Assignment to an interface{} argument vs. return of an interface{} value

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Aug 31, 2015, 10:58:54 AM8/31/15
to golang-nuts
I'm building an appengine backend server in go, and trying to write a generic function that will get an arbitrary item from the local memory cache (using or fall through to appengine's memcache.
The problem is that each caching library is using a different getter, and it's difficult to write one function that returns results from either.

The "Gob" codec in appengine's memcache accepts a pointer (via an interface{} argument), to which it decodes the item.

go-cache's getter returns an interface{} value to be type-asserted by the caller.

My function needs to return an item in one of those ways, but I'm unable to wrap either of the getters so that it works in like the other.

Alternatives I could think of:
  • Duplicate the caching logic for every cached type (no generic function) - the current solution
  • Store the values in local memory using Gob, to match memcache's getter - clearly a hack
  • Use reflection, which seems like the right tool, but is complicated and I failed to construct a working example with
Any ideas on how to approach this?

Thank you.


Aug 31, 2015, 11:39:53 AM8/31/15
to golang-nuts
If you're only caching things of a specific type (or a list of types), you could probably get away with just a type switch.

Otherwise, if you really need a generic implementation you'll need to use reflection.

This is a crude example, but something to start with:

Sep 1, 2015, 5:51:29 AM9/1/15
to golang-nuts
Thank you.

Would that be comprehensive enough?

func intervoodoo(dst interface{}, src interface{}) error {
dstVal := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
srcVal := reflect.ValueOf(src)

if dstVal.Type().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf("not a pointer")
if !dstVal.Elem().CanSet() {
return fmt.Errorf("unsettable")

// Dereference
if srcVal.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
srcVal = srcVal.Elem()
dstVal = dstVal.Elem()

if !srcVal.Type().AssignableTo(dstVal.Type()) {
return fmt.Errorf("unassignable")


return nil

I'm worried about edge cases that I might be missing, mainly anything that will cause a panic.
Is there anything else that needs to be checked/done inside?


Sep 1, 2015, 10:13:56 PM9/1/15
to golang-nuts,
If you want to be comprehensive you should check all the calls you make and see when they panic. 

There are still cases where this code can panic, like:

But you should really just define a contract for what kinds of things are allowed to be passed as input to this function (so you don't have to cover every possible input).
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