Intermittencies when connecting to Google Cloud Load Balancer

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Hector Paz

Aug 19, 2017, 1:15:55 PM8/19/17
to gce-discussion

We have an HTTP load balancer (ports 80 andd 443) connected to two VMs. Both VMs seems to be working fine. But sometimes we have 502 errors coming from the load balancer (below the error in the load balancer). We checked again and again our applications, and there are not request times increased or cpu/mem increased when these 502 error appears. . We have multiple backends configuration in the LB .  seems that the problem only happens in the domains which are going to the default rule (but they are also our most active domains and application)
How can we further debug this problem? Seems to me as a bad configuration on our side , but not sure if is in the load balancer or on our http server 


The issue is similar to this one:


httpRequest: {
cacheLookup: true 
referer: "" 
remoteIp: "" 
requestMethod: "GET" 
requestSize: "1221" 
responseSize: "451" 
status: 502 
userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0.1; 8080 Build/LRX21M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/59.0.3071.125 Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/;]" 
insertId: "efgkfgg1ii9j2j" 
jsonPayload: {
statusDetails: "failed_to_connect_to_backend" 
logName: "projects/clicks-prod/logs/requests" 
receiveTimestamp: "2017-08-19T14:20:32.987024866Z" 
resource: {
labels: {
backend_service_name: "" 
forwarding_rule_name: "gce-fe-003-80" 
project_id: "clicks-prod" 
target_proxy_name: "gce-lb-002-target-proxy-5" 
url_map_name: "gce-lb-002" 
zone: "global" 
type: "http_load_balancer" 
severity: "WARNING" 

Kamran (Google Cloud Support)

Aug 19, 2017, 5:18:09 PM8/19/17
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