Mathematical Methods of Physics I, GaTech PHYS-6124 Fall 2011

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Aug 23, 2011, 3:22:16 PM8/23/11
Here is what the students in the 2010 and 2011 classes wrote
about their interests and what they would like to learn
(2011 class in red): TOPICS: vector analysis (2 students) Levi-Civita advanced linear algebra (2+1 students) group theory (4 students) graphical methods
reduction of PDEs by symmetry (1 student)
tensor math/analysis (4+1 students) bivectors non-euclidean differential geometry, topology (3 students) [Laguna suggests Carrol's notes on tensors, ,, chapters 1, 2, 3]
variational calculus (1 student)
Lie groups, manifolds, differential geometry, topology (2 students)
complex analysis, residue theorem (3 students) Green's functions (3 students) scattering theory (1 student) Fourier series, transforms (1 student) nonlinear ODEs (1 student)
integral-differential eqs (1 student) spherical harmonics, Bessels, orthogonal polynomials [Laguna, Taboada] PDEs (4+1 students) [Laguna: parabolic (Maxwell eq), hyperbolic (Maxwell eq)
elliptic (Poisson eq, Schroedinger) chaos integrations, as used in electromagnetism programing (Mathematica, Matlab, ...) mechanical engineering applications fluids
probability statistics (for physicists) [Taboada; Gaussians, multinomials, Poisson] stochastic processes (2 students) quantum field theory (1 student) conformal field theory GOALS: Theory unspecified: (2+1 students) astrophysics/accretion disks gravity/numerical relativity computational physics (2 students) quantum optics theorist (1) condensed matter graphene, nano-science (2+1 students) ) nonlinear dynamics (2 students) Experimental (unspecified 1 student) atomic (1+1) quantum optics (2) condensed matter (2) nano-science (1) PhD in order to get a job in industry (2 students) aerospace design no chemistry, please (1 student)
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