curve fitting

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Seb Binet

May 9, 2016, 3:35:50 AM5/9/16
hi there,

one of the requests from [1] is for gonum to provide curve fitting routines.
I'd be also interested in giving it a stab.

any pointers?


Seb Binet

Jun 9, 2016, 1:18:54 PM6/9/16

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 9:35 AM, Seb Binet <> wrote:
hi there,

one of the requests from [1] is for gonum to provide curve fitting routines.
I'd be also interested in giving it a stab.

any pointers?

so... I have been following Andrew Ng's lectures on Coursera about Machine Learning and one chapter is about linear regression using gradient descent.
I came up with this kind of code:

 func gradDesc(x, y, theta *mat64.Dense, alpha float64, n int) (*mat64.Dense, []float64) {
history := make([]float64, n)
m, _ := x.Dims()
coeff := alpha / float64(m)
var (
preds mat64.Dense
delta mat64.Dense
errs  mat64.Dense
history[0] = cost(x, y, theta)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {

preds.Mul(x, theta)
delta.Sub(&preds, y)
errs.Mul(delta.T(), x)
errs.Scale(coeff, &errs)
theta.Sub(theta, errs.T())
history[i] = cost(x, y, theta)
return theta, history

this can be used to fit a data set of points:

func work(xdata, ydata []float64) {
x, y := dataAsDense(xdata, ydata)
//fmt.Printf("x=\n%v\n", mat64.Formatted(x))
//fmt.Printf("y=\n%v\n", mat64.Formatted(y))

theta := mat64.NewDense(2, 1, []float64{0, 0})

fmt.Printf("theta=\n%v\n", mat64.Formatted(theta))
fmt.Printf("J=%v\n", cost(x, y, theta))

alpha := 0.01
n := 1500
theta, hcost := gradDesc(x, y, theta, alpha, n)
fmt.Printf("theta\n%v\n", mat64.Formatted(theta))
fmt.Printf("cost: %v\n", hcost[:20])

func dataAsDense(xdata, ydata []float64) (*mat64.Dense, *mat64.Dense) {
var x mat64.Dense
mat64.NewDense(len(ydata), 1, gen(len(ydata), 1)),
mat64.NewDense(len(ydata), 1, xdata),

y := mat64.NewDense(len(ydata), 1, ydata)
return &x, y

func gen(n int, v float64) []float64 {
o := make([]float64, n)
for i := range o {
o[i] = v
return o

now... that's a first step towards a least-squared fitting function.
but how should this be integrated with the framework provided by gonum/optimize.{Method,Problem} ?


Brendan Tracey

Jun 9, 2016, 1:55:47 PM6/9/16
to gonum-dev
If you want to do least-squares, the code is

x := mat64.NewDense(len(xdata), 1, xdata)
y := mat64.NewVector(len(ydata), 1, ydata)
var theta mat64.Vector
err := theta.SolveVec(x, y)
// handle err

We also have gradient-descent in optimize if you're going to do batch-learning (as in your code)

If you are doing batch learning, gradient descent is one of the least efficient ways to solve least-squares. We do need to provide a way to do stochastic gradient descent for fitting algorithms. It doesn't belong in the base optimize, but it may in a subpackage, or just in the fitting repositiory.
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