'Stuck' Issues Notification Bubble

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Joe Engel

Jun 7, 2017, 6:38:23 PM6/7/17
to GitLab
Hey hey folks, quick question. I'm on Gitlab CE and only my user has a 'stuck' notification bubble for issues :| I have no issues assigned to me, or pending my input, etc.

Yet this annoying little green bubble persists haha http://imgur.com/a/EbL4i

Anyone know where to look? I thought maybe it would be a failed sidkiq job or something, but nothing out of the ordinary in those logs, nothing in the application logs.

Gitlab 9.2.2 fwiw

Additionally, hitting the endpoint on the API shows nothing.

$ curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: REDACTED" https://gitlab.mysuperawesometeam.com/api/v4/issues

And, better yet, nothing in the database (relatively new installation):

gitlabhq_production=# select * from issues;
(0 rows)

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