Glossaire du vodou haïtien

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Renald Luberice

Feb 14, 2009, 8:40:41 AM2/14/09
to haiti nation
Glossaire du vodou haïtien, source :
Ason (asson) :
Hochet du hougan ou de la mambo fait d'une calebasse recouverte d'un filet dans les mailles duquel sont prises des graines de porcelaine ou des vertèbres de couleuvre.
Attribut royal, symbole de puissance.

Asoto (assotor) :
Tambour sacré de grande taille frappé par plusieurs tambourinaires. Il est utilisé au cours des grandes cérémonies.
Baka :

Génie malfaisant

Chante pwen :
Chansons engagées à travers lesquelles on envoie des messages ou des mises en garde.
Chwal (cheval) :
Personne possédée par un loa.
Doctè fèy (docteur-feuille) :


Etranje (étranger) :
Toute personne n'appartenant pas à la famille mystique.

Govi :
Vase de terre dans lequel s'abritent les loas.
Granmèt (Grand maître) :
Nom donné à Dieu par les vodouisants.

Hounfò (humforts) :
Temple vodou.
Hougan :
Prêtre du vodou.
Hougenikon :
Chef chœur dans une société vodou qui " envoie " les chants et les arrête.
Hounsi :
Homme ou femme qui a passé les rites d'initiation et qui assiste le hougan ou la mambo.
Invisible :
Autre appellation de loa.
Kanzo :
Cérémonie d'initiation qui habilite le néophyte à servir avec le hougan ou la mambo.
Lakou :
Regroupement de plusieurs ménages ou familles sur une grande habitation. Résidence du hougan ou de la mambo.
Laplace :
Maître de cérémonie. Il conduit les processions, rend honneurs aux loas et assiste l'officiant.
Loa (lwa) :
Génie, divinité du vodou.
Loa-racine (lwarasin) :
Esprit ancestral hérité d'une famille ou des ancêtres.
Manger guinin (manje ginen) :
Offrande offerte aux loas Rada.
Manger loa (manje lwa) :
Sacrifice d'animaux et offrandes de nourriture en l'honneur des loas.
Manger marassa (manje marasa) :
Offrandes aux jumeaux divins.
Manger yam :
Cérémonie qui consiste à donner à manger à l'âme de la terre. Elle se compose d'ignames accompagnées d'autres produits vivriers et de poissons séchés.
Mapou :
Arbre mystique géant. Résidence des loas.
Mystère (mistè) :
Nan Campèche :
Haut lieu mystique dans le Nord.
Nan Souvenans :
Haut lieu mystique dans l'Artibonite.
Nom vaillant (non vanyan) :
Non rituel donné à un hougan ou une mambo à l'issue de son initiation complète. C'est aussi le nom sacré des plantes.
Papa bon Dieu (Papa bondié) :
Grand maître, autre appellation de Dieu.
Péristyle (peristil) :
Annexe de humfort où se déroulent les cérémonies.
Pitite-feuille (piti fèy) :
Membre d'une congrégation vodou adopté par le hougan ou la mambo.
Poin (pwen) :
Force magique. Puissance surnaturelle.
Pierre-l'orage :
Pierres sacrées dotées d'une âme et possédant de grandes vertus magiques.
Saint (sen) :
Service (sèvis) :
Cérémonie en l'honneur des loas.
Tcha-tcha (tya-tya) :
Instrument de musique fabriqué avec la coque évidée et séchée du fruit d'un arbre sacré, le calebassier.
Vodouisme :
Amour exagéré du vodou.
Vèvè :
Dessin sacré ou profane. Profane : décoration ; sacré : armoirie rituelle et blason d'un loa.
Ouanga (wanga) :
Fétiche, sortilège, charme.
Zin (zen) :
Pots en terre cuite dans lesquels on fait cuire les offrandes.
Zombi :
Individu dont un sorcier a enlevé l'âme et qu'il a réduit en servitude.


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Granneg Latortue

Feb 14, 2009, 11:21:27 AM2/14/09
Comprendre les racines d'Haiti avant les invectives négatives de l'intolérance.  Tres Grande faute Théologique: Les Chrétiens n'ont pas la seule voie vers Dieu. Il y a beaucoup d'autres chemins qui menent a Dieu. 
En terme de nombre de croyants, le Christianisme est la 4eme religion du monde, donc religion minoritaire.
DE LA CARTE GEOGRAPHIQUE - Provenance des Haitiens est la zone frontaliere Benin-Nigeria.
Zone Yoruba, Igbo et Ewé. 
TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE est fils de Gaou Ginou, Chef du groupe ethique de la zone et ville ALLADA, au Nord de la ville de Ouidah, comme Damballah-Ouidah.
A droite voir la ville de Badagri, comme dans Ogun-Badagri. La riviere Ogun traverse Lagos, ex Capitale du Nigeria.
La religion Yoruba est basée a Ifé, comme la zone Vodouisante en Haiti.
Les Igbos nous ont donné Ibo-Lele, Ayaman Ibo Lele. Les Igbo-Elele sont des Juifs érrants émigrés en terre Igbo.
Les racines Haitiennes sont celles de Juifs érrants, donc la nation Haitienne est toujours érrante dans le desert!




Feb 14, 2009, 11:38:27 AM2/14/09
           La Poule aux oeufs d'or

L'avarice perd tout en voulant tout gagner.

Je ne veux, pour le témoigner,
Que celui dont la poule, à ce que dit la fable,
Pondoit tout les jours un oeuf d'or.

Il crut que dans son corps elle avoit un trésor:
Il la tua, l'ouvrit, et la trouva semblable
À celles dont les oeufs ne lui rapportoient rien,
S'étant lui-même ôté le plus beau de son bien.
Belle leçon pour les gens

Pendant ces derniers temps, combien a-t-on vus
Qui du soir au matin sont pauvres devenus,
Pour vouloir trop tôt être riches!

Jean-Audan Catel
Pour une Haïti à la Hauteur de son Histoire

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Granneg Latortue

Feb 14, 2009, 5:38:33 PM2/14/09
Chers Compatriotes et Patriotes Haitiens,
Pourquoi ce silence?  Votre silence me rends sourd!
Vous avez marqué un tres grands but, vos alliés de Washington, votre publique, sont en pinpan sur la scene!
La glorieuse, sage, et saine victoire est a vous!
Un vrai coup, droit a l'ame d'Haiti et direct de Washington ou réside votre maitre blanc.  Bravo!  Bien Joué le blanc encore une fois!
L'interet du peuple Haitien est en premiere sur votre liste. Lavalasse a le chemin droit devant lui, va gagner des éléctions 2009, avec les memes outils de 1990 et 2000. Le terrain est vide, et penche vers vous. La "Operation Restore Democracy II".
Vue du vrai metteur en scene de ce plan.
LE PLAN (divide)
Temps 1, la division totale des Haitiens par fraudes éléctorales. (Jocelyne, Stanley, mandé enragé)
Temps 2, les émeutes, batailles acharnées, tuerie dans les rues. Le sang coule sur CNN.

(& rule)
Temps 3, Mise sous-tutelle a cause de l'instabilite politique, crée par les Haitiens dit CNN.
FIN: Exploitation des mines Haitiennes contre un appui financier de nos maitres blancs et purs. $1 pour Haiti contre $500 pour le blanc. (le petrole, l'or, le cuivre, l'aluminium, le platinum, produits radioactifs, pouzzolane, etc...)

Fin 2009 ou debut 2010, Comme prédit par Granneg en 2008.
Granneg trouve que c'est un bon plan, magnifique en son execution, car les Ayissiens sont incapables de faire la conquete de leur colonialisme interne. Ah le leader noir de peau et blanc de raisonnement.

Cette fois, occupation et tutelle sont plus facile que les autres fois.
Votre armée MINUSTAH occupante est deja en place. Pas d'invasions des blancs sur CNN.
Pas besoin de mendier a Washington, le budget Charité 76% est deja en place.
Pas besoin de faire appel aux ONG blanches. Ils sont deja en place et ignorent le gouvernement Haitien sans dents.
Votre silence me rends sourd!
Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour le peuple, et ce que vous allez maintenant faire.
Merci d'avoir mis votre patriotisme avant la soif du pouvoir et l'enrichissement a la cocaine.

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Feb 14, 2009, 8:46:20 PM2/14/09
I believe you are on the wrong side of history.  In every society there is always an appeal process following a decision.  Your spin of what took place in Haiti is a leap of faith.  As far as I am concern you are admitting the inability of the other side to gain the confidence of the peopleand  their inability to organize and get the vote.  As long as your people continue with the blame game, they will always be on the outside looking in.  There is a certain set of skills you must acquire to win elections.  I suggest your people learn those skills and stop the belly aching about the road is clear for the Lavalas party to win the election.
In my opinion, the reason you can not win elections is you don't relate to the people, you don't respect the people and you don't think the people can choose for themselves.  With that better than thou attitude, its no wonder you can't win elections.
I can not speak for the people you mentioned because there is not much to say except that the process played itself out.  I was of the opinion that the CEP arrived at a decision and the decision was final pending an appeal process.  In this case the CEP showed its wisdom by extending the dead line=2 0so certain corrections can be made; otherwise the aggrieved party would call on their right to appeal and come to the same decision.  I believe it was Attorney Laurent who made that suggestion.  There isn't much more to say except encourage your people to get their act together so they can successfully contest elections.
Respectfully yours,

-----Original Message-----
From: Granneg Latortue <>
Sent: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 5:38 pm
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2260] Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!

Chers Compatriotes et Patriotes Haitiens,
Pourquoi ce silence?  Votre silence me rends sourd!
Vous avez marqué un tres grands but, vos alliés de Washington, votre publique, sont en pinpan sur la scene!
La glorieuse, sage, et saine victoire est a vous!
Un vrai coup, droit a l'ame d'Haiti et direct de Washington ou réside votre maitre blanc.  Bravo!  Bien Joué le blanc encore une fois!
L'interet du peuple Haitien est en premiere sur votre liste. Lavalasse a le chemin droit devant lui, va gagner des éléctions 2009, avec les memes outils de 1990 et 2000. Le terrain est vide, et penche vers vous. La "Operation Restore Democracy II".
Vue du vrai metteur en scene de ce plan.
LE PLAN (divide)
Temps 1, la division totale des Haitiens par fraudes éléctorales. (Jocelyne, Stanley, mandé enragé)
Temps 2, les émeutes, batailles acharnées, tuerie dans les rues. Le sang coule sur CNN.

(& rule)
Temps 3, Mise sous-tutelle a cause de l'instabilite politique, crée par les Haitiens dit CNN.
FIN: Exploitation des mines Haitiennes contre un appui financier de nos maitres blancs et purs. $1 pour Haiti contre $500 pour le blanc. (le petrole, l'or, le cuivre, l'aluminium, le platinum, produits radioactifs, pouzzolane, etc...)

Fin 2009 ou debut 2010, Comme prédit par Granneg en 2008.
Granneg trouve que c'est un bon plan, magnifique en son execution, car les Ayissiens sont incapables de faire la conquete de leur colonialisme interne. Ah le leader noir de peau et blanc de raisonnement.

Cette20fois, occupation et tutelle sont plus facile que les autres fois.

Votre armée MINUSTAH occupante est deja en place. Pas d'invasions des blancs sur CNN.
Pas besoin de mendier a Washington, le budget Charité 76% est deja en place.
Pas besoin de faire appel aux ONG blanches. Ils sont deja en place et ignorent le gouvernement Haitien sans dents.
Votre silence me rends sourd!
Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour le peuple, et ce que vous allez maintenant faire.
Merci d'avoir mis votre patriotisme avant la soif du pouvoir et l'enrichissement a la cocaine.

Subject: RE: [Haïti-Nation:2247] Glossaire du vodou haïtien
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 11:21:27 -0500

Comprendre les racines d'Haiti avant les invectives négatives de l'intolérance.  Tr es Grande faute Théologique: Les Chrétiens n'ont pas la seule voie vers Dieu. Il y a beaucoup d'autres chemins qui menent a Dieu. 
Maître de cérémonie. Il conduit les processions , rend honneurs aux loas et assiste l'officiant.
Loa (lwa) :
Génie, divinité du vodou.
Loa-racine (lwarasin) :
Esprit ancestral hérité d'une famille ou des ancêtres.
Manger guinin (manje ginen) :
Offrande offerte aux loas Rada.
Manger loa (manje lwa) :
Sacrifice d'animaux et offrandes de nourriture en l'honneur des loas.
Manger marassa (manje marasa) :
Offrandes aux jumeaux divins.
Manger yam :
Cérémonie qui consiste à donner à manger à l'âme de la terre. Elle se compose d'ignames accompagnées d'autres produits vivriers et de poissons séchés.
Mapou :
Arbre mystique géant. Résidence des loas.
Mystère (mistè) :
Nan Campèche :
Haut lieu mystique dans le Nord.
Nan Souvenans :
Haut lieu mystique dans l'Artibonite.
Nom vaillant (non vanyan) :
Non rituel donné à un hougan ou une mambo à l'issue de son initiation complète. C'est aussi le nom sacrA 9 des plantes.
Papa bon Dieu (Papa bondié) :
Grand maître, autre appellation de Dieu.
Péristyle (peristil) :
Annexe de humfort où se déroulent les cérémonies.
Pitite-feuille (piti fèy) :
Membre d'une congrégation vodou adopté par le hougan ou la mambo.
Poin (pwen) :
Force magique. Puissance surnaturelle.
Pierre-l'orage :
Pierres sacrées dotées d'une âme et possédant de grandes vertus magiques.
Saint (sen) :
Service (sèvis) :
Cérémonie en l'honneur des loas.
Tcha-tcha (tya-tya) :
Instrument de musique fabriqué avec la coque évidée et séchée du fruit d'un arbre sacré, le calebassier.
Vodouisme :
Amour exagéré du vodou.
Vèvè :
Dessin sacré ou profane. Profane : décoration ; sacré : armoirie rituelle et blason d'un loa.
Ouanga (wanga) :
Fétiche, sortilège, charme.
Zin (zen) :20

Pots en terre cuite dans lesquels on fait cuire les offrandes.
Zombi :
Individu dont un sorcier a enlevé l'âme et qu'il a réduit en servitude.


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Granneg Latortue

Feb 14, 2009, 9:16:14 PM2/14/09
I believe that Lavalasse has a right to exist, to field candidates, just like any other party. Egal egaux.
1) The rules were: All parties submit candidates by X time, and can appeal by Feb 13th 5PM.
Because of internal stife caused by a devious Aristide playing his people in Haiti against each other, 2 Lavalasse parties submitted 2 sets of candidates.  Narcisse had a bad mandate naming her chief of party. It was not notarized as required of me when I send legal papers to Haiti. Protested by lawyer of lavalsse2 party.
lavalasse2 was also in constant contact with Aristide, and believed it was the sole party as told to them by Titid. No one understands that Titid is in constant contact with all lavalasse actors. He caused this mess so he can retain control of both sides of Lavalasse. Aristide understand very well how to divide and conquer.
2) The CEP correctly rejected both sets of lavalasse candidates. Only 1 set allowed per party.  both sets could not meet the friday 5PM dealine.  As Zili said, Lavalasse was not on any kind of legal status. They were dead for 2009.
3) Samderson visits CEP, orders are given.  She is paying 75% of the costs, so she orders an illegality: Re-open the books for another 72 hours so lavalasse can get is stuff together. That is illegal favoritism that lavalasse is so against when it is done against them.  For them is OK. Against them is bad.  That is colonial blanc orders that they accuse the Latortue Governement of receiving, yet they are doing worse!  James, define colonialism?
4) if the offending party had been x, would the CEP have re-opened its books past the published deadline? Is Haiti a sovereign state as CEP has just declared 24 hours before?  Or is Haiti and lavalasse a bunch of colonial tchouls of the blancs? What is lavalasse fighting for?  Blanc rulers or independence?
5) The "certain set of skills required to win elections" is practiced by all politicians worldwide. It is called LYING to the people.  Aristide does it very very well. he has fooled you all these years. On this side of the fence, we know about lying from years of practice, and have stopped lying to the people so we can build, not pillage, burn, steal, and traffic drugs.

6) The only belly that is aching is the klorox hunger of the Haitian people who followed Aristide. Not me.
Good luck with that guy!


Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2262] Re: Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 20:46:20 -0500

Granneg Latortue

Feb 14, 2009, 10:51:40 PM2/14/09
Reality check:  While intellectuals get involved in interminable debates, read this article untill you get to the Haitian part.
Former Guantanomo guard recalls abuse, climate of fear
By MIKE MELIA, Associated Press Writer Mike Melia, Associated Press Writer
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – Army Pvt. Brandon Neely was scared when he took Guantanamo's first shackled detainees off a bus. Told to expect vicious terrorists, he grabbed a trembling, elderly detainee and ground his face into the cement — the first of a range of humiliations he says he participated in and witnessed as the prison was opening for business.
Neely has now come forward in this final year of the detention center's existence, saying he wants to publicly air his feelings of guilt and shame about how some soldiers behaved as the military scrambled to handle the first alleged al-Qaida and Taliban members arriving at the isolated U.S. Navy base.
His account, one of the first by a former guard describing abuses at Guantanamo, describes a chaotic time when soldiers lacked clear rules for dealing with detainees who were denied many basic comforts. He says the circumstances changed quickly once monitors from the International Committee of the Red Cross arrived.
The military says it has gone to great lengths in the seven years since then to ensure the prisoners' safe treatment. "Our policy is to treat detainees humanely," said Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon, a Pentagon spokesman.
After the Sept. 11 attacks and the swift U.S. military response in Afghanistan, the Bush administration had little time to prepare for the hundreds of prisoners being swept up on the battlefield. The U.S. Southern Command was given only a few weeks notice before they began arriving at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba — a locale thought to be beyond the reach of U.S. and Cuban law. The first arrivals were housed in cages that had been used for Haitian migrants almost a decade earlier.
[Haitians sent to Guantanamo by Aristide were held in cages just like terrorist of Al Quead]
Now President Barack Obama is committed to closing the prison and finding new ways of handling the remaining 245 detainees as well as any future terror suspects. Human rights groups say his pledge to adhere to long established laws and treaties governing prisoner treatment is essential if the United States hopes to prevent abuses in the future.
"If Guantanamo has taught us anything, it's the importance of abiding by the rule of law," said Jennifer Daskal, senior counterterrorism counsel for Human Rights Watch.
Or as Neely put it in an interview with The Associated Press this week, "The stuff I did and the stuff I saw was just wrong."

cetoute guy

Feb 15, 2009, 1:52:48 AM2/15/09



1—Lire : « Gouverneurs de la rosée » de Jacques Roumain.


I--Le rire comme schème du pathos dans sa fonction de communication    

Dan s un univers diégétique dominé fondamentalement par le drame, il est d’une portée hautement thérapeutique que les protagonistes trouvent ou se créent des occasions de rire. En ce sens, le rire, comme un des modes d’expression des affects, a une fonction humaine et sociale évidente. C’est peut-être ce qui fait dire à Suzanne Héleinkoss que : "le rire: c'est le dédain et la compréhension mêlés, et en somme la plus haute manière de voir la vie." (LE DISCOURS TEXTUEL DU RIRE DANS SALAMMBÔ DE FLAUBERT//Source internet)


Lié au genre du comique, le rire remplit une fonction esthétique indéniable. Même un auteur comme Gustave Flaubert ne s’est pas privé de cette ressource. Ce dont le philosophe Jean-Paul Sartre s’en est porté garant dans son essai inachevé : « L’idiot de la famille » On doit comprendre que le rire a joué un rôle primordial dans la personnalisation du romancier français. On a même émis l’idée que le rire puisse être considéré comme la clé de voûte de la structure narrative des ses grands romans de la maturité, dont « Salammbô ». C’est dans ce contexte que Suzanne Héleinkoos a pu émette l’hypothèse du <rire comme code de lecture<  A cet effet, elle a écrit dans l’ouvrage cité ci-dessus : « Un commentateur récent de Salammbô estime que le mode de lecture le plus propice à l'explication de ce roman serait celui qui emprunterait ses éléments à des données déjà inscrites au niveau des personnages: tels la parole ou le regard. Ce point de vue paraît éminemment raisonnable. Je tiendrais simplement à ajouter que le rire offre précisément une telle voie et/ou voix d'accès. Cette approche est d'autant plus pertinente que les psychologues reconnaissent que le rire se situe à un niveau plus archaïque que celui de la parole; à ce titre, on est en droit d'espérer que le rire puisse entraîner le lecteur vers les couches les plus profondes de l'herméneutique textuelle. »


Rires et contexte du rire       Il y a les conditions d’éclosion du rire, circonstances qui déterminent la nature du rire, puisque ce dernier est toujours tributaire d’un contexte social et familial donné. Aussi notre travail va consister à relever ces contextes qui ont fait jaillir le rire.


Contexte 1 : Simidor, maître du rire      Le contexte était la première grande réunion familiale pour saluer le retour de Manuel dans sa famille. L’atmosphère était à la joie des retrouvailles. Aussi première grande manifestation du rire sous la houlette de Simidor, le tambourinaire attitré du bourg. Le filon exploité par ce dernier avait trait à la fois aux fanfaronnades et aux plaisanteries des galants ou faux galants sur les femmes, thématique qui a pour vertu de provoquer l’hilarité chez les hommes dont la cible se trouvait être  Destine. Il a réussi à obtenir la gaieté générale par des propos faussement courtois adressés à son souffre-douleur : « Destine était hors d’elle-même, mais tous se mirent à rire » Performance réalisée une nouvelle fois, non par ses propos, mais par sa manière de s’envoyer des rasades de clairin : « Les habitants s’esclaffèrent »


Mais on verra que le boute-en-train est le premier à se régaler de ses propres lazzis. Pour s’être osé se comparer à Papa Legba, il a été vertement remis à sa place par Clairmise, alors il s’est octroyé un bon rire de joie : « Le Simidor rit largement » Puis, il rira de ce qu’il croyait être <ses bons mots <: « Il étouffa un petit tressautement hilare »


Contexte 2 : le rire des amants de Fonds-Rouge      Le contexte a été l’une des rencontres galantes nocturnes que Manuel et Annaïse savaient s’aménager dans les bois. Le ton général a toujours été à la joie, au respect réciproque,  comme on s’en rendra compte.  Rires du couple Manuel-Annaïse qui s’échangeaient des galanteries dénoncées par l’un et l’autre : « Ils riaient tous deux. Le rire d’Annaïse roulait dans sa gorge renversée et ses dents se mouillaient d’une blancheur éclatante »


Il revenait à Manuel d’amplifier le motif du rire en caractérisant celui de sa partenaire : « Tu ris comme la tourterelle » Rire de confiance, de joie et de bonheur qui n’a pas quitté le visage de la fille de Rosanna, et qu’elle garda jusqu’au moment du départ comme pour dire à son amant sa satisfaction : « elle lui sourit, puis éperonna le cheval du talon »


Contexte 3 : Manuel et Laurélien        On est au chapitre X, le décor est occupé par Délira et Bienaimé. L’homme, dans un accès d’autocritique feinte, confessait à sa femme qu’il avait mauvais caractère.  Sur ces instances  se présentaient Manuel et Laurélien, en surimpression, venant des bois, pour annoncer l’heureuse nouvelle de l’eau trouvée : « Manuel et Laurélien arrivaient à grands pas. Ils riaient » Ils riraient de joie pour un grand événement. Comme le couple âgé n’y croyait pas en traitant le compagnon de Manuel de fou, il ne continuait pas moins d’être hilare.


Contexte 4 : Manuel et le rire de victoire      Rire de triomphe de Manuel avec le couronnement de jours de recherches angoissantes qui l’ont conduit à trouver l’emplacement de l’eau. Rire donc de la victoire: « Il baisait la terre des lèvres et riait »


 Contexte 5 : Délira et son rire    Le texte donne à penser que Délira aime à rire, au point d’avoir < son rire<, celui qui lui est propre : « Délira eut son petit rire clair »


Contexte 6 : Rire esthétique      Rire non attribuable à aucune créature humaine, mais donné comme signe ou métaphore de la moisson féconde : « [….] des rangées de grains paraissaient qui semblaient rire »


Contexte 7 : Rire paradoxale ou mauvais rire de Gervilen     , Au chapitre XI, Manuel a déniché le précieux liquide salvateur et entendait le faire bénéficier à tous, mais le clan opposé a eu vent de cela, et s’est réuni pour savoir quelle attitude adoptée. Ces nouvelles ne plaisaient guère à Gervilen, d’où ce rire inqualifiable : « Gervilen éclata de rire. Son rire était effrayant à entendre. C’était comme si on déchirait une feuille de tôle rouillée »


Contexte 8 : le sourire menaçant de Gervilen      A la fin du chapitre XII, Manuel s’est rendu chez Larivoire pour présenter son projet de réconciliation au clan opposé, projet qui a reçu l’approbation générale moins une voix, celle de Gervilen. A ce moment précis, ce dernier a pris ses dispositions pour tuer son adversaire: « Il se dirigea vers Manuel. Il s’arrêta à deux pas de lui. Il le regarda  longuement comme s’il prenait sa mesure et dit avec un sourire qui lui déchirait la bouche »



II-Colère comme expression du pathos        Nous voulons ouvrir ce chapitre par des considérations générales qui nous serviront de cadre de réflexions : « Caractère, un éthos tout particulièrement disposés à éprouver la colère. Toutes les grandes œuvres littéraires en témoignent : épopée, tragédies, discours des orateurs attiques et les récits des historiens sont jalonnés par  l’évocation de fréquentes et redoutables colères. L‘Iliade repose sur la double colère des deux chefs : Agamemnon et Achille. Les tragédies d’Euripide tournent autour des colères de Clytemnestre, d’Electre, d’Oreste, des Sept contre Thèbes. Les tragédies de Sophocle tournent autour des colères d’Œdipe et Tirésias, d’Antigone, de Polynice et d’Etéocle. L’éthique d’Aristote se trouve tout naturellement faire une place importante, à côté du pathos de l’intempérance des plaisirs, à l’intempérance de ce pathos qu’est la colère » (Ontologie et dialogue : mélanges en hommage à Pierre Aubenque//


Tout comme L’Iliade, le roman de Jacques Roumain a ses deux hommes de colère que sont Bienaimé et Gervilen ; il n’est pas étonnant qu’il en soit ainsi, car ce n’est pas le seul trait qui les lie. Cela participe d’une logique narrative qui a à voir fondamentalement avec l’esthétique de l’auteur. Pour le moment, nous  nous en tiendrons unique au sentiment de colère de chaque protagoniste replacé dans le contexte de son expression


Contexte1 : Bienaimé, homme de la colère      Il est dit clairement, -- par une sorte de jugement d’autorité, étant celui du narrateur sur le personnage qu’il a créé lui-même-- que le sentiment de colère est constitutif du caractère de Bienaimé, on dirait de <type bilieux<, ce qui en fait un être au sang bouillant, c’est-à-dire tout simplement un  homme de la colère : « La colère, c’était la seule sève qui lui restait dans les veines. Il en faisait grand usage »



Contexte 2      La colère de Bienaimé contre Manuel         Au moment du partage des tâches, après la découverte de l’eau, Bienaimé, contre l’avis du fils,  n’entendait pas du tout que le camp ennemi participât à la grande coumbite. Il affirma sa furieuse désapprobation de la plus violente manière : « Ferme ta grande gueule, palabreur, rugit Bienaimé. Je ne veux plus t’entendre. Et si tu continues, je te tannerai la peau, dans la mesure de ton dos, à coups de bâton//  » Et comme un effet dévastateur de la soudaine montée d’adrénaline : « Il brisa sa pipe en la lançant violemment sur le sol et partit à travers champs pour donner de l’air et de l’espace à sa rage ».


 Contexte 3 : Suite de la même tempête bilieuse        La colère tenace du père n’a pas tombé, au contraire continuait à  bouillir sa bile longtemps après : « De son côté, Bienaimé se montrait intraitable. C’est à peine s’il adressait la parole à Manuel et encore rien que pour le commander… ».


Contexte 1 : Gervilen faisait une scène terrible à Annaïse     A la fin du chapitre VI, Annaïse s’était rendu nuitamment au premier rendez-vous galant que lui avait fixé le fils unique de Délira, mais elle était épiée par un Gervilen jaloux, qui tenait à lui faire une scène, au début du chapitre VII ; cependant l’amoureux dépité n’a pu garder son calme : « Il avait crié ; mais sa voix était restée dans le fond de sa gorge, rauque et gonflée de fureur. Elle respira une haleine empoisonnée de clairin »


Contexte 2 : Suite du contexte précédent       Au cours de l’entrevue volcanique, les arguments de l’homme n’ont pu avoir d’effets convaincants sur la jeune fille, et même celle-ci  a aggravé la situation en le traitant d’alcoolique, alors sa colère s’amplifia : « Il parlait avec une âpre véhémence, mais à voix basse, comme si la nuit était aux écoutes »


Contexte 3 : Gervilen tançait ses coreligionnaires       Au chapitre XI, on est chez Larivoire où le clan opposé au clan des Jean-Joseph devisait sur la bonne riposte à apporter à la situation qui se prévalait, savoir la possession de l’eau. Gervilen a laissé éclaté sa colère : « Gervilen avait bondi. La grande rage le secouait. Ses yeux lançaient des étincelles dans le charbon de sa face. Un peu d’écume blanchissait sa bouche »


Contexte 4 : Colère de Gervilen contre Manuel         Presqu’à la fin du chapitre XII, deuxième réunion chez Larivoire au cours de laquelle se présentait Manuel pour tendre la main de la réconciliation. Gervilen s’y opposait fermement au motif que le sang de son père Dorisca avait coulé et criait vengeance. Quand son argument avait été combattu par Larivoire, figure éminente de son clan en la présence de <l’ennemi Manuel<, alors il ne se possédait plus : « Une grimace frénétique tordait la figure de Gervilen. Il agitait ses mains comme d’énormes araignées »


Dernière image terrible d’un homme littéralement métamorphosé en animal; là, vraiment,  les descriptions font foi des sentiments.


Essai structural sommaire        Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes limités à une phénoménologie sommaire des affects qui structurent le texte sans nous préoccuper aucunement de leur sémantisme et sémiologie. Car il serait intéressant de savoir les rôles exacts joués par chaque émotion dans l’économie générale de l’univers diégétique. Pour ne rien dire, nous pouvons remarquer au passage que le texte, par une logique manichéenne,  privilégie les oppositions binaires qui garantissent l’équilibre de l’ensemble. Ainsi les hommes de colère, situés sur la ligne de la rupture et du chaos, sont contrebalancés par les hommes du rire placés sur la ligne de l’harmonie et de l’ordre. Autrement dit, d’un côté l’hybris ou la démesure qui entraîne tous les déchaînements dionysiaques, face à la mesure apollinien. On pourrait tout aussi bien déterminer des champs sémantiques du Mal qui associeraient des affects comme colère, haine à un phénomène naturel comme la sécheresse, puis à la nuit et au sang,  etc Face auxquelles, on opposerait le champ sémantique du Bien qui réuniraient le rire, l’eau, l’amour, la réconciliation, la lumière. En un sens, tout est lié à tout dans ce texte dans lequel se rencontrent des réseaux de signification. Ainsi, espace, temps, actes des hommes sont en parfaire harmonie. Cette ébauche d’analyse pourrait faire l’objet d’une étude plus approfondie.

Rodilard Raminagrobis

Feb 14, 2009, 9:23:18 PM2/14/09
Cher Daly, je n'ai pas encore lu la version revue, corrigee et augmentee de tes reflexions sur le rejet des candidatures "Lavalas" dans les circonstances que tu sais. Par contre, j'ai lu ta reponse a monsieur Leon. Je l'ai trouvee un peu laconique et sacarstique. Tu aurais pu lui donner une replique bien articulee, refutant ses arguments un a un, comme tu en as l'habitude, parce qu'il te prete des propos qui ne sont pas les tiens. Je crois comme toi que la situation qui regne aujourd'hui sur l'echiquer electoral haïtien avec les deux (et maintenant trois) factions Lavalas et qui a debouche sur le rejet en bloc des listes presentees par cette entite politique est voulue par les Lavalassiens et, au premier chef, par le leader du parti lui-meme, l'ex president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. L'objectif: accuser le Conseil Electoral Provisoire de choisir la voie de l'exclusion (exclure le premier Parti du pays des competitions electorales, quel sacrilège !) et, du coup, discrediter le CEP et tout le processus electoral. D'ailleurs, les ambassades amies n'ont pas perdu de temps pour donner dans le jeu lavalassien. Elles sont tombees de plein pieds (ou le feignent-elles?) dans le panneau quand elles rappellent au Conseil Electoral Provisoire que "la democratie exige la participation de toutes les tendances politiques, quelles qu'elles soient, Lavalas compris, et qu'il y va de la credibilite de cette Institution de reconsiderer sa decision" meme quand celle-ci repose sur la loi electorale que tous les partis se doivent de respecter. C'est a se demander, à l'instar de Mr. Robert Bennett, "où est passe l'outrage?" car il y a outrage. La question ici, n'est pas de jouer la carte nationaliste ni de chevaucher un quelconque cheval de cette nature, loin de là... Mais plutot le respect de nos lois et, surtout, de notre dignite. Je comprends que nous vivons de l'aumône et/ou de la generosite des pays dits amis, mais l'amitie implique aussi le respect de l'autre. La publication de ces notes de presse donneuses de leçons, les visites inopinees, "impromptues" au siege de l'organisme electoral (quand le ministre haïtien de la justice a reçu, lui, une fin de non-recevoir du meme organisme) sont autant de faux pas, de maladresses indigestes et nauséeuses pour l'estomac de l'Haïtien que je suis et qui ai horreur du Peptobismol qu'on lui tendrait eventuellement apres coup. Notez, en passant, que au pays de ces meme ambassades, les lois sont sacrees... Malheur à quiconque y contreviendrait ! Toutefois, la faute n'est pas entièrement à ces officines (kabrit gade mèt jaden anvan li antre) mais faut-il que le jardin ait un maître, me dirais-tu. Eh bien, c'est le moment d'en chercher un car il est deja minuit moins cinq. En attendant, Daly, aide-moi à emuler Diogene... Il me faut un homme et une lampe.
PS: J'ose te suggerer de revoir "achaisme bossale"(je pencherais pour bossal). Appelle ton vieux frere 202 487 0336.

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2262] Re: Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 20:46:20 -0500

Rodilard Raminagrobis

Feb 14, 2009, 9:21:54 PM2/14/09
Mwen kwe granneg sou menm pant ak mwen? malgre mwen se yon ti neg mwen menm.  Men mwen ta dwe veye kote kodenn ak deplimen, paske mwen se poul... . Mwen pa dwe sou menm nivo ak granneg. Hihihihi.

ngokama mbo

Feb 15, 2009, 2:15:47 AM2/15/09

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2271] Re: Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 21:23:18 -0500

zili danto

Feb 15, 2009, 7:00:01 AM2/15/09
The first arrivals were housed in cages that had been used for Haitian migrants almost a decade earlier.
[Haitians sent to Guantanamo by Aristide were held in cages just like terrorist of Al Quead]

Why so dishonest Latorture, remember the Bush/Cedras/FRAPH coup d'etat. Guantanamo Bay was used to cage Haitians yes, but how do you come up with, it was Aristide who sent them to these Cages and not that they were fleeing Cedras military coup against Aristide and the FRAPH?

You may say you understand me Granneg, But believe me, no sciencefiction book could make a character out of you coup d'etat folks. I've been trying and the only solid character trait of you mentally colonized, so-called intellectuals and wounded folks of Haiti is denial, denial and Satanley lies. 

--- On Sat, 2/14/09, Granneg Latortue <> wrote:

zili danto

Feb 15, 2009, 7:28:59 AM2/15/09

At Guantanamo Granneg, Ashcroft put little Haitian girls there before they put AlQueda there. Why is this news to you, now? In a piece entitled Haitian Nights, Again: Haiti's Children Suffer More,  I once wrote:

"...In the world we inhabit, CNN reporters, US ambassadors and their cuddled Black overseers herald known thugs, assassins and human rights abusers in Haiti as "freedom fighters" - remember how Wolf Blitzer characterized Guy Philippe on TV as he was murdering innocent Haitians in 2004, or how Latortue and Ambassador Foley called the coup detat commandos "freedom fighters." That's just simply the way of the US drones who are merely doing what's necessary to keep their jobs. Ours, is to make a way out of no way and set our little children, our people free.

(To read a sample of some of the reactions to Ezili Dantò's "Open Letter to the Little Girl in the Yellow sunday Dress" and Ezili Dantò's "
Response to Stu", click on: Response to Stu

Little Girl in the Yellow Sunday Dress


Open Letter To The Little Girl in The
Yellow Sunday Dress


I saw you, on CNN
in your frilly hand-made yellow Sunday dress.

Four days at sea.
200 of you made it to Miami.
Someone, a loved one, holding your skinny, ashy arm.
Another below to catch you from falling.

I saw you little girl, on CNN
hanging in the air by one arm
over the side of an overloaded Haitian boat.

Four days at sea.
You looked dehydrated, dazed but delighted.
Delighted, because your loved ones,
who tried everything they knew how to get you to land,
were naively excited at reaching Miami.
Only to be corralled, moments later,
into INS detention centers pens.

I saw you little girl, on CNN,
a yellow butterfly, hanging by one arm
over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.
I saw you getting your precious yellow dress wet.
Trying not to touch the Atlantic.
Your indomitable spirit straining, scrambling upwards
to reach the blue skies across pitiless Miami highways and red lights to fly free.

I saw you little girl, on CNN.
Four days at sea. Your entire body looked ashen by the journey.
Are you still in your bright yellow Sunday dress?
After how many days of detention now?
Have you regained a bit of color yet?

Don't be afraid, little Haitian girl.
The INS white guys are just doing their jobs,
getting their piece of the American pie.
It's not personal.
These same guys used to hold little Haitian girls like you
in Guantanamo Bay, just a while ago.
They now put alleged al Queda terrorists and the Taliban there.
That's how much they're afraid of you.

But don't be afraid little Haitian girl.
Washington knows you're no terrorist -
will never openly acknowledge
that your spreading your wings is deadly
to their precarious biological fatalistic carved-out realities.
They will, in fact, say the opposite:
that you'll not get shelter in the U.S. because you were born in Haiti,
a country that's no threat to the U.S.
Cuba, they'll say, is a threat.
So the Cuban rafters your Haitian boat picked up
will get safe harbor and celebrated.
You, little girl, come from a people
who pose no threat to American security and democracy.
An example must be made out of you.
You've got to go to jail as a deterrence to terrify others like you.

I saw you little girl, on CNN.
I knew why U.S. might must clobber you,
shrink you back into Poverty's hues.
You're too young to understand your indefinite detention, I know.
There's no logic to the rationale
that keeps you forever yearning to fly free,
but always leaves you hanging in the air by one arm
over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.

You won't know this yet.
But it's important that other little Haitian girls
in bright-with-hope yellow Sunday dresses,
dreaming of expanding their identity, awareness and self-expression,
don't litter the Miami shores.
It's absolutely imperative, the State Department and INS pundits say,
that little Black girls from Haiti,
dreaming of pursuing a life of study, knowledge and travel;
of following life's basic impulse to reach outward to others,
it's important little Black girls
yearning to know what others, in different parts of the world, are doing,
it's important to white international domination,
that they be deterred and indefinitely detained.

I saw you little Haitian girl, on CNN,
yearning to expand outwards and identify with a greater reality.
You must not.
That is absolutely imperative to a certain US psyche.
You, little Haitian girls, must be made to understand, once and for all,
you have no inalienable, universal, nor self-evident human right
to know other cultures, other souls;
to live and touch God's bounty across the seven seas.

Your place is to grow up and be the underpaid, overworked lackey
of Disney, Nike and Microsoft.
You're not supposed to cross those boundaries.

I saw you little girl, on CNN,
yearning for what is forbidden by U.S. might.
Getting clobbered,
shrunk back into the periphery,
crushed in your Sunday best.

You won't understand, I know.
But listen again, carefully now, little girl:
You must not get safe harbor in the USA.
That would encourage others like you.
They would flood the Florida shores.
They might get an education here in America and return to rebuild Haiti.
They may even wish to exercise their basic rights at home in Haiti
to the detriment of American companies, international funding agencies,
NGO's, U.S. Aid organizations and other such profiteers.
How then could these international entities, now masturbating on your Black pain, sustained endlessly by U.S.-manufactured Haitian fratricide... persevere?

They cornered your birthright little girl, long ago.
And, God forbid, little Haitian girls like you should grow up
and refuse to be cowed and shrunken in a non-participatory democracy,
and reach to create a new world where you're not
forever underpaid or working as someone's maid.

Even when they come in peace
you might have to vie with the white settlers
to name yourself, represent yourself, the country of your birth, the world you see.

God forbid you get paid more then 40 cents a day
for making necessities folks in Florida and Washington
must have for their families.

God forbid they suddenly come across you in a boardroom,
educated in your own culture and history, articulate,
multi-tasking while rocking your baby on one hip
and sharing your many other God-given blessings globally‚
God forbid!

I saw you little girl, on CNN
hanging in the air by one arm
over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.
I know what you can grow up to be.
Why these white folks are so scared of we.
Fear of a Black Planet wasn't just a Public Enemy lyric.
You hit their shores seven days before the 2002 elections not by chance.
The U.S. public's fear must be kept alive.
There was no "intelligence failure" or security lapse.
You crashing shores, was just the catalyst needed
for the public to know what politicians protect them from.
Willie Horton wasn't free, so I saw you little Haitian girl,
on CNN crashing America's lily-white shores.
Are you seeing your uses yet, little girl?
Don't need "The Uses of Haiti" to learn about
your usefulness as pawn, easy target, cannon fodder.

See why
I saw you little girl, on CNN... when I did.
Do you see, little girl, that
"wet foot, dry foot" as long as you've got a Haitian foot,
you won't get safe harbor
in America, not even a hearing.
A new policy adopted shortly after the Bush administration came into office. Automatic detention, it said, of only Haitian asylum seekers.
All other seekers, except Haitians allowed to live freely in the United States
while they await their asylum court hearings.
Why only target Haitian asylum seekers for indefinite detention?
It says something to the American psyche.
It says something to the American people about the racial pre-disposition
of someone high in the Bush administration.
It's a clear demarcation from Clinton's old Haitian policy:
indefinite detentions, prolonged imprisonment for poor people,
Haiti's U.S.-led financial incarceration/embargo
a sustenance to some American psyche
proof of what their votes bought
under the Bush Presidential roof.

There's no logic to the newest color-specific policy.
Just deep white-American fear keeping you forever yearning to fly free,
always leaving you hanging in the air by one arm
over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.

Don't you know, little girl, you're the Westerners' boogey man.
Your people weren't supposed to get free, own land,
create a nation, a culture, a language, a Vodun psychology.
That was a catastrophe.

So, Washington and its international allies need to make policies
that take your pride, change your history,
deny you self-reliance, self-respect
and make you swallow their false generosity forever.
It's an intentional hell called slavery
'cause the Euros still want your labor for free.

I saw you little girl, on CNN.
I, the lawyer saw you. I, the Haitian woman saw you.
I, the American who could provide you with a new future
with my skills, my reach in society, my desire for justice and fairness.
I saw you little girl. On CNN.
But they won't let me get to you to plead your case, hold your hand,
clean your beautiful yellow Sunday dress for tomorrow -
help you stand and break the sea chains bounding you to an Island of pain
for over 200 years.
No, they'll steal your tomorrows, mouthing illogical rationales.
There's no logic to the rationale keeping you forever on CNN,
hanging by one arm over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat. Someone, a loved one, holding your skinny ashy arm.
While, I, on dry land, with all my American passports and so-called democracy, unable to catch you from falling.

I saw you little girl, on CNN.
I could write you an affidavit
telling of the price already paid for your freedom in the Americas.

I could tell of
the Cold War price paid by your Haitian grandmother and grandfather,
the Vietnam price paid by your great-Haitian-grandfather,
the World Wars prices paid by your great-great-Haitian-grandfather,
the Monroe Doctrine price paid, the Civil War price paid,
the American Revolutionary War price paid in Savannah, Georgia alone,
the U.S. occupancy price paid twice over, and on and on and on.

I could paint the Atlantic ocean blood-red
in the lost lives of Haitian women and men
fighting for American hemispheric co-existence and democracy,
the beginning with the Middle Passage.
I could write you a new future with my skills,
my reach in society, my desire for justice and fairness.
I could show why the first Haitian constitution makes your African ancestors
more American in their writings and intentions
than all the writings and intentions and visions
of human equality of all their revered U.S. Founding Fathers put together.
I could.

But they won't let me get to you to plead your case,
hold your hand, clean your beautiful yellow Sunday dress
for the tomorrow that will come -
help you stand and break the sea chains bounding you
to an Island of pain for over 200 years.
No, they won't let me show why you're special.
Deserve access to more than fearful, illogical white projections.
Why you, unlike the white boys who are responsible for the killing of
more than one hundred million people in their global wars
of the 20th century alone,
and don't even know how to spell the word "meritocracy"
because of the white skin privilege and domination,
why you, if you had an authentic education,
access to health care, proper housing and job opportunities
why you little Haitian girl could change the world.

Yes, I could show proof:
trace your ancestors' history and accomplishments in this hemisphere
and list a thousand and one reasons why you of all people are American already.

But there's no logic to the rationale that keeps you contained.
Only the iron will to make your containment-in-poverty last through eternity.

That will is tempered
by no law, no civility, no grace, no shame, no decency.
It's gluttonous.
It takes all liberties.
It operates by might.
It's on automatic pilot.
It's implacable.
It doesn't care the price paid, the justice denied,
the human rights violated, the equality deferred.
That will colors your chains.
Hung others by the neck, while leaving you hanging now by one arm
over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.
Your eyes beholding the "promised land"
with no one allowed to catch you from falling.
That will is the U.S. will I saw on CNN arguing against Cheryl Little.

I saw you little girl, on CNN.
I would free you from that TV box.
Get people to see your breath rise from your nostrils
and know red blood flows in your veins.
That you're flesh and blood and hurt.
That no white guy in Washington can make your dreams die.
That your journey to the Florida shores, on the high seas packed in
five centuries in those four interminable days
and you've come to here for a purpose.
I would yell you represent a million others who don't make it.
Not leave you stranded.
Speak for you in any language they would hear.
Write, say, cry anything to let the sleeping U.S. public know
the five-hundred-year-price already paid for your Miami passport.
And, why I, I need to catch you,
just this once.

But what I write cannot break that iron will.
So wrap the thin layers of your beautiful yellow Sunday dress,
tight around you, little girl.
You are about to face that will.
That will looms large against the dreams of little Haitian girls,
the same way it loomed large at Little Rock, Arkansas
against that little Black girl's dream, a while ago.

Hold on tight to your bright yellow dress, little Haitian girl
with one arm over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.
Don't worry about your wet yellow Sunday dress.
Hold on tight cheri,
Nou la - we're here.
Even when you don't see us, we're here - Nou la.
You've met the Atlantic will.
You now know what we know over here.
Paradise is not here for you to reach.
There's no promised land for Haitian feet,
wet, dry, fully clad with shoelaces, whatever.

For even we, your brethrens over here supposedly
with the Civil Right's bootstraps to pull you on dry land,
with all our American passports and so-called democracy,
we won't be allowed to catch you from falling in election-for-sale Florida.
Not when twisted brothers Jeb, George and their ilk,
still dream of you growing up merely to be their nanny.
What I write, what I write won't break their iron will.
It offers witness to your dreams to survive their unremitting despotism.

I saw you, little Haitian girl, on CNN,
ashen, hanging by one arm
over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.
After four days at sea - yearning to be free.
Your bright yellow dress testifying to all
your hopes and dreams for finding some human compassion in Miami.
There's no doubt, you will be cast back into the periphery, back into poverty.
And I, this Haitian woman who could have mothered you and held you safe
can only offer you this:

You're not facing the Atlantic will alone.
Nou la.
When you're unconquerable within,
all the forces of hell cannot prevail against you from without.
We Haitians are there with you even if it's not allowed.
Our spirit can never be chained, contained or deterred.
Use your legacy little Haitian girl.
Your way out of the white settler's indefinite detentions
was made out of no way long ago.
Lwa yo cannot be chained, contained or deterred.
Zansèt yo e Ti Moun yo, yo la!

Who can stop you from taking off the INS locks when you become
Ezili Dantò, Ogou Feray, Simbi, Lasirèn, Papa Legba?
Zansèt yo e Ti Moun yo, yo la!
No one holds your soul.
The Ibos have kept your soul, your spirit, your divinity, dignity and integrity
safe in a Kanari since before their "New World" began.
Use your key. Keep your innocence little Haitian girl.
Be smarter than me. Don't let them see. Smile.
Be who you are without wanting to set them to the fires they lay you in, eternally. Don't hit your head against Satan's iron will little Haitian girl.
Let me.


Ezili Dantò's Response to Stu
(in reference to Stu's comments about "Little Girl in the Yellow Sunday Dress, written before Bush-the-son brought the 33 coup d'etat to Haiti in 2004, finishing the job of removing Aristide that his father had started with the coup detat in 1991 under Fort Bening's Raoul Cedras.)

Posted At 11:32:33 12/03/2002 on

Salut, Stu

Anmwe! M pa ka pale...

Let’s say I am, Stu, what you say. Are you actually asking me NOT to be anti-white/American? WHY? Why should a Haitian woman care if you “puke” at her contemptuous disgust in the unremitting inhumanity she sees being dished out throughout the globe by the US government? Is that a serious request? Or, the drunken righteousness of a college white-boy on a beer keg binge who has failed to get out of kindergarten for life? Do you actually still believe the world worships at white/Americas feet because the nightly news tells you so ad nauseum? Or, is it because you haven’t gotten out of your comic book mentality that white means “all things civilized, democratic and godly” with, by the by, a nuclear bomb at the ready to make those who don’t cow tow, pay. RIGHT! Puke on Stu. I don’t know where you’ve been hiding, or, why you haven’t done any reading and self-educating? Certainly there are those more qualified than I to answer you on the “white men burden” bulls..t query. Having to write this, once again, is just so bothersome. I simply hate this Witnessing. Next time I come across another STU, this promise I make to myself, I will just give out a bibliography because I hate it that you are not what you sell yourself to the world to be Stu- I do. It’s what I was raised to believe. You know, “…and to the Republic for which it stands….with liberty and justice for all.” I believed that, swore by it, and then I grew up and learnt, all the ways, white America betrayed what it said I could trust with NO APOLOGY.

US schools, intellectuals and the everyday US Joe/Jane, trained us regular Americans to believe in justice, then the US government and white-authorities everywhere, showed me each and every second of every hour, of every day up to this moments’ eternity, in technicolor and in a myriad of ways, how the life, breath, dreams, and the very being of the Black child, who might have slid down my thigh, counts for ZERO, nada.

Do African-Americans, Blacks or Haitians, in general, flaunt their love of justice and liberty and then support Taliban-type regimes and when that goes awry bomb the heck out of Afghanistan? Do they sponsor elections throughout “the developing” world, and then outfit their own private armies, to “restore order” and reverse said elections whenever the US-sponsored candidate fails to be elected by the populist? Mobutu, Duvalier, who maintained these? Do you think STU, Haitians don’t know who is currently arming the DR soldiers milling about at Haiti’s border looking for ANY excuse to kill another Haitian child’s future - take by US-sponsored force, once again, resources they can't persuade Aristide or the Haitian people, to give away. It is NOT the Black caucus! It’s the US government run by white/Americans. Try taking some accountability Stu. I refuse, categorically to find motherless (fatherless) Haitians, as you say, culpable for these shenanigans rising squarely from the issues of the US government, as silently approved by an unprotesting White/America. Haitians and certainly Black Haitian women, have experience too much at the hands of the white/American government to be incarcerated within the pretense that white/America acts out any of its admirable principles, beliefs or feelings when it comes to us non—whites.

Yes, it actually hurts me to know our dance always ends this way Stu. For, I don’t wish to add to your personal wounds and hurts, whatever they may be. But Stu, frankly and sincerely it is well nigh impossible to imagine Haitians inflicting “more pain and suffering than the white men ever did.” Depi esklavaj blan ap tiye afriken. “Men kòman blan yo te pran plezi yo: yo antere nou vivan lan solèy cho a pou foumi devore tèt nou; se swa yo bat nou jis nou wouj ak san, oubyen jis nou endispoze. Yo te gen abitid foure kouto bayonèt yo lan vant ou fanm Ayisyen ki ansent pou tiye-l ak tout pitit li. Sa se te plezi blan yo.” (Quoted from ML’s “Bwa Kayiman” play.) There are not enough words to go through the list, so let’s not just look at slavery, look at colonialism; ask the Congolese whose hands the Belgians and then Americans used to chop off if they didn’t mine enough of African cobalt and diamonds for their coffers.

Look at fatherly Ike and his orders to murder Patrice Lumumba; the centuries of lynching with impunity in the US, the razing to the very ground of Black cities like Rosewood and the “Black Wall Street” in Oklahoma – all around 1917 and thereabout, during the very time, gunboat diplomacy and US marines were bringing (their sort of) “order” to “backwards” Haiti. Check your history on the legalized murders and mayhems under Jim Crow and now with “racial profiling” “mandatory sentencing;” the criminalization of poverty and drug addiction otherwise known as the “war against drugs,” or more aptly, the war against young black males.” How about US complicity with the Haitian army its had in its pocket since it recreated it and sent it forth, from Fort Benning, unto the Haitian people after the marines US occupation. Or, its complicity with FRAPH, document doctoring, complicity in the Coup against Aristide, in creating “an opposition” now in Haiti, our indefinite embargo…The overwhelming, disproportionately high African American male population (more than 50% of total US prisoners) in jail when we only make up 12% of the population, more than half of death row prisoners being Black. The indefinite detention of Black children, women and men, whose only crime is that they are poor and from Haiti. The millions of Blacks paying the black tax all over this globe. Ask, ask the entire African continent and its diasporas, who has inflicted more pain in the world, their answer won’t be those “motherless Haitians” Stu. We know our jailers are not our rescuers.

However, none of this is to deny that educated and not-so-educated Haitian elites, of the past, have a lot to answer for and that with their desire to be and love all-things- “white,” have, with the help, first primarily the French and now the US, inflicted much pain on the Black Haitian populace throughout our history. No doubt, our children, like the world’s poor look to the alabaster lady, blind and death rising out of the Atlantic sea, for rescue and succor. Especially with what they watch on TV and are told of US beneficence. So, yes indeed, the Black woman’s issues are not cherished globally, no doubt about that. You’re right Stu, we Black woman bear the brunt of Patriarchy and racism - Haitian patriarchy, US patriarchy. But when we hurt we don’t ask which hurts more, we just want it to STOP hurting and our children allowed to live, dream and share in the world’s riches, our riches. I stand by this, Haitian fratricide doesn’t fuel itself. White-US racism and governmental policies animates it, maintains it, keeps it running and stands guard against the Haitian women or men who tries to redress our very own pathologies.

Haiti has a 2Million-plus strong Diaspora in the US now, fully versed in that ol’ “one drop” makes us Black in the US no matter how white its lack used to make some of us feel back in Haiti. That bit of reality woke up many so-called “Haitian elites” who could not stand still in the US as they had back in Haiti. So, we Haitians, are more united today than we were yesterday - the unintended windfalls of a US culture intent on disemboweling the Black-out-of-us. So yes, I believe our intestine fratricide IS lessening, STU. But when will white/America acknowledge and redress its governmental racist pathologies’ Stu?

About this Hong Kong thing you mention Stu, I fail to see why Haiti would aspire to be “the Hong Kong” of the Caribbean. That’s somewhat like mouthing the oftentimes read historical notion “we were the Pearl of the Antilles” Oh, and how great that was! The question I always have for Haitians and non-Haitians who blithely make this observation is who is the “we” that was “so rich” back then? It certainly wasn’t the African captives. Our grandmothers were being raped and breeded like animals by the white men then. Was that when “we” were “rich?” As opposed to what? Now? Well, thank you very much for caring, but I’d rather be free and poor in the hillsides of Haiti today, drown at sea, be eaten by sharks in search of a better life, than be a slave as we were when “Haiti was the Pearl of the Antilles!” And why, pray tell, should I care for a Hong Kong-type Haiti. As far as I am aware Hong Kong only services the international financial community, and its elite sycophants. I seem to remember, some time ago, personally witnessing flotillas of bedraggled Asian refugees living out their entire life in shanty-type boats, just outside Hong Kong’s very shores, unable it seemed to me, to find asylum in that pristine international haven you so laud. No, Haitians don’t care Saint Domingue was the Pearl of the Antilles to the French colonists, it wasn’t our grandmother’s Pearl then. Ayisien hadn’t been born. Neither do we care to see Ayiti revert to that same enslavement nor the sort you would call “the Honk Kong of the Caribbean” Stu.

Now, about Kipling’s “burden.” Beside telling you to re-read what he actually meant, I add: Is it the “fault” of Haiti’s poor (or even the ever so helpless and pushed-at-impasses-by-the-US-Haitian-politicians) that raw US geopolitics, Breton-Woods-Hemispheric-carving-out-White-men conspire and keep them enchained on an Island-in-poverty, while US corporate interests and citizens greedily fleece Haiti dry just so they may generate, for their white heirs/beneficiaries, the same sort of passive-like-income enjoyed by the original slave masters? Haitian justice knows it’s not motherless (fatherless) Haitians. But Haitian justice cannot be applied because it would first have to reveal US interference and underdevelopment of Haiti. That’s why there is no justice in Haiti today. But you still, living on that false mountaintop, look down on us and query, Why should white/America care, are you Haitians the white man’s burden? Now, only a patriarchic mindset, oblivious to the day-to-day invented lives of Haiti’s backbones, the Madame Sarahs and now the Haitian Diaspora, who supports Haiti, (on hard earned income, not passive I can’t-do-a-days-honest-labor-income), would put that nonsense question to a Haitian woman. La kay Ibo, li granmoun la kay li.

Has US Aid, since it started in the mid-forties, ever fed Haitian children, sent them to school, provided them shelter and education? If so, why the net zero improvement Stu? Because US Aid goes to US citizens, consultants and State Department cronies who come to live in Haiti like mini-monarchs. Simple. White/America gives nothing, it takes. Ask all those white uneducated clerks and middle management US drones clogging up Haiti’s byways to development. How did such mediocrity manage to become instant kings and queen in Haiti? Oh yeah, they wave around their whitenesses, hypocrisy and all-important US salary about. When their don, what “AID” trickles down to Haiti is negligible. Yet and still the Haitian government is ALWAYS forced to make such compromises for it. LIKE give seats to a Republican-backed “opposition” to Aristide no Haitian voted for or know. No, it’s us HaitianS who are burdened by US false generosity, benevolence, and the white man’s “I’ve-got-to-be-a-hero-complex.” That’s cultural illusion has become a burden for the world, in general, to bare.

I don’t see my thoughts as “anti-white” but it’s ok if you vomit at the thought of children in indefinite detentions behind arm guards because they are poor. That is retching. No Haitian woman would ever take a child, call her an “alien” and pierce her so. Every child has a mother, there are no bastards, Stu. We Africans know not all snakes are lethal, some eat the rats that gets into our manioc. We understand and I personally dislike rats not because of their pinkish color but because, on the hillside village where my parents come from, they get into our food supply and destroy our very means of survival.

My words bit at your whiteness Stu I know. But remember, our humble culture has no illusions of grandeur, no physical force to bend steel and mythical cape to help us fly off tall buildings in a single bound. That superman illusion is a US cultural myth, which Euro-mercenaries feel obligated to carry forth globally as long as they have that atomic, scud or nuclear bomb at the ready to wipe out any objections. What can inflict more pain in the world, my words, a Haitian with his machete, or that white man full of hatred for non-whites with the power to destroy the world many times over at the flick of one nuclear weapon’s switch. The thought of that inflicts more pain in me than all the 32+ Coup D’etats and killing wrought on in Haiti by the Haitian army and their Euro-US backers throughout the history of that nation.


--- On Sat, 2/14/09, Granneg Latortue <> wrote:
From: Granneg Latortue <>
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2265] Haitian jailed in Cages!!!!!!!
Date: Saturday, February 14, 2009, 10:51 PM

Granneg Latortue

Feb 15, 2009, 9:06:53 AM2/15/09
It is not news to me. It is news to most people who read this forum.
Zili, you are a very intelligent and very aware person.  So is Stanley, so am I.
As Stanley said,  we cannot assume that all people know these facts.
Die your chicken!

Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 04:28:59 -0800
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2286] Avan vrè liberasyon, fòk gen yon dezonbifikasyon de swadizan intelektyèl yo | Haitian jailed in Cages!!!!!!!


Granneg Latortue

Feb 15, 2009, 9:15:23 AM2/15/09
After the coup in 1991, Aristide-in-Washington had a strategy of sending 30,000 boat people to Guantanamo so as to pressure Clinton into sending him back as a tchoul President for the blanc.
That is when the PRACTICE STARTED of putting Haitian in cages like animals.
REMEMBER: US soldiers are not policemen, they are trained to fight and kill people.  They do not adapt very well to police duties.  Most are young, 18 to 20 years old, some are also racist and dont deal well with blacks. So they decided to put these Haitian animals in cages.
Bottom line: Aristide's strategy of sending 30,000 Haitian boat people started the practice, and demeaned Haitians with a reputation as "boat people" that will last way past our lifetime on earth.

He got the power, but soon discovered it was empty power.  His bosses took him out again in 2004.

Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 04:00:01 -0800
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2285] To Latortue | Haitian jailed in Cages!!!!!!!


zili danto

Feb 15, 2009, 9:59:31 AM2/15/09

I've got no words for this sort of illogic Granneg. You need psychological help my man, and take Satanley with you to the doctor. you know for ten years 91994 to 2004) I studied your ilk, Granneg. Way before I left the theater stage to address you folks DIRECTLY. I'm still at a lost to UNDERSTAND your illogic. You all have been zonbified and perhaps there's no cure. But between 1994 to 2004, I mostly made theater out of my experiences and observations of Haiti and the Iron Will against Haiti. In those years, I wrote about the Little Girl in detention. In terms of the Silence, lies and denials I wrote about these in Why the Hostility towards Me - We've Not Met Before? and in Silence's Crap.  In 2004 the second coup d'etat forced a direct confrontation with HLLN as the tool but this stuff is irritating Granneg. Conversations with you coup d'etat people is frustrating to the extreme because you can actually write "Aristide-in-Washington had a STRATEGY of sending 30,000 boat people to Guantanamo so as to pressure Clinton into sending him back as a tchoul President for the blanc...!" Please get some psychiatric help Philippe Latortue!!! As a writer I've been trying to articulate you coup d'etat people's ILLOGIC and zonbification, but even theater can't contain such fiction!!!!! So I can only go back to what I wrote almost 10-years ago, nothing's changed, even with this direct interaction and inspection. I've got nothing new to put on stage. Geez, conversations with you coup detat people are so darn BORING. There's no new material here whatsoever!


(This dramatic piece, with multi-media video footages projected on stage screens, is told through Gede The Narrator playing all parts and speaking as narrator and for Topaz.)

Gede The Narrator: Topaz peers out into the bowel of darkness in the courtroom, carelessly answering the Prosecutor's questions.

"i never knew guns were so cold," she says to herself.

"Fact is, i never touched a gun before i got here. Now, every time i climb-up the Minister's jeep, the idea of sitting on a gun comes to me. Wouldn't be too swift to blow my butt off by accident. At least not before i've had them children i keep thinking of lately.…"

Gede The Narrator: The verdict, it's unanimous. Ms. Topaz is deemed insane. Sent to an asylum.

Three years have past since Topaz's dark August night. She sits in her bright bed. She can't forget or disconnect. Every time her U.S.-born sons and daughters come to visit from their suburban white schools with stories of hurts and harms, she goes, "Hah! You think it’s hard being Black; try admitting to being Haitian, woman.…"

The scared and baffled kids can't decipher the thread of thoughts as she hurls the words at them:

"Large chunks were eaten out of me. it didn't matter where i was, it followed me, in the hallways at the U.S. Embassy, at the Ministry, at my hotel or at the National Palace; i felt like i had had a bad accident which left me stranded on foot in the wrong neighborhood, at a late hour and "Johns" in dark vans and foreign limousines were slowing down to look or wave me in while i was doing my very best to emit a take charge attitude, walking faster, trying to find a phone to call for help. No one ever touched me, but i still felt accosted. Old scars dehumanizing Black women as "hot tails" opened when i moved too quickly or thought too deeply. New hurts held me back. i was living the Outcast's ancient history....i was as absorbed by the mental landscape as all the dusky Sallies, all the proprietresses of shadowy, secret, sensual corridors, who've gone before me....nanny, domestic, whore, mistress….the first targets, scapegoats, surrogates....welfare queens, quota queens, malevolent ball-busters, unclean tramps...Oh, let's not forget your all-time favorite, the overloaded, over churched, ever-suffering mammy mother…”

Gede The Narrator: All of Topaz's visitors go away.

She sits alone.

Last night, she imagined herself at a lecture hall. She is anxious and reluctant to tell her story. To reveal herself to strangers who may want to listen. She is right in the middle of her morning basket weaving class with society’s other outcasts. But Topaz imagines herself pacing back and forth, Network cameras gobbling up her tale. Still, she pauses to tidy up, looks at her invisible listeners. But they are frozen sculptures etched into a hospital wall. Still she stops at every seat touching, but not seeing:

"Come," she says tenderly to a woman who lost her marbles long ago. "Come, glide up into my heart, slide down my blood, and yes, open a vein before the appointed autopsy hour. There it is. A luminous time, six months after Aristide's return, the time i got to Haiti, when no more dead bodies laid about. There i am in Haiti. Basking under guns and pills and booze furrowing old paths, touching and enhancing even my most intimate moments, stimulating feelings of wariness and inchoate fears. Feel its shivering, frigid
stench. it was as a foul frosty breath against my skin, pulling at my nipples whenever i passed closed to or touched an "International" at a meeting, even if He wore no bulging holster.

You remember, don't you, colder-than-winter Mzz White Career Chick? She was there too, in Haiti, with Mr. Western Culture. i stared, caught in an unmerciless imperial glare. Took a bubble bath in it. i absorbed the brutality. The adversarialness of it seeped through the millions of pores in my skin as easily as aromatic chemicals, the essential oils found in plants, would enter my system, and it changed me..... i shredded my gentle, non-violent sensibilities. i internalized the terror behind the guns 'n guards. Absorbed by it, i wanted to crush something, to burn, to kill, kill, kill something. But right before i fell…."

(Multiple-media effects and video screen reflections. Topaz stands still. Watches her many parts on screen. We see how slowly Topaz moves around the edge of the shadows in her mind. She peers out towards the drooling woman. Then walks backwards towards her seat. In her mind she is back in the courtroom. A judge sits high up by her in the witness stand. Topaz alternates from talking to him, an invisible prosecutor and the drooling woman and her small children who don't visit anymore.)

"Oh yeah, let's see now. Right before i fell…" Topaz says, while dancing the Nago dance she'd learned to do at her mother's knee. Out of breath she continues. "Right before i fell, i did the nimble manbo's Petwo dance, like at a Vodun ceremony...practicing, practicing, dramatizing my protest, low to the ground, so i wouldn't stumble twice when the next time came to slit, slice and cut.”

(Then Topaz, as if remembering something, makes a slight movement, her look goes further inward. Again, she touches the long working table of the hospital weavers, seeing a desk. Her tortured mind illuminates the desk with piles of weapons: Uzis, rifles, handguns, curved machetes, bottles of booze and pipes and vials of drugs. Topaz doesn't seem to understand no one, but her, sees these things.)

Gede the Narrator: The rare scholar in the room, on a George Soros fellowship, documenting the plight of Black women who get mandatory sentences accidentally caught Topaz's monologue and tape recorded it for posterity. That's how i got to hear Topaz's words. Listen.

"Perhaps you too would have disassembled, gotten mean," she shouts. "Warmth and balance were hard to come by. Thick minds and thick heat easier to find. One nightclub i went to had a guy with a rifle sitting outside in the shadows of the moonlit sky and a guy sitting inside in visible sight, tapping his feet to the music, eyes spaced out, long rifle at the ready.”

“As the months went by in Haiti, i would see more and more private guns, silently ever present, like cold hard Haitian machetes."

Gede the Narrator: At this juncture all who lived to be interviewed twenty years later said that Topaz picked up a broom thinking it a machete, swinging it wildly.

"See this rusting machete," she is recorded saying, "it's my grandfathers. But Haitian weapons were microscopic in comparison to our Superpower's combined ideological and steel guns going Ra...tatatatatatata…ta..ta, Ra...tatata...tata...ta, Ra...tatata...tata...ta eating away at the Island like it was an avocado or mango."

(Topaz puts down the machete, picks up a rifle; to the onlookers, it's a duster with a long handle.)

"Aiiiiihhh..." her breathy voice exhales, "the bouquet of heavy cynicism drifted down on the Island and, on Fridays, at the El Rancho, U.S. and U.N. tanks would further accent the mental curriculum being re-taught by filling the air with their show of force rounds. Here, take this Uzi, hear it. Ra..tatata..tata..ta. Shots would ring out, mixed with alcohol, drugs, tropical music and midnight partying. Can you dance with me? Ra..tatata..tata..ta quick as furtive lust, faster than the darting Haitian green lizards. Ra..tatata..tata..ta the big UN and US guns would go. Grasping, cocky, lonely, overdosing on skinny and huge mango-butt Haitian Venuses walking the traditional trails alongside the major hotel corridors......

Wait. You wanna know what the foreign bureaucrats were doing all this while? i'm embarrassed to say.… They would plummet themselves, too, into Haitian soil, ramming Her, like the heavy green caterpillar tanks carrying U.S. firepower. But they did it on the sly, behind their protocols, without fanfare and as silently as the yellow polka dot butterflies flitting ever about.

Me good gentlemen, would be all puffed up, stoic and properly detached at my meetings and then discombobulated at night. in broad daylight, i saw how they kept turf. it wasn't about love but domination. it was about constructing walls of manufactured conflicts. "

(Facsimiles of the Statue of Liberty, soldiers and various women appear on stage and on video screens. Topaz puts a crown of thorns on her head, touches herself as if she's the Statue of Liberty, saying:)

"i hold the flitting silence in my cupped hands. i look at you, waiting for your answer to what i've just said. But you haven't heard me."

(Topaz moves towards the freeze-framed witless women in the room, touching, shaking them as if they were the soldiers and motionless Internationals, shouting:)

"Have dollar, will buy," was the tipsy U.N. and U.S. soldier's baroom cry. Many times surreptitiously casting an eye in my corner. Yeah right! As if….!!!!!

i, a peasant Black girl, even i thought one of us was in denial, the other in truth.
i longed to fill my eyes in you, but it was filled already with the acid Silence erasing my presence...So, every month when my wall folds down my underwear into blood. i don't tell you how natural it is for me to break down walls. i keep my secret.

Just as i did on those alcohol-soaked weekends, when wearing my sundresses with the wildflower prints on, or geared up in my white muslin dress billowing gauzily in the gentle balmy tropical breeze, i would sit by the El Rancho pool, sipping slowly at my lemonade, sometimes ordering a five-star Barbancourt rum straight up, no ice, swirling it around.

i knew why with all the guns around, no gun was protecting the unarmed civilian population; the Haitian courts were not functioning; the Coup survivors couldn't exhale productively within the bounds of civilized behavior.

i new why it was that within six-months of Aristide's return, the killing and psychic injury was again supernaturally senseless...But that wouldn't make our front-page news. We are tired, tired of "them" people!

Within a year, the flashes of criminal activities were paralyzing. The new Haitian cops themselves were ill trained and understaffed. What with New York policemen going down there to train them. And U.S. Embassy insisting and battling with the restored government about integrating Coup d'etat men into the new police force!

That's why these newly "professionalized-by-the-U.S." Haitian law enforcement personnel would, within that year after Aristide's return, be charged with crimes against the very people they were supposed to be protecting. Drug kingpins with dollars 'n guns shaking down desperate, drug-hypnotized, poor civilians under the color of government sanctions. Sounds familiar huh!

Yep, it’s been Guiliani time in Haiti for awhile now. And even if survivors knew their assailants, there was no use bringing complaints to a court house that was shut, or, for that matter, to a Minister of Justice acutely busy in round-the-clock meetings with the Internationals, committed? to reform things!

i tell you, i would prefer, right at this moment, the heavy wool of suburban amnesia, the banality of living the life of a bougie-bunny obsessed with her nails, hair and lovers rather than the telling of this acerbic tale. 'Cept a woman who looks like my mama waits for me outside Palace doors.


“Governments do this; it seemed the Haitian government in this particular case, was busy keeping itself in a job, making absolutely no case it turned out unpopular...only just helping the American military forces support USAID, the International Lenders and the U.S. Embassy, who were all busy with the larger issues of divvying up jobs: consulting contracts to mega consulting firms connected to former Boss USAID Mission Directors and current Boss USAID and State Department cronies and experts.

i was too stunned. Perhaps i had just joined the sophisticated ranks of adulthood, but for the life of me i couldn't see the purpose of a government, or any multi-lateral international force, for that matter, that didn't protect the civilian population from crime and bodily injury. When i asked, ‘Why aren't we protecting the civilians?’ i was told outright, ‘That is not part of the U.S./U.N. Mission.’ i was told, the multinational forces weren't there to get into domestic issues.

imagine that, the U.S. and the European conglomerates NOT getting into Haiti's domestic issues!

i told you i was raised by peasants. What do i know?

The ‘Internationals’ hadn't come to ‘Restore Democracy,’ they had come to destroy it completely! Want my headache…? Here, take it. i can live better with your version of things.

it's not working. My head is exploding. Mr. Langston Hughes, who invited you in there? i hear you. i can't stop it. What happens to a dream deferred? Well, you're right! See me explode: New birth trampling male distance and emotional absence, mammoth lies, fresh putrid hatreds.

Mount on y'all. Touch the many disheveled Black mothers with my secret 'tween their thighs - suffering bodies of one human race, one ultimate national origin.”

(On Video Screen: In her mind's eye Topaz sees, injured, miserable and bedraggled Haitian, Black and Latino women with children, laden down with wash and fruit baskets, passing by and quietly says:)

“But, unlike the U.S. Bearers-of-Glitter, They wait without hate.”

(The Warden's needle enters Topaz's arm. Knocks her out cold. Time shifts. Her spirit rises, addresses the audience with Silences Crap.)


Silence's Crap

i hold the Silence in my cupped hands.
i never asked for this Witnessing stand.
i'm branded with an understanding
i never knew.
i want you to get it so that it's forever gotten.

i can't quit wanting that.
i wash and wash the Silence in these hands,
but i can't scrub or even grit it out.

Just once, to mount myself with my own naked...touch again.
Just once, to see the world's oasis’ sprout free....of the shadows
in these hands.

i'm going insane, from straining to pull you within
without the Silence's heedless spin;
its imperial gaze's sins.

Ambushed within, encircled in the circles of commercialism
and...genderpecked to death too. i'm trapped into pushing at cracks within ideological
prisms trying to see me, define me, color me.

i'm collared and mapped in Silence's crap.


Copyright © 1998 by Marguerite Laurent. All rights reserved. You may not copy, re-post or publish, in any manner, without the copyright owner's written permission.

Granneg Latortue

Feb 15, 2009, 10:28:27 AM2/15/09
Zili my dear,
I dont have any hostility towards you at all.  I love the way we interact. Plus, my 1 weakness in life has been beautiful women. I would not harm you at all.
I have been in DC too long to have been in any Coup d'etat. I have seen 100 Haitian governments come and go, and 1,000 ministers and Ambassadors.  So many that Haitians in DC have an Ambassador rating system.
What I am glad to find out is that you were in the theater biz as an actress.
YOU KNOW THEATER, you are very smart, opiniated to one side, and demonize other points of view.  To me, that only means 1 thing, and I am all behind it: ZILI IS QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT OF HAITI! or USA for that matter. You will be actor #2 as President, following Reagan.  You will be religion President #2, following Aristide.  Its all Theater.
For the 1st time in a very long while, I want to go back to Haiti.  I want to be your Minister of Energy. Together, we will fight against the imperialist conquering pigs and stop fighting with each other.
People of the World, UNITE!
Vive President Zili.  About time we elected Zili Dantor as our leader!


Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 06:59:31 -0800
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2293] To Latortue | Haitian jailed in Cages!!!!!!!


zili danto

Feb 15, 2009, 2:56:59 PM2/15/09

You do need psychiatric help, but your are laughable in the email below as well. A sense of humor is not bad. LOL!!!!

Feb 15, 2009, 4:18:40 PM2/15/09
Wouldn't you say for the greater good there must be a differential between the candidate and the party.  Where the candidates informed of the party's technical defect from day one?  I believe the decision to extend the deadline had nothing to do with Lavalas rather the disenfranchisement of a large sector of the population; You also have to admit that Haiti is relatively new at the democratic process.  So mistakes will be made and lessons will be learned.  Unless one had a specific issue with the Lavalas party, justice was served for the majority of the electorate.  Point of information; the Lavalas party ran in the last presidential election with Bazin as a presidential candidate.  There were no issues then, why is there one now?
Haitians are very intelligent and sometimes that intelligence can be a curse.  You would think this frail democracy would welcome inclusion and encourage it.  The reality is they have learned the dark side of the democratic process.  In the United State one candidate tries to knock their opponent off the ballot.  In Haiti they go one step further; they try to knock of the whole party.  Oooops I stand corrected, I think the communist party was considered illegal in America.
Respectfully yours,
See the following article from the Miami Herald


40 barred from Haitian Senate race -- including Lavalas slate

Haiti's electoral council disqualified 40 of 105 candidates, prompting international concern.


A decision by Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council to disqualify members of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's political party in the April 19 senate elections has sparked concern among foreign diplomats.
The 17 Fanmi Lavalas members were among 40 people who registered candidacies for Parliament, but were disqualified this week. The party is one of the largest in the country, but internal discord over who can register candidates under the party banner hampered the process.
Also disqualified: Guy Philippe, the leader of an armed revolt that led to Aristide's departure in 2004.
All told, 105 hopefuls had registered for 12 Senate seats.
''We are concerned by the circumstances that have led to the exclusion of all the candidates of one party,'' Canadian Ambassador Gilles Rivard said in a statement.
``Any election's credibility is based on the respect of its laws and its regulations. Nevertheless, as a symbol of democracy, an election must assemble and reunite and not contribute to divide a population.''
The U.S. Embassy in Haiti called the Council's decision a ''matter of great concern'' and, like Canada, called on Haitian authorities to discuss the matter.
''Under the law, elections should involve all major parties and serve as a unifying force for democracy,' ' the statement said. ``An election based on the exclusion. . . will inevitably question the credibility of elections. . . in Haiti and among donors and friends of Haiti.''
Electoral Council President Frantz-Gérard Verret told The Miami Herald that political party affiliation had no factor in the decision to disqualify individuals. They were barred from running, he said, ``because they lacked one or several pieces of proper documentation as required under the law.''
After publishing the initial list of 105 candidates, election officials were criticized by Haitian activists and human rights groups for allowing persons accused of crimes, including drug-trafficking and murder, to register as candidates.
Philippe is wanted by U.S. authorities on drug-trafficking charges. Other candidates with shady histories, including some running under the Lavalas banner, also have come under fire by Haitian citizens and groups.
The electoral council was under attack again Friday by human rights activists for accepting the candidacy of Moise Jean-Charles, who is running as a member of President René Préval's Lespwa (''hope'') coalition. Jean-Charles has been implicated -- not convicted -- in murders carried out by a mob he is accused of leading. He denies the accusations.
Lavalas has been plagued by internal conflict, with competing factions in the party proposing their own candidates. As a result, election officials have questioned which candidates have been sanctioned to run=2 0under the party banner.
Dr. Maryse Narcisse, one of Lavalas' leaders who registered the party on Dec. 3, said she has the authority to register candidates.
''We will respond through the law, to defend our right,'' she said, and will not be provoked into launching street protests against the council's ruling.

-----Original Message-----
From: Granneg Latortue <>
Sent: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 9:16 pm
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2264] Re: Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!

I believe that Lavalasse has a right to exist, to field candidates, just like any other party. Egal egaux.
1) The rules were: All parties submit candidates by X time, and can appeal by Feb 13th 5PM.
Because of internal stife caused by a devious Aristide playing his people in Haiti against each other, 2 Lavalasse parties submitted 2 sets of candidates.  Narcisse had a bad mandate naming her chief of party. It was not notarized as required of me when I send legal papers to Haiti. Protested by lawyer of lavalsse2 party.
lavalasse2 was also in constant contact with Aristide, and believed it was the sole party as told to them by Titid. No one understands that Titid is in constant contact with all lavalasse actors. He caused this mess so he can retain control of both sides of Lavalasse. Aristide understand very well how to divide and conquer.
2) The CEP correctly rejected both sets of lavalasse candidates. Only 1 set allowed per party.  both sets could not meet the friday 5PM dealine.  As Zili said, Lavalasse was not on any kind of legal status. They were dead for 2009.
3) Samderson visits CEP, orders are given.  She is paying 75% of the costs, so she orders an illegality: Re-open the books for another 72 hours so lavalasse can get is stuff together. That is illegal favoritism that lavalasse is so against when it is done against them.  For them is OK. Against them is bad.  That is colonial blanc orders that they accuse the Latortue Governement of receiving, yet they are doing worse!  James, define colonialism?
4) if the offending party had been x, would the CEP have re-opened its books past the published deadline? Is Haiti a sovereign state as CEP has just declared 24 hours before?  Or is Haiti and lavalasse a bunch of colonial tchouls of the blancs? What is lavalasse fighting for?  Blanc rulers or independence?
5) The "certain set of skills required to win elections" is practiced by all politicians worldwide. It is called LYING to the people.  Aristide does it very very well. he has fooled you all these years. On this side of the fence, we know about lying from years of practice, and have stopped lying to the people so we can build, not pillage, burn, steal, and traffic drugs.

6) The only belly that is aching is the klorox hunger of the Haitian people who followed Aristide. Not me.
Good luck with that guy!


Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2262] Re: Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 20:46:20 -0500

I believe you are on the wrong side of history.  In every society there is always an appeal process following a decision.  Your spin of what took place in Haiti is a leap of faith.  As far as I am concern you are admitting the inability of the other side to gain the confidence of the peopleand  their inability to organize and get the vote.  As long as your people continue with the blame game, they will always be on the outside looking in.  There is a certain set of skills you must acquire to win elections.  I suggest your people learn those skills and stop the belly aching about the road is clear for the Lavalas party to win the election.
In my opinion, the reason you can not win elections is you don't relate to the people, you don't respect the people an d you don't think the people can choose for themselves.  With that better than thou attitude, its no wonder you can't win elections.

I can not speak for the people you mentioned because there is not much to say except that the process played itself out.  I was of the opinion that the CEP arrived at a decision and the decision was final pending an appeal process.  In this case the CEP showed its wisdom by extending the dead line=2 0so certain corrections can be made; otherwise the aggrieved party would call on their right to appeal and come to the same decision.  I believe it was Attorney Laurent who made that suggestion.  There isn't much more to say except encourage your people to get their act together so they can successfully contest elections.
Respectfully yours,

-----Original Message-----
From: Granneg Latortue <>
Sent: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 5:38 pm
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2260] Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!

Chers Compatriotes et Patriotes Haitiens,
Pourquoi ce silence?  Votre silence me rends sourd!
Vous avez marqué un tres grands but, vos alliés de Washington, votre publique, sont en pinpan sur la scene!
La glorieuse, sage, et saine victoire est a vous!
Un vrai coup, droit a l'ame d'Haiti et direct de Washington ou réside votre maitre blanc.  Bravo!  Bien Joué le blanc encore une fois!
L'interet du peuple Haitien est en premiere sur votre liste. Lavalasse a le chemin droit devant lui, va gagner des éléctions 2009, avec les memes outils de 1990 et 2000. Le terrain est vide, et penche vers vous. La "Operation Restore Democracy II".
Vue du vrai metteur en scene de ce plan.
LE PLAN (divide)
Temps 1, la division totale des Haitiens par fraudes éléctorales. (Jocelyne, Stanley, mandé enragé)
Temps 2, les émeutes, batailles acharnées, tuerie dans les rues. Le sang coule sur CNN.

(& rule)
Temps 3, Mise sous-tutelle a cause de l'instabilite politique, crée par les Haitiens dit CNN.
FIN: Exploitation des mines Haitiennes contre un appui financier de nos maitres blancs et purs. $1 pour Haiti contre $50 0 pour le blanc. (le petrole, l'or, le cuivre, l'aluminium, le platinum, produits radioactifs, pouzzolane, etc...)

Fin 2009 ou debut 2010, Comme prédit par Granneg en 2008.
Granneg trouve que c'est un bon plan, magnifique en son execution, car les Ayissiens sont incapables de faire la conquete de leur colonialisme interne. Ah le leader noir de peau et blanc de raisonnement.

Cette20fois, occupation et tutelle sont plus facile que les autres fois.
Votre armée MINUSTAH occupante est deja en place. Pas d'invasions des blancs sur CNN.
Pas besoin de mendier a Washington, le budget Charité 76% est deja en place.
Pas besoin de faire appel aux ONG blanches. Ils sont deja en place et ignorent le gouvernement Haitien sans dents.
Votre silence me rends sourd!
Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour le peuple, et ce que vous allez maintenant faire.
Merci d'avoir mis votre patriotisme avant la soif du pouvoir et l'enrichissement a la cocaine.

Subject: RE: [Haïti-Nation:2247] Glossaire du vodou haïtien
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 11:21:27 -0500

Comprendre les racines d'Haiti avant les invectives négatives de l'intolérance.  Tr es Grande faute Théologique: Les Chrétiens n'ont pas la seule voie vers Dieu. Il y a beaucoup d'autres chemins qui menent a Dieu. 
En terme de nombre de croyants, le Christianisme est la 4eme religion du monde, donc religion minoritaire.
DE LA CARTE GEOGRAPHIQUE - Provenance des Haitiens est la zone frontaliere Benin-Nigeria.
Zone Yoruba, Igbo et Ewé. 
TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE est fils de Gaou Ginou, Chef du groupe ethique de la zone et ville ALLADA, au Nord de la ville de Ouidah, comme Damballah-Ouidah.
A droite voir la ville de Badagri, comme dans Ogun-Badagri. La riviere Ogun traverse Lagos, ex Capitale du Nigeria.
La religion Yoruba est basée a Ifé, comme la zone Vodouisante en Haiti.
Les Igbos nous ont d onné Ibo-Lele, Ayaman Ibo Lele. Les Igbo-Elele sont des Juifs érrants émigrés en terre Igbo.
Cérémonie qui consiste à donner à manger A 0 l'âme de la terre. Elle se compose d'ignames accompagnées d'autres produits vivriers et de poissons séchés.

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pierre robert auguste

Feb 15, 2009, 10:15:24 PM2/15/09
 Les prochaines elections representeront un sunami politique si a peine 5 pour cent de l'eclectorat votent. Le manque de legitimite et de representativite,qui en decoulera entrainera une remise en question profonde.Il n'est que d'attendre.Les elections entraineront un desaveu total.Les observateurs nationaux doivent veiller a toute manipulation pour eviter l'annonce d'une participation plus elevee, a laquelle par gene des instances nationales et internationales pourraient incliner pour sauver la face.
Pierre Robert Auguste

--- En date de : Sam 14.2.09, Granneg Latortue <> a écrit :

Granneg Latortue

Feb 16, 2009, 12:29:07 PM2/16/09
You ask so many questions and dont use paragraphs. Hard to understand and answer.
I believe that Lavalasse has a right to exist, to field candidates, just like any other party. Egal egaux. Treat all parties the same at the CEP.
1) Stated rules are: All parties submit candidates by X time, and can appeal by Feb 13th 5PM.
2) The CEP correctly rejected both sets of lavalasse candidates. Only 1 candidate per party per position.
3) CEP received Lavalasse 1 party, Lavasse 2 party, lawyers, motions, accusations of false papers, and not-legal mandates. It is a lavalasse split and CEP cannot give warnings and delays.
4) if the offending party had been Marc Bazin, would the CEP have re-opened its books past the published deadline? Would Marc have gotten an extra 72 hours? NO.
Therefore it is illegal to favor any other party. I dont care who it is.
It is not a question of serving the greatest number or disenfranchising the masses. Time is time. Rules are rules. IF Haiti is going anywhere, those 2 must be learned and applied. All rules and all times in Haiti have always been ignored, and that is the root cause of chaos.  The only people who benefit from chaos are magrouilleurs, and thieves.
This is pre-lavalasse and with-lavalasse regimes. Chaos-Magrouille are married together.
What Lavalasse and I used to agree on, is the need to stop prefferential treatment of certain people and to give equal access and equal rules for every one.  I have stayed the course, Lavalasse has not. 
Lavalasse has bent the rules at every turn, with an attitude that "you had your turn, now its my turn".  That is myopic.  You dont break the rules like the thieves did, just to show that you are different! Chaos is the way of failure, favoritism, and perdition. lavalasse and I used to agree on that point. Lavalasse lost its compass.
I will forever defend Lavalasse's right to participate in free and fair elections.  But dont give me year 2000 elections where you are unopposed! It is a true sign of stealing elections.  If Titid had won 50.1% of the vote, he would be President. Does he need to show 98%?  Tell me the reasoning behind 98%! Does it mean all bourgeoisie voted for him?
Intimidation at the polls came in that vote bulletins were colored differently for each party, so that from the outside, intimidators grabbed all blue votes and ripped them away from voters.
That is just like the old days when the Haitian Army carried all the votes from polling stations to a central location.  Of course, there were burning stations where all trucks were unloaded and re-loaded with the "correct" boxes.
The heart of my case with lavalasse is that they are more arrogant than the people they are  against.  They are more magrouilleurs and chaotic.  Haiti needs order, end to favoritism and thievery.  WE HAVE THE MOST CORRUPT COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH, and the place to start is same rules for everybody, AND RESPECT FOR EVERY BODY ELSE'S RIGHTS AND RELIGIONS. We have no respect and no shame. We inflict Haitianism on every other country in the area. Haitianism is seen as a bad disease.
In spite of all this, if Lavalasse or the mighty Titid himself would lower themselves and admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness in a genuine way, I would say lets start over with a spirit of true sharing for the good of Haiti.  But it aint gonna happen.
Smallness in Haitian culture means that when you are chief, what you say goes. There is no middle ground, no different ways.
THAT attitude is what led to the end of white western countries, and where they are in 2009.   They will come back, but at 1/3 or 1/4 of where they were before, so why follow them to doom with bad governance?
James, go see your man in S Africa, ask him to rethink his past and his present.  He needs genuine internal cleansing and renewal.  That will determine his future.
Gran Neg

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2312] Re: Silence de Cetoute, Zili, JBA, Haas!!
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 16:18:40 -0500

Granneg Latortue

Feb 16, 2009, 3:53:13 PM2/16/09
It may be me after all, since I was raised in Haiti by a certain Haitian who strictly followed the rules. I still respect rules, and I still raise hell when the field is not level.
Let me tell you how I was raised, and maybe you can understand my reaction to the 72 hours delay for the benefit of 1 party.
I grew up in a home where Dad was Dean of Faculte Des Sciences.  Francois Duvalier was President, and he respected Dad very much, because of Dad's reputation as a strict and fair person.
At that time, Admission to public Universities was done by exam.  The top 40 scores were admitted every year, and 25 or so graduated. No favoritism.
Duvalier got into the habit of sending "Ti papier" to all Universities for admission of Tonton Macoute's children. This favoritism happened at all schools, except at Faculte des Sciences, since Francois knew who was in charge there.
After 4 or 5 years, the papers finally started showing up at FDS. Dad had a problem.
He solved it by posting on the admission board:
The 6 fools were sneered by other students. 1 lasted 1 day. By end of year, the only 1 remaining was an "A" student who had proven his worth.
Francois Duvalier had learned his Lesson.
Francois Duvalier never tried that again with FDS.  After that, a Minister-Tonton Macoute  tried in person to get his daughter admitted by Dad. 
He threatened that he would go to the palace about this.  Dad smiled. The fool went to the palace, and never came back with his daughter.
Maybe that is why Granneg cannot tolerate people calling their blanc to order CEP to extend by 72 hours.  It is pure favoritism and demeans the Haitian CEP and Democracy.
The correct position is to get your act together first, so that the world does not wait on you, and you dont have to call the blanc and once more become his black servant.
Respect your self. Respect your skin. Respect Haiti.
Do it correctly, and on time.  You know the law.  The party chief has to sign. Any mandat has to be Notarized by the Haitian Consul if you are overseas.  Why do you want special treatment?  Once in power, will those legislators treat all equally or expect favoritism they have already learned??
We dont need help from a blanc master whose brother received $43million as your lobbyist from 1991 to 1994.
Gran Neg

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Feb 17, 2009, 1:19:27 AM2/17/09
I fully appreciate the manner you were brought up.  I believe under normal circumstances, these rules should apply.  Sometimes one has to look at the larger picture.  We would all be foolish if we thought that the Haitians institutions are autonomous.  They are being dictated by one faction of the State Department or another.  The CEP was following the direction of the old bosses of the Republican Party.  The exclusion of a whole party could not stand the scrutiny of the law since there was precedence where this same party ran a slate of candidates in the last presidential election.  Therefore the exclusion is not a matter of technical defect rather it’s political. 
If you pay close attention to Haitian politics20you will realize that instability is desired.  It appears that somebody benefits from instability and therefore it is perpetuated.  My theory is the Republican Party is looking for every way to test President Obama.  If you recall, the old state department summoned President Preval to Washington before he was elected president to possibly brief him on their position on certain issues.. President Preval apparently agreed with the state department that the illegal exile of President Aristide was ok.  The decision to exclude the Lavalas party had to have the blessing of President Preval.  Now it’s becoming quite clear why President Preval had such a cold reception from the new administration.  It’s not a flip flop; it’s a new administration with a completely different point of view.  It will not take a rocket scientist to predict that the funds ear make for the election may be with held until the problem is fix. 
So the election itself is uncertain at this time.  We have some very intelligent Haitians on these forums however more often than not they are being led by their passion and not a cold observation if the facts.  Some of the smartest ones here still reject the notion there was a coup d'état in Feb. 2004.  They simply say that the monster had to go.  Let me share with you how consistent I am.  I could not understand how intelligent people can actually come together in a rational way and include in the country's constitution "makout pa la dan"  I have to admit it was easy for me to opine this way since I have been in the stated since 1961 and I did not experience personally the atrocities of the Duvalier regime. 

So the exclusion of the Lavalas party was not an independent decision on the part of the CEP base on specific regulations.  Instead it was an agenda consistent with the coup d'état on Feb. 2004 as prescribed by Otto Reich, Roger Noriega and company.  Granneg, I hope you understand where I am coming from and not necessarily agree with me. 

Finally, nothing happens in a vacuum and there are consequences to every action.  Let us see how things unfold.
Respectfully yours,

-----Original Message-----
From: Granneg Latortue <>
Sent: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 3:53 pm
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2361] To James StFurcy

It may be me after all, since I was raised in Haiti by a certain Haitian who strictly followed the rules. I still respect rules, and I still raise hell when the field is not level.
Let me tell you how I was raised, and maybe you can understand my reaction to the 72 hours delay for the benefit of 1 party.
I grew up in a home where Dad was Dean of Faculte Des Sciences.  Francois Duvalier was President, and he respected Dad very much, because of Dad's reputation as a strict and fair person.
At that time, Admission to public Universities was done by exam.  The top 40 scores were admitted every year, and 25 or so graduated. No favoritism.
Duvalier got into the habit of sending "Ti papier" to all Universities for admission of Tonton Macoute's children. This favoritism happened at all schools, except at Faculte des Sciences, since Francois knew who was in charge there.
After 4 or 5 years, the papers finally started showing up at FDS. Dad had a problem.
=0 AHe solved it by posting on the admission board:

The 6 fools were sneered by other students. 1 lasted 1 day. By end of year, the only 1 remaining was an "A" student who had proven his worth.
Francois Duvalier had learned his Lesson.
Francois Duvalier never tried that again with FDS.  After that, a Minister-Tonton Macoute  tried in person to get his daughter admitted by Dad. 
He threatened that he would go to the palace about this.  Dad smiled. The fool went to the palace, and never came back with his daughter.
Maybe that is why Granneg cannot tolerate people calling their blanc to order CEP to extend by 72 hours.  It is pure favoritism and demeans the Haitian CEP and Democracy.
The correct position is to get your act together first, so that the world does not wait on you, and you dont have to call the blanc and once more become his black servant.
Respect your self. Respect your skin. Respect Haiti.
Do it correctly, and on time.  You know the law.  The party chief has to sign. Any mandat has to be Notarized by the Haitian Consul if you are overseas.  Why do you want special treatment?  Once in power, will those legislators treat all equally or expect favorit ism they have already learned??

We dont need help from a blanc master whose brother received $43million as your lobbyist from 1991 to 1994.
Gran Neg

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G. Stanley Lucas

Feb 17, 2009, 8:39:25 AM2/17/09
Lavalas pa janm respekte reg jwet la, lavalas pa janm respekte lalwa. Se pousa yo te reyalize koudeta elektoral 6 Avril 1997, 21 Me ak 26 Novamb 2000. Se pousa yo touye pasteur Leroy, Bertin, Jacques Roche ak Brignol Lindor. Se pousa yo te konn boule moun, lokal pati politik ak kay lide politik. Se pousa lavalas sevi ak vyolans politik paske yo pa kapab respekte reg jwet la. Lavalas tankou mafia pa respekte lalwa, yo pa janm respekte reg jwet la. Se nan fonksyonne tankou mafia ke pwop mafia ke lavalas la te kreye metel ate. Lavalas toujou pran tet li pou lalwa. Lavalas pa janm respekte enstitisyon ak lwa peyi. Mwen toujou kampe red pou mwen di non! Pou mwen lavalas pa la lalwa.
Pour l'histoire, des seize partis politiques Haitiens, ayant recus leurs carnets, fanmi lavalas a ete le seul parti politique Haitien a:
1. Feliciter, apprecier l'intervention externe dans le processus electoral Haitien (Voir note de presse plus bas)
2. A publier les notes de presse de ces interventions sur son website officiel, pour verifier cliquez ici: 
se menm fanmi lavalas la kap bat bravo, ki te mande menm moun sa yo okipasyon an 1994, se menm fanmi lavalas la kap pran poz ke moun ke li te mande okipasyon an 1994 poul tounen sou pouvwa a, se yo tou ki kidnappe Dr en Zulu a an 2004. Ala kontradiksyon papa!
Lavalas telman jennen ke yap pale de diferans ant repibliken ak demokrat aloske Obama di pa genyen sa pyes. Obama di genyen United States of America ak entere li ke lap defann. North Korea fek tande deklarasyon madan Klintonn yo ki montre ke entere ameriken pa chanje leu gouvenman chanje isit: Clinton warns North Korea against threatened missile launch

De: content wilnet <>
Objet: nòt pou laprès
Cc:,, "liliane pierre paul" <>
Date: Lundi 9 Février 2009, 9h54

Komisyon electoral depatmantal fanmi Lavalas sides


9 Fevriye 2009


Nòt deprès # 1


Fanmi Lavalas sidès peyi-a konstate desizyon politik konsèy de gouvènman-an pran pou  ekate, òganizasyon politik Fanmi Lavalas nan kous electoral la;

Fanmi Lavalas pa ebranle de yon desizyon politik pou fè enemi pèp la plezi.

Fanmi Lavalas apresye deklarasyon kèk zanmi nan entènasyonal la,

Fanmi Lavalas ap profite pou anonse manm, zanmi Fanmi-an, kominote entènasyonal la ak konsèy de gouvèneman-an konnen; Fanmi Lavalas pral nan eleksyon swa ak konsèy de gouvèneman-an oubyen ak yon konsèy electoral endepandan.


Fanmi Lavalas sidès peyi-a mande, tout manm Fanmi-an pou yo rete mobilize pasifikman, an atandan revokasyon desizyon politik konsèy de gouvèneman-an.


Reprezantan Nasyonal la: son ekselans Dr.Jean Bertrand Aristide mande tout 12 kandida pou senatè fanmi-an nan 10 depatman yo,  kontinye fè kanpay san rete, toujou rete an kontak ak komite ki la pou sa-a nan fondasyon Aristid pou demokrasi-a ( komite ekzekitif la) pou tout mo dòd pasifik.


Fanmi Lavalas sidès peyi-a te toujou kwè lespwa patka grandi anba wòch trayizon.

Fanmi Lavalas ap toujou rete bò kote pèp la, batay pou sila yo meprize yo.


Mo dòd la: mobilizasyon, mobilizasyon pasifik, nou di pasifikeman.


Si defansè pòp yo te la, Jezikris) li ta di nan langaj ebrayik la: Lavalas se Alittihado quoa sa vledi: Lavalas se linyon fè lafòs.


Content Wilnet

Koòdonatè komisyon depatmantal la

Kandida pou senatè novanm 2009.


Wilson Pierre louis



Biron Pierre guillaume

Chef propagann


Granneg Latortue

Feb 17, 2009, 9:41:12 AM2/17/09
You still dont get it.
1) "My theory is the Republican Party is looking for every way to test President Obama"
The woman's brother received $43 million for lobbying 1991-1994. put "brother" in quotes.   
1401 NY Ave, Lobbyist section 1st floor. ask for official signed filings for Haiti 91-94.
After that, look both ways before crossing streets.
The Republicans are no longer in power. I am an Obama volunteer, so dont make me Republican, but IRI is not in this.
She is in charge and dont you try to get anywhere near her territory. The woman is fierce and gave Obama hell to pay during the elections. Remember? 
She fears no US President and made one sleep on a sofa for 6 months after pounding him with dishes, cups, saucers. Hell with those President guys. They are morons!
2) Rules are rules. Haiti must live by law and rules if we are to be an organized society.  It is very Haitian of you to say: Rules are rules but this is a special case.
Say it is french: C'est un delicat cas!

3) Preval's trip in 2006 was a good one. He went into WB office and fought with Zoellich the German-American.  Preval won, and Preval lost.  He won by not yielding to WB, he lost by not yielding to WB.  That is all i'll say about that. Not a republican ideal trip.
4) "The decision to exclude the Lavalas party had to have the blessing of President Preval."
Someone at Lavalasse should have thought about the future when they sent an execution team to kill Preval's best friend and godfather to his child, Jean Dominique.
Someone at Lavalasse should have thought about the future when they sent an execution team to kill Preval's sister who had just called Tabarre and set the comedian back in his place. The sister was wounded but escaped death.
Someone at Lavalasse should have thought about the future when they kept nominating people to all government positions from Tabarre, when Preval was President.  Every Judge, every Dept Head, the Director of Ports, etc,,,were illegally nominated from Tabarre by someone who was even part of the official government, yet nominated and installed every one.
So James, you want Preval to like Lavalasse??????
Do you get it James???  Think about the future, Lavalasse does not!
Reality is not made to fit a purpose, but is as real as

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2382] Re: To James StFurcy
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 01:19:27 -0500

zili danto

Feb 17, 2009, 9:53:04 AM2/17/09

G-184 leader Andy Apaid was in liaison with Secretary of State Colin Powell in the days prior to the kidnapping and deportation of President Aristide by US forces on February 29. His umbrella organization of elite business organizations and religious NGOs, which is also supported by the International Republican Institute (IRI), receives sizeable amounts of money from the European Union.( ).

It is worth recalling that the NED, (which overseas the IRI) although not formally part of the CIA, performs an important intelligence function within the arena of civilian political parties and NGOs. It was created in 1983, when the CIA was being accused of covertly bribing politicians and setting up phony civil society front organizations. According to Allen Weinstein, who was responsible for setting up the NED during the Reagan Administration: "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA." ('Washington Post', Sept. 21, 1991).

The NED channels congressional funds to the four institutes: The International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), and the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS). These organizations are said to be "uniquely qualified to provide technical assistance to aspiring democrats worldwide." See IRI, )

For complete article go to:

US Sponsored Coup d'Etat

The Destabilization of Haiti 

by Michel Chossudovsky


During the military government (1991-1994), FRAPH was (unofficially) under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces, taking orders from Commander in Chief General Raoul Cedras. According to a 1996 UN Human Rights Commission report, FRAPH had been supported by the CIA.

Under the military dictatorship, the narcotics trade, was protected by the military Junta, which in turn was supported by the CIA. The 1991 coup leaders including the FRAPH paramilitary commanders were on the CIA payroll. (See Paul DeRienzo, , See also see Jim Lobe, IPS, 11 Oct 1996). Emmanuel Constant alias "Toto" confirmed, in this regard, in a CBS "60 Minutes" in 1995, that the CIA paid him about $700 a month and that he created FRAPH, while on the CIA payroll. (See Miami Herald, 1 August 2001). According to Constant, the FRAPH had been formed "with encouragement and financial backing from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and the CIA." (Miami New Times, 26 February 2004)

--- On Tue, 2/17/09, G. Stanley Lucas <> wrote:

Feb 17, 2009, 11:44:21 AM2/17/09
I am not sure what is it I did not get.  After saying I don't get it you went ahead and supported my position with your arguments in 4).  I can not summarily convict Lavalas of the crimes you mentioned since to date there are no conviction record for Lavalas.  Since you are insisting on the rule of law, one is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your peers in a court of law.  You did not address the fact that Lavalas ran a slate of candidates in the last presidential election; there were no technical defect then and there aren't any now.  Therefore the exclusion is base on political issues not on compliance issues.
Finally if you are an Obama supporter then you are on the wrong side in Haiti.  Stonewall is offering you lip service but he is clear that his boss es are the right wing elements of the Republican Party.
Again Granneg I am not asking you to agree with me I am merely asking you to understand where I am coming from.  I favor the position of CARICOM and the Congressional Black Caucus.  President Aristide was illegally deposed and exiled. The exclusion of the Lavalas party is the continuation of that agenda as prescribed by the old guards in the State Department.  Again Granneg if you are such a defender of the rule of law why aren't you condemning the flagrant violation of the constitution by the coup d'état folks?
Finally, I take exception to the following comment “2) Rules are rules.  Haiti must live by laws and rules if we are to be an organized society.  It is very Haitian of you to say rules are rules but this is a special case."   In my humble opinion statements like that identifies a fundamental flaw in the Haitian way of thinking.  In other words if its an incorrect statement its got to be Haitian; if its an improperly throughout idea, its got to be Haitian; if its negative, its got to be Haitian; if it does not make sense, its got to be Haitian; why can't it just be human frailty?  I said that kind of pejorative statement identifies a self hate on the part of too many Haitian.  I reject it in the strongest terms.
Respectfully yours,

-----Original Message-----
From: Granneg Latortue <>
Sent: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 9:41 am
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2387] Re: To James StFurcy

You still dont get it.
1) "My theory is the Republican Party is looking for every way to test President Obama"
The woman's brother received $43 million for lobbying 1991-1994. put "brother" in quotes.   
1401 NY Ave, Lobbyist section 1st floor. ask for official signed filings for Haiti 91-94.
After that, look both ways before crossing streets.
The Republicans are no longer in power. I am an Obama volunteer, so dont make me Republican, but IRI is not in this.
She is in charge and dont you try to get anywhere near her territory. The woman is fierce and gave Obama hell to pay during the elections. Remember? 
She fears no US President and made one sleep on a sofa for 6 months after pounding him with dishes, cups, saucers .. Hell with those President guys. They are morons!

2) Rules are rules. Haiti must live by law and rules if we are to be an organized society.  It is very Haitian of you to say: Rules are rules but this is a special case.
Say it is french: C'est un delicat cas!

3) Preval's trip in 2006 was a good one. He went into WB office and fought with Zoellich the German-American.  Preval won, and Preval lost.  He won by not yielding to WB, he lost by not yielding to WB.  That is all i'll say about that. Not a republican ideal trip.
4) "The decision to exclude the Lavalas party had to have the blessing of President Preval."
Someone at Lavalasse should have thought about the future when they sent an execution team to kill Preval's best friend and godfather to his child, Jean Dominique.
Someone at Lavalasse should have thought about the future when they sent an execution team to kill Preval's sister who had just called Tabarre and set the comedian back in his place. The sister was wounded but escaped death.
Someone at Lavalasse should have thought about the future when they kept nominating people to all government positions from Tabarre, when Preval was President.  Every Judge, every Dept Head, the Director of Ports, etc,,,were illegally nominated from Tabarre by someone who was even part of the official government, yet nominated and installed every one.
So James, you want Preval to like Lavalasse??????
Do you get it James???  Think about the future, Lavalasse does not!
Reality is not made to fit a purpose, but is as real as

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2382] Re: To James StFurcy
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 01:19:27 -0500

I fully appreciate the manner you were brought up.  I believe under normal circumstances, these rules should apply.  Sometimes one has to look at the larger picture.  We would all be foolish if we thought that the Haitians institutions are autonomous.  They are being dictated by one faction of the State Department or another.  The CEP was following the direction of the old bosses of the Republican Party.  The exclusion of a whole party could not stand the scrutiny of the law since there was precedence where this same party ran a slate of candidates in the last presidential election.  Therefore the exclusion is not a matter of technical defect rather it’s political. 
If you pay close attention to Haitian politics20you will realize that instability is desired.  It appears that somebody benefits from instability and therefore it is perpetuated.  My theory is the Republican Party is looking for every way to test President Obama.  If you recall, the old state department summoned President Preval to Washington before he was elected president to possibly brief him on their position on certain issues.. President Preval apparently agreed with the state department that the illegal exile of President Aristide was ok.  The decision to exclude the Lavalas party had to have the blessing of President Preval.  Now it’s becoming quite clear why President Preval had such a cold reception from the new administration.  It’s not a flip flop; it’s a new administration with a completely different point of view.  It will not take a rocket scientist to predict that the funds ear make for the election may be with held until the problem is fix. 
So the election itself is uncertain at this time.  We have some very intelligent Haitians on these forums however more often than not they are being led by their passion and not a cold observation if the facts.  Some of the smartest ones here still reject the notion there was a coup d'état in Feb. 2004.  They simply say that the monster had to go.  Let me share with you how consistent I am.  I could not understand how intelligent people can actually come together in a rational way and include in the country's constitution "makout pa la dan"  I have to admit it was easy for me to opine this way since I have been in the stated since 1961 and I did not experience personally the atrocities of the Duvalier regime. 

So the exclusion of the Lavalas party was not an independent decision on the part of the CEP base on specific regulations.  Instead it was an agenda consistent with the coup d'état on Feb. 2004 as prescribed by Otto Reich, Roger Noriega and company.  Granneg, I hope you understand where I am coming from and not necessarily agree with me. 

Finally, nothing happens in a vacuum and there are consequences to every action.  Let us see20how things unfold.

Granneg Latortue

Feb 17, 2009, 4:43:37 PM2/17/09
Your definitions and expectations of human beings need re-thinking.
What you dont get is that I can be 150% Obama person and still not like Lavasse at all. 
It is absurd to think that Obama is on Lavalasse's side.  He has not said anything, considering that 22 members of Aristide's closest circle went to Jail for drug traficking. As you said, those are convictions in federal court, not opinions.
Aristide chose Ketant as Godfather to his first child when it was open and full knowledge that Ketant had escaped from US to avoid a 30-year drug distribution sentence. That is also an empirical fact, not hearsay.
As Godfather, they were very close to each other untill the DEA picked Ketant up with an order signed by Aristide, and stuffed him in a DEA plane to Miami. 40 Years additional.
Obama has access to complete details of 22 convicted Haitian
Lavalasse-Aristide-close-aides-drug-smugglers.  That is also an empirical fact, not an opinion. personal Security chief, Senate leader, chiefs of police, ....
Lavalasse did not meet the requirements for inclusion in the elections, that is also an empirical fact.  They are in several pieces again, and should be excluded based on their imbecility at not being ready and in line LIKE ALL OTHER POLITICAL PARTIES WERE.
What is so special about those comedians??
You are split and untogether. No need to call your paid blanc dog and further destroy Haitian Democracy!  I use Haiti and Democracy in the same sentence very hesitantly, thanks to Lavalasse, and thanks to backwards Haitians at every level.

Caricom no longer believes or backs Aristide.  Every PM or Ambassador I have met in last few years always ask the same question: How did we miss this?? 22 people in jail for drug smuggling really opened our eyes. We now know what was going on!
Check it out James. Ask for a Caricom resolution vote!
Finally, it is very Haitian to bend rules. No we dont have exclusivity in doing so. But in Haiti all rules are made to be broken. Nothing is real. Doublure, lies, false papers, triple cross (not double cross) are the standard. This is the ideal place for drug smugglers, Nazi colaborators after WWII, and all sorts of rejects of the World.
That is what Lavalasse needs to address, the mentality of asking favors from a blanc, since we know that 1 blanc favor = Lavalasse's slavery and Haiti slavery for a long time to come.
We need to stand on our own 2 feet, be prepared and follow the law, not think "we are Lavalasse so we are special".
I hope that, in upcoming elections and any future elections, Lavalasse candidates will be severely rejected by the people, so that the arrogant and noisy Lavalasse can go away after 20 years, and be part of past history.
Good luck with that, I dont seem to be making sense to you.

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2409] Re: To James StFurcy
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 11:44:21 -0500


Feb 17, 2009, 5:11:15 PM2/17/09
I totally agree with you ,  I have been living in Haiti all my life but unfortunately I had to leave to continue my education . Still I never miss an opportunity to go back , and when I'm done I'll be back I  my country next year . Obviously James aven't been living there to think that we could allow  those lavallasse thugs to rule again . Then again I don't take sides but common sense should tell you that some people can't rule they can't even get along with one another .
Sincerely yours

Granneg Latortue

Feb 18, 2009, 11:15:22 AM2/18/09
Dont call Lavalasse "thugs" even though they may be. Dont make the white press happy.
What Lavalasse and Aristide need to understand:
1) Life is too short. Time to move on. He is over 50. Remaining years are few. The best years are behind him, and behind for Lavalasse.
2) Stop threatening and killing people. Go back to Greek and Roman times and bring it to Duvalier. Killing people has not worked for 4000 years. Does it matter that 35,000 people died at the battle of the Plain of Jars in 1200BC??  Who? Where?
Does it matter to J C Duvalier that 600,000 Haitians were killed by Duvalier regimes?
Nothing was accomplished by killings, and he is a sad example of a human being.
How is life in South Africa? Will you be there when new Gov takes over and asks $5mil per month fees from you?
3) After 20 years on the scene and having accomplished NOTHING, it is time for Lavalasse to have a big convention in South Africa.
The best thing is to decide to change direction and tactics.  Tell the mad monk to remember his studies in "acte de contrition", introspection, confession, and redemption.
He needs to go back to basics. Maybe join the order again.
4) If Aristide really confesses and redempts, it will go a long way to giving Haiti the Peace it has not had since he showed up on the political theater stage.  Aristide learned a good colonial lesson from his studies, and applied it very well. Raise their heads to the sky and steal down on earth.
That lesson is best described by Julius Nyerere, the father and founder of Tanzania.
"When the white man came to Africa, he had the Bible and we had the land. Today, we have the Bible and he has the land"
That is what Aristide did to the poor uneducated masses of Haiti. Raise their heads to the sky by blaming "those light-skinned people" in the hills above PAP.
Then he stole, killed, and married one of those light-skinned people from the hills above PAP.  Same as J C Duvalier.  Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
very very Granneg

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2442] Re: To Granneg Latortue
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 17:11:15 -0500

Feb 19, 2009, 12:36:25 AM2/19/09
Your last post reads like a page out of Stonewall propaganda's.  I think you are exposing your hand.  So you do suffer from null phobia.  Now I understand where you are coming from.  Now we can agree to disagree.  But before I go, here is my agenda.  What little I know about the Constitution is what drives me to proudly say coup d'états are unacceptable in any form.  People come and people go but the Constitution remains constant until it is changed by the people.  The operative words here are 'change by the people.'  Your personal beef with a leader does not give you or anyone for that matter the right to illegally depose of him.  President Clinton a real democrat corrected that wrong once before and now I am not even suggesting that President null does the same but at least he should have the right to be in his country which is consistent with the Constitution of the land that says no one should be exiled.  Anything short of that is unconstitutional and inadmissible.

Respectfully yours,

-----Original Message-----
From: Granneg Latortue <>
Sent: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 11:15 am
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2475] Re: To Granneg Latortue

Dont call Lavalasse "thugs" even though they may be. Dont make the white press happy.
What Lavalasse and Aristide need to understand:
1) Life is too short. Time to move on. He is over 50. Remaining years are few. The best years are behind him, and behind for Lavalasse.
2) Stop threatening and killing people. Go back to Greek and Roman times and bring it to Duvalier. Killing people has not worked for 4000 years. Does it matter that 35,000 people died at the battle of the Plain of Jars in 1200BC??  Who? Where?
Does it matter to J C Duvalier that 600,000 Haitians were killed by Duvalier regimes?
Nothing was accomplished by killings, and he is a sad example of a human being.
How is life in South Africa? Will you be there when new Gov takes over and asks $5mil per month fees from you?
3) After 20 years on the scene and having accomplished NOTHING, it is time for Lavalasse to have a big convention in South Africa.
The best thing is to decide to change direction and tactics.  Tell the mad monk to remember his studies in "acte de contrition", introspection, confession, and redemption.
He needs to go back to basics. Maybe join the order again.
4) If Aristide really confesses and redempts, it will go a long way to giving Haiti the Peace it has not had sinc e he showed up on the political theater stage.  Aristide learned a good colonial lesson from his studies, and applied it very well. Raise their heads to the sky and steal down on earth.

That lesson is best described by Julius Nyerere, the father and founder of Tanzania.
"When the white man came to Africa, he had the Bible and we had the land. Today, we have the Bible and he has the land"
That is what Aristide did to the poor uneducated masses of Haiti. Raise their heads to the sky by blaming "those light-skinned people" in the hills above PAP.
Then he stole, killed, and married one of those light-skinned people from the hills above PAP.  Same as J C Duvalier.  Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
very very Granneg

Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2442] Re: To Granneg Latortue
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 17:11:15 -0500

I totally agree with you ,  I have been living in Haiti all my life but unfortunately I had to leave to continue my education . Still I never miss an opportunity to go back , and when I'm done I'll be back I  my country=2 0next year . Obviously James aven't been living there to think that we could allow  those lavallasse thugs to rule again . Then again I don't take sides but common sense should tell you that some people can't rule they can't even get along with one another .
Sincerely yours

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 4:43 PM
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2429] Re: To James StFurcy

Your definitions and expectations of human beings need re-thinking.
What you dont get is that I can be 150% Obama person and still not like Lavasse at all. 
It is absurd to think that Obama is on Lavalasse's side.  He has not said anything, considering that 22 members of Aristide's closest circle went to Jail for drug traficking. As you said, those are convictions in federal court, not opinions.
Aristide chose Ketant as Godfather to his first child&n bsp;when it was open and full knowledge that Ketant had escaped from US to avoid a 30-year drug distribution sentence. That is also an empirical fact, not hearsay.
The Republicans are no longer i n power. I am an Obama volunteer, so dont make me Republican, but IRI is not in this.
It may be me after all, since I was raised in Haiti by a certain Haitian who strictly followed the rules. I still respect rules, and I still raise hell when the field is not level.
Let me tell you how I was raised, and maybe you can understand my reaction to the 72 hours delay for the benefit of 1 party.
I grew up in a home where Dad was Dean of Faculte Des Sciences.  Francois Duvalier was President, and he respected Dad very much, because of Dad's reputation as a strict and fair person.
At that time, Admission to public Universities was done by exam.  The top 40 scores were admitted every year, and 25 or so graduated. No favoritism.
Duvalier got into the habit of sending "Ti papier" to all Universities for admission of Tonton Macoute's children. This favoritism happened at all schools, except at Faculte des Sciences, since Francois knew who was in charge there.
After 4 or 5 years, the papers finally started showing up at FDS. Dad had a problem.
=0 AHe solved it by posting on the admission board:
The 6 fools were sneered by other students. 1 lasted 1 day. By end of year, the only 1 remaining was an "A" student who had proven his worth.
Francois Duvalier had learned his Lesson.
Fr ancois Duvalier never tried that again with FDS.  After that, a Minister-Tonton Macoute  tried in person to get his daughter admitted by Dad. 
He threatened that he would go to the palace about this.  Dad smiled. The fool went to the palace, and never came back with his daughter.
Maybe that is why Granneg cannot tolerate people calling their blanc to order CEP to extend by 72 hours.  It is pure favoritism and demeans the Haitian CEP and Democracy.
The correct position is to get your act together first, so that the world does not wait on you, and you dont have to call the blanc and once more become his black serva nt.
Respect your self. Respect your skin. Respect Haiti.
Do it correctly, and on time.  You know the law.  The party chief has to sign. Any mandat has to be Notarized by the Haitian Consul if you are overseas.  Why do you want special treatment?  Once in power, will those legislators treat all equally or expect favorit ism they have already learned??
We dont need help from a blanc master whose brother received $43million as your lobbyist from 1991 to 1994.
Gran Neg

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leonie hermantin

Feb 18, 2009, 12:10:38 PM2/18/09

February 9, 2009


February 26-28, 2009


Mark Schuller or Renée Bergan, Tèt Ansanm Productions / / (347) 599-1116



"Like most subaltern women, everyone else has spoken for Haitian women. Yet, we have a history of speaking for ourselves. I support Poto Mitan because it will offer a rare glimpse into how Haitian women in the struggle understand their complex conditions and what they are doing for themselves."

                                                                - Gina Ulysse, Haitian American anthropologist/activist/performer



Award-winning Haitian American novelist Edwidge Danticat, who wrote and narrated a "krik-krak" (storytelling narrative bridge) for documentary Poto Mitan: Haitian Women, Pillars of the Global Economy will be introducing the film at its Miami premiere.


Haiti's image in mainstream and alternative media is almost entirely negative: an endless stream of dire poverty, protracted violence, and extreme fallout from natural disasters. Poto Mitan provides viewers desperately-needed historical context and understanding of people confronting these issues.


Told through compelling lives of five courageous Haitian women workers, Poto Mitan gives the global economy a human face. Each woman's personal story explains neoliberal globalization, how it is gendered, and how it impacts Haiti: inhumane working/living conditions, violence, poverty, lack of education, and poor health care. While Poto Mitan offers in-depth understanding of Haiti, its focus on women's subjugation, worker exploitation, poverty, and resistance demonstrates these are global struggles. Finally, through their collective activism, these women demonstrate that despite monumental obstacles in a poor country like Haiti, collective action makes change possible.


Poto Mitan's uniqueness springs from the five women's acute understanding of the power of film. The women implored us to share their stories with fellow U.S. citizens who have the power to make change. Haiti's poor majority – especially women – are often spoken for and about, but rarely given the chance to speak on their own behalf. Until now.


We had a successful world premiere at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, nominated for the Social Justice Award and with two additional screenings added because of high demand.


We are pleased to announce our Miami Premiere. Miami is home to a large and active Haitian American community, so it is fitting that we are working with several Miami groups for our local premiere a month following the world premiere. Tèt Ansanm Productions is partnering with Haitian restaurant Tap Tap Restaurant in South Beach, Haitian American community organization Sant La, Miami's public university, Florida International University – African American and Diaspora Studies and the Latin American and Caribbean Center, and the Coral Gables United Church of Christ. These are fundraising events, with proceeds going to nine grassroots groups in Haiti, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Thursday, February 26 - 7:00 p.m.
Tap-Tap Restaurant, upstairs
819 Fifth Street
Miami Beach
Haitian appetizers will be served

Admission: (suggested donation $20 - donations also accepted at the event)
For information, directions, accommodations, please call (305) 672-2898

Friday, February 27 – 7:00 p.m.
Coral Gables Congregational Church
3010 DeSoto Blvd.
Coral Gables
Suggested donation: ($10, donations also accepted at event

For information, directions, accommodations, please call (305) 448-7421

Saturday, February 28 – 5:00 p.m.
The Wolfe University Center Ballroom

Introduction by Edwidge Danticat
Florida International University, Biscayne Bay Campus
3000 N.E. 151st Street

North Miami

Suggested donation: ($15 general / $5 students)
For information, directions, accommodations, please call (305) 348-2894


Saturday, February 28 – 7:00 p.m.

Haitian Neighborhood Center - Sant La

5000 Biscayne Blvd.


Suggested donation: $15 (donations also accepted at event)

For information, directions, accommodations, please call (305) 573-4871


"Poto Mitan will be a valuable tool. Indeed, the value of the film for advocacy and education results not just from the quality of the story telling but also from the quality of the film itself. People will want to see this film, and… be open to demanding change from policymakers."

- Tom Ricker, Haiti Reborn / Quixote Center



Tax-deductible donations can be made to the Center for Black Studies Research. Make checks out to "UC regents" and write "Poto Mitan – CSBR" in the memo line:

Attn: Poto Mitan

Center for Black Studies Research

4603 South Hall

University of California

Santa Barbara, CA  93106-3140


To see an eleven-minute version, please visit and to see the first of the five women's stories go to You Tube:




Feb 18, 2009, 12:56:34 PM2/18/09
Granneg ,
   Once again you are totally right but , evil prevail when a few good people don't stand up an do what it takes. I pledge to do my part in going back to my country when I 'm done with my studies , and I hope many of us will do the same sometime soon . This is the only way we can get out of this mess. We cannot allow them to continue in destroying what's left .
Truly yours

Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:15 AM
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2475] Re: To Granneg Latortue

Granneg Latortue

Feb 19, 2009, 9:36:19 AM2/19/09
Been there, done that.
After completing studies, Granneg went back and was full of energy.
After 4 years Granneg came back, having greatly contributed and being fully disillusioned.
In the ensuing years, I saw so many doing the same thing. Now I tell them I want to buy their house and their cars, so that when they come back, I will resell to them at a good profit.
We all laugh, and x years later,.....they are back!
Good luck, you are young and energetic.
I hope you stay and prosper in that environement.
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2495] Re: To Granneg Latortue
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:56:34 -0500


Feb 20, 2009, 2:10:25 PM2/20/09
            Thank you for the heads up , but I think I'm gonna try cause my folks did the same and also my two sisters who studied abroad , so let's cross our fingers and hope for the best , something inside tell me to try . And most important all my love ones are there so .
          I really like your ideas so let's keep in touch maybe someday I'll drag you back to haiti.
Have a wonderfull day

G. Stanley Lucas

Feb 20, 2009, 4:57:51 PM2/20/09
Il y a aussi un deuxieme essai sur le CD traduisant l'etat mental d'Aristide. Ecoutes l'attachment audio
Stanley Lucas
Washington Democracy Project
The Haitian Coalition USA
(202) 256-6026
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The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. Plato ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Granneg Latortue

Feb 21, 2009, 10:43:22 AM2/21/09
Un projet qui donne un peu d'eau au quartier de Belair!  Comparé a d'autres quartiers de PAP, le Belair est luxueux, et dispose jusqua 15 litres d'eau PAR JOUR et par personne! 
Malgré mes propositions ignorées par ce forum, le projet donne l'eau a 13 quartiers démunis de PAP.
Le blanc en ce cas est le Brésil, car les blanc francais GRET et les blancs Americains AID ont en marre.  Haiti ne fait que discuter interminablemant sur les forums.
Les pseudos-intellectuels sans un brin, confirment leur faillite morale et leur psychose. 
      Le peuple a faim.    Le peuple a soif.   L'enquete intellectuelle se poursuit.
Intellectuellement, que pensez-vous de cette charité hydrolique Brésilienne, en plus de la charité Brésilienne armée de la MINUSTAH?
Voyons Moliere et Descartes?  Niesche et Grundig?
A la dé ransseurs!

Port-au-Prince, le 16 février 2009 –(AHP)- L’Organisation Non Gouvernementale brésilienne « Viva Rio », en partenariat avec la Centrale Autonome Métropolitaine d’Eau Potable (CAMEP), a procédé  lundi au lancement d’un projet d’eau potable en faveur des habitants du quartier populaire du Bel-air.

Selon le responsable de l’unité « quartiers défavorisés » de la CAMEP, Paul Lydbenson Théodate, ce projet vise le renforcement de la capacité des réservoirs du Bel-air, ce qui permettra de mettre plus d’eau à la disposition des habitants de ce quartier.

Tout est fin prêt pour démarrer les travaux d’adduction sur plus de 330  mètres de fouilles sur une période d’environ 3 mois, à partir du réseau du Boulevard Maïs Gaté, a précisé M. Théodate.

La CAMEP entreprend avec Viva Rio un autre projet qui consiste à pourvoir en eau des fonfaines publiques construites dans 13 quartiers par cette ONG, actuellement alimentées à parlir de camions-citerne, a-t-il encore expliqué.

Pour sa part, la coordonnatrice du projet, Dr Rosianne Siméon, a fait savoir que ce projet a été mis sur pied suite à une étude dans le quartier du Bel-Air montrant que cette population dispose de moins de 15 litres d’eau par jour.

Ce projet coûtera environ 120,000 dollars américains, a fait savoir le Dr Siméon.

Nous nous proposons également de mettre des structures en place en vue de capter l’eau de pluie, à partir des toits des établissements scolaires de la zone, a-t-elle encore fait savoir.
Un expert de l'ONU en Genie Sanitaire et d'origine Haitienne en mission officielle au Belair.
Visite des lieux comme début d'enquete sur place. Rentrer entre les maisons, des couloirs étroits.  Il faut des contortions pour y penetrer.
Enfin, la maison typique a visiter. Tres bien menée, propre. Cuisine extérieure sous un arbre, avec 3 roches, et pas de toilettes!  Pas de toilette!
- Mais comment faites vous?
- Eh bien Monsieur, nous nous baignons a la bouteille le soir dans le noir, donc les voisins ne voient pas ma femme et ma fille nues.
- Oui, et la grande besogne?
- C'est l'helicoptere!
- l'helicoptere?
- Oui, on fait le necessaire dans un sac en plastique, et on l'envoi au diable en faisant l'helicoptere, et on le lance chez les voisins!
Manque d'eau typique du Belair.  Sanitation en République de Potoprinss.

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Nicol Lesaint

Feb 22, 2009, 6:12:24 PM2/22/09

Merci de ne plus m'envoyer de newsletters, et de me désinscrire.
Vous polluez ma boîte mail.

Granneg Latortue

Feb 23, 2009, 10:26:04 AM2/23/09
It cannot be made more clear:
Billionaire investor Soros says this is it.
Volcker tells Obama it is the lowest ever, will take a long time.
Granneg says 12 to 15 years untill some recovery, at which time new powers will be there, not the old empires.  Cycle of history works every time.
Soros sees no bottom for world financial "collapse"
Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:19pm EST
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Renowned investor George Soros said on Friday the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis.
Soros said the turbulence is actually more severe than during the Great Depression, comparing the current situation to the demise of the Soviet Union.

He said the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September marked a turning point in the functioning of the market system.
"We witnessed the collapse of the financial system," Soros said at a Columbia University dinner. "It was placed on life support, and it's still on life support. There's no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom."
His comments echoed those made earlier at the same conference by Paul Volcker, a former Federal Reserve chairman who is now a top adviser to President Barack Obama.
Volcker said industrial production around the world was declining even more rapidly than in the United States, which is itself under severe strain.

Granneg Latortue

Feb 23, 2009, 10:01:28 PM2/23/09
What areas to your work in, what industry or discipline?
Architecture, bizniss, law??
Subject: [Haïti-Nation:2602] Re: To Granneg Latortue
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 14:10:25 -0500


Feb 23, 2009, 11:48:24 PM2/23/09
I have have been a banker for the last 7 years but now I'm doing a DESS (diplome d'etude specialisés) in project management at HEC Montreal , but project management can be applied to any king of project , it's a bunch of tools necessary to drive any project with ease .I 'm pretty sure you are aware of what I'm talking about . I'm in management
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