on menstruating women in Ch 43, and the Great King Solomon

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à Gurdjieff Sacred Antkooano




The Great King Solomon,
and menstruating women

The great fundamental cosmic 
law, Trogoautoegocrat, existing 
in our Universe has to do with 
the reciprocal maintenance of 
everything existing.

All of this was explained
centuries ago by a Kurd
philosopher of the name
of Atarnakh:

"All the hypotheses of
this Kurd, Atarnakh, were
very similar to the essence
of the great fundamental cosmic
law, Trogoautoegocrat, existing
in our Universe, which I
explained to you more or
less in detail when I was
speaking about the Holy
Planet Purgatory.

"It was very definitely
proved in this theory of
the philosopher Atarnakh
that there must inevitably
exist in the world a law of
the 'reciprocal maintenance
of everything that exists,'
and that this 'reciprocal
maintenance' is assisted
by certain chemical
substances through
which the process of
the spiritualization
of beings, that is to
say, 'life,' takes place,
and these chemical substances
serve the maintenance of all
that exists only after the
life of a being ceases,
that is, when a being

"The theory of Atarnakh
also fully proved, with
the help of many logical
confrontations, that at
certain periods there
must infallibly take
place on the Earth a
specific quantity of
deaths, which in their
totality must yield
vibrations of a
specific 'degree
of power.'"
ch 43, war
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson

The above explanation of the
Kurd philosopher Atarnakh aroused
great confusion and agitation among
the people of his time as it must
be having the same effect upon

This caused a great division
between the "intelligentsia"
of the people in the area of
Mosulopolis into two groups
because there were a chosen
few among them who were
assigned the task of
understanding the in's
and out's of the theory
of Atarnakh but instead
of helping to see the other
members of the "intelligentsia"
among them through their confusion
about the theory of Atarnakh, their
confusion became even worse for the
attempt and so there resulted the
aforesaid division of two groups
the data for which automatically
arose for two completely
opposite convictions.

Gurdjieff went into detail
after this point in chapter
43 of Beelzebub's Tales about
the development of two completely
opposite convictions in connection
with the idea of "equilibrium of
vibrations" required from this
planet Earth for the common-
cosmic harmony, that is, for
what is right cosmic harmony
of the Earth in relation to
the whole of the Universe of
which the Earth is a part
and on and on unto such
as the sacrifice of animals
as a solution to the problem
of how to stop the deaths of
people in what are called "wars"
but this did not provide a final
solution to the problem of
"equilibrium of vibrations"
and on and on into the
handling of the three
sexes, the male, female
and "middle sex," and how
this was achieved by whom
Gurdjieff called "the great
terrestrial sage, King Solomon,"
that is, for example, how it was
true from the point of view of King
Solomon in his day that menstruating
women were a public nuisance as
well as general menace to
society as a whole
ought to be kept in
special places away
from the general
public so that the
substance issuing through
their emanations should
serve as the
passive part
of that same
sacred law
for its
and that, in fact,
such women are "unclean,"
in the sacred sense of the
 and that during these
periods it is not only a great
sin but even a sacrilege for anyone,
especially their husbands, to touch
them or even to speak with them but,
in today's society especially here
in "peaches and cream" America
where there exist next to
nothing whatever of
education about these
real world facts explained
by Gurdjieff, so young and
immature America is . . .
so much so that, as Gurdjieff
said, it is stomach and sex that
will eventually, inevitably and most
definitely cause the destruction of
America more than anything else and
already this downfall of America can
be seen by way of the women who impose
themselves wilfully on the men around
them in such a manner as to have made
girly "men" out of almost all of them
from birth by virtue of what is truly
an abnormal and malevolent education
beginning at that institution called
Head Start and not a one of them in
positions of bureaucrat-instructors
of these public institutions, both
girly "men" and women alike, are aware
of these real world laws and facts behind
the mechanical behavior of almost everyone
in existence in America and the level of
consciousness of these facts is lower in
Americans as a group than any other
nation and/or group in existence
everywhere else across the

All of the above explains
why both girly "men" and
women in present day
America have so
degenerated to
the present
of what can
be truthfully
considered as
a quite abnormal one
regarding "THE CHILDREN"
and the reason for such
a degeneration of American
society across the whole of
the continent of America and
as a totality is because,
as Gurdjieff wrote it,
"in order
that the flow of
should not
hinder them
from concentrating,
everything was arranged
so that their thoughts
should be directed the
whole time to wishing
for the well-being of
their present or
future children."
But the problem
with this here in
America is that all
concern for "the children"
is in terms of life of itself
with almost no concern whatever
for the proper preparation of
children for responsible age
when they become candidates
for a wise and practical
way of life for the
fulfilling of two
the duty of perfecting
their higher bodies and
the duty of serving the
Most Great Cosmic
by uniting them into
one and performing them
simultaneously and all of
this apart from life of
itself outside and
Gurdjieff pointed
this out many times
over and in several
places throughout
Beelzebub's Tales
concerning those
two manifestations
of life-of-itself
psychopathy what
are called "altruism"
and "philanthropy."

What Gurdjieff said
on it in chapter 43:

"The first of these convictions
was that everything takes place
precisely according to the
theory of the philosopher
Atarnakh, that is to say,
that 'wars' and 'civil
wars' must proceed
periodically on the
Earth, quite
of the personal
consciousness of
men. And the second
was the conviction
held previously by
all the members of
the society, a
ccording to
which, if
in carrying
out the program
their society had
undertaken, it would
be possible to destroy
this evil on their planet,
root and branch, after which
everything would proceed in
a desirable order.

"From then on, disputes,
quarrels, and disturbances
arose among all the members
of that society, and in this
case also, the same began to
proceed as had long before
become customary there.
These quarrels and
disturbances soon
spread to the
ordinary beings,
that is, to the
citizens of
inflaming their
abnormal psyche.

"I do not know how
all this would have
ended if the brothers
of the 'Assembly of the
Enlightened' had not
arrived just then
and taken a hand
in this affair.

"Due to their influence,
all the members of this
serious society gradually
quieted down and started
once again to reflect and
deliberate, peaceably and
earnestly, upon what to do
in the future.

"The result of their
serious reflections and
deliberations was that they
unanimously elected Atarnakh
as their chief director, and
begged him to help them find
some way out of this

"After several meetings
directed by the Kurd
philosopher Atarnakh
himself, the members
of the society came
unanimously to the
following categorical

"'In accordance with
the laws of Nature, wars
and civil wars must always
proceed periodically on Earth,
independently of man's will,
and this is because at
certain periods Nature
requires a greater
quantity of deaths.

"'In view of this we are
all obliged to recognize,
with great sorrow but with
inevitable inner resignation,
that no decision of man's
Reason can abolish the
shedding of blood
between states and
within a state. We
therefore unanimously
resolve to wind up our
current affairs and put
an end to everything
undertaken by our
society, and then
perforce to separate
and go home to take up
again the "inescapable
burden of daily life."

"It was only after this
categorical resolution was
passed, and all the members
of that serious society had
unanimously decided to begin
that very day liquidating all
their affairs, that the Kurd,
Atarnakh, who although
considered there as
truly learned was
nonetheless very
proud and self-loving,
ascended the rostrum
and spoke as follows:
'My honorable
colleagues . . .

"'I am sincerely grieved
that unintentionally I have
been the cause of the
dissolution of this
great philanthropic
undertaking to which
you, the wisest and
most honorable men of
all the countries of the
Earth have, for several
years, devoted more
impartial and
on Earth
has ever
made or
ever will
be able to
make for
that is
to say,
for beings
quite unknown
and indifferent
to you.

'For a number of years
you have labored unceasingly
to obtain for the masses what
is most essential for their
welfare and, although I too
have labored upon my theory
for many years, also for
people unknown to me,
this theory has brought
all your tireless efforts
and benevolent aspirations
to nothing.

"'The consciousness that
I am to blame for all the
misunderstandings that have
arisen among you has given
me no peace these last few
days, and I have been
thinking and pondering
continuously whether
there is not some way
to repair this
fault of mine.

"'And so, my wise
colleagues, selected
from all the countries
of the Earth, I wish to
share with you the final
conclusion to which my
deliberations have
brought me.

"'If the universal laws
I have discovered are an
obstacle to the means you
were counting on to bring
a certain happiness to
mankind, these same
laws, however strange
it may seem to you at
first glance, could,
provided they are used
otherwise, serve for the
attainment of the aim we
have set ourselves.

"'Now listen to
what we must do
to attain this

"'The results of all
my researches clearly
prove that at certain
periods Nature requires
a specific number of deaths
on the Earth, at the same time
I have succeeded in establishing
that for the needs of Nature it
makes no difference whose
deaths these are, whether
of people or of other
forms of beings.

'From this it follows
that if the number of
deaths required by Nature
is made up by the deaths
of other forms of life,
the required number of
deaths of men will
obviously be

"'And it will be quite
possible to achieve this
if all the members of our
society continue to work
with the same intensity,
only no longer for the
aim of carrying out our
former program, but to
revive on Earth, on a
larger scale than
before, the ancient
custom among men of
offering sacrifices
to their gods and
saints by destroying
the lives of other
forms of beings.

"When this proud Kurd
had finished his speech,
the members of the society
'The Earth Belongs to Our
Common Creator and Is
Equally Free for All
His Creatures'
became no less
astonished and
agitated than on
the occasion when
he first expounded
his famous theory.

"For nearly three days
and nights following that
memorable speech they scarcely
adjourned, and in the halls that
had been put at the disposal of
this all-planetary society of
men-beings by the citizens of
Mosulopolis, there was a
continuous rumble of
discussion and
deliberation. At
last, on the fourth
day, an official
general meeting
was convened at
which, by general
consent, a resolution
was carried to do in
the future whatever
was indicated by the
great Kurd philosopher,


"That same day, the name
of the society was changed
to 'The Earth Is Only for

"Several days later, the
members of that society,
now under its new name,
left the city of Mosulopolis
for their native countries
where, under general
instructions issued
by the philosopher
Atarnakh, they took
measures for reviving
and implanting among the
peoples of the continent
of Asia the idea of
'pleasing' their
gods and idols by
killing beings of
different forms.

"And indeed, when they
later began putting their
new program into practice,
the custom of offering
sacrifices to their
imaginary 'saints'
by destroying the
existence of various
weak or stupid one-
brained and two-
brained beings
was soon
over the whole
continent of Asia.

"From the beginning,
the members of this
new society, 'The
Earth Is Only for
Men,' carried out
their task chiefly
through what are
called the
'clergy' of
the religion
founded upon
the teaching
of Saint Mohammed,

which was very
widespread at
that period
over the

"This time the custom was
adopted on a larger scale
than it had been when, at
the request of the Angel
Looisos, I had descended
there to do what I could
to eradicate it among the
three-brained beings. As I
have already told you, His
Conformity had then regarded
this custom as very undesirable
in relation to cosmic phenomena
on a greater scale because the
number of your favorites had
greatly increased, thereby
increasing the number of
those anxious to 'give
pleasure' to their
fantastic idols.

"The destruction of the
existence of beings of
other forms was now
resumed not only at
home among their
families but also
publicly in special

"But this time these
special places were
chiefly associated
in some way with
the memory of
Saint Mohammed,
or of his

"The number of 'victims'
increased year by year to
such an extent that only
about a hundred of their
years after the formation
of the society 'The Earth
Is Only for Men,' there
were slaughtered each
year, in a single
place, up to a
hundred thousand
beings like those
that had been
sacrificed in
earlier times,
called 'oxen,'
and so on.

"During the last two
centuries, the most
favored among the
places honored in
this way were the
cities of 'Mecca'
and 'Medina' in
'Arabia,' the
city of
in the
of 'Baghdad,'
the environs of
in 'Turkestan,'
and several

"In a word, there on
the continent of Asia,
'blood again flowed like
a river.'

"These sacrificial offerings
increased during the Muslim
feasts called 'Bairam' and
'Goorban,' and likewise
during the Christian
festivals called
'Saint George's
Day,' and so on.

"And so, my boy, when this
abnormality was again implanted
in three-brained beings there
through the strenuous efforts
of the members of the society
'The Earth Is Only for Men,'
those terrible processes of
theirs did indeed take
place less often and
on a smaller scale.
In this way the
great mortality
due to these
processes was
but the
death rate
of the three-
brained beings
was not only not
reduced by this but
even increased, since
on account of the gradual
and steady deterioration in
the quality of the vibrations
emanating from their presence
for the needs of Nature,
there was a further
shortening in the
duration of their
existence and at
the same time an
increase in what
is called their
'birth rate.'


"So it continued until
the time when a certain
Assadulla Ibrahim Ogly,
a famous Persian dervish,
who arose and was formed
into a responsible being
on that same continent,
turned all this in quite
another direction.

"The dervish Assadulla
Ibrahim Ogly began his
activity there only some
thirty or forty terrestrial
years ago.

"Being a simple fanatic
of Islam, without the
serious and profound
knowledge of the Kurd,
Atarnakh, he saw in
the custom of
only a
on the part
of men toward
beings of other
forms, and he set
as the aim of his
existence to achieve,
at any cost, the
destruction on
Earth of this
custom, which
in his opinion
was anti-religious.

"From then
on he traveled
everywhere on the
continent of Asia,
chiefly in those
countries where
most of the three-
brained beings were
followers of Islam,
and he worked
mainly through
dervishes like
himself, who were
to be found in almost
all these communities.

"Everywhere he went,
this ingenious and
energetic Persian,
Assadulla Ibrahim Ogly,
very cleverly persuaded
these other dervishes of
the 'truth' of his idea,
and these in their turn
persuaded the ordinary
beings of Asia not only
that the destruction of
the existence of beings
of other forms is
displeasing to God,
but that those who
destroyed them would
even be obliged to
suffer a double
punishment 'in
another world'
in hell, both
for their own
'sins' and for
the 'sins' of
the beings they
had slaughtered,
and so on.

"Thanks to this kind
of preaching about the
'other world' by dervishes,
considered great authorities
in such matters, the beings of
Asia did indeed, year by year,
reduce the number of their
sacrificial offerings.

"And the final result of
all the activity of this
'humane Persian dervish'
was precisely the last
great process of
or, as your
favorites call
it, 'the First
World War.'"

"So, my boy, although, as
I have already told you, the
hypothesis put forward by that
unusual learned Kurd, Atarnakh,
came very close to the truth, he
failed to understand the most
important thing, which is
that the vibrations
required by Great
Nature that are
formed from the
emanations issuing
from the process of
have no significance
quantitatively, but
only qualitatively.

"It is possible that
since Atarnakh was an
uncommon terrestrial
being, he might have
understood this if
he had known in
detail the results
obtained when there
had been more or less
established on that
planet the conditions
of being-existence
especially created
for the three-brained
beings through the most
saintly labors of the
essence-loving, Very
Saintly Ashiata

"During that period,
not only did their
'death rate' begin
to decline, but what
they call their 'birth
rate' also declined.

"And this was because the
three-brained beings there
were then existing more or
less as is becoming to three-
centered beings, and the
emanations issuing from
them yielded vibrations
more akin to those
required from them
by Nature, both for
the Most Great Common-
Cosmic Trogoautoegocrat
in general and for the
maintenance of the Moon
and Anulios in particular.
And thereafter, Great Nature
did not fail to adapt herself
to the decline in their birth
rate, the more so since for
the following period the
need for these vibrations
to maintain the existence
of the planet Moon had to
be reduced.

"Among the diverse aspects
of this fundamental question,
the one relating to the meaning
and aim of the existence of your
favorites is so important for
understanding many things
taking place on the Earth—-
and, by the way, also for
understanding everything
touching the causes of
war—-that I find it
necessary to refer
to it once more.

"I first learned that the
destiny of the three-brained
beings arising on this planet
is chiefly to elaborate, by the
very process of their existence,
the vibrations required by Nature
for the maintenance of those former
parts of their planet now called
'Moon' and 'Anulios' when, as
you remember, I was worthy
for the second time of
conversing personally
with His Conformity
the Angel, now

"His Conformity then told
me that although the movement
of the two former parts of the
planet Earth had been finally
regulated to accord with the
movement of the general
harmony, and though all
apprehension of some
surprise or other in
the immediate future
had vanished,
to avoid any
in the distant
future it had been
categorically decided
by the Most High and
Most Sacred
to take the
measures to
insure the
formation on
the Earth of
what is called
the sacred 'ASKOKIN,'
so that this sacred
cosmic substance,
indispensable for
the maintenance of
the Moon and Anulios,
might issue continuously
from your planet.

"His Conformity also
explained that this
cosmic substance, the
sacred 'ASKOKIN,' exists
throughout the Universe,
generally blended with
the sacred substances
'abrustdonis' and
'helkdonis,' and
therefore, in order
to have the degree of
vivifyingness required
for such maintenance,
the sacred substance
'ASKOKIN' must first
be freed from the
other two

"To tell the truth,
my boy, I did not
understand at once
all that he told me,
it all became clear
to me only later when,
during my studies of the
fundamental cosmic laws,
I learned that these
sacred substances
'abrustdonis' and
'helkdonis' are
precisely those
substances which
enter into the
formation and
perfecting of
the higher being-
bodies of the three-
brained beings—-that
is, the 'KESDJAN BODY'
and the 'BODY OF THE SOUL'—-
and that the separation of
the sacred 'ASKOKIN' from
the two other substances
proceeds when beings, on
whatever planet they may
be, transmute these sacred
substances in themselves
for the forming and
perfecting of their
higher bodies, by
means of conscious
labor and intentional

"And when I became interested
in these favorites of yours
and began to observe and
study their strange psyche,
I finally understood why
and to what ends Great
Nature herself and the
Most High and Most
Saintly Individuals
are always patiently
adapting themselves to
all things. In this
connection, the
in me.

"If only these favorites
of yours would seriously
ponder all this and serve
Nature honestly in this
respect, their being-self-
perfecting might then
proceed automatically,
even without the
participation of
their consciousness,
and in any case, the
poor Nature of this ill-
fated planet would not have
to strain so hard to adapt
herself to remain within
the common-cosmic harmony.

"But to the misfortune of
everything existing in the
Megalocosmos, there is no
honesty in your favorites
in fulfilling their duties,
not even toward that Nature
to whom, in truth, they owe
their very existence.

"As regards the absence
of honesty in your favorites
in the fulfillment of their
duty toward Nature, I have
just remembered a very wise
saying of our incomparable
teacher Mullah Nasr Eddin,
the hidden meaning of
which is borne out in
the present case.

"'Plague and cholera are
in any event nobler than
human honesty, for people
with a conscience can at
least live at peace with

"And so, my dear Hassein,
when it became clear that
there had entirely
disappeared from
the psyche of your
favorites the instinctive
need for conscious labor
and intentional suffering
in order to take in and
transmute in themselves
the sacred substances
abrustdonis and helkdonis—-
thus releasing the sacred
askokin for the maintenance
of the Moon and Anulios—-
Great Nature was
constrained to
adapt herself
and to extract
this sacred
substance by
other means,

one of them
being precisely
that periodic
process of

"Here, for a
correct valuation
of your contemporary
favorites, it will be
opportune to remind you
that after the organ
kundabuffer had been
removed from the
beings of your
planet, the first
generations of their
descendants very soon
learned that a certain
substance had to be
transformed through
them and that their
assistance in this
transformation was
one of their chief


"Do you remember, I
already told you that
the three-brained beings
of the continent of
Atlantis even
considered this
being-duty as sacred
and called it 'AMARLOOS,'
which in their language

"And so the beings of
that period, which was
then called the 'Samliosian
civilization,' devised and
very scrupulously
practiced certain
customs that
contributed to
the fulfillment
of those being-
duties in the
most effective

"These beings of the
continent of Atlantis
even devised a wise and
practical means of fulfilling
these two being-duties—-namely,
the duty of perfecting their
higher bodies and the duty
of serving the Most Great
Cosmic Trogoautoegocrat—-
by uniting them into one
and performing them

"And they accomplished
this union in the
following way:

"In every region, and
even in the separate
districts of the
regions, three
special, very
imposing buildings
were required to be

"One, for the beings
of the male sex, was

"The second building,
reserved for beings
of the female sex,

"The third, for beings
then called the 'middle
sex,' was called

"The first two of these
imposing buildings were
considered sacred by the
beings of the continent
of Atlantis, representing
for them what 'temples,'
'churches,' 'chapels,'
and other sacred places
are for the contemporary
beings of the Earth.

"When I descended for
the first time on that
planet to the continent
of Atlantis, I myself
visited certain of
these buildings and
thus became well
acquainted with
their purpose.

"In the temples for
men, namely in the
beings of the male
sex of the given
region or district
performed in turn
appropriate 'mysteries'
while in a particular
state called 'self-

"The beings of the
continent of Atlantis
had the definite idea
that beings of the
male sex are sources
of active manifestation;
and hence in their
they devoted their
whole time to active
and conscious
and in this
state performed
these corresponding
sacred mysteries,
that there should be
transmuted in them the
sacred substances
abrustdonis and

"And they did this
intentionally and with
full consciousness in
order that the sacred
substance liberated in
them, and issuing through
their emanations for its
further vivifyingness,
should become the
active part in that
sacred law which they
call the 'Holy

"In the sacred 'gynekokhrostinis,'
reserved for the beings of the
female sex, every woman was
obliged to remain during
certain periods that
contemporary beings
call 'menstruation.'

Moreover, the women,
acknowledging themselves
as passive beings, had to
be passive during the whole
time of their stay there,
so that the substance
issuing through their
emanations should
serve as the
passive part
of that same
sacred law
for its

"Hence they passed
the whole time in
these gynekokhrostinis
in a state of complete
passivity, trying
consciously not
to think about


"With this aim in view,
they tried to have no
active experiencings
during their monthly
periods, and in order
that the flow of
should not
hinder them
from concentrating,
everything was arranged
so that their thoughts
should be directed the
whole time to wishing
for the well-being of
their present or
future children.

"And as regards the
buildings of the third
kind, which were called
'anoroparionokimas,' they
were erected, as I already
told you, for the beings
belonging to what was
then called the
'middle sex,'
whom our Mullah
Nasr Eddin would
call 'misunderstandings'
or beings who are
'neither one thing
nor the other.'

"Among these beings of
the 'middle sex' were
some of the male sex
and some of the
female sex.

"These were beings who,
for various reasons, no
longer had the
either of
or of serving
Nature, they were,
as our dear Mullah
Nasr Eddin puts it
in one of his

'Neither a candle
for an angel, nor
a poker for the

"Beings of the male
sex were secluded in
these houses for a
certain time who,
for some reason or
other, were wholly
deprived of the
possibility of
conscious contemplation,
and beings of the female
sex were secluded who
either did not
menstruate at
all, or in whom
menstruation occurred
abnormally, as were also
those women who with regard
to their sexual desires became
transformed at certain periods
into what are called
'khaneomenis' or, as
our dear Mullah would
say, into 'veritable
mares in springtime.'

"The beings of the
continent of Atlantis
of that time were familiar
with several definite bizarre
symptoms by which these beings
were recognized and confined
in the anoroparionikimas.

"These symptoms could
be recognized by the
following particularities:

1 if a being believed
in all sorts of

2 if he began proving to
others something he knew
absolutely nothing about,
or was not quite sure of,

3 if he failed to keep
his word of honor, or
took an oath in vain,

4 and finally, if he
showed a tendency to
'spy' on others and
to be occupied with

"But the most conclusive
symptom of all was the
appearance in a being
of what was then
called 'moyasul,'
which your contemporary
favorites consider as
an illness and call

"Beings with these
symptoms were obliged
to remain in these
during the periods
indicated by the
beings around them,
but they were under
no compulsion to do
anything, and existed
as they pleased. In regard
to them there was only one
purpose, which was that they
should neither meet nor speak
with normal beings of the
given locality.

"They were confined in these
buildings because at certain
periods of the month,
according to the
prevailing ideas,
on account of their
various 'taints,'
their 'emanations'
interfered with the
quiet and regular
existence of beings
surrounding them.

"Ekh, yes, my dear boy . . .

"Beings of the final period
of the continent of Atlantis
had many excellent customs
for normal being-existence.
But as for your contemporary
favorites, they can only be
pitied because, owing to the
second great calamity to
their ill-fated planet,
that continent and
everything on it
was engulfed, and
with it disappeared
all those good customs
which over long centuries
had gradually entered into
the process of their
ordinary existence.

"Long after the continent
of Atlantis was destroyed,
the custom of using special
buildings in the process of
ordinary existence, similar
to those of which I have
just told you, was


"The need for these
special buildings was
again understood and
their use was
by a certain
wise Hebrew
king named

"The special buildings
which this wise Hebrew
King decided to
construct and
which existed
long after his
time were called

"They somewhat resembled
the gynekokhrostinis of
the continent of
Atlantis, and
beings of the
female sex were
obliged to remain
in them during the
whole period of their

"King Solomon lost no
time in establishing
this custom because,
during his wise reign,
he had often observed
that in the state of
menstruation the
character of the
beings of the
female sex
became not
only intolerable
for those around
them, especially
for their husbands,
but even psycho-
harmful as
regards their
behavior toward
. He therefore
decided without delay
to promulgate a strict
 specifying that near
every populated center
special isolated
buildings had to
be constructed, in
which the beings of
the female sex were
to be confined for
the whole duration
of this state.

"I even happened to read
the law he promulgated.

"In this law it was said,
among other things, that
during their menstruation
women are 'unclean,' in
the sacred sense of the
word, and that during
these periods it is
not only a great sin
but even a sacrilege
for anyone, especially
their husbands, to touch
them or even to speak with

"If their husbands or
any other men approach
or speak with them during
this period, they will be
possessed by an 'unclean
force' or 'evil spirit,'
and in consequence there
will be among men in
their everyday
relations and
affairs only
quarrels, and enmity.

"This last statement of
the great terrestrial sage,
King Solomon,
 remains today
an undeniable truth.

"And indeed, this is also
one of the numerous reasons
why at the present time the
ordinary existence of the
beings of your planet has
become nonsensical in the

"Among contemporary terrestrial
beings of the female sex, the
specific property acquired
during recent centuries
called 'hysteria'
becomes still more
marked during these
states, and as long
as it lasts, these
women reduce the
beings around them,
particularly their
husbands, to the
condition which
our great Mullah
Nasr Eddin refers
to when he says:

'The purpose of their
existence is to be the
victims of leeches.

"And indeed, it is solely
because the contemporary
beings of the female sex
go about freely during
menstruation that many
contemporary beings of
the male sex not only
can never have good or
friendly relations with
each other, but also very
frequently become genuine
what are called 'later-
repenting blasphemers.'

"This beneficial custom
created by the wise King
 existed among the
Jewish people for a
considerable time
and would certainly
have spread over the
whole Earth, had it
not been for that
other specific
property of the
beings there about
which I have also
already told you.

"For when the Jewish people
had in their turn fallen from
their greatness, as usually
happens there, the beings
of other communities—-who,
driven by the impulses of
jealousy and envy inherent
in your favorites for all
those higher than themselves,

had already hated them in the
days of their greatness and
power—despised and
persecuted them, and
of course also scorned
all their excellent customs.

"And when this Jewish people
had fallen under the influence
of other communities that had
become great, they began to
follow their example, owing
to a characteristic property
about which I have already
sufficiently explained to
you, and this good custom
not only did not spread
further but even
gradually began
to be despised,
and was finally
forsaken and
forgotten by
the very


"At the present time, this
custom survives only among
the beings of a very small
community in the mountains
of the Caucasus, known by
the name of 'Khevsoors'—-
those same Khevsoors who
give many scientists there
sleepless nights trying to
solve the problem of their

"As regards the habit
of your favorites of
destroying the good
customs for ordinary
existence already
established by their
ancestors on their
planet, we must
again express
our condolences
to poor Nature,
who must always
be adapting and
readapting herself.

"And concerning the
misfortunes of Nature
on this incomparable
planet, our dear
teacher, the
peerless Mullah
Nasr Eddin, has
also some very
apt remarks.

"For example, he
says in such a case:

"'Ekh . . . if you're
unlucky enough, you could
even catch syphilis from
your godmother!'

"Or sometimes he says:

"'You poor devil! Your
mother must have sung an
Armenian lament while you
were being born.

"Even the interpreter of
Russian popular wisdom, Kusma
Prutkoff, has a good saying for
such cases:

'The unluckiest of us all
is the pine cone, because
every "Makkar" stumbles
over it.'

"I repeat, this unfortunate
Nature of the planet Earth
must continuously and
without respite adapt
herself in order to
manifest herself
'otherwise,' and
yet again 'otherwise,'
so as to remain within
the common-cosmic harmony.

"In order that you may
the better represent to
yourself and understand
in what way unfortunate
Nature has to adapt
herself in order to
obtain the 'equilibrium
of vibrations' required
from this planet for the
common-cosmic harmony, I
shall explain to you one
thing that is taking place
there now, just after the
process of reciprocal
destruction they call
the 'First World War.'

"It was obviously owing
to the German invention
of 'poison gas' and the
English what are called
'rapid-fire machine guns'
that the quantity of
rascooarnos, or deaths,
was on this occasion on
a scale far greater than
foreseen by Nature or—-as
those candidates for
hasnamuss, the
would say—-
there was an
of the deaths of
three-brained beings.

"And so Nature once
more had to puff and
blow and, as is said
there, Jump out of
her skin' to correct
this unforeseeingness
and adapt herself again
in a corresponding way.

"This time, as I
ascertained in the
course of my last
stay there, and
as was later also
confirmed by etherogram,
Great Nature is evidently
about to increase for the
future the birth rate of
other forms of beings

"I myself noticed in the
cities of Petrograd and
Tiflis, situated in the
large community of Russia—-
where during their World
War more beings perished
than in any other
community—-that the
quadruped beings, namely
those man-hating quadrupeds
called 'wolves,' which as a
rule never appeared there,
were already prowling in
the streets.

"This etherogram informed me,
among other things, that in
this large community of
Russia the birth rate
of rodent beings called
'mice' and 'rats' had
increased to such
proportions that
they are now
devouring most
of the provisions
stored by the three-
brained beings there.

"This etherogram further
conveyed the information
that the power-possessing
beings of the community of
Russia had appealed to the
beings of another European
community to undertake the
destruction of the existence
of those little beings, rats
and mice, which had multiplied
among them. And in return they
promised to pay whatever sum
of money it would cost.

"Although a temporary
reduction in the number
of these poor rats and
mice might be obtained
by various means at the
disposal of these
specialists in
destroying the
existence of
others, they
will hardly
consent to do
this gratis, and
the beings of Russia,
in spite of their promises,
will of course not be able
to pay in money, since the
amount might be even more
than the cost of their
last war.

"And as for getting
money from the same
sources they had
already drained
dry during that
great process . . .
as our dear Mullah
Nasr Eddin says,

'Don't make me laugh!
Even a donkey can
understand that in
peacetime, peasant
flesh is worthless.
Having said this,
Beelzebub became
silent and looked
expectantly at his
grandson who, as
though talking to
himself, asked
very sadly in a
voice of despair.
"How will it all
end? Is there
really no way

"Must those
unfortunate souls
who were formed on
that ill-fated planet
really remain eternally
unperfected and be endlessly
coated in various planetary
forms, languishing
everlastingly on
account of the
consequences of
the properties of
that accursed organ
kundabuffer, which for
reasons extraneous to
them was implanted in
the planetary bodies
of the first three-
centered beings of
that ill-fated

"Where then is that
pillar upon which, as
it were, our whole
Megalocosmos rests,
and which is called

"No! . . . It cannot be!
Something is wrong . . .
because during the whole
of my existence, not once
has the smallest doubt ever
crept into me that Objective
Justice exists.

"I must see this clearly 
and understand it . . .
why? why?

"At any rate, from this
very moment, it will be
the aim of my existence
to understand clearly
why the souls arising
in those terrestrial
three-centered beings
are in such an
terrible situation. . . "

Having said this, poor
Hassein, as though
overwhelmed, bowed
his head and became
deeply thoughtful.

Beelzebub gave him a
strange look—-strange,
because in this look his
love for Hassein shone
through, and at the
same time it could
be seen how glad he
was that his grandson
was experiencing such

Their silence
lasted a fairly
long time. At last
Beelzebub heaved a
deep sigh, as
though from
the depths
of his
to his
with the

"Yes, my dear Hassein . . .

"Certainly there
is something not
quite right here.

"But if nothing could
be done by that Being
who has now the Reason
of the sacred 'Podkoolad'
and is one of the first
assistants of our
Endlessness in the
government of the
world, namely, the
Very Saintly Ashiata
Shiemash—-if even he
could do nothing for
the beings of that
planet, what can
we say, we whose
Reason is scarcely
higher than that of
ordinary beings?

"Do you remember how
the Very Saintly Ashiata
Shiemash, in his deliberations
under the title of 'The Terror
of the Situation,' said:

"'If it is still possible
to save the beings of the
Earth, Time alone can do

"As for us, we can only
say the same thing in
regard to this terrible
property of theirs
have just been
speaking of,
that is,
need to
each other's

"For the moment, we can
only say that if this
property of the
terrestrial beings
is to disappear from
that unfortunate planet,
it will be through Time
alone, either under the
guidance of a Being with
very high Reason or thanks
to certain exceptional
cosmic events."

Having said this, Beelzebub
again turned to Hassein with
that same strange look.
--ch 43, war
--Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson

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