Moving a Google App Engine standard app from one region to another

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Sep 29, 2016, 6:50:31 PM9/29/16
to Google App Engine

is it possible to move a GAE standard app from one US region to another one? The app has been in production for a while (actually since there was only one region :-))...

Anastasios Hatzis

Sep 30, 2016, 5:28:15 AM9/30/16
to Google App Engine

same here, we have recently moved a GAE standard app (Python) from US region to another one that was available later. As far as I understand, you cannot change the region on the fly. So we created a new project / GAE app and deployed code. During low-traffic time made a backup of GC Datastore and restored it into the new app's datastore. Also copied the files from the old GC Storage to the new app's storage. Setup of custom domain and SSL was quick and happened when we switched.

Unfortunately, our app isn't able to softly migrate from one datastore to another one (with diffs or something), so we had to read-only the original datastore in the meantime. But at least it was easy to restore Search API indices and such things automatically and quickly in the new app.

Nick (Cloud Platform Support)

Oct 4, 2016, 4:30:10 PM10/4/16
to Google App Engine

Hey Folks,

It's currently possible to deploy your App Engine app to one of two US zones, as you can see in this screenshot:

Other than this, its not possible to fix the zone within the region.

I hope this helps answer the questions, let me know if anything remains unclear and if you have a Feature Request, we'd love to take it at the Public Issue Tracker.


Cloud Platform Community Support

steven layne

Mar 14, 2017, 2:46:30 PM3/14/17
to Google App Engine
So ive been struggling to find information on this for longer than id care to admit but what is the context of this screenshot? where is it in the cloud console and does it happen during project creation or can I do this after the project has been created? im trying to deploy my first appengine app and there is no reference to this. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Anastasios Hatzis

Mar 14, 2017, 6:01:27 PM3/14/17
to Google App Engine

after you have created a project in the Cloud Console, the first time you click on App Engine, you will be asked to setup an App Engine app. After you select the programming language, you can select the region (see image below). Procedure is similar for Cloud Storage and probably other services too. Currently, you cannot change the app's region after creation. You can migrate app including datastore or storage to other region (after creating a new project in a different region), but that means extra work you probably want to avoid for a smaller projects. It also makes sense to choose the same region for related resources to avoid traffic costs and latency.

steven layne

Mar 15, 2017, 1:40:43 PM3/15/17
to Google App Engine
Thanks so much Anastasios! I must have jumped through that step when i made the project some few months ago. Thanks for the assist!

christos vassilopoulos

Mar 16, 2017, 4:43:40 AM3/16/17
to Google App Engine
Hi everyone. Not sure if this is the place to ask this.
We want to copy an existing appspot app under a different owner (new gmail account) and change the base url (it is simply an url and not a
Any steps on how to do this? We want to keep the old url and owner.

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