Problem Running GQRX on a "headless" Ubuntu Installation

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Mar 10, 2017, 6:32:14 PM3/10/17
to Gqrx SDR
I have an interesting problem with running GQRX on my Odroid XU4 running Ubuntu.  I have a VNC setup, GQRX and RTL-SDR installed, and all of the dependencies (GNU radio, etc.) properly installed.  I know this because I followed the exact same procedure I used on my other Linux machine (a Dell Mini 10v Netbook).

I am unable to run GQRX by clicking the menu icon, and running from the terminal results in an error.
See the attached screenshot for the error message. 

Is something wrong with X11 or is GQRX unusable in "headless" mode?
Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 2.48.55 AM.png

David Ranch

Mar 10, 2017, 6:56:47 PM3/10/17
to Gqrx SDR

For the XIO issue, does Gqrx run ok directly via the Odroid console (HDMI display)?  That would be step 1.  Next, how did you get the Gqrx packages installed?  Comparing to you Dell Mini 10v Netbook is not valid as that is using an Intel Atom processor (X86) where as your Odroid XU4 is using an Arm processor.   The website does have optimized Raspbian packages but I have no idea if those will work on the Odroid running Ubuntu on ARM (i doubt it).

As far as the XKB issue, did you google the errors?



Mar 10, 2017, 7:28:10 PM3/10/17
to Gqrx SDR
I will test with HDMI later tonight, I do not have direct access to a working display but will in a few hours.  You make a very important point with the X86 vs. ARM issue.  I was mainly thinking this would work because of this post:  The C1 still uses an Arm Processor and I am pretty sure this person use the standard GQRX package.  

Note that I did not take his precautions with the GNU radio install, but as far as I can tell my GNU radio install works fine.

David Ranch

Mar 10, 2017, 8:11:06 PM3/10/17
to Gqrx SDR
Well, looking at the associated PasteBin link, all of the required components are compiled for the newest sources.  That's good and that will get you a cutting edge version of everything though I don't know if the Ubuntu compiler for their Arm distros is optimized (the Raspbian compiler is NOT and that's why Alex posts Rpi binaries on his site).  This pastebin formula also doesn't cover important optimization steps like running "volk_profile" and what not (mentioned here: . Anyway, just us know if things run on the console first and we'll go from there.



Mar 13, 2017, 6:08:10 PM3/13/17
to Gqrx SDR
I apologize for my delayed response.  I started with a fresh install following this guide:

When I run GQRX with a monitor connected, the program launches but the monitor goes black.  It then power cycles a few times, then does nothing.  I then have to reboot.  I have attached the strace results of this test.

I am not sure what the issue is now...

Alexandru Csete

Mar 13, 2017, 6:33:43 PM3/13/17
On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 11:08 PM, nerdlord20 <> wrote:
> I apologize for my delayed response. I started with a fresh install
> following this guide:

As the page says, the instructions are for generic PC (intel/amd) and
I do not recommend using them on ARM. It will mix packages from
incompatible repositories.

> When I run GQRX with a monitor connected, the program launches but the
> monitor goes black. It then power cycles a few times, then does nothing. I
> then have to reboot. I have attached the strace results of this test.

Hmm, sounds like the system is not entirely stable :-(



Mar 13, 2017, 7:24:33 PM3/13/17
to Gqrx SDR
Other programs launch fine, only GQRX is causing the display to crash.  Is there a guide anywhere to explain how this works:

^ that clearly shows that this type of setup is possible

Alexandru Csete

Mar 13, 2017, 7:44:46 PM3/13/17
On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 12:24 AM, nerdlord20 <> wrote:
> Other programs launch fine, only GQRX is causing the display to crash.

You are missing the point. On linux, an application is not supposed to
be able to crash the system. If it does, the system is broken.

I am not trying to push the problem away, but there is a huge
difference between gqrx crashing and the display crashing.

> Is there a guide anywhere to explain how this works:
> ^ that clearly shows that this type of setup is possible

You have to ask Michael about the details, but he probably used
gnuradio packages from the repositories and compiled gqrx himself from
source. Also note that that was an a C2 not an XU4.


David Ranch

Mar 13, 2017, 8:54:03 PM3/13/17
It sounds like your Odroid might be browning out.

Tell us how you are powering your Odroid. What is the supply's rated for voltage and current? Is your rtl-sdr device directly attached or via an external usb hub.  Is the hub powered?  If so, what are those specs?


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Mike Murphree

Mar 13, 2017, 11:42:23 PM3/13/17
I haven't done much testing with it yet, but I installed gqrx with PyBOMBS on a XU4 and it seems to work.

Mike N4MHO


Mar 14, 2017, 1:01:21 AM3/14/17
to Gqrx SDR
I would like to give this a go, I understand can install PyBOMBS. How would I then install GQRX?


Mar 14, 2017, 1:04:19 AM3/14/17
to Gqrx SDR
David I am sorry if I caused any confusion. The XU4 is not shutting down or anything, the display signal stops. The computer is fine and maintains an SSH connection, VNC, etc. To get an image back I have to either kill GQRX or just simply reboot via SSH. The supply I am using is the 5V, 4A rated one on Ameridroids website (the recomended one).
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