We live in a world which can be determined by its future : Physics paper

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sreenivas v.p

Mar 19, 2016, 5:46:32 AM3/19/16
to green...@googlegroups.com, foi...@insaf.net

                                                                                           Universe we see is based on anthropic  principle . This is the point I want to communicate through this short note . As this is my first article on physics and cosmology , I want to bring out the points that I got from many years of thinking and its detailed explanation will be written in my next article on this same topic .  Regarding time . Immanuel Kant talked about a fact about time which is nothing but time is there every time . As space gets warped due to gravitational force ( Cosmological constant is a true factor as space and matter both has gravitational force ) .Space expands to vacuum . Space has a property that is space needs more space . So space expands to vacuum that is nothing . This nothing can be called curious vacuum which is different from what a human perception of vacuum is . That is why I call it as curious vacuum . Something and nothing in realm of science are just words in language which does not signify anything . They are just words which can be interpreted in only one way . What is that peculiar thing that distinguishes the finite from the infinity ? That is the curious vacuum and the time . Infinity of space is just an illusion created by time and the curious vacuum . At the quantum level , there is a determinism which gives us non determinism at the macroscopic level. There is no basic reality at the quantum level but there are many higher order realities and effects . Bohr’s atomic model is only a higher order reality to its preceding effect and an effect to its succeeding higher order reality . That is why an electron can move in the below mentioned two shapes and atomic nucleus is the nodal point at the center .
The success of Bohr’s atomic model is only that it could find out one of the higher order realities meaning that all higher order realties at the quantum level are true . So , realities and its effects in a discrete  manner . That is the basic  truth related to the quantum world . General relativity theory of Albert Einstein ad quantum theory , both can go hand in hand at this postulate . Life has meaning only when it is eternal . that is when it is endless . That is what eternal recurrence signify . We have a future that is endless , but we have a past which has a beginning . Something external is required to start a beginning  to  the universe .   This external entity whether it is god or anything is not all powerful as human think . It was also created once . When we say it was also created , it is correlated to a destiny . many years back , I was walking through a street in the morning where I saw a few people communicating and laughing under a tree . That sight gave me a feeling that human beings cannot be created , it can only evolve as a destiny and that is the way a god also if god exists Because when we are indulged in our day to day activities , we never get an impulse or feeling that we were created once but gets only a feeling of certainty.  If you look at the certainty of this world and universe , this certainty also supports the destiny argument as everything is the way it has to be . That is called the certainty which is a strong argument to support destiny .  So we have a future that is endless ? . That i why we have to believe in a curious vacuum that is nothing but the external universe without a boundary . The internal universe has boundary but the external universe does not have any boundary . This is the point I disagree with Stephan hawking in the sense that as we can think an external authority is required to create an endless life and eternal recurrence which support the principle of determinism . That meaning , we have to bring the idea of god which must be true in order  for an eternal meaning for life .   Stephan hawking think only in the method of science . Why science can give us decisive conclusions and at the same time the same conclusions gets falsified ? Without a divine intervention , eternal recurrence never possible and this divine force which called as god is also part of an anthropic  principle which was evolved as part of destiny . Impossible does not mean that a god has to solve all unnecessary things in the universe , then only god can be god . For example why we need to count all the sand particle on earth . Even god cannot give this count . That does not mean that god cannot be god . So our universe is a universe which exists it own with an external universe which is nothing but a curious vaccum . The ultimate purpose of world  lies in the future  It is nothing but existing endlessly which is a part of philosophy which I will explain in my second article .
Science could not find from where gravitational force originates . More investigation is required in this field . Gravitational force is nothing but the difference in attraction between a nucleus and electron and the repulsion between positively charged elements in the nucleus . If we consider an iron ball and a ball made of tin, that is why same mass of iron and tin ball gives same gravitational force . Matter does not warp space . There is nothing called space time . What matter does to space is created  n number of configurations to space . For example ,
Xy1, xy2 , xy3, …… ( Matter )
Kyi, Ky2 , Ky3 ……….(  Matter )
Sy1 , Sy2 , Sy3 ………( space )
In a time dependent universe , universe is ever lasting . But the universe is not time dependent . Time is coming to an end in the external universe that is nothing but the curious vaccum. There is no ultimate truth , there can be infinite number of lives based on will to power . As will to live always stays as a subordinate element to will to power . When we talk about the curious vaccum , we can find the following formula which will help us to understand it .
Absense of matter + Presence of curious vacuum = space
This is because absence of matter  is not space as thought previously and absence of space is not curious vaccum . I believe in big bang explosion and singularity but I do not believe that all the matter where concentrated on a very minute point called infinite gravity . What is infinity , this is only an illusion . As the universe expands , where it expands , it expands at the distant galaxies and as we are more and more away from the galaxies , it expands more in an accelerated manner . This is nothing but matter and space acquiring the curious vacuum and why we think it is for infinite time , the principle of time is that WHEN IT HAPPENS , TIME IS THERE . SO AS AND WHEN MATTER AND SPACE occupies  CURIOUS VACCUM , TIME IS CREATED  THERE AS THERE IN THE SAME WAY TIME IN HUMAN TERMS IS BASED ON MATTER AND SPACE . So  BEFORE BIG BANG EXPLOSION AND AFTER IT , TIME IS THERE . Another example to quote is the black hole phenomena where time comes to an end .  That meaning , what a black hole will become finally is nothing and in this nothingness , time comes to an end . So it is difficult for even information to escape from a black hole . That is why we are not able to see the distant past as that is blocked .( As we forget our on childhood events , but remember many images of the same , ) .
 Cosmological constant as proposed by Einstein is true . Universe is expanding in very distant galaxies but it is not expanding at the near by places due to gravitation attraction of matter and space . Here one point worth considering is the steady state property of space and matter which lacks where in a curious vacuum  that is the external universe . If something replaces nothing , nothing can replace nothing ? The contrary is a property of the curious vacuum . More information regarding the curious vacuum will be given in my next article . The nature of truth is that it is subjective . That is  why it cannot be explained here . Time comes to an end for massive stars when they reach a point of nothing which is nothing but the curious vacuum . This vacuum is same as that of the external universe which has high amount of gravitational force to pull space and matter into it . But what happens is this gravity of vacuum at the external universe pulling matter into it , matter produces n number of configurations in space which gives many configurations for space as well . So we have an uneven / non uniformity expansion of the universe . Configurations created by space and matter is similar to that of a traffic jam . Complete absence of matter does not mean that time is not there , because complete absence matter does not mean that space can have different configurations . If no boundary conditions holds true , universe must have originated only at a particular point , then only No boundary situation can exist . That is contrary to what has been believed so far . Matter at one point and matter at a different point , what difference that cause to no boundary  argument ?     Here we can disagree with  scientists as they believed that under no boundary condition , universe has to start from a particular point . That is not true . The basic principle is Determinism at the quantum level and indeterminism at the macroscopic level which provides the view of what we see , what we feel , things are quite similar . So , we live in a world of determinism . I quoted Nietzsche’s will to power here , because that is my personal belief which means that the only truth is endless life which is motivated by will to live and is driven by will to power .
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