tcp problem and request

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Sep 23, 2017, 10:01:05 PM9/23/17
to Gqrx SDR

New to gqrx here. I'm using version 2.8 but already love it for my RFSpace CloudIQ on macOS Sierra. Many thanks for a great SDR tool and for supporting macOS. Thought I'd try TCP but no luck. I have not changed the default remote settings. After clicking Tools->Remote Control to On, when I run telnet it seems to connect briefly then disconnects: imac27: telnet 7356
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
I also tried adding my IP to Tools->Remote control settings then restarting tcp but no luck. Ideas appreciated.

Then I also have a request please. When I get this working, what I would like to do next is send gqrx a list of frequencies and labels for it to display. I have a large database of HF stations and I would like a way to populate the display from this list. I have in mind a little perl script that monitors the current frequency and sends surrounding stations but I need a new command to populate labels.

73, Elwood, WB0OEW

Sep 23, 2017, 10:33:36 PM9/23/17
to Gqrx SDR
Forgot to mention a few more bits of info:

If I turn the Remote control off, there is no connection at all:

imac27: telnet 7356
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

And finally, in macOS System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> Firewall, I have the firewall set to Off.

Alexandru Csete

Sep 25, 2017, 4:48:49 PM9/25/17
Hello Elwood,

The message "Connection closed by foreign host." usually means that
the client trying to connect to gqrx is not in the list of allowed
hosts. If you are on the same machine, make sure you have
::ffff: in the table, then try

telnet 7356

This works for me on Mac OS 10.11

Regarding your request, is this list you wish to "import" static or
changing? We already have the bookmarks feature which stores bookmarks
in a CSV file and shows them on the spectrum display. Not well
documented but we can provide more info if you wish. Clearly, this is
only useful for static lists, although we could probably make it so
that the CSV file is monitored and reloaded if it changes.

As for larger feature additions, I do not anticipate any further
development of gqrx because it has become too difficult to maintain.
It has too many external dependencies making it quite painful to
package and distribute in a user friendly way. So, I started working
on a lightweight replacement several years ago, and that is having
highest priority for me right now.

We still keep gqrx alive until it becomes unnecessary.


Sep 25, 2017, 9:44:29 PM9/25/17
to Gqrx SDR
Hi Alex,

Thanks the reply. Tonight was a little different. I tried starting gqrx three times from the desktop icon and all three times the main window came up but when I tried to start the radio the program produced the dreaded spinning beach ball and I had to force quite. So then I tried running from the command line as /Applications/ and this time it came up and runs fine. Then I tried the TCP connection and that works fine also! Not sure what the deep story is but I am encouraged I can get it going one way or the other for now.

Regarding the frequency markers.... I came across the bookmarks feature in the menu system after posting the previous note. In your terms, a static list is fine for my purposes. I found where bookmarks.csv is located and I can easily convert my lists into this format. My data base has about 30,000 HF entries which might violate some design assumptions within gqrx if I load all at once. But I will explore this mechanism and I am sure it will work just fine for me so please disregard my request.

I can imagine gqrx is a complex collection. Good luck and I look forward to your next project.

All the best,


Alexandru Csete

Sep 26, 2017, 3:46:40 PM9/26/17
Well, I'm looking forward to hearing how good or bad it works with
that many bookmarks. If you have a fast CPU and plenty of RAM, it
might just work :)

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Sep 26, 2017, 7:06:10 PM9/26/17
to Gqrx SDR
It works just fine even when fully loaded. I like the way gqrx shifts the labels vertically to reduce collisions -- nice!

Many thanks.

Alexandru Csete

Sep 26, 2017, 7:34:32 PM9/26/17
Glad to hear it works!

There are a few known rendering bugs and missing features in the
bookmarks implementation, but overall it is a nice feature :)


Mark Tomlin

Oct 2, 2017, 2:11:08 AM10/2/17
to Gqrx SDR
(Sorry for the change in subject, but I was wondering if you could expand on this.)

It's cool that you're looking to make a lightweight replacement. Do you happen to have a time frame for release, and can we follow along with the development on this project via github or something? Most of my long term SDR platforms run on a Raspberry Pi 3, so I'd be interested to see how lightweight this replacement is and how well it runs on that platform vs the current gen of gqrx.

Alexandru Csete

Oct 2, 2017, 2:25:00 PM10/2/17
Hello Mark,

No problem, I appreciate the interest :)

First, I have just created a group where people can sign up if they
wish to be notified as soon as tech preview releases become avaialble:

I expect the first releases to happen already in October 2017! It will
take time before this can become a fully functional SDR package, but
at least it will be much more fun to develop and use. The term
"lightweight" refers as much to installation and deployment as to its
performance. Gqrx is already quite optimized and fast. Its weakness is
the convoluted dependency tree that makes it very painful to maintain.

My new SDR package has practically no dependencies besides what's
readily available in linux distributions. I expect that the initial
unoptimized code will have similar performance as gqrx has today, and
improve time.

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