Upcoming changes to Profiles & Ratings in Google Groups

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Google Groups Team

Mar 25, 2011, 4:55:24 PM3/25/11
to googlegrou...@googlegroups.com

It has been an exciting few months since we launched the new Google Groups. We love your feedback and are excited about switching over to the new interface.

In preparation for a full transition, we will be making some changes to the old Google Groups in the coming months:

  1. Google Groups-specific profiles will no longer be supported. Instead, you will be able to use the new Google Groups to (optionally) link your new and improved Google profile with your groups. Starting July 1st 2011, you will not be able to make changes to your Groups profile. Your profile information will be available for export from your profile page until November 1st 2011. This change will not affect the nicknames you might have chosen for yourself to participate in groups. It will only affect the custom profile fields, such as your photo, location, and occupation. More details are available here: http://www.groups.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=46240.
  1. Message ratings, which are a rarely-used feature in the old Google Groups, will be disabled to make way for a better rating and sharing system to be launched soon in the new Google Groups. Effective today, per message ratings will be disabled.
We appreciate your patience as we transition to the new Google Groups. These changes will introduce better, more advanced functionality. Stay tuned for more updates and please continue to send us your feedback & ideas through our Google Groups Product Ideas page (https://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=3b11d).

- The Google Groups Team
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