Action: Protect Michigan's Landfill Yard Waste Ban: deadline Mon Mar 5

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m muhammad

Mar 1, 2012, 5:23:55 PM3/1/12
to GIN
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Margaret Weber <>
Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 4:02 PM
Subject: Action: Protect Michigan's Landfill Yard Waste Ban: deadline Mon Mar 5
To: Margaret Weber <>
Cc: MWeber gmail <>, ZWD <>

March 1, 2012

On Tuesday March 6, the Michigan House Energy & Technology Committee will consider "Grass to Gas" bills HB 4265 and 4266—if passed into law they will end Michigan's ban on yard waste going to landfills.

Two Detroit Representatives sit on the Energy and Tech  Committee
* Rep. Thomas Stallworth:; 1-(888) 347-8008 (toll free)

* Rep Harvey Santana:; 1-(855) 347-8010 (toll free)

Let Representatives Santana and Stallworth hear your views by mid-day Monday!

Four Reasons to Keep the Yard Waste Ban and Oppose HB 4266 and 4265:

1)   The yard clippings disposal ban is one of the few tools Michigan has to limit solid waste importation   

2)   Composting yard clippings creates more jobs than landfilling.  

3)   Cost to municipalities and residents to dispose of yard clippings is likely to be more than composting yard clippings.

4) Michigan has a very low recycling rate. Landfilling yard clippings will lower our ranking further.

Feel free to distribute to your networks.

Thank you,

Margaret Weber 

Convener, Zero Waste Detroit


Rosedale Recycles

15015 Piedmont

Detroit, Mi 48223


Mar 11, 2012, 4:33:39 PM3/11/12
-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Weber <>
To: Margaret Weber <>
Cc: MWeber gmail <>
Sent: Sun, Mar 11, 2012 4:38 pm
Subject: Action: Grass to Gas bill need your voice

Send a message to the Michigan House of Representatives urging them to oppose HB 4265 and HB 4266 by clicking here.

HB 4265 and HB 4266 would hurt the composting industry in Michigan and increase pollution from waste. These bills will NOT save collection costs as source separation is still required

Michigan HB 4265 and HB 4266 would seriously weaken the state’s longstanding ban on landfill disposal of segregated yard trimmings by exempting landfills with gas recovery systems.  These “Grass-to-Gas” bills are moving very quickly and could come up for a vote in the full House as early as Wednesday, March 14th.  

There have been amendments added to permit the incineration of yard trimmings. The addition of mixed yard waste to the incinerator would compound existing odor problems, as well as increase emissions which contribute to asthma. Job creation from composting yard waste is multiples of that from disposal (landfill or incineration), and the greenhouse gas emission reduction from composting vs incineration is approximately 30%, according to the EPA. 

Again, HB 4265 and HB 4266 would hurt the composting industry in Michigan and increase pollution from waste. These bills will NOT save collection costs as source separation is still required.

Thank you for taking action and spreading the word!

Margaret Weber

Mar 11, 2012, 10:41:18 AM3/11/12
to Margaret Weber, MWeber gmail

Margaret Weber

Mar 22, 2012, 11:54:19 AM3/22/12
to Margaret Weber, ZWD
Mar 20.

Last week the State House passed HB 4265 and HB 4266, ending the ban on yard waste in landfills.  Those bills are now in the Senate with expectation of speedy action.  

To urge Senators to oppose the Grass to Gas bills, here are the emails and the message:

Senator Coleman Young:

Senator Morris Hood:

Senator Virgil Smith:

Senator  Tupac Hunter:

The House last week passed HB 4265 and HB 4266, exempting yard waste from the landfill ban.  I  urge you to oppose this legislation in the Senate, and also to oppose any amendment to allow yard waste to go to the Detroit incinerator.

There are economic as well as environmental reasons to vote NO on these "grass to gas" bills. 
These bills will not save collection costs, as source separate is still required for three years. 
The bills will greatly damage the composting industry. Job creation from composting yard waste is multiples of that from disposal (landfill or incineration).

The addition of mixed yard waste to the incinerator would hinder BTU generation and compound existing odor problems, as well as increase NOx emissions which contribute to asthma, already a severe problem in our City

I look forward to hearing from you. 
your name and address


Thank you!!!  and feel free to distribute to your networks.

Margaret Weber

Apr 3, 2012, 4:06:58 PM4/3/12
to Margaret Weber, ZWD
See attached the notice of three upcoming Community Conversations, Working to Shape Detroit's Future, for the Northwest section of the City:

Mondays: April 16, May 7, May 21, 5:30-8 PM, @ Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers

For dates for Community Conversations in Northeast, Central/Near East, and Southwest, contact:

Here's a very relevant vimeo:

DWP NWest mtgs.pdf

Margaret Weber

Apr 29, 2012, 10:02:02 AM4/29/12
to Margaret Weber, ZWD
Apr. 29, 2012

Everyone knows there is the "down side" of metal recycling—HB 5490-5494 are legislative bills by Reps. Tlaib, Muxlow, Analich and Olson to end illegal scrapping by giving law enforcement a way to police it.  Highlights include:

-       Payment for scrap only by check or money order (no more cash payments)

-       A laundry list of items that would be a crime to scrap

-       Requiring a photo of everything a dealer accepts for scrap

-       Prohibiting buying of scrap metal brought in by anything but a vehicle that is licensed and registered for the public highway (no more scrapping with shopping carts or courvilles)

-       Requiring training for scrap dealer employees

-       Setting up a theft alert system so that scrap dealers will be on notice of stolen items that may be brought in


To comment, support, or more information, contact:

Rachel Dowson

Office of State Rep. Rashida Tlaib



Apr 30, 2012, 7:50:05 AM4/30/12
Detroiters,   Send your messages to THIS E-ADDRESS BELOW.  Thank you.  Nancy

-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Dowson <>
To: nancy2061 <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 30, 2012 2:42 pm
Subject: Automatic reply: Scrap Metal Bills: Let's make it harder for vandals/thieves to fence their stolen items

Dear fellow advocates and colleagues,
Thank you for contacting me. I regret to inform you that I no longer work in the office of State Representative Rashida Tlaib. Please forward all future correspondence
 to William Holley at .
Thank you,
Rachel Dowson

Margaret Weber

May 11, 2012, 6:07:21 PM5/11/12
to Margaret Weber, ZWD
The Michigan Senate Energy & Tech Committee will be hearing testimony on some anti-composting bills Tuesday May 15th. 

They need to hear from you and here's an easy way to show your support.

US Composting Council

Composting creates jobs!!

Jul 26, 2012, 6:34:42 AM7/26/12
  Takes about 3-5 minutes.  Have to think a bit.  Any survey whose purpose is to identify issues in our environment and try to do something to improve it - totally worth the time.  Nancy

-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Weber <>
To: Margaret Weber <>
Cc: ZWD <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 25, 2012 6:11 pm
Subject: easy quick environmental survey


Here is a quick environmental survey from a coalition of groups (Zero Waste Detroit, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit, Michigan Environmental Council, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision, RecycleHere, Warm Training Center, Michigan Rails & Greenways, Data Driven Detroit), that gives opportunity for Detroiters to indicate what environmental justice issues are critical to them.

I hope you will participate and feel free to share with your networks.

Margaret Weber

Jul 25, 2012, 6:13:15 PM7/25/12
to Margaret Weber, ZWD

Here is a quick environmental survey from a coalition of groups (Zero Waste Detroit, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit, Michigan Environmental Council, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision, RecycleHere, Warm Training Center, Michigan Rails & Greenways, Data Driven Detroit), that gives opportunity for Detroiters to indicate what environmental justice issues are critical to them.

I hope you will participate and feel free to share with your networks.

Margaret Weber

Oct 31, 2012, 9:14:12 AM10/31/12
to Margaret Weber, ZWD
Rosedale Recycles is forwarding this important clarification:

There is a flyer being distributed in our neighborhood in support of voting NO on Proposal 3.  It lists Rosedale Park Improvement Association (RPIA),  as a partner in this endeavor. 
This is false information!   
Would you please send this message to your email network:
The Rosedale Park Improvement Association does not endorse any candidate nor take a stance on any Proposal in this election or any election.  Our by-laws forbid it.
Thank You,
Mary  McLeod
Rosedale Park Improvement Association

Margaret Weber

Nov 5, 2012, 9:09:56 PM11/5/12
to Margaret Weber, ZWD

Zero Waste Detroit Invites you to

Spread the word on recycling at Detroit’s East side



Why: Detroit’s recycling rate is under 5%, the lowest of any major US city! The more recycled, the less incinerated, less pollution, less odor!


Time: Check-in at 10:30AM. Outreach from 11:00AM to 2:00PM

Meet: 14950 Flanders, 48205; near Hayes & Houston Whittier

Need: Volunteers to assist with distributing flyers and spreading the word on recycling

RSVP: with Subject “Spread the Word on Recycling”; give your name, contact info and number of volunteers




Thank you for joining us!

Margaret Weber

Feb 13, 2013, 12:26:22 PM2/13/13
to Margaret Weber, ZWD
Feb. 13, 2013

In case you have not yet completed this survey for Detroit residents, there is still time:  until Feb. 28th!!


Zero Waste Detroit a part of a coalition of non-profit environmental organizations based in the City of Detroit, collaborating to develop a shared citywide Environmental Agenda to hold city leaders accountable to the needs and requests of their residents. 

I invite your valued input by completing the survey. It will take just a few moments of your time and the information you provide will be used to help us understand the concerns of Detroit residents while we create the Detroit Environmental Agenda. 

Those submitting the survey  by Feb 28,  will be entered into a raffle for a gift card to a local Detroit business.

Many thanks!  


Margaret Weber

May 6, 2013, 12:25:59 PM5/6/13
to Margaret Weber, ZWD
Let’s grow recycling in Detroit! 
Saturday, May 11, 2013
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
15015 Piedmont, Detroit, MI 48223

Join Zero Waste Detroit next Saturday as we spread the word on recycling!  We’ll be going door-to-door in the Grandmont-Rosedale neighborhood working to get more residents involved in the curbside recycling program.  The more our City recycles, the less reliant we will be on the Detroit Incinerator.  We will also be participating in this year’s Motor City Makeover helping beautify the City, and will pick up litter along our route.

Even a half hour helps!

Margaret Weber

Jun 13, 2013, 3:51:50 PM6/13/13
to Margaret Weber
For Immediate Release: June 13, 2013 

Contact - Zero Waste Detroit: Margaret Weber, 313-938-1133
Sandra Turner-Handy, 313-926-9811
Ahmina Maxey, 313-986-2990

Detroit waste management being privatized: Coalition calls on EM Kevyn Orr to implement citywide curbside recycling

Fits with Gov. Rick Snyder’s call for more recycling; 2014 plan

DETROIT, MI – Privatization of the City of Detroit’s waste collection, confirmed this week by the City, provides an opportunity to implement a robust solid waste management program utilizing comprehensive city-wide recycling.

Zero Waste Detroit (ZWD) urges city leadership to mandate expansion of curbside recycling city-wide as part of the requirement for private contractors.  

The office of Emergency Manager is currently undergoing plans to privatize the City of Detroit’s solid waste management system, specifically waste collection.  In light of this reality ZWD seeks to modernize waste collection in Detroit, ensure DPW workers are supported, and facilitate an open and transparent request for proposal process through the City.   

“The strength of Detroit’s waste collection has been its DPW workers, and we as a coalition stand behind them 100%.  We demand that any changes to the system support the workers, and that they are given first preference in hiring by the new contractor if the system is privatized,” stated Gloria Rivera of Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit and Zero Waste Detroit.  

Additionally, ZWD notes that a successful solid waste management program must follow best practice with same day collection of recycling and waste, use of carts instead of bins, a strong educational component, and a compost system.   

Materials recovery and composting provide value-added, Michigan-made products that create jobs and stimulate the city and regional economy.   

“In a 2012 address, Governor Rick Snyder identified boosting Michigan’s recycling rates as a priority for his administration.  Recycling has the potential to create jobs, and keep Detroiters employed.  Cities such as Houston and Atlanta have used recycling to boost job growth, and have proven successful with city-wide recycling programs which follow best practice.  Zero Waste Detroit asks that the City of Detroit do the same,” stated Margaret Weber of Rosedale Recycles.  

Snyder said in his special message on the environment last year that Michigan needs “…to look beyond our recycling of cans and plastic bottles and creatively figure out what we can do to reduce our waste overall.” He promised a plan in 2014 to improve Michigan’s recycling rate.  

“This is a golden opportunity for Gov. Snyder and Mr. Orr to get a head start on the governor’s commitment,” said Sandra Turner-Handy of Michigan Environmental Council and ZWD.  

Just 7% of Detroit’s waste is recycled in Detroit leaving the majority to be burned at the Detroit Incinerator, the largest municipal solid waste incinerator in the country.  The facility’s odor is a nuisance to residents living in the area, and has it ranked 5th worst in Wayne County for nitrogen oxide pollution.   The more the City’s trash is recycled, the less the City contributes to this polluting facility. 

“The incinerator is one of the largest polluters in Wayne County, and contributes to Detroit’s high asthma rates.  It will be to the benefit of all Detroiters to recycle more of our trash,” stated Rhonda Anderson of the Sierra Club’s Environmental Justice Program and Zero Waste Detroit.   

ZWD urges Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to initiate and articulate a vision that will demonstrate environmental leadership and provide economic opportunity for Detroit.   


Zero Waste Detroit is a group of community and environmental groups: Coalition for Community Change. Detroit Audubon Society, Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, East Michigan Environmental Action Council, Ecology Center, Feedom Freedom, Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit, Great Lakes Environmental Law Center, Green Door Initiative, Greenacres Woodward Civic Association, Institute for Local Self Reliance, Michigan Environmental Council, Rosedale Recycles, Sierra Club Environmental Justice Program, Sierra Club Southeast Michigan Group, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision, Sugar Law Center for Economic and Social Justice, Voices for Earth Justice, We Want Green, Too!, 48217 Community & Environmental Health Organization



Ahmina Maxey
Community Outreach Coordinator
Zero Waste Detroit

2727 Second Ave., Ste 320
Detroit, MI 48201
ZWD Press Release on Recycling.pdfZWD Press Release on Recycling.pdf

Jun 14, 2013, 8:13:54 AM6/14/13
NW Detroit:  Here's what our Rosedale Recycles Members and their larger coalition of ZWD, are advocating with our EM.  Trying to make the current situation work for Detroiters and Michigan to decrease waste and increase recycling.  nb

-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Weber <>
To: Margaret Weber <>

Jun 29, 2013, 1:48:55 PM6/29/13
This is our chance Detroiters. Some of us in NW Detroit have Curbside Recycling but not Everybody.  This is your chance to ask Mr.  Orr to expand curbside recycling to Detroit to not only: save money and actually earn money for the City; decrease the amount of stuff we are piling up in our landfills; but to  move Detroit into the 21st Century and get us all recycling in a way that is convenient for everyone.

If you agree with this, read below and sign the petition.


-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Weber <>
To: Margaret Weber <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 11:59 am
Subject: Petition to Kevyn Orr on recycling

Do you want recycling in your neighborhood?  Do you think Detroit should be like other cities in Michigan and the nation, providing curbside recycling to residents?  

If so, then please sign Zero Waste Detroit's petition asking for citywide curbside recycling in Detroit.  SIGN HERE

Thank you!

Margaret Weber

Jun 29, 2013, 11:58:37 AM6/29/13
to Margaret Weber
Do you want recycling in your neighborhood?  Do you think Detroit should be like other cities in Michigan and the nation, providing curbside recycling to residents?  

If so, then please sign Zero Waste Detroit's petition asking for citywide curbside recycling in Detroit.  SIGN HERE

Thank you!

Margaret Weber

Jul 26, 2013, 8:39:39 PM7/26/13
to Margaret Weber

Margaret Weber

Jul 30, 2013, 7:23:06 AM7/30/13
to Margaret Weber
It took a village, but we did it! The Detroit Environmental Agenda (DEA) is ready--for you to read, to support, and most importantly, to use to make Detroit the safe and healthy place we know it can be. 
The DEA represents the voices of a diverse range of stakeholders in Detroit's environment--from ordinary citizens to activists, policy wonks to on-the-ground implementers. It wouldn't exist without the committee of 10 organizations who worked over the last two years to make it happen and without the hundreds of people in every one of Detroit's Districts who were willing to fill out forms, come to neighborhood meetings, and tell us what conditions are and what they wish they would be.
Now we have information. Now we have tools. Now we can get to work. Sign on here in support of the DEA.
First step: We've polled all of our candidates for City Council and Mayor about the state of Detroit's environmental infrastructure, and what they would do if elected. HERE is what they had to say--clear and simple and in their own words.
Check out our new website to learn more, and if you haven't already endorsed the Detroit Environmental Agenda, here's another chance. NOW is always the best time to say yes to a cleaner, healthier, safer Detroit. Let's be who we really want to be.
Did you know?
  • 48217 is the most polluted zip code in the state--almost 50 times more polluted than the state average.
  • All 7 Districts rate crime, dangerous structures, and vacant land as "serious" or "very serious" problems.
  • Detroit recycles only 7% of our waste--the national average is 26% and some cities recycle as much as 80%.
  • In 2011 our sewer systems discharged 25 billion gallons of raw or partially treated sewage into the Detroit and Rouge Rivers.
  • We have a new transit system in the works.
All of this, and more, is in the Detroit Environmental Agenda. It's time to act. Get informed.

Jul 30, 2013, 9:49:03 AM7/30/13
Big step forward here for Detroiters to learn how to care for the environment in which we live.  NOTE:  At this year's Annual Picnic, I had more children and parents than ever, come up and ask where to recycle their pop cans and water bottles.  We're inching forward but have to do better and,  prod our officials to do better! 

 Read below.  nb

-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Weber <>
To: Margaret Weber <>

Margaret Weber

Sep 10, 2013, 4:47:44 PM9/10/13
to Margaret Weber
Community Event to Address the Incinerator Odor
Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 6-8pm
Sacred Heart Activities Building, 3451 Rivard, Detroit, MI 48207

The garbage odor coming from the Detroit Incinerator has been a public nuisance this summer, and for many summer’s in the past. Zero Waste Detroit (ZWD) will be holding a community meeting to discuss and take action to hold this facility accountable. 

The event will include a panel discussion with representatives from the Community, State, Zero Waste Detroit coalition, and health field, Q & A, and a plan for next steps.

Attend and let your voice be heard! Let's come together as a community and demand accountability for the Incinerator's impact on our health and welfare.

Sep 14, 2013, 6:27:26 AM9/14/13
Find out health issues related to incinerator.
-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Weber <>
To: Margaret Weber

Margaret Weber

Sep 19, 2013, 12:04:05 PM9/19/13
to Margaret Weber
You can bring your old CDs for recycling to Rosedale Recycles this Saturday, the 21st, @ Christ the King:  10 am until 2 pm!  Don't miss this chance to clean out your old CDs!

Margaret Weber

Oct 11, 2013, 3:44:41 PM10/11/13
to Margaret Weber

Margaret Weber

Oct 23, 2013, 11:46:28 AM10/23/13
to Margaret Weber
America Recycles Day is Nov 15th!

Go to:

Take or renew the pledge, get a chance on a recycled plastic bench!

Give your garbage a New Life!

Margaret Weber

Dec 4, 2013, 4:22:14 PM12/4/13
to Margaret Weber
Dec 4th

Please do this action, BUT, shorten the message to make this point: " Please exclude waste-to-energy from Michigan's Renewable Energy Standard.  It is in direct conflict with your stated goal of increasing Michigan's recycling rate." 



Margaret Weber

Dec 22, 2013, 1:04:44 PM12/22/13
to Margaret Weber
This happened yesterday, Dec. 21st…..too beautiful to not share as widely as possible….

as I posted on Facebook:

So today included a not - unusual Detroit happening: a colleague was robbed @ gunpoint early this morning but he made to his job unharmed....shaken and less several hundreds worth of personal electronics. By the time he left that job generous spirits had gifted him to the extent he was well toward replacing said items. Thank you generous spirits!

Matt Naimi, from RecycleHere, posted this:

Experienced the Incredible Lows and Unbelievable Highs of Living in Detroit yesterday. A Member of the Gang Green was robbed at gunpoint on his way to work on his porch in Midtown yesterday morning. They had stolen his art supplies, laptop, phone... and spared him his life. He filed a report and I called the neighborhood coordinator in Rosedale to tell them we would be a little late setting up because of the robbery... When Gang Green (victim) made it out to Rosedale, everyone was super concerned. When the Day was over, they had passed a hat or something and presented him with an incredible check to help him replace what he had lost. It was simply the most beautiful gesture of community I have ever seen... We are all in this together, and this is why I Love Detroit.


and the choir sang "AMEN!"


Dec 22, 2013, 3:57:29 PM12/22/13
I definitely wanted to share this e-mail with other residents.  nb

Matt Naimi, from RecycleHere, posted this:

Experienced the Incredible Lows and Unbelievable Highs of Living in Detroit yesterday. A Member of the Gang Green (recycling group)  was robbed at gunpoint on his way to work on his porch in Midtown yesterday morning. They had stolen his art supplies, laptop, phone... and spared him his life. He filed a report and I called the neighborhood coordinator in Rosedale to tell them we would be a little late setting up Recycling because of the robbery... When Gang Green (victim) made it out to Rosedale, everyone was super concerned. When the Day was over, they had passed a hat or something and presented him with an incredible check to help him replace what he had lost. It was simply the most beautiful gesture of community I have ever seen... We are all in this together, and this is why I Love Detroit.


Margaret Weber

Jan 28, 2014, 3:33:56 PM1/28/14
to Margaret Weber
Take action now!

Detroit's Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr is currently in the process of finalizing the contracts for waste and recycling collection.  

Call 313-224-3703 or email him via his assistant Ms. Demetria 

Give Mr Orr this message:

Detroit's waste contracts should:
  • Prioritize Recycling. Align with Detroit's City Charter that prioritizes capture of the waste stream prior to disposal.
  • Follow Best Practice. Contracts should follow "best practices" of recycling, including:
    • robust education; 
    • uniform collection practices citywide;
    • same day collection for recycling as for waste; 
    • well-marked carts that clearly indicate what goes where
  • Curbside Recycling should be standard service, not opt-in. Contracts should mandate that curbside recycling will be standard service city-wide, NOT solely “offered service.” This is critical to the economic benefits of recycling for Detroit and Michigan.
  • Protect DPW Workers.  Contracts should ensure DPW workers are given first preference in hiring by the new contractor.
Please share with your networks and Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Margaret Weber

Apr 5, 2015, 3:21:41 PM4/5/15
to Margaret Weber
From Christ the King, host site for Rosedale Recycles for 25 years:

1.                  Think BIGGER, BETTER and SOONER when you donate.    Help spread the word that we take and sell good stuff.   More people turn out for a quality event, and that spills over and helps make a success of our outreach efforts.  
2.        Start searching NOW for things that you no longer really need, but which may have value to someone else,  and set them aside for this bigger and better sale.  
- Comb your closets, shelves, basement, attic, and garage.
- If you can, please clean or fix the item to make it more attractive.
- Remember too that people who have a cottage up-north want to fit it out with
          things which work, but which have minimal theft appeal or value.
3.         If you use the 1040 long form, we can give you a donation letter for tax deduction purposes, and show you how to estimate its value.   Depending on condition, this is usually 15% to 50% of new retail cost.   When you can, please make an itemized list of your donations before you come.
4.    BIG SELLERS:    Power and hand tools, musical instruments, lamps, furniture, rugs, knickknacks and glassware, kitchen and china ware, exercise equipment, sports & camping equipment, boat & fishing gear,  baseball & sports hero cards,  best-seller books & videos, new but unused auto parts (if marked with make/year); compact common building materials & hardware, garden tools and supplies, hobby and craft items, sheets, drapes, blankets, sewing fabrics, toys, bikes, storage and closet- organizing items, and workable appliances, such as: vacuums, mixers, microwaves, irons, computers (Windows XP and newer), radios, TVs, phones, toasters, griddles, hotplates, heaters, Weber cookers, fans, A/Cs, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, lawnmowers, pumps, snowblowers,  hedge trimmers, and weed-whackers.
      QUESTIONS: Call Ben @ (313) 838-5049      Email:             
NO SHOES OR CLOTHING PLEASE;   we dont have room to display it.
Our sale runs 7 weeks each Thursday, Friday and Saturday from May 15th until June 27th.   We ALSO take donations during open sales hours (10AM to 5 PM) until June 13th, but the sooner the better.
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