UCHI Marketplace down...time for a Hyde Park Marketplace?

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Gregory Fairbanks

Nov 4, 2015, 2:33:10 PM11/4/15
to Good Neighbors
I have noticed that the uchicago.marketplace.edu website is down. It's a shame because perusing the listings is a daily part of my routine. Plus, I am always on the lookout for a nice Full Size bed frame. I could never post there though, as I am not affiliated. 

Anyone have the time/talent to start a new Hyde Park Marketplace? Not sure how to do it now, although I did it once for a college newspaper. The hardest part was verifying people and moderation. Also, choosing categories (obviously we would need a Lost/Found section. Not sure about Personals...) I think Hyde Park would benefit from it. 

Also, I know of the other Hyde Park Buy/Sell/Etc. places. Of course, Craigslist and now this Wallapop. I guess the appeal of the UChicago site is that everyone is affiliated with UChicago...in some way. I just know I could find certain things depending on the Quarter/Season.

Anyway, just an afternoon idea I had. Thanks for reading!


Gregory Fairbanks

Nov 4, 2015, 2:35:04 PM11/4/15
to Good Neighbors

LaKeisha Hamilton

Nov 4, 2015, 3:17:33 PM11/4/15
to g.s.fai...@gmail.com, Good Neighbors

Hi there Greg!
Does the Hyde Park Face Book Yard Sale Page count?

It appears to be pretty active?


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Lise Wal

Nov 4, 2015, 3:47:05 PM11/4/15
to Good Neighbors, g.s.fai...@gmail.com

There are a lot of people who don't use Fakebook (including me), so I for one would appreciate some other options. 


Roderick Sawyer

Nov 4, 2015, 3:58:41 PM11/4/15
to Good Neighbors

I might be interested, but I'd like to get your thoughts and experiences with it.


On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 1:33:10 PM UTC-6, Gregory Fairbanks wrote:

Gregory Fairbanks

Dec 12, 2015, 3:17:15 PM12/12/15
to Good Neighbors
Again, the marketplace is down.

On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 1:33:10 PM UTC-6, Gregory Fairbanks wrote:

Nancy Cleveland

Dec 12, 2015, 4:01:33 PM12/12/15
to goodne...@googlegroups.com

i had a possible sighting, but i cannot find the original post if that person could contact me off list please i will provide more details

gary ossewaarde

Dec 12, 2015, 5:30:46 PM12/12/15
to g.s.fai...@gmail.com, Good Neighbors
There was a notice in the Maroon maybe 3  weeks ago that the Marketplace was being revamped and expanded and so was taken down. You would think it wouldn't take this long. But from experience it is often complicated to restore sites. And now the students are going on break.
Anyone taking on this task for the neighborhood should be aware that vetting sellers and items can be difficult. Someone recently sold or bought something on (I think it was ebay) and made arrangements to pick up the item-- only to be met by 3 muggers-- the transaction was a fraud.
Gary Ossewaarde


Mitchell Marks

Dec 12, 2015, 5:42:27 PM12/12/15
to Good Neighbors, g.s.fai...@gmail.com, garyoss...@yahoo.com
There was a notice in the Maroon maybe 3  weeks ago that the Marketplace was being revamped and expanded and so was taken down. You would think it wouldn't take this long. But from experience it is often complicated to restore sites. And now the students are going on break. 

I'm afraid you're missing a middle chapter in this adventure! :-)   

It was up, around the time of that notice. The "revamped and expanded" is arguable, but it was somewhat prettier than the longstanding older site.  

Then it was turned off again.  Possibly because of the misadventure you recount.  



Gregory Fairbanks

Dec 13, 2015, 5:52:18 PM12/13/15
to Good Neighbors
Indeed, the UChicago Marketplace was back up, with a new look, for a couple weeks. I too heard from "someone" (someone that saw a post I had a person affiliated with UChicago post for me regarding pet/house sitting over the holidays) that there is a question of liability being thrown around. I don't know if there were events that recently happened that caused the website to be taken down. It happens though, with classifieds and personals and dating sites. What you see is not always what you get.

On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 1:33:10 PM UTC-6, Gregory Fairbanks wrote:
On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 1:33:10 PM UTC-6, Gregory Fairbanks wrote:

Eleanor Hall

Dec 13, 2015, 8:52:17 PM12/13/15
to garyoss...@yahoo.com, g.s.fai...@gmail.com, Good Neighbors
What are the ways to sell? I see Wallapop requires an app and I don't think I could use it. 

Did someone mention a Facebook page, Hyde Park buy/sell or something like that? What is the exact name of the page? I looked and couldn't find it. 

If there were a Good Neighbors marketplace, the buyers and sellers would be vetted since they would be GN members. Vetting items wouldn't be possible. But there could be a statement of policy that ads are placed exactly as the seller words them and that the marketplace was not responsible for any misrepresentation of items. (Harper's Magazine has such a statement.)

But such a marketplace would involve work. Probably, there should be a small fee for listing.

=Ellie Hall

From: 'gary ossewaarde' via Good Neighbors <goodne...@googlegroups.com>
To: "g.s.fai...@gmail.com" <g.s.fai...@gmail.com>; Good Neighbors <goodne...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2015 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Good Neighbors] Re: UCHI Marketplace down...time for a Hyde Park Marketplace?


Dec 14, 2015, 12:49:28 AM12/14/15
to Good Neighbors, garyoss...@yahoo.com, g.s.fai...@gmail.com, elea...@yahoo.com
ellie et al,

the fcbk pages =

hyde park chicago buy/sell/trade/give away
hyde park chicago yard sale
buy nothing hyde park/kenwood. IL   (which is all free, trade, gifting, no buying/selling).

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