PropertyLoadSaver doesn't work on non-struct types

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Mihai B

Jul 2, 2016, 12:51:59 PM7/2/16
to google-appengine-go
Hi there, 

 I often use enum types defined as int constants.  On external/web APIs I'm using  Marshal/UnmarshalText to stringify the value. Now I need to store these enums as well but it seems PropertyLoadSaver is not working on non-structs. The documentation is a bit unclear about what types are supported[0]. Is this a bug or a known issue?  When I try to store a value of type  `TImpl` the program doesn't even panic so I Save/Load is not  called at all. This is an issue because I can't use inequality with a single operator(i.e. I need both  > and < ) and the database becomes unreadable to other clients. The enums are used as fields on multiple structs so implementing PropertyLoadSaver on each struct  is not really easy.

type TImpl struct{
F1 ImplType

type ImplType int

      Welcome ImplType = "hello"
    GoodBye ImplType = "goodby"

func(i *ImplType)Save()([]datastore.Property, error){
if *i == 10{
return []datastore.Property{
Value: string("hello"),
}, nil
return nil, errors.New("expected 10, got something else")

func (x *ImplType) Load(ps []datastore.Property) error {
if len(ps) != 1{
return errors.New("Multiple properties?")
if s, ok := ps[0].Value.(string); ok {
if  s == "hello"{
*x = 10
*x = 1
return nil
return errors.New("invalid type ")


[0] `This type may be a struct pointer, but it does not have to be.`

Constantin Konstantinidis

Jul 2, 2016, 2:47:08 PM7/2/16
to google-appengine-go
Not sure I read correctly but the ImplType is int and not string. "Hello" cannot be converted in int, i.e. compilation immediately fails. Can you show imports to understand from where datastore comes ?


Constantin Konstantinidis

Jul 2, 2016, 3:36:04 PM7/2/16
to google-appengine-go
I'm reposting on the forum your reply. What function are your calling ? There is no main in your code sample.

Hi Constantin, 

You are right, the code would not compile. Just before I posted the question I’ve  edited the code to make to make more sense as example and mistakenly assigned strings instead of iota but in the real program I’m using integers. However regardless that, the issue is that Save() and Load() is not called(because the program doesn’t panic) by the datastore lib unless they are structs. 


package main

import (

type TImpl struct {
F1 ImplType

type ImplType int
Undefined ImplType = iota
Hello = 10

// Implements datastore.PropertyLoadSaver
func (i *ImplType) Save() ([]datastore.Property, error) {
if *i == 10 {
return []datastore.Property{
Value: string("hello"),
}, nil
return nil, errors.New("expected 10, got something else")
// Implements datastore.PropertyLoadSaver
func (x *ImplType) Load(ps []datastore.Property) error {
if len(ps) != 1 {
return errors.New("Multiple properties?")
if s, ok := ps[0].Value.(string); ok {
if s == "hello" {
*x = 10
} else {
*x = 1
return nil
return errors.New("invalid type ")

func TestStuff(t *testing.T) {
mifv := TImpl{F1: 10}
kind := "implModel"
key := datastore.NewKey(cx, kind, "keyIf3", 0, nil)
_, err := datastore.Put(cx, key, &mifv)
if err != nil {
var rmif TImpl
_, err = datastore.NewQuery(kind).Filter("F1=", "hello").Run(cx).Next(&rmif)
if err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(rmm, mv) {

Mihai B

Jul 2, 2016, 11:01:22 PM7/2/16
to google-appengine-go
It's a test function 'TestStuff(t *testing.T)'

Mihai B

Jul 2, 2016, 11:49:26 PM7/2/16
to google-appengine-go
I've decided to fork the package and modify the internal Save and Load() functions(i.e saveStructProperty)  to check if individual fields implement a custom interface (FieldLoadSaver).


type FieldLoadSaver interface{

Adam Tanner

Jul 3, 2016, 12:18:51 AM7/3/16
to Mihai B, google-appengine-go
Hey Mihai,

From a quick look at the code, I don't think the datastore package supports recursively calling the PropertyLoadSaver interface functions for individual struct fields, though I couldn't find anything in the docs that explicitly mention it's unsupported. I would recommend filing an issue at for a definitive answer.


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