Hello Everyone,
Okay so as a few people have asked "How did I do it?" I'll try and explain....Apologises if this gets a little off topic for the list.
Essentially I used a pattern based bottom up approach, with each stage building on the last one.
So we started with Hello World. Not for hello world itself, though they get a sense of achievement from printing this, but to show them how to edit/build/run a program.
Next we looked a numbers, so ints (*) to do simple sums (+. -. * and / operations) with small'ish numbers (<1K).
Next we looked at strings, with a simple program to print their name and age.
I think it is important to say that at this point there where no variables in the programs. Everything was static. I was just trying to get them used to typing code and beginning to understand little bits of it. So showing them how to print with fmt.Print and fmt.Println and reinforcing the edit/build/run cycle is more important at this stage. At this stage I'd showed them the pattern to print to the terminal.
Then we did variables, for both numbers and strings. I used a pattern approach to teach them this. So they had three patterns. Declarations in the form of "var variable-name variable-type", assignment in the form "variable-name = variable-value" and then the usage which is just the variable name. And yes, everything is long hand - there is no := operator. You can't use that until you understand what you are short-cutting. Also you want to make the types explicit so that they think about these. Kids with good maths skills will quickly see that variables are like unknowns in maths. Others you need to take a little more time with, before they see that the computer will substitute the variable value, when they use the variable name. I introduced this with a version of the strings program that used variables to hold their name and age.
Then we looked keyboard input so we can set the value of the variables at runtime. For this I wrote a simple wrapper around go's stdin stream handling. fmt.Scanf is fine in the stdlib, but it'll behave in an unexpected way if you feed it invalid input i.e. strings when its expecting ints etc. The behaviour is correct, but its not very encouraging if you are a child. The alternative I used was to wrap a read buffer around the stdin stream in a function (in a new package) without showing them the internals. That gave them a simple "Read{Number, String}FromKeyboard" function they could just use. To explain how that function worked I'd have to introduce interfaces, pointers, pointer receivers and streams which isn't appropriate at this stage. I wanted then to focus on using input to set variables. Not worry about how the input magic worked.
Then they did if and if-else statements again with patterns. So the if pattern became "if condition { true-statement-block }". I deliberately didn't show them the initializer block form to keep things simple. At this point they can start to write something "useful" so I got them to write a simple "quiz" that picked two random numbers, a and b, (between 1 and 12) and asked them to type in the answer to a * b. Then print out congrats, or bad luck depending on their answer. I had to take time with conditions, to be clear that the answer can only be true or false. So sometimes you need encourage them to "rephrase" the question. Also "==" took a little while to settle in, just because they hasn't see it before.
The last area they looked at was loops in the simplest form of "for condition { loop-body }". They used this to extend the previous program so that the program asked them a different question each time until they got the correct answer.
Once you have variables, if tests and loops you have enough knowledge to draw a mandelbrot plot. You only need 3 loops and an if test to do it. So I wrote a skeleton program that used the go SDL bindings to open the window and do the graphics parts, but left the calculation bits out. I needed to show them a little bit about screen coordinates (origin is top left, Y axis is down etc) vs. set coordinates so they can work out the scaling calculations. The pupils then had the follow the comments I left in the program to do the calculation.
I know this might whole approach might sound overly simplistic. But to get an eleven year old to this point will really stretch their ability to logically reason and problem solve. Sometimes we as adults forget just how much we know and take for granted.
Also I'm not trying to teach them idomatic go at this stage, or every language feature. That misses the point I think. What I was trying to do was to encourage then, and spark their curiosity, and interest. You want to remove as many barriers as you can at this stage. Once they stop thinking about what an if test does a how to write a loop or declare a variable you can start to building towards this.
Other more general tips if anyone else is trying this:
* Aim high, so pick something you think bright kids can do, then go a little bit further. Even I didn't think they would mange the mandelbrot plot when I started.
* Give them a goal, in this case they had the mandelbrot plot as goal from day one, that they can aim for to motivate them.
* Give them something fun or unusual, or something they ask about as the goal.
* Go slow, use little short lessons and build upon previous concepts.
* Go in a logical order. By this I mean don't aim for a http server until you can explain every concept that you need to use the stdlib code and have them understand as well. Start with the absolute basics and work upwards.
* Don't spoon feed them. By this I mean you can give then a complete program for the first two or three times. Once they get these working challenge them to extend them in some simple way. So print their friends name and age as well as theirs. Then as you go froward start to give them programs that are more and more incomplete and get them to fill in the blanks.
(*) I'm going to add floats into this in September as "float64" threw them when they saw it in the last lesson. The kept asking what the "64" meant.