Is App Engine good for students?

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Bishop Zareh

Aug 16, 2017, 1:55:46 PM8/16/17
to Google App Engine

I am very familiar with Compute Engine, but rather new to App Engine.

My students currently use Heroku for the apps they build during the semester. They are able to create a free premeptable instance, which is perfect because they are the only person using the app. I would like to have them use GCP instead of the Heroku. 

I setup a fist test app on App Engine, and the bill unexpectedly came out to $15 for the first week. I stopped it and tried a new app with these app.yaml settings:

runtime: nodejs
env: flex

instance_class: B1

  instances: 1

 cpu: 0.01
 memory_gb: 0.5
 disk_size_gb: 0.1

 enable_health_check: False

As near as I could tell from the documentation that is the least expensive App Engine app that is possible. With this configuration the price came down to $7 per week.

That is still too much for students to use. Once their $300 runs out, they will be paying an exorbanate amount of money to keep their coding examples online despite the extremely low traffic they utilize.

Is there a way to make a cheaper App Engine app?

They could create a preemptable compute instance for less money, but they seems like a lot of overhead for such a simple usage.

Any help appreciation,


Alex Martelli

Aug 16, 2017, 2:20:04 PM8/16/17
GCP's "always free" tier, see , includes 28 hours per day of instance hours, so if only one small instance of the app is serving, it's free.

However, this applies to App Engine's *Standard* runtime, not the *Flex* one you're specifying. The main difference for your use case seems to be that Standard does not currently support nodejs -- just Python, Go, Java, and PHP. If this is a blocker for you, then I fear we don't currently have an always-free App Engine Flex solution (just App Engine Standard and Compute Engine).


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