Recent e_machine assignments from Xinuos (

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Francois H. Theron

Oct 23, 2017, 12:56:32 PM10/23/17
to Generic System V Application Binary Interface
When I received my EM_NFP assignment, I also received a list of recent assignment which I may post here for visibility. The following are therefore official e_machine EM_* assignments.

EM_LANAI            244    Lanai processor
EM_CEVA             245    CEVA Processor Architecture Family
EM_CEVA_X2          246    CEVA X2 Processor Family
EM_BPF              247    Linux BPF – in-kernel virtual machine
EM_GRAPHCORE_IPU    248    Graphcore Intelligent Processing Unit
EM_IMG1             249    Imagination Technologies
EM_NFP              250    Netronome Flow Processor (NFP)

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