arbitrary field IDs. Also,
-- use MyRec.field01 - to only allow matching that field in that
-- Probably require parens for anything other than a single
identifier in the
-- field-id subexpression.

example_modify_4 :: MyRecordT -> MyRecordT
example_modify_4 r = r { field01 (\_ -> readRec r.field02 r) }
-- The dot still supplies field IDs, overriding the
-- environment, for record types, data constructors, and record
values. Using
-- the shorthand for any reads of original field values is not

example_modify_5 :: MyRecordT -> MyRecordT
example_modify_5 r = r { field01 = field02, field02 (+1) }
-- The "=" is still available too - mixing of write and modify cases

example_modify_6 :: MyRecordT -> MyRecordT
example_modify_6 = MyRecordT { field01 = field02, field02 = field01 }
-- Allow update shorthand for the type and for the data constructor too,
-- giving a function as normal.

On scope, the braces imply certain environment-defining rules. Also, the
dot introduces a very short lived environment providing the field names.
If the record type and/or data constructor is in scope, and the field
names are made public by the module that defines them, these notations
should just work - can't (and no need to) explicitly import the field
names, which would import them into the wrong scope anyway. Importing
the type name brings the field names along with it for type- and
value-related scopes (such as <typename>.<fieldname> and
<value>.<fieldname>) and importing the data constructor name brings the
field names along with it for constructor-related scopes (such as

Ban having type name, data constructor name or field name the same for
the same type, except that a field name can occur within several data
constructors for the same type - but only when using this record syntax.
This is in part to avoid confusion within the braces notation for
update. There is no ambiguity in principle, though, because the new
environments hide any conflicting identifiers (type/constructor names
included) by making the field names visible.

On the use of dots - I only have around 100 keys on my keyboard and most
or all available symbols from those keys seem to be used. This use of
dot still seems to me like just an extension of dot for
<modulename>.<name> for accessing names in a module-based namespace.
Further, if the left hand item is a type or value expression, there is
no ambiguity with dot for function composition - though this is likely a
fatal issue for my idea of allowing dots with data constructor names.
Still, we make do without within-particular-constructor field selection
now, so that's not such a big deal.

wren ng thornton

Feb 12, 2012, 1:36:30 AM2/12/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
On 2/8/12 10:10 PM, Anthony Clayden wrote:
>> I chose the most available non-ASCII character I could
>> find. Set the criterion to be "present in most ISO 8-bit
>> character sets" and there are really only two candidates,
>> section sign and degrees sign. ...
> Brilliant! We'll use degrees sign for function composition
> (so that it follows the convention in everything except a
> handful of obscure programming languages).

Even better, use the section symbol for getting and setting the various
sections/fields of a record! ;)

Live well,

Evan Laforge

Feb 12, 2012, 6:54:18 PM2/12/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
> OK, we could implement lenses, make `tempo' a lens instead of a selector,
> desugar the update syntax to call the update 'method' out of the lens, ...
> And of course somehow arrange the sugar that when `tempo' appears in other
> contexts we take the select 'method'.

implement lenses - Done, of course.

make 'tempo' a lens instead of a selector - Done, but with TH.

desugar the update syntax - Not necessary, and normal function syntax
is more flexible than special update syntax.

arrange for 'tempo' in other contexts to be the select method - If I'm
understanding correctly, then this is also not necessary. If we are
using normal function syntax then there are no "other contexts".

> You write up the proposal, and think through all the changes it would involve
> over Haskell/GHC as is, and then we can compare it to all those other
> proposals.

So no proposal is necessary, because it's already implemented. However:

> Now in return for me answering that, please answer the questions in my earlier
> post about what limitations on update you'd like:
> * record-type changing?
> * Higher-ranked fields?
> * How many forall'd variables?
> * Constrained forall'd variables?

If record update is a normal function then all of these questions are
moot. However, if it uses lenses then, focusing on type changing
first, you raise a good point. All the lens libraries I know of have
a 'set' function like 'Lens a b -> b -> a -> a', and so can't change
the type of the record the way record update syntax can. That's a
serious weakness, and you're right that a real proposal shouldn't go
forward without a solution for it.

I don't understand enough about the issue yet to know from where
exactly this weakness arises, and what would be needed to solve it in
the context of lenses, e.g. in a data structure that can be passed to
a normal function rather than as special syntax. If I understood it
better then perhaps I could suggest something to address exactly that
weakness in an orthogonal way. I'll have to think about it more.


Feb 19, 2012, 10:41:23 PM2/19/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
> I'm proposing my record fields so that selectors are just functions. Then
> independent of dot notation. (It's the semantics I'm far more concerned
> with.)

Folks, I've put my 'Record in Haskell' proposal on the wiki
http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records as suggestion 5 Declared
Overloaded Record Fields.

Thanks to the voiciferousness on this thread, dot notation is completely

Feedback welcome.


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Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Gábor Lehel

Feb 20, 2012, 6:58:09 AM2/20/12
to AntC, haskel...@haskell.org
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 4:41 AM, AntC <anthony...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
> Folks, I've put my 'Record in Haskell' proposal on the wiki
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records  as suggestion 5 Declared
> Overloaded Record Fields.
> Thanks to the voiciferousness on this thread, dot notation is completely
> optional.
> Feedback welcome.

Thanks for writing it up, I admit I was having trouble following
across the various email threads.

Surprisingly, your ideas are very similar to my own. I'm not sure if
this is a good thing or a bad sign, but naturally I'm in favor.

I was wondering whether it wouldn't make sense to have some syntax
within the record itself, instead of at the top level, to declare,
"I'm definitely declaring a new record field", versus "I'm definitely
re-using an existing record field", versus "If this record field
already exists I'm re-using it, otherwise I'm declaring it". (It
doesn't necessarily make sense to have all three - the second one
might be cumbersome, or the third one might be error-prone - but they
seem like the options.)

The existing, unadorned record syntax would mean "I'm definitely
declaring a new record field", because that's what it already means.
Simply leaving off the type annotation to indicate otherwise sadly
wouldn't work because, as you mention, that means that it's the same
type as the next field.

So something like:

data Rec1 = Rec1 { field1 :: Int, field2 :: Char } -- declare field1
:: Int and field2 :: Char fields

data Rec2 = Rec2 { import field1, field3 :: String } -- reuse field1
:: Int, declare field3 :: String

data Rec3 = Rec3 { field3 :: String } -- declare field3 :: String, but
error: already declared

Hopefully someone can think of better syntax than my "import field1" above.

Regarding the polymorphic update / higher-rank fields issues, I'm not
competent to address them in earnest, but: isn't this primarily an
ImpredicativeTypes issue? If GHC had full support for
ImpredicativeTypes (whatever that means), would it work?



Feb 20, 2012, 8:34:32 PM2/20/12
to haskel...@haskell.org
Gábor Lehel <illissius <at> gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 4:41 AM, AntC <anthony_clayden <at> clear.net.nz>

> > Folks, I've put my 'Record in Haskell' proposal on the wiki
> > http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records  as suggestion 5 Declared
> > Overloaded Record Fields.
> >

> > Feedback welcome.

> I was wondering whether it wouldn't make sense to have some syntax
> within the record itself, instead of at the top level, to declare,
> "I'm definitely declaring a new record field", versus "I'm definitely
> re-using an existing record field", versus "If this record field

> already exists I'm re-using it, otherwise I'm declaring it". ...

We're trying to minimise the changes (and be backward compatible, if
possible), so I think a single compiler option at module level is enough,
without introducing tricky syntax in the record decls.

Option absent means H98 behaviour.
Option present means _all_ my record decls are using pre-defined record fields.

Note that this only affects the modules where the records (and fieldLabels)
are declared.

In the application code which uses the records, just apply the field selector
function to the record, or use familiar record update syntax. You don't have
to know how the record or fields were declared. (That is, you can import H98
style records and DORF style records quite happily.)

That suggests the best way to organise the database definitions/decls is:
- base module: data dictionary (fieldLabels only)
- record/structures module(s) grouped by application areas: records only
plus interface to your data store; plus validation and manip utilities
- application modules: business code
possibly plus ad-hoc records (may be decl'd H98 style)

Well stap me if that way of organising isn't best practice anyway!

> Regarding the polymorphic update / higher-rank fields issues, I'm not
> competent to address them in earnest, but: isn't this primarily an
> ImpredicativeTypes issue? If GHC had full support for
> ImpredicativeTypes (whatever that means), would it work?
> ~g

Thanks Gábor, neither am I really competent, which is why I asked SPJ to look
at an early prototype. Since he says it's an unscalable hack, I'll stop there.

At least my proposal uses Has/get/set (with its type-level sugar) and supports
type-changing update. So (I reckon) it's equal to or ahead of any other
proposal -- except for those which need whole-scale syntax re-engineering and
breaking a whole heap of code.


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