Mark Stonich is in the Hospital

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Shirt-Tail Organiser

Sep 30, 2013, 8:52:00 AM9/30/13
I just learned Mark Stonich was hit by a car last Wednesday while riding and was banged up quite badly. I talked with Jane last night and she says he is doing well but has multiple fractures and a concussion. Despite all that, he is in good spirits and is taking phone calls and visitors. He is at HCMC; Hennepin County Medical Center.

Shirt-Tail Organiser

Sep 30, 2013, 9:05:54 AM9/30/13
Here is a message from Mark:

Jane says people have been asking about me so I thought I'd write something up for her to put on Facebook. And to take my mind off the discomfort. I hope it doesn't sound too much like complaining as it could have been so much worse.

I'm in HCMC after being hit from behind by a 75 y/o driver who didn't see me till I broke her windshield with my head and shoulder.  I had a severe concussion, which would have been much worse had I not been wearing a helmet.  I have no memory of Wednesday at all but I hear I was repeating the same questions over and over. Even more than usual. A nurse says I told her "50 times" about the night I met Jane. They say this is normal after a severe concussion. 

Injuries; cracked pelvis (but at least the artificial hip seems OK), broken left tibial plateau (bottom of knee) and a separated left collar bone (but this is at the inner end so it doesn't match the right). None of these are operable or castable, but no weight bearing for 8-12 weeks. Both thighs are badly swollen and I must have tumbled down the street after impact as I have small areas of pavement rash all over my body. Between the swelling and hematomas my homglobin is so low I'll probably need a transfusion tonight.

Pain is a problem as I can't take any opioids or synthetic narcotics, due to extreme nausea. And the orthos don't want me on NSAIDs as they can slow bone healing.  I had a visit from the pain management guy and everything he suggested I've already tried. Tylenol does take the edge off a bit. But it can mess you up so they don't like to give you too much.

I'm at HCMC in the surgical trauma unit. Room Ph 612-873-0153. Staff here is fantastic, janitors to specialists.  The nurses only have 4 patients and nursing assistants, so care is excellent. Judging from everyone's attitude I think this place must be very well managed. 

No word on when I'll get out, but I may have to go to a rehab center till I'm
mobile. At least they won't have to teach me how to get around on crutches. Can't move the left leg yet and when someone moves it for me it can get rather intense. When they asked if I have a good support system at home, I said anyone with a better one is probably a descendant of the brothers Mayo. I don't know when I'll be able to work again and it sounds like I'm off the bike till Spring.  

Speaking of the bike, I was on my favorite so I hope it's OK. A 1972 Holdsworth Super Mistral frame and fork that I got from Hillary Stone in England last year. Exactly the geometry I'd build for myself if I had the time. Built light, like a race bike, but with almost touring geometry. Efficient yet comfortable. Nobody's making anything quite like it these days and not many were built, so my fingers are crossed.  I built it up with a mix of my favorite modern and new old stock

Mark Stonich Bikesmith Design
5349 Elliot Ave S.
Minneapolis MN 55417

Peter Jourdain

Sep 30, 2013, 9:08:21 AM9/30/13
Dear Gentlemen & Gentle Ladies ---

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we have Mark and Jane in our thoughts and prayers. Mark is a tower of strength, knowledge and wit in our group, and this is most distressing news. We are glad he is conscious and in good spirits, and we wish him a most speedy recovery. 

But is there something we might do for him as a group to show our collective support, in addition to sending cards and calling as individuals?  


For here is entertainment in excelsis, the sight, the sound and the scent of things....Why cycling for joy is not the most popular passtime on earth is still a mystery to me.---

From: Shirt-Tail Organiser <>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 7:52 AM
Subject: [Gentleman Cyclist] Mark Stonich is in the Hospital

I just learned Mark Stonich was hit by a car last Wednesday while riding and was banged up quite badly. I talked with Jane last night and she says he is doing well but has multiple fractures and a concussion. Despite all that, he is in good spirits and is taking phone calls and visitors. He is at HCMC; Hennepin County Medical Center.
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Peter Jourdain

Sep 30, 2013, 9:28:30 AM9/30/13
Jon ---

Thank you and Jane for forwarding Mark's message. It's no surprise that Mark is so matter-of-fact about what most of us would be in emotional tatters over, and no doubt are, just reading the description of his injuries.

I know it's quite early, and our main concern is Mark himself, but if we do find out what condition his Super Mistral is in, and it needs work, perhaps we could contribute to a restoration fund, for parts, paint, or structural issues. I know where to get a full transfer set of Super Mistral decals, etc. And if he needs a completely new SM frame, I can put out the feelers for one in his exact size. Just a thought. 


For here is entertainment in excelsis, the sight, the sound and the scent of things....Why cycling for joy is not the most popular passtime on earth is still a mystery to me.---

From: Shirt-Tail Organiser <>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 8:05 AM
Subject: [Gentleman Cyclist] Re: Mark Stonich is in the Hospital

Peter Jourdain

Sep 30, 2013, 10:43:34 AM9/30/13
to Peter Naiman, Gentleman Cyclist
Hi, Peter ---

A bicycle-themed flower arrangement is being sent to Mark on behalf of the Gentleman and Gentle Lady Cyclists. I should have a digital image of the design later today, which I will post.

Should anyone want to contribute, please send a Paypal payment to me (as a "gift" to avoid fees) at

Any excess of the cost of the flowers will be set aside for another gift for Mark or for repair of his frame, if necessary.

All the best,


For here is entertainment in excelsis, the sight, the sound and the scent of things....Why cycling for joy is not the most popular passtime on earth is still a mystery to me.---

From: Peter Naiman <>
To: Peter & Carol Jourdain <>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Gentleman Cyclist] Mark Stonich is in the Hospital

Hi Peter, 

I'm more of a lurker on this group than anything else so if anyone is getting anything together for Mark please let me know and I'll lend a hand in any way I can. I'm about to write to Mark responding to his email to wish him well.
Best regards, 
Peter Naiman
Glendale, WI USA
Mobile: 312.450.5893

From: Peter Jourdain <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Gentleman Cyclist] Mark Stonich is in the Hospital

Garth Katner

Sep 30, 2013, 11:45:28 AM9/30/13
to, Peter Naiman
The Chicago Outfit also wished to help with anything Mark needs!


Garth Katner, Manager
Resource Development
West Town Bikes NFP
2459 W. Division Street
Chicago, IL 60622
(773) 772-6523 Office
(773) 485-4089 Cell

Peter Jourdain

Sep 30, 2013, 11:49:59 AM9/30/13
Thanks, Garth. 

If you or anyone else want to contribute to the bicycle-themed flower arrangement the GC are sending to Mark, you can send a paypal to me If you do send something, sending as a "gift" will save the fees. 

Other than that, we'll find out in what shape Mark's Super Mistral is in, and if anything needs to be done to it.

But of course the most important thing is simply supporting Mark and Jane, now and through his long recovery process, with calls, letters, and e-mails. 


For here is entertainment in excelsis, the sight, the sound and the scent of things....Why cycling for joy is not the most popular passtime on earth is still a mystery to me.---

From: Garth Katner <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Peter Naiman <>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 10:45 AM

Sep 30, 2013, 1:32:10 PM9/30/13
I believe the Super Mistral is in the hands of Dave Siskind.

Peter Jourdain

Sep 30, 2013, 1:39:48 PM9/30/13
Below is the latest on Mark, from a Classic Rendezvous list member (Jon Spangler) who responded to my forwarding of Jon Sharratt's messages. 

Mark's bike (the forks) as well as his body were injured. 

Again, contributions to the flower fund may be sent to me via paypal (as "gift" to save fees) at Thanks!



I just spoke with Mark, who is receiving very good care and feeling pretty good--at least considering what he has been through. I also called Jane, 
who said that their friends neighbors, and the Minneapolis bike community "have rallied around us."

Mark has heard that the main frame of his Holdsworth Mistral is OK, "but the fork is not." (He is already planning on having a new 2 1/2" rake fork built
and rebuilding his Holdsworth: most of the components that need to be replaced are easily replaceable, and the rare Michelin tires that he had on 
the bike are OK, too.) 

He said,"I may not be riding this winter, but I expect to be riding again next spring..."

(Having been through this kind of experience, I also know Mark is going to be alright if he is already thinking so clearly about repairing his bike... ;-) 

Mark has been getting lots of phone calls and visits so Jane suggests one of the following instead of calls, at least from most of us:

Send cards to:

Mark Stonich
5349 Elliot Ave S.
Minneapolis MN 55417

Send emails to Mark, who has his iPad at the hospital:

Since the rehab process will take months, not just weeks, keep those prayers, good wishes,
cards, and other contacts going for as long as it takes.

Jon Spangler
glad to be the bearer of more good news about Mark in Alameda, CA USA

Dear CR Friends ---

News reached me via the Gentleman Cyclist Google Group this morning that a very great friend and colleague of ours has been seriously injured in a cycling accident. 

Mark Stonich, of Bikesmith Design fame (maker of the cotter press, etc.), and a wealth of knowledge, helpfulness and good cheer, was struck from behind whilst awheel on his Holdsworth Super Mistral last Wednesday. 

Mark is in the Surgical Trauma Unit of the Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis. His room phone is 612-873-0153.

Pasted in, below, are the relevant messages from Jon Sharratt, Organiser of the Gentleman Cyclist, and the Lake Pepin Three-Speed Tour. The long message is from Mark himself.

It was my great pleasure a couple of weekends ago to have seen and ridden with Mark and his wife, Jane, at the All-British Cycling Event in the Twin Cities. He has bestowed upon me a number of kindnesses involving technical help with my Sturmey Archer and other bike issues over the years.

Mark is an extraordinary chap, and it does not surprise me that he is taking his accident in stride, as you can see from the tone of his message. 

Let's all keep him close in our thoughts and prayers. And, should his beloved Super Mistral need work [uncertain as to its fate right now], I would be happy to help manage a restoration fund. But first things first. And that's Mark and his health, and Jane.


Peter Jourdain
Whitewater, Wisconsin USA

For here is entertainment in excelsis, the sight, the sound and the scent of things....Why cycling for joy is not the most popular passtime on earth is still a mystery to me.---

From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: [Gentleman Cyclist] Mark Stonich is in the Hospital

Peter Jourdain

Sep 30, 2013, 5:06:23 PM9/30/13
to, Jon Sharratt
Dear Gentlemen & Gentle Ladies ---

Pasted in below (and also attached) is an image of the "Bicycle Wheel Wreath with Bell" being sent on our behalf to Mark Stonich. The wreath was made fresh today by Kristi Svenkeson at Pazzobello (or should I say Pazzovelo?) in Minneapolis. I must congratulate Kristi, not only for the great work she did but for the openness to even considering doing something different and creative around a bicycle theme --- something the other half dozen florists I first contacted didn't want to touch. Now, if you go to visit Mark and he happens to be sleeping, simply ring the wreath and I'm sure he'll respond --- one way or another! [Watch out for those flying cotter pin presses!]

Perhaps I should have specified a 40-hole rear hub for a more authentic spoke count, but at least the wreath is not very aero, so it'll roll about as well as a Dunlop Roadster tyre, which I think suits our speed just fine.

The card reads, "Dear Mark ---- Get well soon. Your friends, the Gentlemen and Gentle Lady Cyclists."

If others would like to contribute they may do so directly to me at (use "gift" to save the fee).


And Get well soon, Mark!


For here is entertainment in excelsis, the sight, the sound and the scent of things....Why cycling for joy is not the most popular passtime on earth is still a mystery to me.---

Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 12:39 PM
wheel wreath with bell.jpg

Stephen Brink

Sep 30, 2013, 6:10:15 PM9/30/13
If the woman that hit him has insurance, his bike, as a rare collectable, may get paid for.  An expert appraiser will need to determine the value.  I'm sure someone in the club will be able to get that figure.  I hope Mark heals quickly. 

Mark Stonich

Sep 30, 2013, 9:49:48 PM9/30/13
The flowers are beautiful, thank you. People have been so wonderful I am starting to view
getting hit in the ass by a Buick as a positive experience. Seriously!

So many people have offered to help in so many ways it almost choked me up.
One gent heard my Canon SX280 was destroyed and is having a new one sent to me. 
A relative sent me money to buy a top of the line helmet. I've been drooling over a 
Giro Aeros but could never justify the expense.  
One CR lister who specializes in vintage parts offered to help me replace any that had been damaged
But fortunately, except for the fork, all of the damage appears to be to new parts, still available.

Tonight they moved me to occupational therapy even though physically I'm not ready.
There are still reverberations from getting my bell rung. There is definitely some (hopefully temporary) 
cognitive impairment for them to work on.

Mark Stonich Bikesmith Design
5349 Elliot Ave S.
Minneapolis MN 55417
<wheel wreath with bell.jpg>

Mactire McMullen

Sep 30, 2013, 10:04:04 PM9/30/13
to gentlemancyclist
You are special to each and everyone of us. And now you know just how much! But don't let it go to your head until the rest of the swelling subsides.
Mactire McNillen (Ric Greene)

John Thompson

Oct 7, 2013, 12:36:26 AM10/7/13
On 09/30/2013 08:49 PM, Mark Stonich wrote:

> But fortunately, except for the fork, all of the damage appears to be to
> new parts, still available.

What do you need for the fork? Help may be available!

Heal well!


-John Thompson (
Appleton WI USA

Mark Stonich

Oct 7, 2013, 6:54:35 AM10/7/13
I haven't seen the fork but my sons think I may be able to straighten it. I'll see a lawyer today or tomorrow but I assume I need to leave the bike as is till everything is settled.

It has 2-1/2" of rake and is rather long. There is about 20mm of vertical clearance with a 700-32 tire that actually measures 34mm on a relatively narrow rim. Not something you can buy anymore. IRRC the blades are domed and have the Imperial oval shape. Campi dropouts with single eyelets.

I may have all I need to build another. But depending on the lawyers, I may need to have someone else build it so I have a receipt.

Offers of help have been pouring in. As well as help already given. Much appreciated.

They will let me out when they think I can get in and out of a car and function in my house. Crutches are tough when so much of me is beat up and I have balance issues. Maybe by the end of the week.

Mark Stonich Bikesmith Design
5349 Elliot Ave S.
Minneapolis MN 55417

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John Thompson

Oct 8, 2013, 11:31:07 PM10/8/13
On 10/07/2013 05:54 AM, Mark Stonich wrote:

> It has 2-1/2" of rake and is rather long. There is about 20mm of
> vertical clearance with a 700-32 tire that actually measures 34mm on
> a relatively narrow rim. Not something you can buy anymore. IRRC the
> blades are domed and have the Imperial oval shape. Campi dropouts
> with single eyelets.
> I may have all I need to build another. But depending on the lawyers,
> I may need to have someone else build it so I have a receipt.

I'll need to dig around, but I think I might have a pair of Imperial
oval blades with domed ends someplace around here...

Mark Stonich

Oct 9, 2013, 12:14:37 AM10/9/13
I may have a set too, but it will be a while till I get into my basement again. Haven't seen any pix of the fork. But unless it is nasty, I'll try straightening it first.

Mark Stonich Bikesmith Design
5349 Elliot Ave S.
Minneapolis MN 55417

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