Urgent: VFS stream handler no longer registered in GAE PHP

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Geoffrey Arnold

May 16, 2017, 8:51:19 PM5/16/17
to google-a...@googlegroups.com

It appears that along with the cURL issue the VFS stream handler is no longer registered with the latest PHP build "May 1 2017 18:43:30":

Inline image 1

Release notes don't list any changes. What's going on with this update, Google?


Geoffrey Arnold

May 16, 2017, 9:20:55 PM5/16/17
to Google App Engine
The issue could also be that `sys_get_temp_dir()` is now returning "vfs://" URLs, which again that stream handler is not registered.

Nicholas (Google Cloud Support)

May 17, 2017, 12:20:30 PM5/17/17
to Google App Engine
The engineering team is aware of this issue with the latest update to the PHP runtime.  We are currently in the process of rolling this change back.  To receive updates about this, I recommend following the public issue you've submitted.  The most recent updates and progress will be posted there.

I believe this VFS stream handler error you are facing is also related to this same runtime update which should be undone when the update is rolled back.  If you still face this issue after the change is rolled back, I would recommend filing a public issue on Issue Tracker, as you did with the cURL errors.
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